Baby Winchester

By AleeyahRoses

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Dean rescues 5 year old Hayden from her abusive family and takes her under his wing. After recruiting his bro... More

Season 1
Season 1 - 1 (Pilot)
Season 1-2 (Wendigo)
Season 1-3 (Dead In The Water)
Season 1-4 (Phantom Traveler)
Season 1-5 (Bloody Mary)
Season 1-6 (Skin)
Season 1-7 (Hook Man)
Season 1-8 (Bugs)
Season 1-9 (Home)
Season 1-10 (Asylum)
Season 1-11 (Scarecrow)
Season 1-13 (Route 666)
Season 1-14 (Nightmare)
Season 1-15 (The Benders)
Season 1-16 (Shadow)
I'm So Sorry (A/N)
Season 1-17 (Hell House)
Season 1-18 (Something Wicked This Way Comes)
Season 1-19 (Provenance)
Season 1-20 (Dead Man's Blood)

Season 1-12 (Faith)

653 15 2
By AleeyahRoses

In the dead of night, Sam and Dean pulled up to an abandoned house. The boys went to the trunk grabbing their weapons.

"What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asked as Dean grabbed the tasers.

"100,000 volts." Dean replied.

"Damn." Sam replied.

"Yeah I want this raw head extra freaking crispy. Remember you only get one shot with these things. So make it count." Dean said as they closed the trunk. The brothers looked at one another.

"Let's go get my girl." Dean said. Thinking about how much he still hates to the plan Hayden came up with.


"Absolutely not." Dean stated.

"Daddy, I'll be fine. Nothing gonna happen to me." Hayden argued.

"Hayden, I hate this plan as well." Sam said agreeing with Dean.

"It's kidnapping children and we have no idea where it's taking them. I can be a decoy. Plus if I'm there I can stop those children from dying." She said. Sam sat in thought.

"Hayden there is no way in hell I'm letting you be bait." Dean said. Sam couldn't help but think that maybe Hayden was right.

"Daddy, those kids don't have a lot of time and it needs one more kid. It'll take someone else. I'll leave breadcrumbs." She said.

"Dean, I think she might be right." Sam said.

"I know." Dean sighed.

"Don't worry daddy. I'll be alright." She said.



The brothers went to the basement. Upon going all the way down the stairs, there was a sudden noise from the wardrobe. They pointed their flashlights and tasers at it. They cautiously approached it and and opened it on a count of 3, revealing the two children that were taken before Hayden.

The brothers approached the scared children.

"Is it still here?" Sam whispered.

The little boy nodded.

"What about the little girl that was with you? Where is she?" Dean asked.

"Are you her daddy?" The little girl asked. Dean nodded.

"She gave us candy and told us to hide here. She was bleeding." The little girl explained.

"She was what?" Sam asked.

"The monster was going to hurt my brother and she got in front of him." She said. Dean felt a lot of things. He was proud and angry at the same time. Rather than getting used to it because she heals, it seemed harder for him every time Hayden was hurt. They had to hurry up and get the kids out, that way they could find Hayden and kill the monster.

"Grab your sister's hand. Come on. We're gonna get you outta here." Dean said grabbing the little boys hand. Before anyone could move, Hayden appeared in front of them. She was beaten and bloodied. Dean caught her as she fell to the floor.

"What the hell happened?" He asked.

"That thing put up quite the fight. I teleported back here because I didn't want to leave the kids alone." She said. She looked at the brothers seeing their worried faces.

"I'm already healing." She said. She tried to stand but instantly fell back down.

"Come on. Let's get the kids out." Dean said as he picked Hayden up, carrying her.

Sam ushered the kids up the stairs. Then something underneath them, grabbed Sam by his ankle and snatched him back down the stairs.

Dean went over there and shot his taser but he missed.

"Sam, take her! Get them outta here!" Dean yelled handing Hayden to him.

"You take this!" Sam replied giving Dean his taser before they both went their separate ways.

Sam had gotten the kids out while Dean checked the rest of the basement.

"Come on." He urged before the monster jumped out and punched him in the face. Dean fell back into the wall dropping his taser into the puddle next to him. He quickly crawled into the puddle getting his weapon back.

Hayden didn't like the idea of Dean being alone with that thing. So she teleported back inside but she was too weak from the fight with the monster that she couldn't teleport straight to Dean.

"Daddy!" She called. She walked around a pillar, using it for support, and saw the monster approaching Dean. Before she could do anything, the thing stepped into the water that Dean was laying in. Dean shot it with the taser, electroctuting himself and the monster with 100,000 bolts of electricity.

Hayden screamed as she felt Dean's pain from the shock. Dean then passed out and Hayden fell to the ground holding her chest as she gasped for air. Sam ran down the stairs, after getting the kids out safe, to find the monster dead, Hayden gasping for air and Dean unconscious in a puddle of water.


"Get daddy." She cut him off. She was on the brink of passing out from the pain.

Sam wasted no time going to his brother.

"Dean! Dean! Hey! Hey! Hey!" He said as he tried to wake him up but Dean remained unconscious.


Sam stood at the front desk in the hospital. Hayden stood next to him, holding his hand. The receptionist typed on her computer before turning to Sam.

"Sir, I'm so sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file." She said.

Sam let go of Hayden's hand and grabbed his wallet from his jacket. He was still rattled by the situation. He then handed the lady a card with a fake name on it.

"Okay, Mr. Berkovitz." The receptionist said accepting the card.

Sam nodded at her before turning towards the two cops that were waiting for him.

"Wait here, ok?" Sam said to Hayden. He took a second to examine the child. She was silent and crying. She could feel Dean's pain.

"Hey, he's going to be alright." Sam said squatting down to the child's level. She finally took her eyes from the floor and looked at him.

"No he's not Uncle Sammy. I can feel it. He's dying... and it's my fault." She said barely above a whisper. Sam gave her a serious look.

"Hey. I promise. He's not going anywhere. He's going to be alright and I'll make sure of it, if it's the last thing I do. Alright?" He said. Hayden closed her eyes as more tears fell. She then nodded her head, looking back to Sam.

"Alright. I have to talk to those cops. Wait over here for me. Okay?" He said. Hayden nodded and Sam kissed her forehead before walking over to the cops.

"Look, uh, we can finish this up later." One of the cops said as Sam approached them.

"No, no it's okay. We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood, and our windows were rolled down. We heard some screaming when we drove past the house, and we stopped, ran in." Sam explained the fake story to them.

"And you found the kids in the basement." The officer added.

"Yeah." Sam replied.

"Well, Thank god you did." He said with a small smile.

Sam turned around to check on Hayden and spotted the doctor that was treating Dean.

"Excuse me." Sam said quickly to the cops before running up to the doctor. Hayden saw this and quickly followed behind him.

"Hey doc. Is he—" the doctor cut him off.

"He's resting." He informed.

"And?" Sam questioned.

"The electrocution triggered a heart attack, pretty massive I'm afraid. His heart, it's damaged." The doctor explained.

"How damaged?" Hayden questioned.

"We've done all we can. We can try and keep him comfortable at this point, but I'd give him a couple of weeks at most, maybe a month." The doctor said. Hayden's heart shattered.

"My daddy's gonna die?" She said. Her eyes overflowed with tears. Her face was already soaked with old ones.

"No, no there- there's gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment." Sam begged as tears filled his eyes.

"We can't work miracles. I really am sorry." The doctor said. Hayden walked up to the doctor and grabbed his hand.

"Please? Doctors save people. Please save my daddy." She begged. The doctor sighed. He saw her eyes and he didn't want to be the bearer of bad news but he couldn't lie to her either. So he simply gave her a solemn look followed by, "I'm sorry".

Hayden couldn't take anymore of the news and ran to Dean's room. Sam followed after her. Upon entering the room, the two saw a sickly pale Dean laying in the hospital bed, flipping through Daytime TV.

"You ever actually watch Daytime TV? It's terrible." He said with a raspy voice.

Sam shook his head and sighed while Hayden sniffled.

"I talked to your doctor." He said

"That fabric softener teddy bear, ooh. I want to hunt that little bitch down." Dean said trying to divert the oncoming conversation.

"Dean." Sam said with a straight face.

"Right." Dean said turning off the tv and tossing the remote down. "Yeah. Well, looks like you two are gonna be leaving town without me." He said.

Hayden's heart couldn't have been more broken.

"What are you talking about? We're not leaving you here." Sam said.

"You better take care of that car and my baby girl, or I swear I'll haunt your ass." Dean said jokingly.

"I don't think that's funny." Hayden said.

"Oh come on. It's a little funny." Dean said with a small smile.

"No it's not daddy. You shouldn't joke like that." She said walking over to Dean to grab his hand.

"Hayden, no. Absolutely not." He said immediately pulling his hand away once he felt the warmth of her trying to heal him.

"But, Daddy, I can help you." She cried.

"And then you'll get hurt too. Last time you transferred Sammy's wound to you when you healed him. Remember? My heart is damaged beyond repair. I'm not risking that. Hayden, I mean it. Do not try to heal me." He ordered.

Hayden felt her chest tighten. She felt like she could breathe.

"But... it's my fault... I- you'll die... I- I can heal you! I can save you!" She argued. Dean looked at her sadly.

"I'm sorry. Not this time princess." He stated. He was worried that if she did heal him and transfer the wound, she might not heal from it. Especially because she was so little. A heart attack like what he just experienced could kill her instantly.

Her breathing increased and she began to hyperventilate. Dean could only watch sadly as Sam failed to calm her down and she ended up passing out.

"Bring her here." Dean said gesturing for Sam to lay Hayden next to him. Sam looked at his brother before complying.

Dean knew his time had come. He wanted to at least hold his daughter. Sam laid Hayden on top of his brother. Dean wiped whatever tears he could from her face with his hands. Then he sighed.

"What can I say, Sam? It's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it. End of story." Dean deadpanned as he looked at his brother.

"Don't talk like that, alright? We still have options." Sam suggested.

"What options? You got burial or cremation." Dean said.

"What-what are we gonna do? Hayden. What about her? She's never gonna be able to come back from this. She's gonna shut everything and everyone out. She barely talked this whole time. She's been crying since last night. She didn't even let herself go to sleep. She's been blaming herself for this. She- she's- she thinks the world of you Dean. She can't lose you. We can't lose you." Sam argued.

Dean looked down sadly at Hayden. He knew this was gonna be hard on them, her especially. She was just a kid and their bond was the strongest but what could he do.

"Look I know it's not easy. But I'm gonna die, and neither of you can stop it." Dean said. Even though he kept a straight face, he eyes showed sadness. He wasn't ready to leave Sam and Hayden but he didn't want them to kill themselves trying to save him.

Sam glared at his brother before picking up Hayden.

"Watch me." He said before leaving.


"This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son Dean. 866-907-3235. He can help. (Beep)."

"Hey dad. It's Sam. Uh, you probably won't even get this, but uh, it's Dean. He's sick and uh, the doctor says there nothing they can do. Um... but uh, they don't know the things we know, right? Um.. so don't worry, cause I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get him better. Alright. Just wanted you to know." Sam left the message and hung up the phone after getting his father's voicemail for the hundredth time.

He had gotten a hotel room a few days ago and was going through every article or piece of research that could possibly help Dean. Hayden was starting to wake up from a nap.

"Uncle Sammy?" She called sitting up as she rubbed her eyes.

"Hayden. Hey." Sam said going to her side. "Are you alright?" He asked. Hayden had been having night terrors of Dean dying for the 3 days they had been there. She shook her head. This was the first nap she had with screaming or jumping out of her sleep.

"Any news on helping daddy?" She asked.

"Well I did find something, finally. I faith healer. Supposedly he's the real deal. Um just trying to get more information on him." He answered.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Sammy." She said as tears built up in her eyes again. Sam looked at her sadly. He knew where this was going.

"Hayden it's not your fault." He said.

"But if I hadn't went through with that stupid plan, I wouldn't have been too weak to save daddy. Now he's gonna die because of me." She cried.

"This isn't your fault and He won't die. I am going to do everything I can to help him. I promise you, I'm going to save him." Sam swore.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Sam slowly got up and cautiously opened the door to reveal Dean on the other side.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked him.

"I checked myself out." Dean said walking into the room.

"Are you crazy?" Hayden asked walking over to them.

Dean sighed as he leaned against the wall.

"I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot." Dean replied. Sam chuckled to his brother before closing the room door. Hayden only sighed and hugged him. Dean rubbed the child's head as she hugged his legs. He felt too weak to pick her up.

"You know, this whole "I laugh in the face of death" thing, it's crap. I can see right through it." Sam said.

"Yeah whatever dude." Dean replied. Hayden back away examining him. He must've forgotten that she could feel his pain and his emotions.

"Have you two even slept? You look worse than me." Dean asked as he struggled to walk to a bed. Sam quickly aided his brother.

"Hayden's been having nightmares and I've been scouring the internet for the last 3 days. Been calling ever contact in dad's journal." Sam explained as Dean sat in the chair across from the bed. Hayden quickly went to stand next to him.

"For what?" He asked.

"For a way to help you. One of dad's friends, Joshua, he called me back, told me about a guy in Nebraska- A specialist." Sam explained.

"You're not gonna let me die in peace, are you?" Dean asked. Hayden frowned at the man. Why would they ever let him die?

"I'm not gonna let you die, period. We're going." Sam said.

"Sam-" Dean started.

"Daddy." Hayden said sternly. Dean look at his child as she frowned at him.

"You are not... You can't die. Not if we can help it. We're going." She said.

Dean just started at her, remembering the time when she was a child that was much too small for her age and couldn't say full sentences. Now she was ordering him to go somewhere that could save his life. He was proud of how much she had grown.

Dean then pulled himself from his thoughts and looked between his brother and his daughter and sighed. He was not going to win this argument.


Sam drove the impala down a deserted road in the middle of nowhere. They were going to a service that was held in a white tent. A lot of people seeking a miracle were joining the service.

Sam parked the impala and turned to Hayden.

"I need you to stay in the car until we come out." He said. Hayden frowned and shook her head.

"Uncle Sammy, I want to see them help daddy." She argued.

"Hayden. Stay here. Please, I need you to stay here. Please. I'm going to do whatever I can to get Dean healed by this pastor but you have to stay here." Sam begged the child.

"I don't want to leave daddy's side." She said sadly.

Dean turned to here. "Haddie, it's alright. We'll be right back. Just stay here and protect the car." Dean said. Before she could reply, Sam got out and Dean opened his door to get out.

She sat back sadly. The meaningless action to Sam and Dean made Hayden suddenly wondered if they thought it was her fault too, even though Sam constantly told her it wasn't. Did he actually mean it though?

"Man you're a lying bastard. I thought you said we were going to see a doctor." Dean complained as he closed the door.

"I believe I said 'a specialist'. This guy is supposed to be the real deal." Sam said.

Hayden sat in the back watching them walk away. She turned away and looked at her lap. She sadly decided to only help when asked. Trying to do things herself has caused more trouble than assistance. So she grabbed her backpack and pulled out her math work.

You should go in there. Other Hayden said in her head.

"I shouldn't get involved anymore. I'm staying here." Hayden said.

Oh come on! Why do we have to miss out? She complained.

"Because we're kids. Kids should stay out of the way. Now go away and let me do my math work." Hayden said. Her alter ego groaned loudly and went away.

She frowned as he vision got blurry. She tried blinking it away but the vision was already coming.

Dean was standing on a stage next to a blind man. The man had his hand on Dean's head. There was a strange looking cross on the stage and another man in a black suit who had his hand on the other side of Dean's head. Dean suddenly got dizzy and fell to his knees before passing out.

Hayden gasped out of the vision. She had a split second where she wanted to ignore the vision but she couldn't. She didn't have it in her to sit back and do nothing when one of the brothers were in trouble. So she threw her math work to the side and ran out of the impala.

She started to the tent when she got dizzy and fell to the ground. It took a second for her to fight the dizzy spell but she did and ran into the tent. When she got there Dean was on the floor of the stage and Sam was next to him. She looked to the blind man seeing the man in the black suit vanish.

"Daddy?! Uncle Sammy?!" She called running to them.

"Hayden what the hell? What are you doing in here?" Sam asked. She paid no mind to his questions seeing Dean staring behind the blind man.

"Daddy!" She yelled. He finally looked at her wide eyed.

"Daddy are you okay?" She asked. He only nodded.

"Come on. Let's get out of here. We have to make sure he's really healed." Sam said helping Dean off the floor. As they walked down the isle to leave, Dean looked back to the blind man. Hayden looked at Dean, worried.




"So you really feel okay?" Sam asked happily.

"I feel fine Sam." Dean said not looking up. Hayden sat on the hospital bed next to him. She held his hand sending him calm waves because his emotions were all over the place.

"Well," a doctor started as she walked into the room, "according to all your tests, there nothing wrong with your heart. No sign that there ever was. Not that a man of your age should be having heart trouble, but uh- still it's strange, it does happen." She explained.

"What do you mean strange?" Dean asked.

"Oh just yesterday, a young guy like you- 27, athletic- out of nowhere, heart attack." She explained.

"Oh no." Hayden said. Did that man give someone else the heart attack that almost killed Daddy? She thought to herself.

"Thanks doc." Dean said and she left the room.

"That's odd." Dean stated.

"Maybe it's a coincidence. People's hearts give out all the time, man." Sam said quickly.

"No, they don't." Dean disagreed.

"Look Dean, do we really have to look this on in the mouth? Why can't we just be thankful that the guy saved your life and move on?" Sam asked.

"Because I can't shake this feeling, that's why." Dean said before walking to get his jacket.

"What feeling?" Sam asked.

"When I was healed, I just- I felt.. wrong. It was nothing like when Hayden's healed us before. When Hayden does it, you feel warmth throughout your whole body. This time, I felt cold and for a second, I saw someone- this old man. I'm telling you Sam it was a spirit." Dean stated.

"If there was something there, I think I would've seen it too. I mean, I've been seeing an awful lol of things lately." Sam argued.

Hayden wanted to tell them what she saw but she felt the energy in the room. Also she still felt like they wouldn't have been here in the first place if it wasn't for her stupid plan. So she stayed silent.

"Well excuse me psychic wonder. You're just gonna need a little faith on this one. Sam, I've been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this." Dean said.

"Yeah alright. So what do you want to do?" Sam complied seeing his brother was completely serious and worried.

"Why don't you check out the heart attack guy? I'm gonna visit the Reverend. I'll take Hayden with me." Dean said. He then grabbed Hayden's hand and left the room.


"You're unusually quiet." Dean stated as he and Hayden parked near the reverend's house.

"No I'm not." She said.

"You're not this quiet when we're discussing a hunt. You're always shooting ideas or statements. You're never this silent." He stated.

"That's not strange." She stated.

"You didn't say anything back at the hospital. Normally you would've because I know that if I saw what I saw then you definitely saw something too. Plus I saw the look on your face when I mentioned the spirit. So again, you're unusually quiet." Dean explained.

"Maybe I should be this quiet more often then." She said. He frowned at her confused before he remembered what Sam told him when he was in the hospital.

"You know this isn't your fault right? None of this is your fault. I most definitely didn't almost die because of you." He said.

"Yes, you did. If I didn't go through with that stupid plan, I wouldn't have been too weak to save you." She stated. Tears filled her eyes as she realized that she really almost lost Dean.

"Hayden-" she cut him off.

"I couldn't teleport to you. I couldn't use my telekinesis to get the monster away from you. I couldn't do anything but watch you get electrocuted and feel you dying." She cried.

"Hayden, your plan actually saved us a lot of time finding that thing. Those kids probably would've been dead already." Dean explained.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." She mumbled.

"I'm not. I didn't almost die because of you. We work a dangerous job where we could die at any moment. What happened back there had nothing to do with you. I told you before, princess. I protect you not the other way around." He explained. Hayden finally looked at him.

"We protect each other and I couldn't protect you. You almost died because I was weak. I'm scared of you dying, daddy. Dying means that you go away... forever. I don't want you to go away forever." She said seriously. Dean sighed and pulled her into a hug.

"Hayden, I'll never leave you forever. I mean no one is ever completely gone, we know that first hand." He started. He then sighed and decided to change his words.

"You're just a kid, Hayden. You may be exceptionally smart and supernatural and you're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit but you're still just a kid for. I'm sorry princess." He said.

"But-" Dean cut her off and held her by her shoulders.

"Listen to me. It's not your fault. I didn't almost die because of you. I wasn't careful and I messed up. Okay? It's not your fault." He explained.

Hayden didn't believe one word. She still whole heartedly believed that if she wasn't weakened from the fight, she would've been able to do something to stop this whole mess. However she didn't say a word. She simply nodded.

"It's alright princess. It's alright." He said hugging her. She sighed hugging him back.

She started to realize that she couldn't imagine what her life would be like if Dean hadn't saved her. Whether Dean had saved her or not, her last family would've died that day. But she wondered where she would be right now if Dean hadn't saved her. She didn't know where she would be. So that made the thought of losing Sam or Dean scarier for her and she started crying. Dean hugged his daughter tighter.


After a little while, Hayden had calmed down and fallen asleep. Dean went inside to talk to the reverend, leaving her there underneath one of his leather jackets.

"I feel great." He said to the reverend and his wife, who was pouring a cup of tea.

"Just trying to, you know, make sense of what happened." He said.

"A miracle is what happened. Miracles come so often around Roy." The reverend's wife stated.

"When did they start? The miracles?" Dean questioned.

"Woke up one morning stone blind. Doctors figured I had cancer, told me I had maybe a month. So uh... we prayed for a miracle. I was weak but I told Sue Ann, 'you just keep right on praying'. I went into a coma. Doctors said I wouldn't wake up but I did and the cancer was gone. If it wasn't for these eyes, no one would believe I'd ever had it." The reverend explained.

"And suddenly you could heal people." Dean said.

"I discovered it afterward, yes. God's blessed me in many ways." He answered.

"And his flock just swelled overnight. And this is just the beginning." Sue Ann stated.

"Can I ask you one last question?" Dean asked.

"Of course you can." The reverend replied.

"Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me?" Dean asked.

"Well, like I said before, the Lord guides me. I looked into your heart and you just... stood out from all the rest." The reverend stated.

"What did you see in my heart?" Dean asked.

"A young man with an important purpose- a job to do and it isn't finished. You've got an angel to protect. So it's not your time just yet." The reverend explained.

Dean thanked the couple for their time and left out. Hayden had a dream about the man in the black suit. So she ended up waking up sooner than Dean hoped. She stood outside leaning on the impala as Dean walked down the stairs.

"Daddy!" She called as she ran over to him.

"You should still be sleeping." He said as she hugged his legs.

"I had a bad dream." She stated.

"Dean, hey." A woman called before he could reply to his daughter. He looked up seeing the woman he ran into yesterday before he was healed.

"Hey." He said.

"How you feeling?" She asked.

"I feel good, cured I guess." He replied.

"Hello." Hayden said politely. The woman looked down at her with a gentle smile.

"Hi, what's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Hayden. What's your name?" Hayden replied.

"I'm Layla." She said. Hayden frowned as she looked at her. She noticed a faint glow surrounding the woman.

"Are you sick Ms. Layla?" She asked.

"Hayden-" Layla cut him off.

"It's alright. She just curious." She said to him.

"I am sick. My mom and I are here to talk to the reverend." She said.

"I hope he can help you like he helped my daddy." She said.

"Layla." Sue Ann called. Layla walked over to her.

"Yes, I'm here again." She said.

"I'm sorry. Roy is resting now. He won't be seeing anyone else." Sue Ann replied. The statement made Hayden sad for Layla.

"Sue Ann please. This is our sixth time. He's got to see us." Layla's mother begged. Dean and Hayden shared a look. They both felt bad for Layla.

"Roy is very well aware of Layla's situation and he very much wants to help just as soon as the lord allows. Have faith Mrs. Rourke." Sue Ann explained.

Hayden felt a rush of anger as Mrs. Rourke turned to her and Dean.

"Why are you still even here? You've got what you wanted." She said.

"Ms... this isn't my daddy's fault. I made him go." Hayden said.

"Mom. Stop." Layla begged her mother.

"No, Layla. This is too much. We've been to every single service. If Roy would stop choosing these strangers over you, strangers who don't even believe... I just can't pray any harder." Mrs. Rourke said.

"Ms. Layla?" Hayden asked. Layla turned her head away. 

"Layla what's wrong?" Dean asked. She sighed.

"I have this thing." She started.

"It's a brain tumor." Her mother said stepping between her and Dean.

"It's inoperable. In six months the doctors say..." she trailed off. Layla placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Dean said.

"It's okay." Layla replied with a smile.

"No it isn't." Mrs. Rourke said to her daughter before turning to Dean.

"Why do you deserve to live more than my daughter?" She said. Hayden instantly felt a wave of guilt flow through her causing her to look at her father. He felt bad that he was saved. She instantly turned back to Mrs. Rourke.

"Ms. Rourke, I understand you're upset but-" she was cut off.

"You understand? You don't know anything. You're just a child." Mrs. Rourke said. Dean went to say something but Hayden was already going.

"I'm a child who was in the same spot as you just yesterday. I don't have a mommy. I only have my daddy and my uncle... and my daddy was gonna die in a month or less. That's only a few weeks. So I'm sorry but we had a chance to save him and we took it. I'm sorry that I'm being selfish but I can't lose my daddy. So please don't blame him." She ranted as tears filled her eyes. Mrs. Rourke said nothing and walked away.

"I'm sorry Ms. Layla. I really do hope you can be saved." Hayden said before Layla walked away. Layla gave her and Dean a sad smile before following her mother.

Hayden them turned to Dean.

"Daddy, please don't do that." She begged.

"So what?" He asked.

"Stop feeling guilty about being saved. You deserve to live just as much as anyone else. You shouldn't feel bad about that." She explained.

"Come on. Let's head back." He said sighing.




The two walked back into their motel room, seeing Sam on his laptop.

Dean took his jackets off and tossed them on the bed.

"What'd you find out?" He asked as he walked over to Sam.

"I'm sorry." Sam said barely looking up to meet his brother's eye. Hayden went over to the bed and sat, silently watching them.

"Sorry about what?" Dean asked.

"Marshall Hall... died at 4:17." Sam said.

"The exact time I was healed." Dean stated.

"Yeah. So I put together a list of everyone Roy has healed, six people over the past year, and I cross checked them with the local obits." Sam started as he handed Dean some papers.

"Every time someone was healed, someone else died. And each time the victim died of the same symptom Le Grange was healing at the time." He explained.

"Someone's healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer?" Dean asked as Hayden walked over to the two.

"He's trading a life for a life? How?" She asked.

"That's what we have to figure out." Sam said as Dean sat down.

"Wait wait wait. So Marshall Hall died to save me?" He asked angrily.

"Daddy, he probably would've died anyway if someone else was healed." Hayden stated.

"You two never should've brought me here." He said walking away.

"Dean we were just trying to save your life." Sam stated.

"But Sam, some guy is now dead because of me!" Dean yelled.

"Daddy we didn't know. We were just trying to save you. You were gonna die. Were we supposed to just let you die?" Hayden cried. Dean stayed silent.

"Daddy, this isn't your fault. None of us knew that this would happen. If this is anyone's fault, it's mine. And you can say it's not all you want but I should've listened to you and not became bait. Then I would've been strong enough to stop you from almost dying. If that happened, we wouldn't have had to come here in the first place." She ranted on. Before anyone could say anything else, Hayden's vision got blurry as she was having a vision.

A woman was standing in the forest looking around. She leaned over like she was just running from something. Hayden saw the spirit in the black suit standing behind the woman. The woman turned to face him and immediately ran in the opposite direction. The man walked after her and Hayden ran after them. The man then appeared in front of the woman and she ran smack into him. She started to get up off the ground, when the man placed his hand on her head.

"No! Don't!" She yelled as she ran over to him. Hayden grabbed him by the wrist or at least she tried to. The second she touched him she was thrown backwards.

"We're dealing with a reaper." Dean stated. Then Hayden flew backwards into the bed. The boys immediately went to her as she gasped looking around.

"What the hell just happened?!" Dean yelled concerned.

"He took someone else. The reverend healed someone else. There was a lady running in the woods. The spirit took her life. I tried to stop him but..." Hayden explained.

"It's alright. Are you alright?" Sam asked helping her to her feet.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She said.

"Good. Don't do that again. It's not a spirit. It's a reaper." Dean said.

"A reaper. Cool... what is that?" She asked.


"So it's an Angel of death that collects souls? You really think this is our monster, daddy?" Hayden said looking at the pictures in Dean's hands.

"No not the Grim Reaper. A reaper. There reaper lore in pretty much every culture on Earth. They go by a hundred different names. It's possible that there's more than one of them." Dean explained.

"But you said you saw a dude in a suit." Sam said.

"He was in a suit. Does that mean something different?" Hayden asked.

"No. Sam do you think he should've been working the black robe thing?" Dean asked.

"That would be cool." Hayden commented. The brothers gave her a blank look.

"Right... not the time. Sorry." She said looking back at the papers in front of Dean.

"You said it yourself that the clock stopped right? Reapers stop time and you can only see them when they're coming at you. Which is why I could see it and you couldn't." Dean explained.

"Maybe." Sam stated.

"There's nothing else it could be Sam. The question is how is Roy controlling the damn thing?" Dean stated.

"The cross." Sam said.

"What?" Dean asked.

"There was this cross." Sam said.

"You mean the weird looking cross with the smaller cross inside a circle?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah. I noticed it in the church tent. I knew I'd seen it before." Sam said pulling out a deck of tarot cards.

"Here." Sam scoffed showing Dean on of the cards.

"A tarot?" Dean asked.

"It makes sense. Tarot dates back to the early Christian era, right, when some priests were still using magic and a few of them veered into dark stuff. Necromancy and how to push death away, how to cause it." Sam explained.

"So Roy is using black magic to bind the reaper?" Dean questioned.

"If he is, he's riding a whirlwind. It's like putting a dog leash on a great white." Sam commented. Dean got up from the table and place a mug in the sink.

"Ok. So we stop Roy." He said leaning on the sink.

"How?" Sam and Hayden asked.

"You know how." Dean said.

"Wait, what the hell are you talking about Dean? We can't kill Roy." Sam said.

"Sam, the guy is playing God. He's deciding who lives and dies. That's a monster in my book." Dean said.

"Wait, daddy. Just hold on a second. We should think about this." Hayden said.

"Dean, we can't kill a human being. We do that, we're no better than him." Sam stated.

"Okay. So we can't kill Roy. We can't kill death. Any bright ideas College boy?" Dean asked.

"What if we break the bind?" Hayden suggested. The brothers looked at her.

"If he's using black magic, then that means he's using a spell right? Magic doesn't work without spells, right?" She asked.

"Right. So we gotta figure out what it is and how to break the spell." Sam stated. Dean sighed. So Hayden walked over to him and held his hand, sending him waves of peace.

"We'll stop him the right way daddy. We stop the monster, we stop him... and no one else has to die." She said. Dean used his free hand to pat her on her head.




The three drove to the church tent. There was another service happening.

"If Roy is using a spell, there might be a spell book." Sam said as they got out. The statement alone made Hayden think of something.

"Uncle Sammy, the man is blind. How can he read?" She asked.

"They have books for blind people, princess. Sam see if you can find the book. Hurry up, too. Service starts in 15 minutes." Dean said.

"Wait what if it isn't him?" She thought out loud. The two paused and turned to her.

"What makes you think that?" Dean asked.

"I don't know but it's definitely something we need to consider." She stated.

"Okay well right know top suspect is Roy. You come with me to stall Roy." Dean said.

"Aye aye captain." Hayden said.

"Roy Le Grange is a fraud. He's no healer." A man said handing the three pamphlets.

"Amen, brother." (Dean)

"You got that right mister." (Hayden)

"Keep up the good work." (Sam)

Then the three split up.


Hayden walked through the tent next to Dean. Then his phone rang signaling Sam's call.

"What do you got?" Dean answered.

"Roy's choosing victims he sees as immoral and I think I know who's next on his list. Remember that protester?" Sam explained.

"The guy in the parking lot?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. Yeah I'll find him but you can't let Roy heal anyone, alright?" Sam said.

Dean then hung up the call.

"What is it daddy? What did Uncle Sammy say?" Hayden asked.

"We can't let Roy heal anyone. Sam found how he's choosing his victims." Dean explained. Then the two started looking around for a way to stop the service.

"Layla. Layla Rourke. Come up here, child." Roy called. Dean and Hayden's heads snapped towards the stages hearing the woman's name.

"No no. Not Ms. Layla." Hayden said. They watched as she hugged her mother before going towards the stage.

"Damnit." Dean said as everyone cheered. He grabbed her arm, stopping her as she started past him to the stage.

"Layla, listen to me. You can't go up there." He whispered to her.

"Why not? We've waited for months." She asked.

"You can't let Roy heal you." Dean said.

"I don't understand. Roy healed you, didn't he? Why wouldn't I at least let him try?" She asked.

"Because something bad is gonna happen. Something really really bad. We can't explain right now but please believe us Ms. Layla." Hayden stated.

"Layla." Sue Ann called as she held her hand out. Layla turned to her then her mother before looking back at Dean and Hayden.

"Please." Dean begged her.

"I'm sorry." She said and turned away. Hayden quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"I'll do it." She said. Layla looked at her confused.

"What? Do what?" She asked.

"I'll heal you. I can heal you. Just please don't go up there." Hayden said.

"Hayden." Dean said.

"What do you mean? You can heal people too?" Layla asked as she squatted to meet Hayden's eye. Hayden nodded.

"Why didn't you heal Dean?" She asked.

"Because when I heal you, I transfer whatever it is to myself." Hayden explained.

"Oh no. Thank you, sweetie but I can't asked you to take my brain tumor for me. I'm sorry." She said looking between Dean and hayden before she walked away from them to go onto the stage.

"Layla. Layla!" Dean called but was ignored. Sue Ann wrapped her arms around Layla as she walked her to the stage.

"Damnit!" Dean said. He grabbed Hayden's hand and started back to the back trying to find a way to stop the service.

"We gotta do something." Hayden said as the reverend rises his hands to Layla's head.

"I know!" Dean replied. The Hayden eyed the candles on stage.

"Fire daddy. There's a fire." She said to Dean. He nodded at her catching her drift before using her telekinesis to knock them over.

"FIRE! EVERYBODY GET OUT OF HERE! THE TENTS ON FIRE!" Dean yelled effectively stopping the service.

Everyone spotted the fire behind the reverend and began to panic and run out of the tent. Hayden discreetly used her telekinesis to knock a bowl of holy water over the fire, putting it out before it could cause real damage.

The two stood there looking at Layla sadly as Dean pulled out his phone dialing Sam.

"We did it. We stopped Roy." He said.

"Dean! It didn't work! The reaper's still coming!" Sam yelled.

"What?! What do you mean?! We stopped Roy!" Dean said.

"No! Im telling you it's still coming! Roy must not be controlling this thing!" Sam said.

"Well then who the hell is?" Dean asked.

"Daddy!" Hayden called as she pointed to Sue Ann, who was the only one in the tent. Her back was to them as she was chanting something.

"She's chanting in Latin." Hayden said.

"It's Sue Ann." Dean said in the phone before he went to her, turning the woman by her shoulder. She was holding a necklace of the cross in her hands.

Dean glared hard at her.

"You bitch." Hayden said as Sue Ann started to yelled for help. Dean couldn't even be mad at Hayden for cursing because he was thinking the exact same thing. A couple troopers grabbed Dean and Hayden, forcing them out of the tent as Sue Ann followed behind.

"Hey, get you goddamned hands off my daughter." Dean said. The trooper complied and released Hayden once they were out of the tent.

"I just don't understand. After everything we've done for you. After Roy healed you. We're just very very disappointed, Dean. You can let them go. I'm not gonna press charges. The lord will deal with them as... he sees fit." She said faking innocence. The troopers released the two.

"Ms. Sue Ann?" Hayden said waving for the woman to come down to her level. Sue Ann smiled sweetly before she went down to Hayden's eye level.

"What is it sweetie?" She asked.

"Evil never prospers." Hayden said.

"Is that so? Because it's looking prosperous to me." Sue Ann said.

"Evil lying bitches like you need to be taught a proper lesson. You shouldn't try to control what can't be controlled. It'll bite you in the ass. Hard." She said glaring at the woman as her eyes flashed purple.

"Consider yourself warned, Sue Ann." She said. Sue Ann said nothing and walked away a bit shaken.

"We catch you around here again, boy, we'll put the fear of god in you. Understand?" One of the troopers said. Hayden scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Yes sir, fear of god. Got it." Dean said. Hayden laughed causing the men to turn to her.

"Sir, you threaten my daddy again, I'll put you on god's front porch." She glared, her eyes still purple. She was so tired of everyone in this stupid town. She literally just almost lost Dean and people think they can threaten his life. She wasn't having any of it.

"Hayden, it's fine." Dean said as the troopers released him. She the troopers one last glare before turning to Dean, who smiled at her.

"Let's find Uncle Sammy." She said as her eyes went back brown. The two turned around seeing Layla behind them.

"Layla." Dean said.

"Why did you guys do that Dean? And it could've been my only chance." She asked. Hayden felt her hurt.

"He's not a healer." Dean said.

"He healed you." She argued.

"I know it doesn't seem fair and I wish I could explain it but Roy is not the answer. I'm sorry." He said.

"Goodbye Dean." She said walking around them.

"Ms. Layla." Hayden called to her. She turned around.

"I wish you luck. I really do." She said.

"Same to you." Dean said. She walked away sadly.

"You deserve it a lot more than me." He added.

"She does deserve it. Not more than you daddy. You deserve the whole world but she didn't deserve to die... which is why I'm gonna heal her." Hayden stated before turning to Dean, who looked at her in shock.

"I know what you're gonna say but we owe her that much. We can't let Roy heal anyone, including Ms. Layla. The least we can do... is to let me heal her." She explained.

"Hayden, what if it kills you?" Dean asked worriedly.

"It shouldn't. If I didn't have these healing powers, I'd already be dead from getting hit in the head a lot. That family could've created a tumor in my head. I'll be fine daddy." She said. I should be. She thought.

"We'll discuss this more later. Let's go." He said.

"Private session tonight, no interruptions. I give you my word. I'll heal your daughter." They heard the reverend say to Mrs. Rourke as they walked past.

"Thank you reverend. God bless you." She said.




"So Roy really believes." Sam stated as he sat on the bed of the motel room. Dean was pacing and Hayden sat on Dean's bed.

"I doubt he has any idea what she's doing." Hayden said.

"Oh? I found this hidden in their library. It's ancient. Written by a priest who went dark side. There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper." Sam Sam holding up a small black book. He then handed it to Dean.

"Must be one hell of a spell." Dean said as Sam handed him the book.

"Yeah. You gotta build a black altar with seriously dark stuff- bones, human blood. To cross a line like that, that preacher's wife- black magic, murder. Evil." Sam said.

"Desperate. Her husband was dying. She'd have done anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy." Dean corrected. Hayden stayed silent as she understood Sue Ann a bit. She wouldn't have gone as far to bind a reaper, but she would've fought till her last breathe to keep it away from Sam or Dean.

"Cheating death. Literally." Sam said.

"Yeah, but Roy's alive. So why's she still using the spell?" Dean questioned.

"Right. To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral." Sam stated.

"God save us from half the people who think they're doing god's work." Dean scoffed.

"We have to break the spell." Hayden said.

"You know Sue Ann had a Coptic cross like this. When she dropped it the reaper backed off." Dean said.

"So you think we gotta find the cross or destroy the altar?" Sam asked.

"Both. The altar is the binding spell. The cross is how she's controlling him to kill who she wants. We destroy both." Hayden said.

"Whatever we do, we'd better do it soon. Roy's healing Layla tonight." Dean said. He set the book on the bed. Hayden went to look through it but yelled and jumped back once she touched it.

"What is it? What's wrong?" The brothers asked.

"It burned me." She said cradling her hand into her chest.

"Why the hell did that happen?" Dean asked as he examined the burn on Hayden's fingers.

"Maybe because it's black magic. It's a book of black magic. Maybe it somehow repels Hayden?" Sam suggested.

"Come on." Dean said as he took his daughter to the sink to run the burns under cold water.




The family parked outside of the tent.

"That's Layla's car. She's already here." Hayden said.

"Yeah." Dean said. Hayden instantly felt his emotions and Sam saw his face.

"Dean-" Sam started but Dean cut him off.

"You know if Roy would've picked Layla instead of me, she'd be healed right now." He said.

"Daddy stop." Hayden begged.

"And if she's not healed tonight, she's gonna die in a couple of months." He finished.

"What's happening to her is horrible. But what are you gonna do? Let somebody else die to save her? You said it yourself Dean. You can't play god." Sam said.

Hayden made a mental note that she was going to save Layla. She knows that going through with this plan was a bad decision and the last plan she played out almost cost her Dean. But she couldn't help but to do this because she knew that she could help Layla. Layla didn't deserve to die and she was pissed at the reverend for waiting until now to try and heal Layla when he could've done that months ago. That way this wouldn't be harder for Dean or her.

The three got out of the car and walked over to the tent. They peaked inside seeing Sue Ann was missing.

"Where's Sue Ann?" Dean asked.

"House." Sam replied and the three walked off.

"Go find Sue Ann. I'll catch up." Dean said and pushed Hayden into Sam.

"What are you-" Dean cut them off.

"Hey!" He called to the troopers that were walking off Roy's porch. Sam quickly grabbed Hayden and hid in the bushes.

"Gonna put that fear of god in me?" Dean asked before running off, leading the troopers away so sam and Hayden could find Sue Ann.

They quickly went onto the porch to find a way into the house.

"Uncle Sammy, you go. I'm gonna find daddy." Hayden said and teleported away before Sam could say anything. She ended up right behind the troopers, who were still looking for Dean and sighed.

"You people never learn, do you?" She asked. They quickly turned around and pointed their guns at her.

"Hands Where I Can See Them!" The short one yelled.

"We don't have time for this." Hayden said as she rolled her eyes. She then waved both of her hands in opposite directions making the troopers fly apart into two RVs, knocking them unconscious.

"You can come out daddy." She called to Dean who was on top of the RV in front of her.

"Hey," Dean started as he climbed down, "I sent you with Sam." He said as he stood in front of her.

"Last time I went with Uncle Sammy, you almost died. So no thank you." She stated with a sarcastic smile. Dean chuckled at his daughter.

"You're such a smart ass. Come on." He said. Suddenly the light went out.

"What the heck?" Hayden said as the two looked around. Dean turned around, seeing the reaper right behind him.

He did nothing as it approached him. Hayden quickly stood in between the two and waved her arm, throwing the creature away.

"Hayden, what-" she cut him off by pushing him to run away.

"Get out of here!" She yelled.

"Hayden, we can't stop it unless the cross and the altar is destroyed. Find Sue Ann." He said as the reaper got back to his feet.

"But what about you?" She asked.

"I'll be fine. Go! Now!" He said. Hayden pictures Sue Ann and teleported right behind her.

She started towards her was she felt intense pain in her head. The reaper had Dean. She cried out making Sue Ann turn to her.

"Don't worry sweetie. The lord will take great care of your daddy." She said as Hayden fell to her knees gripping her head. Suddenly Sam run over to Sue Ann and snatched the necklace from her, smashing it to the ground.

"My god! What have you done?!" She cried.

"He's not your god." Sam said.

Hayden felt relief as the reaper let go of Dean. She glared at Sue Ann and stood to her feet before she kicked her in the back of her knee, making the woman fall to the ground. She then kicked her in her stomach and punched her in the face.

Hayden looked up seeing the reaper smile at Sue Ann.

"Tch tch tch. God's not going to be very happy with you Sue Ann." She said before leaning down to her ear. Sue Ann was stuck as the reaper smiled at her.

"I told you. It'll bite you in the ass. Hard." Hayden said.

"She's all yours." She said to the reaper before waving her hand and throwing the woman to the him. Sue Ann tried to run but the reaper appeared before and place his hand on her head, sucking the life from her.

"Uncle Sammy, go find daddy. He's still in the parking lot." Hayden said. Sam looked at her seeing she was looking inside the tent at a confused and broken Layla.

"Hayden, no." He said.

"Uncle Sammy, I can help her. It's the least we can do. She doesn't deserve to die. I told her I'd heal her." She argued.

"What happens when you don't heal from the brain tumor Hayden." He asked.

"I should be fine." Hayden said.

"Should, meaning there's a possibility the you won't." He said.

"But she didn't deserve to die." Hayden argued. Sam sighed and went to her, getting down on her level.

"I know. I understand that. But we can't save everyone. I'm sorry but we can't." He said.

"But she doesn't deserve that." She said sadly.

"There's a lot of people in the world that are sick like Layla and don't deserve it. But it's not our job to interfere with that. Just because we can doesn't mean we should." He said.

"I don't understand. Aren't we supposed to save people?" She asked.

"From monsters, Haddie. Not from life." He said. She dropped her head and walked with Sam as they went to meet Dean at the impala.


"You alright?" Sam asked Dean as the three met up at the impala.

"A hell of a week." Dean said.

"Yeah. Come on we should get going." Sam said and the three got in and left.




Sam was packing up their stuff while Dean was sitting on the bed thinking and Hayden was in the bathroom.

"What is it?" Sam asked noticing the look on his brother's face.

"Nothing." Dean lied. Sam put his hand on his hips looking to his brother.

"What is it?" He repeated.

"We did the right thing here, didn't we?" Dean asked.

"Yea we did." Sam said.

"Doesn't feel like it." Dean replied.

"Daddy, can we get a milkshake?" Hayden asked as she came out of the bathroom. Before Dean could answer his daughter, there was a knock on the door.

"I got it." Sam said as he opened the door.

"Hey Layla. Come on in." He said inviting Layla in the motel room.

"Hey." Dean said standing up as Layla walked over to him.

"How'd you know we were here?" Dean asked.

"Uh, Sam called. He said you wanted to say goodbye." She replied.

"Hayden and I are gonna go grab sodas." Sam said. Hayden frowned at him.

"I'm not thirsty." She said trying to stay.

"You will be later." Sam said trying to give Dean and Layla space.

"But I don't even like soda." Hayden argued.

"Alright then we'll find juice." Sam said.

"I don't want to leave." She said.

"Alright." Sam said said before picking the child up by her waist, and exiting the room, closing the door behind them.

"Why'd you do that? I wanna say goodbye too." Hayden pouted as Sam.

"Let's just give Dean and Layla their space to talk for now. Then when they're done, you can say goodbye." He said. After a little bit, Layla came out teary eyed.

"Uncle Sammy, I'm gonna say goodbye to Ms. Layla. You check on daddy. He's sad." Hayden said as she felt Dean's emotions. Sam nodded and went back into the room.

"I'm sorry Uncle Sammy." She said quietly after the door closed. She then turned to Layla.

"My daddy and Uncle Sammy are about to be really mad at me." She said as tears filled her eyes.

"Why?" Layla asked.

"Can I have a hug?" Hayden asked ignoring her question.

Layla nodded as she kneeled down on one knee and held her arms out to the child. Hayden hugged her tightly and squeezed her eyes shut. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she wasn't sure she'd heal from this but she wanted to help Layla.

Layla suddenly felt warmth flow through her body. She felt a bit of pressure on her head as Hayden held her tighter. Then after a few seconds, Hayden let go.

"Hayden, what-" Layla couldn't get the words to come out. Hayden smiled softly at her as her nose began to bleed.

"I promised to heal you." She said before falling to the floor going unconscious. Layla's eyes widened in shock and she yelled for Sam and Dean.

The brothers heard Layla's cries and quickly ran out the door seeing the woman crying over an unconscious Hayden.

"What happened?" Sam asked and he and Dean went to the two.

"She said she was sorry and that you were gonna be mad at her. So I gave her a hug." Layla cried. She was terrified that her tumor had been transferred to Hayden and killed her.

"Layla, what happened?" Dean asked. Through her tears, Layla said the words that the brothers were dreading to hear.

"She healed me."


In the motel room, the three adults waited around for Hayden to wake up. She had been unconscious for four hours now but, luckily, she still had a heartbeat.

The brothers had told Layla that she didn't have to stay but Layla refused to leave before making sure the child was okay.

After about another 45 minutes, Hayden finally opened her eyes. She groaned as he rose her hand to her head. The adults immediately crowded her, bombarding her with questions.

"I'm alright. I'm gonna have a headache for weeks." She complained as she sat up holding her head.

"Why did you do that?" Layla asked.

"Because, it's not fair. You don't deserve to die just like my daddy doesn't. You're kind and peaceful and innocent. I just couldn't understand why god would give you something that could kill you." She explained before turning to the brothers.

"Daddy, Uncle Sammy, I'm sorry. I just couldn't sit back knowing that she was gonna die and I could help her. You don't have to worry about the tumor it's pretty much healed." She said. Dean pulled her into a hug.

"I should kick your ass. I told you that was dangerous. What if you died huh? What am I supposed to do if my little girl died?" He said.

"I'm sorry daddy." She said into his shoulder.

"God. Just please don't do that to me again." He said. Sam held back his tears and hugged his brother and niece. Layla smiled at the family as they pulled away from one another.

"Hayden." She said. The three turned to her. Laylacouldn't help herself anymore and pulled the child into a tearful hug.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She cried. Hayden blinked a shock before smiling and hugging her back. Layla then pulled away and turned to Dean.

"I told you. God works in mysterious ways." She said. She thanked them one last time before leaving.

The brothers then turned to Hayden.

"You're clinically insane." Dean said. Hayden laughed.

"I'm a Winchester." She sassed. Sam burst out laughing.

"Haha. Real funny. If you're healed, get off your ass and help pack." Dean said.

"Oh! Oh my head." She said as she closed her eyes faking pain. Hearing nothing, she peaked one eye open seeing Dean standing in front of her looking like an annoyed parent with his hands on his hips. She opened her eyes and laughed sheepishly.

"Right. Packing." She said before getting off the bed to help.

"Better luck next time kid." Sam commented and the family finished packaging before heading out to their next unknown destination.

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