year 3 | chapter 2

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dementors on school grounds

"We didn't mean to blow her up," Harry said, explaining the events of last night as we searched the Hogwarts Express for an empty compartment.

"We lost control," I informed.

"Brilliant," Ron laughed.

"Honestly, Ron, it's not funny," Hermione said. "They were lucky not to be expelled."

"I think we were lucky not to be arrested, actually," Harry corrected.

"I still think it was brilliant," Ron laughed, earning a smile from me.

"Come on, everywhere else is full" Hermione said, opening the door to a compartment. There was a man inside who appeared to be sleeping. 

"Who do you think that is?" Ron asked, sitting down next to me.

"Professor RJ Lupin," Hermione said confidently.

"You know everything," Ron scoffed, "How is it she knows everything?"

"It's on his suitcase, Ronald," Hermione replied pointing to it, and I laughed.

"Oh," Ron replied embarrassed.

"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry asked, peering over Lupin.

"Seems to be, why?" Ron replied.

"I've got to tell you guys something," Harry responded, quickly closing the compartment door.

"Sirius Black escaped Azkaban to come after me," Harry quickly stated, and all of us looked at him shocked. "I'm the only thing in the way of Voldemort returning to power. He's a loyal follower of him, and he escaped to get me out of the way."

"But they'll catch Black, won't they?" Hermione asked. "I mean, everyone's looking for him."

"Sure," Ron replied, "But no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before, and...he's a murderous, raving lunatic."

"That's comforting," I said sarcastically.

"Thanks, Ron," Harry added. The rain was beating on the train from the outside as we chugged along the tracks until we heard squeaking and the train slowed down.

"Why are we stopping?" Hermione asked, looking around. "We can't be there yet." Harry stood up and peered out the compartment door, glancing around for an explanation. The train jolted, sending him flying back into his seat as Ron was pressed into my side.

"What's going on?" he panicked, readjusting himself in his seat and avoiding eye contact with me.

"Don't know," I responded as I began to panic too.

"Maybe we've broken down," Harry tried. Just as he said it, the lights shut off, drowning us in darkness.

I peered out the window, trying to figure out where we were. Ron leaned across me and peered out the window as well.

"There's something moving out there," Ron said, the worry shaking his voice. We were stopped atop a bridge with no land on either side of us. Mountains could be seen in the distance as the smoke billowed around the now-stopped train. "I think something's coming aboard."

As the words left his mouth, the entire train shook. When he said it, I also realized I could see his breath, and the temperature of the train had dropped significantly. The windows began to ice over and Lupin's water froze.

We all began shivering as we looked around at each other nervously, too terrified to say anything. The train shook again.

"Bloody hell! What's happening?" Ron panicked as he leaned into my side even more. I grabbed his hand secretly, and he grabbed mine back, both of us holding onto each other in fear.

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