year 1 | chapter 3

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platform 9 3/4

"Blimey! Is that the time?" Hagrid asked, checking his watch. Harry and I were pushing carts of our luggage and supplies along Kings Cross Station. Apparently, you can just take a train to Hogwarts.  "Sorry Harry and Harper, I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore will be wanting his, uh...Well, he'll be wanting to see me," Hagrid said, patting his coat where he put the package from earlier. "Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here are your tickets. Stick to them. That's very important, stick to your tickets."

Harry and I glanced down at our tickets. "Platform 9 3/4?" we both whispered, then turned to look at each other.

"But Hagrid, there must be a mistake, this says platform 9 3/4. There's no such there?" Harry asked as we glanced up to where Hagrid had been standing. Except he was gone. We looked around, puzzled, but there was no sign of him anywhere.

"Okay..." I breathed out, looking around. "Let's go look, I guess." We pushed our carts along, finding Platforms 9 and 10.

"Excuse me," Harry said, approaching a worker. "Excuse me, sir. Can you help us find Platform 9 3/4?"

"9 3/4?" the man repeated. "Think you're being funny, do you?" With that, he walked away.

"Well, now what?" I sighed.

"It's the same every year, packed with muggles, of course. Come on!" a red-headed lady said with a group of kids with similar carts of trunks and supplies to ours following her.

"Muggles," Harry and I whispered, deciding to follow her.

"Platform 9 3/4, this way!" she continued. "Alright Percy, you first," she said, stopping by a wall between platforms 9 and 10. A boy who I assumed must be Percy came forward, and ran forward into the brick wall. Except when I thought he'd crash, he disappeared. Harry and I exchanged a glance of confusion.

"Fred, you next!" the lady continued, motioning to one of the kids.

"He's not Fred, I am!" the other boy said.

"Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother," the first boy joked. I snickered, figuring they must be twins.

"Oh, I'm sorry George," she said, motioning for him to come along.

"I'm only joking, I am Fred," the boy said before running between the wall and disappearing again. The other boy quickly followed.

"Excuse us!" Harry and I said in sync, pushing our carts forward.

"C-could you tell us how to..." Harry trailed off, looking at the wall the three boys disappeared into.

"How to get onto the platform?" the lady finished for him. We both nodded. "Not to worry, dears, it's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well." She motioned towards the last boy standing with her.

He was quite cute in my opinion, causing me to quickly look away once we made eye contact to hide the blush creeping up my cheeks.

"Now, all you've got to do," she explained, "is walk straight at the wall between Platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." Harry and I nodded.

"Good luck," the young girl standing next to the lady said as Harry lined himself up. He looked back at me and I gave him a thumbs up before he turned back around and ran through the wall. Just like the other boys he disappeared.

"That's fascinating," I said.

"Go on, you try!" the lady encouraged. I moved my cart in front of the brick wall, hoping that I wouldn't crash into it. I ran forward and suddenly I was transported to a new platform. 

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