year 3 | chapter 6

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scabbers is gone

The snow had melted away, signaling spring starting soon. The weather was beautiful really, I only needed a jumper to stay warm. No coat or anything.

"Harper!" Ron said, startling me as I sat in the common room reading.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Have you seen Scabbers?" he asked frantically.

"No, I haven't," I shrugged. "Did you los—misplace him again?"

"I can't misplace him, he's an animal not an object. He must've wondered somewhere. Will you help me look? Please," he begged giving me his puppy dog eyes and sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.

"Oh, Ron," I sighed, unable to say no as I stood up.

"Yes!" he said excited, leading me back to his room. Girls aren't technically supposed to be in the boys dormitories, although most people don't obey that rule.

"Where was the last place you saw him?" I asked, peering around the room from the doorway. It was no surprise to me that five boys sharing a room together would be a mess. There were clothes practically everywhere and in piles around the room. Not a single bed was made. Papers were strewn about. Books scattered. I instantly spotted Ron's candy stash peeking out from under his bed, causing me to chuckle.

"He was right here!" Ron said, pointing dramatically. He then followed my gaze as I looked around the room and became embarrassed. He began picking up clothes, tossing them under his bed and into his closet, causing me to laugh. He haphazardly straightened things out, making the room a little more presentable.

"Sorry, didn't expect company," he said shyly.

"You invited me up here," I teased, finally stepping into the room.

"R-right," Ron stuttered out. "Anyways, he was in here not too long ago."

"How long ago is 'not too long ago'?" I questioned, smirking.

"Well, I saw him yesterday," Ron explained.

"Ron, it's 2pm," I joked.

"Will you please help me look?" Ron begged.

"Okay, okay," I said before beginning to search the room. I looked underneath the beds and dressers, behind piles of books and papers, and beneath piles of clothes.

I walked over to a dresser and opened it. By the candy piled on top, I assumed it to be Harry or Ron's.

It was Harry's. I'd spent enough time doing his laundry to know. I looked through the entire thing, rummaging through the clothes. I went to the next dresser before Ron ran over and stopped me, slamming the drawer I was opening closed.

"Sheesh!" I said, looking at him.

"Why are you going through my dresser?" he asked.

"Your rat could be in there," I said simply.

"Well, yeah, but..." Ron trailed off.

I turned back to the dresser and opened it, quickly realizing why Ron didn't want me to open it. "Chudley Cannons underwear!" I snickered.

"Stop," Ron said seriously, slamming the drawer shut again. I couldn't help but laugh at his serious yet flustered expression. "It's not funny, Harper. You're the one going through my private belongings."

"I'm trying to help you find your rat!" I replied innocently, trying to wipe the smirk off my face.

"I'll search my dresser, thanks," he said as I giggled, walking away to continue looking.

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