Messi's Younger Sister

By littlebow39

82.9K 1.7K 226

A Messi, Neymar Jr, Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale and Lucas Silva Fanfic. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The Wedding Part 1
The Wedding Part 2
Honeymoon Part 1
Honeymoon part: 2
December 1
New York
Jet legged
Game night
Home is Where The Heart is
40 Million
Las Vegas
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Let It Rain
Chapter 38 (Girl Talk)
Chapter 39 (Light It Up)
Chapter 40 (International Love)
Chapter 41 (I have been gone to long)
Chapter 42 (Boy or Girl)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (You Gotta Beg For It)
Chapter 45 (happy birthday)
Chapter 46 (the truth)
Flying Back Home
Chapter 50
Dont Fail Me
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Rough Waters
Sleepy Paradise
On A Beach Somewhere
Another One
He Came Back
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 12

1.5K 51 5
By littlebow39

Taylor's POV:
We walked into the building, everyone looked at us even Lucas. I followed Cristiano, I waved at Marcelo who waved back and smiled. "Making friends already" Cristiano said looking at me smiling "ya well I got to sometime" I said smiling back at him.

We went into the gym part and I watched Cristiano work out after he changed "you can work out to u know" he said looking at me while doing bench presses "idk" I said looking at him "it's ok as long as I'm here you can do whatever u want" he said looking back at what he was doing "alright then, let's work out" I said putting weights on the bench.

We came out of the gym, the team was just going in "you have a new gym partner now Ronaldo" Lucas said looking at him "so" he said looking back at him "nothing it's just that Marcelo is always ur gym partner" Lucas said looking at Marcelo and back at Cristiano "it's fine I can work with Sergio" Marcelo said, a girl walked in with redish black hair, sports bra and leggings "hi babe" Lucas said kissing her, the rest of the team started to work out, he looked at me while he was kissing her "Lucas be careful she looks a little sluty" I said as I walked out of the gym "what was that about" Cristiano asked "he was teasing me" I said looking at him "don't let him get to u,he does it with everybody" he said hugging me.

Cristiano had a team meeting to go to so I stayed at his house and waited for him, I was looking at pictures of him and his son, Cristiano has told me about but him, I have never met or seen him. I thought about taking a bath so I did, I leaned back into the water with my head on the side of the tub. Lucas was really getting to me and I didn't know what to do, I had to listen to Cristiano.

When he got home I was in bed asleep, I felt him get in bed and cuddle into me but that was it.
The next day:
Cristiano was still asleep when I woke up, I had messages from Leo on my phone.
"When will u be home", "are u coming home tonight","will I see u tomorrow" and "are u awake yet". I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone right now I just wanted to sleep, I felt his hand go up my leg, I smiled and turned over "good morning" he said kissing me "good morning to u too" I said kissing him back "the meeting took longer then I thought it would last night I'm sorry" he said looking at me "its ok I understand, I was fine anyway, I ate dinner and took a bath" I said looking at him "u took a bath without me" he said smiling then kissing me "ya I'm sorry" I said kissing him.

Cristiano's POV:
Taylor had to go home today, Lio wanted to see her. I walked into practice all the guys looked at me, Lucas wasn't here yet "what" I said looking at them "what do you think ur doing bringing her here like that yesterday" Sergio asked "what are u talking about" I asked "when u walked in with her the look on Lucas face made him look like he was break everything in the room" he said looking at me "he can get mad at me all he wants I don't really care, he told me I could have her anyway after he was don't sucking the face off his girlfriend" I said opening my locker "alright whatever but if shit gets anymore messed up idk what ur gonna do" he said changing.

Lucas walked in a couple minutes later "hey do you got a problem with me" I asked him "um no, did I do something" he asked looking at me "yesterday, what was it about" I asked "that had nothing to do with u, as far as I know I told u u could have her and that it wouldn't do anything about our friendship but I guess it did" he said changing, I looked away from him and sat down and put my cleats on, I got a text from Taylor of a picture of a baby.

Me-"he's cute but u want kids already?"
Taylor-"no, it's Lio's son"
Me-"he was just born"
Taylor-"yes, I'm gonna stay in Barcelona for a week or so"
Me-"ok, I'll see u later"
Taylor-"enjoy ur practice, I love u"
Me-"love u too"

I looked around at everybody "Messi is a father, his son was born today a few minutes ago actually" I said kinda smiling, they all pulled out there phones and tweeted him.
I'm so sorry that this chapter is late but I have been busy so here you are, I hope you liked it and if u did give it a vote and comment any question or comments :)

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