year 4 | chapter 8

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the yule ball

Christmas Eve arrived and it was time for the Yule Ball. Hermione and I had gone to Hogsmeade and bought beautiful dresses together, and I was very excited to go with Cedric.

"Hermione, you look stunning!" I said as she stepped over to me in her gorgeous pink dress. 

"Not as stunning as you!" Hermione complimented, gesturing to me. 

"Look at your hair!" I gushed, feeling it.

"Look at your hair!" Hermione gushed back, pointing at my hairdo. "And your dress!" 

"Your dress is gorgeous!" I said, looking her up and down. "I take it back," I said after a pause with a smirk. "We're going to be the hottest ones there." 

"Definitely," she giggled. "Are you ready to dance in front of everyone?"

"In front of everyone?" I repeated.

"Yeah, the champions have to dance first," Hermione explained.

"You must be joking," I replied. Hermione shook her head as we made our way down to the Great Hall. 

"I'm nervous," Hermione mumbled, peering around the corner to the entrance. 

"Come on, Hermione, you look absolutely beautiful," I told her honestly. I took her hand and pulled her out of the corner, and we walked down the stairs together. Viktor and Cedric immediately made their way over to us with smiles. 

Harry and Cho stood at the bottom of the stairs and smiled when they saw us too. Cho looked absolutely ravishing and Harry had actually cleaned himself up for once. 

"Harper, you look stunning," Cedric greeted, before putting his arm out for me to take. 

"And you look incredibly handsome," I told him, taking hold of his arm as Hermione did the same with Viktor. The four champions and their dates lined up outside the doors to the Great Hall.

Once it was time, the doors opened and we made our way inside. People lined the entrance and clapped as we walked through. The Great Hall was absolutely beautiful. It looked like an ice palace with silver tables around the room and three Christmas trees, one larger than the others, at the end of the room. There was even pretend snow falling from the ceiling. 

The four pairs of us stood on the dance floor as Professor Flitwick began conducting the band and everyone gathered around us. Cedric put his hand on my waist and took my other hand in his and I placed my other hand on his shoulder. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face and Cedric lightly smiled at me.  

The waltz music began playing and Cedric guided me elegantly around the dance floor. He was a much better dancer than Ron. After a few beats, Dumbledore and McGonagall joined, followed by other headmasters, and then students, and soon the dance floor was full. 

After the traditional waltz music was done, The Weird Sisters band began playing louder music to a rock and roll beat. Everyone was crowded on the dance floor, jumping around and having a great time. 

"Thanks for the pity invite," I joked to Cedric. 

"Hey, it wasn't a pity invite. We are friends," he replied.

"I'm glad," I smiled at him.

"Plus, I think I figured out who you wanted to ask you," Cedric laughed.

"Oh, yeah?" I replied.

"He can't take his eyes off you," Cedric responded. "But when he does, it's because he's staring daggers into me." I laughed, causing Cedric to chuckle too. "He practically has heart eyes looking at you though."

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