year 4 | chapter 3

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the triwizard tournament

A couple of days later it was time to return to Hogwarts, and I was ready. Obviously, it's where Harry and I consider home, but it's also considered one of the safest places in the wizarding world.

We chugged along on the Hogwarts Express, and I tried not to fall asleep. I sat beside Harry and across from Ron with Hermione next to him.

"Anything of the trolley, dears?" a woman asked, pushing her signature cart full of candy. Ron instantly perked up from his half-asleep state, digging in his pocket for some coins.

"Packet of Drobbles and a...Licorice Wand," Ron requested, standing up. I stood up behind him, eager for some candy as well.

"On second thought, just the Droobles," Ron sighed, looking at the money in his hand.

"It's alright, I'll get it. Don't worry," I said, pulling out some coins.

"No, you won't," Ron sighed, trading his money for the candy and sitting back down. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"I'll have a cauldron cake please," I turn to the woman and say, handing over my money. We traded and I sat back down across from Ron, glaring at him.

"Are you really upset I didn't let you buy me candy?" Ron looked at me in disbelief.

"As a matter of fact," I said, crossing my arms, "I am."

"You're mental, Harper," Ron sighed, opening his candy and eating some.

"Anything sweet for you, dear?" the trolley lady asked, turning to Harry standing there staring down the corridor.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry," Harry said, sitting down with a lovestruck look on his face.

"Harry, what in Godric's name was that?" I ask, laughing slightly.

"Huh?" he turned to me.

"Who were you just staring at?" I pried.

"Uh...I don't know," Harry sighed, looking out the compartment window even though she was long gone by now. I chuckled before taking another bite of my sweet, watching Harry's heart eyes.

"This is horrible," Hermione scoffed, reading the newspaper. "How can the Ministry just not know who conjured it? Wasn't there any security, or—?"

"Loads—according to Dad," Ron answered.

"Didn't really look like it," I muttered, thinking back to the large group of people that were able to destroy the place in mere minutes.

"That's what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses," Ron went on. Harry scratched his forehead.

"It's hurting again, isn't it?" Hermione asked, watching Harry intently. "Your scar."

"I'm fine," Harry shook his head. I wasn't sure if I believed him.

"You know Sirius will want to hear about this," Hermione told him. "What you saw at the World Cup and the dream."

"Dream?" I ask, looking between them.

"The night before the Cup, I had a weird dream about Voldemort killing a muggle," Harry explained, pulling out some parchment. "It felt so real. And my scar was burning." He pulled out his quill and ink and began writing.

I turned onto my side and lay my legs across Harry's lap, causing him to glare at me and shove them to the floor. I gasped, offended, but curled my legs up to my chest instead. I leaned my head onto the seat back to my left, dozing off.

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