golden quartet | ron weasley

By crushh_culture

9.4K 215 85

[*NEW*] Harper Potter was there that night her parents were murdered and her brother was almost killed. But s... More

year 1 | chapter 1
year 1 | chapter 2
year 1 | chapter 3
year 1 | chapter 4
year 1 | chapter 5
year 1 | chapter 6
year 1 | chapter 7
year 1 | chapter 8
year 2 | chapter 1
year 2 | chapter 2
year 2 | chapter 3
year 2 | chapter 4
year 2 | chapter 5
year 2 | chapter 6
year 2 | chapter 7
year 3 | chapter 1
year 3 | chapter 2
year 3 | chapter 3
year 3 | chapter 4
year 3 | chapter 5
year 3 | chapter 6
year 3 | chapter 7
year 3 | chapter 8
year 3 | chapter 9
year 4 | chapter 1
year 4 | chapter 2
year 4 | chapter 3
year 4 | chapter 4
year 4 | chapter 5
year 4 | chapter 6
year 4 | chapter 7
year 4 | chapter 8
year 4 | chapter 9
year 4 | chapter 10
year 5 | chapter 1
year 5 | chapter 3
year 5 | chapter 4
year 5 | chapter 5
year 5 | chapter 6
year 5 | chapter 7
year 5 | chapter 8

year 5 | chapter 2

144 3 1
By crushh_culture

you're just as sane as i am

After dinner, the topic switched to Harry. "This is very, very peculiar," Arthur said. "It seems that your hearing at the Ministry is to be before the entire Wizenagamot."

"I don't understand," Harry replied. "What has the Ministry of Magic got against me?"

"Show him," Moody said from his position in the corner of the room. "He'll find out soon enough."

Harry was handed a newspaper from Kingsley with the headline, 'The Boy Who Lies?' I peered over at it in disbelief.

"He's been attacking Dumbledore as well," Sirius added. "Fudge is using all his power, including his influence at the Daily Prophet, to smear anyone who claims the Dark Lord has returned."

"Why?" I scoffed.

"This Minister thinks Dumbledore's after his job," Lupin explained.

"But that's insane--no one in their right mind could believe that Dumbledore--" Harry started.

"Exactly the point," Lupin replied. "Fudge isn't in his right mind. It's been twisted and warped by fear. Now fear makes people do terrible things. The last time Voldemort gained power, he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear." I didn't miss the look he gave to Sirius as he said that. "Now he has returned, and I'm afraid the Minster will do almost anything to avoid facing that terrifying truth."

"We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again," Sirius said. "14 years ago, he had huge numbers at his command, and not just witches and wizards, but all manner of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily, and we've been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in. We believe...Voldemort may be after something."

"Sirius," Moody warned.

"Something he didn't have last time," Sirius continued vaguely.

"You mean, like, a weapon?" Harry guessed.

"No, that's enough," Molly cut Sirius off before he could answer. "He's just a boy! You say much more and you may as well induct him into the Order straightaway."

"Good, I want to join," Harry said. "If Voldemort is raising an army, then I want to fight."

"Me, too," I added. Sirius clasped his hands together before leaning back triumphantly and looking up at Molly standing beside Harry.

"You two are practically my children, and as the mother figure in your life, I say no," Molly crossed her arms. "It's way too dangerous."

"Maybe if you add in-law, it'd be more appropriate," Fred joked, smirking at Harper. She felt herself flush, knowing where they were going with this.

"Why?" Arthur questioned, looking at me expectantly.

"I don't know what they're talking about," I lied.

"You obviously didn't get your lying skills from your father," Sirius leaned forward with a smile.

"Sirius doesn't know?" George feigned shock.

"Stop it," Ron said, smacking George beside him.

"You boys know too!" Molly realized, pointing at the twins.

"Know what? What's going on?" Remus asked, confused.

"You know?" Ginny asked her mother. "When did they tell you?"

"Those two didn't tell me anything, I caught them practically eating each other's faces in the hallway!" Molly answered, pointing between Ron and me.

"You two were eating each other's faces?" Sirius turned to the two of us with a fatherly look.

"We were not!" Ron defended, throwing his hands up.

"We don't need to dwell on this, okay?" Harry interjected. "Yes, my best friend and my sister are snogging, let's go back to the important--" Sirius cut him off by holding up his hand. His face was deadly serious.

"Sirius..." Remus warned.

"Sirius, how could who Harper is snogging be more important than Voldemort!" Harry cried exasperatedly. Sirius didn't reply as he continued staring at Ron intimidatingly.

"That's enough," I said, standing up. "Yes, Ron and I are..." I trailed off. What were we doing? Everyone looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to go on. "It's none of your guys' business," I concluded, crossing my arms and sitting down. Sirius couldn't help but laugh, followed by chuckles from Fred, George, and Remus.

"Let's stop embarrassing the two," Molly smiled, looking between us with pride.

The next day was Harry's trial, and it went well with Dumbledore defending Harry. Soon, it was time to return to Hogwarts for our fifth year, and luckily, Harry was accompanying us. Ron and I still hadn't talked at all about whatever we had going on. It was complicated, being best friends first, going on a date, fighting, and making up at the end of the year. We clearly wanted to be more than friends, but neither of us knew what to do or how to go about it at this point.

Harry and I pushed our trollies through the train station guided by Tonks and Moody when we noticed a familiar black dog run by us. We both exchanged a look of surprise and excitement as Moody scolded him quietly.

We watched him run into an empty waiting room, and Harry and I quickly followed.

"Sirius, what are you doing here?" Harry asked as I closed the door behind us.

"If somebody sees you..." I trailed off.

"I had to see you both off, didn't I?" Sirius asked, and I couldn't help but smile. "What's life without a little risk?" He sat down and motioned toward the seats beside him, which Harry and I gladly took.

"I don't want to see you get shut back in Azkaban," Harry told him firmly.

"Oh, don't worry about me," Sirius dismissed. "Anyway," he pulled something out of his pocket. "I wanted you two to have this." He handed a paper to Harry since he was closer, and he unfolded it while I peered over his shoulder.

"Original Order of the Phoenix," Sirius explained. I took in the group of people standing together, my eyes focusing on our parents smiling in the front. Sirius, Peter, Lupin, Moody, Dumbledore, and even Hagrid were there too.

"Marlene McKinnon," he pointed to a blonde woman, "she was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family. That's Frank and Alice Longbottom," he said, pointing to a couple.

"Neville's parents," I vocalized.

"They suffered a fate worse than death if you ask me," Sirius continued. "It's been 14 years...and still a day doesn't go by I don't miss your dad."

"Me too," I said sadly. "Both of them." I may not have known them long, but I know they loved us dearly and would've been amazing parents. Sometimes I wish I could write to them and tell them about my year. Spend holidays and summers with parents who loved us. But Voldemort took that away from us. From a lot of people.

"Do you really think there's going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry asked.

"It...feels like it did before," Sirius said slowly. My stomach sank. Harry went to hand the photo back, but Sirius pushed his hand back. "You keep it. Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now."

Sirius hugged both of us goodbye before returning to his dog form. I opened the door Tonks and Moody were guarding and we made our way to Platform 9 3/4.

This train ride felt different than before. Everything was more solemn and gloomy like something terrible was lurking just around the corner. And I suppose it was. I couldn't stop thinking about what Sirius had said.

We got off the train and began walking toward the carriages when we heard the pleasant voice of Draco.

"I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk around free, Potter," Draco said, sauntering up beside us, followed by his goons. I rolled my eyes at him. "You better enjoy it while you can. I suppose there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it," Draco sneered, getting in Harry's face. Harry took an angry breath before lurching forward. Luckily, Ron restrained him by his arms. Draco looked shocked by the action before his expression turned to disgust and he walked away. "What did I tell you? Complete nutter," he told his friends.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry shouted after him.

"It's only Malfoy. What do you expect?" Ron asked, his arms still around Harry's biceps as Harry breathed heavily. Harry shrugged Ron off before walking away. The three of us shared a look before following.

We approached the carriage area, waiting for one to arrive. "Hi, guys," Neville said, appearing beside us.

"Hi, Neville," we greeted back. Harry turned around suddenly, staring at the carriage pulled up behind us.

"What is it?" Harry said, staring intently.

"What's what?" I ask, trying to figure out what he was looking at.

"That, pulling the carriage," Harry said, pointing in front of us. Nothing was there.

"Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry," Hermione said, slightly worried. "It's pulling itself, like always." Harry stepped forward, gazing at the space in front of the carriage intensely.

"You're not going mad," a girl said from inside the carriage with a dreamy voice while reading a copy of The Quibbler upside down. "I can see them, too. You're just as sane as I am."

We all exchanged a glance before getting into the carriage. I sat between Ron and Luna with Harry, Hermione, and Neville across from us.

"Everyone, this is Loony Love—" Hermione cut herself off, realizing what she'd said. I coughed loudly to try and cover it up, but Luna just looked at her innocently as Hermione's eyes widened. "Luna Lovegood," Hermione corrected herself, sinking into her seat. "What an interesting necklace," Hermione shifted the topic.

"It's a charm, actually," she replied, holding it up. "Keeps away the Nargles." She paused for a moment, looking around. "Hungry. I hope there's pudding."

"What's a Nargle?" Ron whispered in my ear.

"No idea," I whispered back.

The Great Hall did have pudding that night, as well as plenty of other delicious food. I noticed no one sat next to Harry, despite the crowded tables, and the looks quite a few people kept throwing Harry's way.

"Good evening, children," Dumbledore announced at his podium, quieting everyone. "Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking care of magical creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave." He motioned to him sitting behind him. The four of us looked at each other quizzically, wondering where Hagrid could be. "We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge."

I glanced down to the end of the table at who I assumed was her. She was wearing a sickening color of pink from head to toe with the fakest smile plastered on her face. I hated her already.

"I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck," Dumbledore continued. "As usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you—"

A high-pitched clearing of a throat cut him off. Dumbledore paused and turned to look as Umbridge stood up and made her way to the front of the table as if she were running the place. Even Dumbledore was shocked at her boldness.

"She was at my hearing," Harry whispered to us. "She works for Fudge."

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome," Umbridge said as she moved to stand in front of the podium. "And how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling back at me." I made a point to grimace. "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends. "

"That's likely," Fred and George said together sarcastically.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school..." she paused to look at Dumbledore, "progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

Everything about her annoyed me. From her mannerisms, the way she spoke, her voice, her cadence, and the way she fake cleared her throat. I could already tell this wasn't going to be a good year. Ron and I exchanged a look, and I could tell we were thinking the same thing.

She finished with a high-pitched chuckle before walking back to her seat. It was silent for a moment before Dumbledore began applauding, encouraging the rest of us to follow. It was pitiful applause, to say the least.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge," Dumbledore said. "That really was most illuminating."

"Illuminating? What a load of waffles," Ron whispered, and I nodded.

"Now, as I was saying..." Dumbledore continued.

"What's it mean?" Harry asked.

"It means the Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts," Hermione replied.

"Bloody perfect. Bunch of idiots who don't believe the darkest wizard of all time is back are going to take over," I scoffed.

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