year 1 | chapter 6

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happy christmas

"Harper, wake up!" someone shouted, wakening me from my slumber. I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes and stretching.

"Come on, wake up!" another voice shouted, and then I realized what day it was. I threw my blanket to the side before running out of the dorm and into the common room.

"Happy Christmas, Harper!" Harry and Ron both said.

"Happy Christmas!" I replied happily running down the stairs. "What are you wearing?" I asked Ron, noticing a maroon jumper with an R stitched into it.

"My mum made it," Ron explained, "You and Harry got one too!"

"I got presents?" I said, shocked.

"We both did!" Harry smiled. Harry and I never got Christmas presents before. "Check this out!" he said picking up some patterned fabric. He wrapped it around himself and suddenly disappeared.

I gasped, my mouth hanging open in shock.

"It's an invisibility cloak!" Ron clarified for me.

"Who gave you that?" I asked, still in shock as Harry took it off.

"We're not sure," Harry replied. "Apparently it was Dad's."

"We're thinking he could use it to sneak into the restricted section!" Ron explained excitedly.

"Ooo," I agreed. "That's a great idea, Ron!" Ron smiled back at me, a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Here, open your sweater," Ron said, handing me a box. I tore open the paper and inside was my favorite color sweater with an H stitched into it.

"I love it!" I said happily, throwing it over my head.

"Now we match!" Ron said excitedly, grinning as he looked between our sweaters.

"Yeah, we do," I smiled softly as my cheeks reddened.

I approached the tree and picked up another gift with my name on it. "Who's this from?" I asked. The boys shrugged. I tore the paper off to reveal a beautiful necklace. I held it up and it shimmered in the light. "Woah," I whispered, "It's gorgeous."

"Who's it from?" Harry asked. I looked into the box to find a note.

Harper, this fell into my possession after your mother's passing, and I thought it was time to return it. Happy Christmas

"It doesn't say," I responded, puzzled.

"Odd," Harry replied. I took it out and tried to put it on, but I was struggling.

"Here, let me help," Ron said, walking over to me. He took the necklace from my hands and slowly clipped it behind my head. It gave me goosebumps as his fingers lightly grazed the back of my neck. "There," he said as he finished.

"Thanks," I smiled, turning around to face him.

"No problem," Ron smiled back.

"Look, it's snowing!" Harry said excitedly, pointing out the window. Ron and I stopped looking at each other and ran over to the window, and sure enough, there was a layer of white powder all over the ground as more snowflakes fell from the sky.

"It's so pretty," I said, admiring the grounds.

"Let's go outside!" Ron said excitedly. We all agreed and went to our rooms to get bundled up.

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