year 2 | chapter 5

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red velvet cupcakes are her favorite

The first quidditch match of the season was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin the next day. Unfortunately, since someone bribed the entire team with new fancy brooms, the Slytherin team was a lot faster than many of our players. It was currently 90 to 30, and we were losing.

Suddenly a bludger came flying towards Harry and he ducked to avoid it, thankfully, but it came back around, breaking Olliver's broom and sending him flying to the ground before continuing to follow Harry like a target missile.

It didn't matter which way Harry went, the bludger followed.

"Blimey!" Hagrid stated, peering through his binoculars. "Harry's got himself a rogue bludger. That's been tampered with, that has."

"I'll stop it!" Ron said bravely pointing his wand.

"No," I said, pushing his arm down. "Not with that broken stick."

"Even with a proper wand, it's too risky," Hermione corrected. "You could hit Harry."

Harry continued to try and swerve away, but nothing he did worked. The bludger broke through the towers, leaving holes in its wake. Harry somehow got it away by swerving at the last second, sending the ball into the wood under the stands.

"Thank goodness," I muttered. Then he took off and Draco took off with him.

"They must've found the snitch!" Hermione said excitedly. Draco quickly zoomed past Harry, shoving him to the side.

They both flew quickly, but unfortunately, Draco's broom was faster. The bludger has also decided to target Harry again, and I bit my nails nervously. Harry somehow caught up to him and they were neck and neck.

"I can't watch!" I said covering my eyes with my hands. I still opened my fingers though, peering through them because I couldn't not watch either.

The bludger came flying from the other direction, aiming directly at Harry. Harry ducked, causing the bludger to hit Draco's broom and send him flying off of it. He bounced across the field before landing roughly on his crotch. He laid there, his face twisting in pain, as Harry got closer to the snitch.

He reached his arm out, and suddenly the bludger returned with full force, hitting him in the arm. I could tell he was in a lot of pain, but he didn't give up until he fell off his broom from trying to use it with one arm, landing sharply on his back in the sand under the hoops.

The three of us gasped loudly before making our way down to the field with Hagrid.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch!" Lee announced over the speaker, and I turned around to see him smiling widely, holding the snitch in his good hand.

"No bloody way," I laughed. We ran down onto the field as the bludger continued to slam down, trying to land on Harry.

"Finite Incantato!" Hermione said, aiming her wand at the bludger, causing it to explode. We ran over to him quickly.

"Are you okay?" I said crouching down next to him.

"No," Harry said, "I think...I think my arm is broken."

"Not to worry, Harry!" Lockhart said, crouching on the other side of him. "I will fix that arm of your straight away." For some reason, I had a bad feeling about this.

"Not you," Harry seemed to agree with me.

"Poor boy doesn't know what he's saying," Lockhart chuckled as he rolled up Harry's sleeve. It was definitely broken. "Now this won't hurt a bit."

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