year 4 | chapter 1

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quidditch world cup

After spending a riveting majority of the summer in our room, I read quite a few books. The Weasleys invited us to go to the Quidditch world cup with them, and I couldn't be more excited. We arrived at The Burrow, more excited than ever to see our second family.

"Ron!" I shouted, seeing him immediately and embracing him in a hug. He had grown his hair out over the summer and something about it was very attractive to me. He looked even more mature, too.

"Harper!" Ron said excitedly, laughing as he wrapped his arms around my back.

"Nice to see you too, Harper," Fred joked as I pulled away from Ron.

"Do we get a greeting like that?" George asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes before hugging them both. I turn around to see Harry and Ron doing a sort of bro hug thing.

"Harry and Harper, lovely to see you dears," Mrs. Weasley said entering the room and hugging both of us.

"Thank you so much for inviting us, Mrs. Weasley," I smiled at her. Harry and I don't get to experience the normal wizarding world things, being stuck in the muggle world outside of school, and we were thrilled about this.

"We've been looking forward to this all summer," Harry added.

"Oh, please, call me Molly," she dismissed us with the wave of her hand. "We're more than happy to have you here. Now, we've got to be up early tomorrow, so I'm heading off to bed, I suggest you do the same."

"We're not going to bed, right?" I ask the four of them once she was out of sight upstairs.

"No way," Fred and George answered together, grinning.

"Exploding snap anyone?" Ron asked, looking around at us.

After a few rounds of rapidly tapping the second card with our wands when there was a match, the score was pretty even, and everyone was getting more competitive, especially as the cards began to shuffle fast and faster.

Ron's POV

I watched as Harper intensely concentrated on the game. I was beginning to lose as I couldn't keep my gaze away from her. She looked so cute with her eyebrows furrowed and it was insanely hot how angry she got when someone else beat her to a card.

I hadn't seen her all summer and looking at her now I can remember why I've had a crush on her for so long. She's growing into her looks, only getting prettier each day.

She was growing in other places too, but I tried not to pay attention to it. Although my horny teenage brain was struggling as Harper sat there in her tiny shorts and tight tank top, leaning forward as she concentrated on the game.

Fuck how can she be so beautiful yet so insanely hot at the same time?

"Ronald, stop staring and Harper and join us, will you?" Fred teased as George shoulder bumped me.

"I wasn't staring at Harper," I defended immediately as my face heated up. "Why would even I do that?"

Harper's POV

Why would I even do that?

The words rang in my head as I laid in Ginny's room, staring at the ceiling and trying to sleep. It was getting harder and harder to pretend I wasn't infatuated with him, but I knew he didn't feel the same, so I have to, for the sake of our friendship.

I woke up early to the alarm Ginny had set. We both got ready quickly, knowing we had to leave soon. I was in the kitchen helping Molly make a large breakfast when Hermione arrived. The scent of bacon and pancakes floated around the room. Molly always made sure no one leaves the table hungry.

golden quartet | ron weasleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ