Spider-Man: New Home (18+)

By Sp1derT1tan

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(Spider-Man x Raven ship part 1) After Peter Parker chooses to let his friends forget him in order to save th... More

Dedications and Author's Note
Fan Cast
Chapter 1: Aftermath
Chapter 2: Transient
Chapter 3: No Way Home
Chapter 4: The Search
Chapter 5: Meet the Titans
Chapter 6: Down Came the Rain
Chapter 7: Calming the Storm
Chapter 8: Fondness Blossoming.
Chapter 9: Spider-Man and the Titans
Chapter 10: Denial Twist
Chapter 11: In the Pale Moonlight
Chapter 12: The Raven Caught a Spider
Chapter 13: All's Fair at the Fair
Chapter 14: Dinner and a Crime Spree
Chapter 15: A Warning
Chapter 16: On the Trail
Chapter 17: How I Truly Feel
Chapter 18: The Heist
Chapter 19: Waiting Room
Chapter 20: The Face of Fear
Chapter 21: More Than I Can Bear
Chapter 22: First Time (18+)
Chapter 23: Invitation
Chapter 24: The Test
Chapter 25: The Way Of The Fist
Chapter 26: Happy Birthday?
Chapter 27: Earth Shattering
Chapter 28: Through My Eyes
Chapter 29: Purple Haze (18+)
Chapter 31: Lean on Me
Chapter 32: The H.I.V.E.'s Last Dance pt. 1
Chapter 33: Black Magic Woman (18+)
Chapter 34: The H.I.V.E.'s Last Dance Pt.2
Chapter 35: The H.I.V.E.'s Last Dance pt.3
Chapter 36: We Need to Talk
Chapter 37: Suit Up
Chapter 38: Fort Eternal
Chapter 39: The Teen Titans vs Deathstroke
Chapter 40: Rubble
Chapter 41: Lookout! Here Comes The...
Chapter 42: By The Powers Of Azerath...
Chapter 43: Teen Titans GO!

Chapter 30: Invasion

1.1K 30 16
By Sp1derT1tan

One morning, the sun cast a brilliant golden light over New York City. The peace of the city was interrupted, however by a commotion that had been going on all night. The source of this commotion was coming from the Statue of Liberty. Massive booms, flashes of light, and other ferocious roars echoed over the city. Even as loud as the city itself usually was, the event could be heard above it all.

By the time the sun began to peek over the horizon, one final explosion echoed across the water before leaving the island in silence for a few moments. The island was once being reconstructed for a new design, and now the progress that had been made lied in ruin around the towering statue, with a massive shield, meant to me added, lying in the water. Two men fell from the sky in a trail of smoke, before crashing onto the shield with a heavy roll. One of the men, Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. The other, Norman Osborne, aka Green Goblin.
As Peter and Osborne stumbled to their feet they eyed each other with intense fury. Five other people watched the scene as it happened. Two of them dressed in Spider-Man outfits; alternate versions of Peter Parker. The other two were Peter's friends, Ned and MJ. The fifth person was Raven, unbeknownst to everyone there, floating in midair over the scene, unable to be seen by anybody. She watched in shock as Peter flared his teeth and glared at his adversary with utter blood lust.

"Poor Peter." Osborne taunted. "Too weak... to send me home to die."

"No." Peter replied, not breaking eye contact for a moment. "I just wanna kill you myself."

The Goblin grinned widely in response, and replied. "Attaboy!"

Peter grunted with fury and traded blow after blow with the Goblin, eventually gaining the upper hand with Osborne's arm webbed to his thigh while Peter landed blow after blow upon his helpless enemy. Raven was surprised to see the fury and hate in his eyes, as it was completely unlike him. She could sense how lost, confused, and hurt he was. It was as if his whole world had fallen apart. Peter then slowly reached down and grabbed the Goblin's glider from his feet and raised it over his head, its razor sharp blades aiming directly for his foe. He lunged the weapon down with all his might, intending to kill, but at the last moment another person stepped in and pushed back against the glider with equal force
It was the oldest of the three Peter's. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. He gave him a look as if to say, you're better than this. After a few moments, the younger Peter let go of the glider and dropped it, making the decision to spare Osborne's life. Suddenly the older Peter was stabbed in his lower back by the Goblin with a sinister cackle and the older Peter collapsed onto the giant Captain America shield.

The Goblin rose to his feet with a stumble. Peter turned to face him with a determined glare. "She was there because of you." Goblin laughed. "I may have struck the blow, but you..." Raven could sense the pain the words were causing him as well as how much Peter was suddenly restraining himself from finishing his foe. "YOU are the one that killed her." The Goblin let out a final bellowing cackle.

Suddenly the third Peter threw a green glass tube from atop he scaffolding and the first Peter caught it. The Goblin's cackling was cut short when Peter injected him in the neck with the tube. Suddenly Norman Osborne's eyes softened, appearing confused.
Rave could tell it was over and pondered about it for a moment as Peter said goodbye to the other Peter's before going to check his friends. Not only did she feel sorry for him, but she had a strange urge to hug him tightly and stroke his hair. Perhaps, that was Happy getting out again. In reality she adored him, though she always played it off in her usual calm and reserved way. After being without him for two weeks it felt as though she was returning home after a two week mission to outer space.
She looked down and saw the memory of Peter and his friends talking in the distance. This memory alone was a lot to take in, but she was glad to have seen it.

As a start to his self healing, he eventually asked her to go into his mind properly this time and help him with the healing process. Even though they had been dating for months, it still flattered Raven to no end that Peter wanted her help with such important things. She wondered if she would ever get used to having him. Trusting him and him trusting her. Being vulnerable with him. Even kissing him still sent butterflies through her stomach just as it did the first time.

This was a different Peter she had seen, than what she was used to. A Peter hardened by loss, yet softened by the guidance of someone who understood what he was feeling.

Suddenly her attention was grabbed as the sky began to split overhead, tearing like cloths and revealing purple cosmos glowing overhead. She looked back to Peter, who quickly jumped to the head of the statue and met with another man with a red flowing cape, using a sort of magic to try and force the tears in reality back together. Raven quickly flew closer to hear what the were saying.

"You don't understand." Doctor Strange began, shakily. His eyes filled with sorrow. "If I cast the spell again everyone who loves you, we..." he took a deep breath, before continuing. "They won't remember who you are."

Raven was shocked at that revalation. Peter never told her that he had to make such a sacrifice.

"I know." Peter nodded with a nearvous gulp. "Do it."

She followed him as he returned to his friends. She could feel the anguish inside him, brought forth by the terrible decision he had been forced with. Though, the fact that he made it came as no surprise to her. Peter seemed to live his life by a fiercely rigorous moral code. A moral code that, at times, seemed to bring forth the kind of devastation that can cut him. This was no accepting it seemed as she watched Peter and his friends give teary eyed goodbyes.

"I'm gonna come and find you and I'll explain everything." He said with a choked up voice.

She watched as MJ gave a reluctant nod, trying to keep it together. "You'd better..." she sniffled. "Or I'll just figure it out again... you know I will."

Raven didn't think it would be uncomfortable to see memories of him with his former love, despite his worry. Though seeing them share a last kiss did cause her to look away slightly.
She watched with curiosity as Peter slipped his mask back on and backed away, getting one last look at his friends. Suddenly she saw Peter's body disappear, slipping through the ground like a coin going through a floor board.

Raven floated over to where he had been standing, but the ground appeared completely fine, with no holes or cracks to speak of. "What the hell?" She mumbled to herself.

"Peter?" Ned gasped.

MJ shouted too. "Peter?!"

Suddenly, before either of them could react any further, a burst of golden energy exploded from atop the tower and covered the morning sky. Raven watched as the purple cracks in reality slowly sealed themselves and Ned and MJ's faces both softened into one's of confusion as their memories of Peter were wiped shortly after.

Suddenly Raven waved her hands and returned herself to her bedroom. Peter snapped out of his trance with a gasp. Panting as if he had been on a sprint just now. Raven looked at Peter for a moment; in her mind putting the pieces together of what little she's allowed herself to feel from him. As an empath, she always felt a great deal of sadness and guilt behind his goofy exterior. She always assumed it all came from the death of his Aunt, but now she could see there was more to his inner turmoil than she expected. He would always put his own needs behind doing the right thing, no matter how painful it was.

"What happened?" Peter asked, still trying to catch his breath. "What was that?!"

Raven removed her hands from his temples and walked around from where she was standing behind him and sat down in front of him.

"I don't know." She shook her head with a bewildered gaze. "Usually when someone travels universes there's some sort of indicator."

Peter furrowed his brows, growing more confused than before. "So what, like... a portal?"

"A portal." She nodded. "Or an object, like a painting or a book..." she furrowed her brows, disturbed at how little she knew about the situation. "The fact that you just... slipped through the ground, like that?... its... uncanny."

"Ooh, did I scare THE Raven?" He chuckled, leaning in mere inches from her face with a devilish grin.

Raven's face went a little red at he closeness, but she played it off with a roll of the eyes. "Shut up." Then closed the distance and planted a kiss on his lips.

After a few seconds, the broke away and Peter gave a satisfied smile and nodded. "Shutting up... Can do."

"I'm gonna do some research on similar cases of interdimensional travel. Try to find any similarities." She nodded as she stood up from her chair.

"Something Raven doesn't know?" Peter chuckled as he stood up with a stretch and followed her out of her room. "Very spooky."

"I've never heard of ANYTHING like it." She explained, still deep in thought.

Peter smiled in adoration at her passion for the subject. "But there's something about it that feels oddly... nostalgic... if that makes sense."

Peter shrugged his shoulders at that. "You lost me, girl."

Raven gave a dry chuckle and nodded her head as they entered the kitchen. "I don't blame you."

Peter folded his arms and leaned against the counter with a satisfied smirk as he watched her rummage through her ever expansive tea collection. His eyes trailed lovingly up her figure. At this point the cloak did little to get in the way of his staring.

"What do you think?" She asked with a huff and threw her arm up. "I can't decide."

Peter walked over to her and stood ever closely behind her, his hands trailing up and down her waist. Raven shivered at the gesture, but Peter pretended not to even notice, with a playful smirk.

"For the last time." She breathed out with a timid smirk. "Not in public. It's NOT exhilarating, its... anxiety inducing."

Peter gave a light chuckle at that, before reaching into the cabinet and pulling out a small yellow tin. "How's about honey vanilla camomile?"

Raven gave a silent nod at that and grabbed the tin, locking eyes with him for a moment with a disapproving smirk. Peter watched as she turned around and started the water before he heard a noise over his shoulder.


Peter looked over his shoulder with an eyebrow raised a noticed Beastboy's head poked around the corner looking at him.

"Peter!" He whispered, waving him towards him. "I gotta talk to you."

Peter chuckled at Beastboy's antics and shook his head. Then he turned around and tapped Raven's shoulder.

"I'll be right back." He whispered into her ear.

Raven shivered at his close whisper and rolled her eyes with an amused grin. "Stop that!" She whispered back.

Peter made his way out of the kitchen and looked in confusion around the empty living room, before eventually spotting Beastboy up the stairs in the corner of the room overlooking the couch below. Peter walked up the steps before sitting next to the green Titan on the top step. Peter could notice Beastboy's knee bouncing frantically and a look of severe nervousness on his face.

"Sup, bud?" Peter asked with concern.

"Hey man." BB nodded at him. "I wanted to ask you for a favor."

"Okay." Peter nodded, wondering what could possibly be wrong. "What is it?"

Beastboy stared down at his lap with a look of defeat and anxiety. "Do you think you could give me some advice?... about Terra?"

The pieces clicked together as soon as he said it and Peter nodded. "Ooooh. It's a girl thing." He nodded with a chuckle. "Yeah I was wondering when you were gonna ask her out... but why do you want advice from me?"

"Dude..." Beastboy deadpanned at Peter with a shake of the head. "You know girls."

"I don't!" Peter laughed modestly.
"You have ALL the rizz!" The green Titan pressed.

"I'm not even sure that's how you use that word." Peter continued laughing.

"You got Raven!" Beastboy argued. "She wouldn't even let any of us in her room and now you're dating and whatnot."

Peter rubbed the back of his head and looked away at that. "We're doing a lot more than that." He mumbled to himself under his breath.

BB didn't hear him and leaned in closer. "Huh?"

"Nothing. Nothing." Peter waved it off and shook his head. "Look my point is, I got by mostly on just luck." He explained. "I had no idea what I was doing half the time."

"But it worked for you." He argued. "All I'm asking is for you to just help me figure out what to say. I just wanna be able to ask her out without making myself look like a goober!"

"You do know those two are nothing alike, right?" Peter replied.

"Peter, Please!" Beastboy begged, his hands clasped in front of him. "Pleeeeeease!"

Peter threw his hands up with a light hearted chuckle. "Okay, okay. Relax." He chuckled and patted Beastboy on the back. "You just wanna be casual about it. Just walk up to her and be like, 'Yo, Terra wanna grab dinner tonight? My treat?'" He shrugged. "Simple."

"But what if I do something stupid?!" Beastboy replied, his hands anxiously running through his hair. "Like drool on myself, or stutter? Or what if I smell bad?"

"Just practice basic hygiene and you'll be fine." Peter waved it off, then patted his team mates shoulder with encouragement. "You got this. I promise the anxiety of planning it is much worse than actually doing it."

"Easy for you to say." Beastboy chuckled.

Peter shook his head and gave Beastboy a nudge as he rose to his feet. "It'll be okay. Just take the leap of faith, dude." Peter looked over his shoulder and waved at Raven as she walked out of the kitchen with their tea in each hand. "I'll talk to you later." He waved over his shoulder as he took his cup and followed Raven towards the elevator.

"Whatever it is... I don't wanna know." She stated flatly as they entered the elevator, causing Peter to give a light chuckle.

When they got to the roof he followed her to the edge and sat down beside her and stared off into he sunset. He turned his tea in hand with an absent smile as he took in the moment.

"Do you ever think about her?" Raven finally asked.

"Hmm?" Peter snapped his head around in confusion. "Who?"

Raven scoffed at that before replying. "MJ?"

"Oh..." He blinked with a surprised look and looked off for a moment. "I mean yeah, sometimes." He shrugged. "I mostly just feel guilty about the whole thing now."

Raven shook her head at that. "It's pointless to feel guilty about it."

"I know." He nodded then looked back to her with a smile. "You help."

Raven allowed herself to slip into his arm, enjoying their closeness for a moment.

"You know." He started. "Sometimes I feel like without me in it, their lives probably look about the same. Ned and MJ, I mean."

"Well you've certainly changed mine." Raven replied flatly. "Boy have you."

Peter chuckled at her sarcasm and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what you're talking about " He played it off with innocence.

"BEASTBOY TO SPIDERMAN. I REPEAT, BEASTBOY TO SPIDERMAN! DO YOU COPY?!" The voice of the green Titan bellowed through Peter's communicator, making him and Rave jump in place.

"I swear, he can be so..." Raven said through her teeth with frustration.

Peter chuckled and shook his head, before answering and Beastboy's face showed up on screen.

"What's up, BB?" Peter asked. "Everything okay?"

"NO!" Beastboy shouted in distress. "Everything is NOT okay! Meet me at the carnival, stat! I need your help again, but you can't be seen!"

"I'm kinda having a moment here." Peter shrugged in amusement.

"You can make out with Raven later, this is an emergency!" He argued with urgency

"Shut it, Beastboy!" Raven grumbled from outside the camera shot.

"I'll be right there." Peter chuckled. "But you owe me." He pointed at the screen, before hanging up

"Do I even wanna know what sort of stupid thing he's roped you into doing?" Raven grumbled in annoyance as Peter rose to his feet.

"Probably not." Peter replied as he stretched his back. "I'll try to make it quick." As she shifted into her meditative stance, he leaned down and kissed her on the forhead, before adding. "I love you."

Raven's face went flushed and she peeked at him with one eye for a moment, before replying. "I love you too."

Peter went into his room and from one of the drawers he pulled out a new suit he had been working on, using the materials Robin had gotten him for his birthday. The suit had a black base with purple accents for the webs and spider logo and large mirrored lenses. The legs of the spider logo stretched over the shoulders and under the arms, connecting to a similar one on the back.

He called it the Recluse Armor.

After changing into the new suit, he left the tower and swung through the city, before reaching the fair grounds standing on the edge of the forest. Strangely enough, however, he noticed that other than the lights, rides, and workers, there were almost no customers present. He swung over the tents, before landing on the side of a telephone tower and looked down over the fair grounds. It wasn't long before he spotted the blonde hair of Terra and green skin of beastboy over by one of the games. Peter swung in behind them and ducked behind one of the tents.
With a flick of the wrist he shot a small web at he back of his head and his teammate looked back in confusion, before barely noticing Peter hidden in the shadows.

"Hey." Beastboy nudged Terra with a casual smirk. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

"Sure." Terra chimed with a chipper tone. "I'll be here."

At that moment as Peter was watching him walk away from her, he could feel the hairs on his body stand up and his Spider senses started tingling. His attention was immediately drawn to Terra, which brought only confusion to him.

Why would his Spider senses be tingling because of Terra?

He shook his head and waved it off for now and followed Beastboy behind the tents where they couldn't be seen.

"I almost didn't recognize you with the new suit on." Beastboy grinned, rubbing the back of his head. "Nice."

"Thanks." Peter shrugged sheepishly. "So what was it you needed help with?"

"I think I'm screwing this up, man." Beastboy stated with an anxious expression. "I know it!"

"What?" Peter scoffed. "What are you talking about, she's having a great time."

"I keep on wanting to be cool and casual like you said, but I keep messing it up. You gotta follow us. Here." He said. Handing Peter a small ear piece.

"What?!" Peter scoffed in amusement. "No way! This is supid! You don't need me."

"I need you there in case I can't think of something to say!" Beastboy pleaded. "I really like this girl. Please, Peter! Please!"

"Alright alright, relax." Peter waved it off with a grumble. "Sheesh, I guess I'm Patrick to your SpongeBob today."

"It's not a joke!" Beastboy replied defensively.

"It's okay." Peter replied with a shrug. "We'll get you your boating license, don't worry."

"Look just listen in on the ear piece and keep a safe distance, you can't be seen." Beastboy explained.

Peter nodded, pressing a button on his web shooters. "No problem." After pushing the button, Beastboy gasped in shock when Peter's body vanished into thin air.

"Peter?" The green Titan responded in a panic.

"Right in front of you, dude." The invisible Peter chuckled. "I reverse engineered the cloaking device in the Titan's jet and made a smaller version to go in my suit."

"That's totally, sick!" Beastboy pumped his fist up, backing away from Peter in a rush. "Okay cool. Thanks, Spidey! I owe you one!"

Peter watched in amusement as Beastboy ran back to Terra. "Damn right you do." He mumbled to himself, before webbing him onto a nearby light post and watching them from above.

Peter followed Beastboy and Terra around the fair, practically right on top of them most of the time, unbeknownst to either of them. Oddly enough, whenever they got close to him his Spider senses would start tingling, directed at Terra.

After the fourth time it happened, Peter decided to check with Beastboy through the ear piece.

"BB it's, Peter, you copy?" He said.

The green Titan covered his ear casually and replied. "Yeah." As if he was talking to Terra.

"My Spider senses are tingling." Peter stated with concern. "Is something wrong with Terra?"

"No!" Beastboy said a little loud.

Terra looked to him with confusion. "Huh?"

Beastboy snapped his arm down, pulling the ear piece out of his ear, before stuffing it in his pocket. "Uh... it's nothing. Hehe."

"Beastboy?!" Peter called into the ear piece, but got no response. "Beastboy! Can you hear me?! Dammit!" He said, with a shake of the head as the couple headed towards the exit. He briefly considered going back to the tower and leaving Beastboy to his date, but his Spider Sense kept tingling. "God I hope I'm wrong about this." He mumbled to himself as he swung after them.

He followed them out of the fair and was shocked to notice the street lights and roof tops of the city were soon replaced with nothing but pine trees as he followed them both out of the city. They both laughed and joked as if nothing was going on, but his senses kept screaming at him to be weary of Terra.

Eventually he was able to stop swinging and perched atop a branch overlooking the country road. Beastboy and Terra finally came to a stopping point and went inside an old lookin restaurant with wooden walls and a bar in the center. It was an odd place for them to go to, and appeared populated mostly by bikers and elderly folk.

'I gotta figure out what's going on, before Beastboy gets hurt.' He thought to himself, 'But what is it? Why Terra?!'

Peter swung through the trees and landed on the roof of the restaurant, before dropping down and walking right through the door. One of the waitresses came over to the door with a confused look, before shutting it behind the still invisible Peter.

Peter crossed the diner and found them sat at the bar with a slice of apple pie for each of them.

"This pie..." Beastboy said in a low voice of awe. "Defeats all other pies."

Terra laughed at that. Peter felt his Spider senses tingling stronger than ever. So he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and listened closer. After a moment he gasped at the realization that she wasn't their ally at all. Terra was secretly their enemy.

"Beastboy." Peter whispered in his ear.

"Aaah!" Beastboy jumped in fright.

"What?!" Terra asked with concern.

"Hehe. Just... mosquito bite, I think." He replied sheepishly.

"But we're inside." Terra pointed out in confusion.

"I'm gonna go check it out." He said, rushing past her toward the bathroom. "I'll be right back!"

"Wait, Beastboy!" She called after him, but he was already gone.

Peter followed closely behind him and turned off his suits cloaking device.

"Dude what's your deal?!" Beastboy growled with frustration.

"You've gotta listen to me." Peter said, pulling his mask off. "Terra isn't our friend. I don't know how, but she IS a spy."

"What?!" Beastboy snapped. "You're nuts! This is Terra we're talking about here!"

"Look, my Spider Senses are never wrong about danger. You have to believe me." Peter insisted with urgency.

"Yeah right, your 'Spider Senses'? There's literally no reason for you to think that!" He argued, shoving Peter backwards into the wall. "So don't talk about her like that!"


"Just go back to the tower." Beastboy glared at him with fury in his eyes. "And leave us alone!"

Beastboy left the bathroom with a huff and Peter hung his head with a groan of frustration. He quickly slipped his mask back on, before sprinting back into the restaurant. He came to a sliding stop in front of the bar, ready to spring into action.

"Beastboy?!" Peter called as his eyes scanned the room. "Beastboy!" But he and Terra were already gone.

Peter rushed over to the counter and the waitress looked at him with her jaw hung open in disbelief. "Spider-man?"

"Hey, did you see a blonde girl and a guy with green skin leave here?" Peter asked frantically.

"Uh, yeah, they just headed up the path to the tram cars." She replied, pointing up the nearby mountain with confusion.

Peter started for the door, but stopped when he noticed Beastboy's communicator lying on the floor. Peter picked it up and his stomach dropped.
"Oh no." He said to himself before bolting out the door and swinging through the trees towards the top of the mountain as fast as he could.

As he flipped and swung from tree to tree, he suddenly heard one of the communicators go off.

"Beastboy?" Robin's voice came from the other end. "Beastboy, do you copy?"

Peter pulled out his team mate's communicator and held it up to his face, glancing between the screen and the trees while he swung.

"Hey." Peter said with a grunt as he slung himself high through the air.

"Peter?" Robin replied in confusion. "Where's Beastboy?"

"He dropped his communicator!" Peter replied frantically. "Listen! I've been following them all night. I think Terra is a spy!"

"What?!" Robin shouted back in disbelief. "What do you mean?! For who?!"

"I don't know!" He replied, narrowly dodging a tree branch. "But my Spider Senses have been tingling every time she's near... Robin, I think he's in trouble."

"This isn't good " Robin grumbled with a shake of the head, before turning and kicking two opponents that Peter couldn't see.

"What's going on?!" Peter asked, stopping himself on a tree branch, trying to get a closer look behind Robin.

"Slade's forces are attacking the tower!" Robin shouted as he fended off three more goons.

"What?! Are you guys okay?! Is Raven okay?!" Peter shouted with an intense panic.

"We're fine." Robin replied, just keep following Beastboy and Terra. With the tower being attacked on top of your Spider sense... this can't all be a coincidence. Call me with any updates and be careful."

"Got it." Peter nodded, before continuing swinging, now worried for his other friends fighting without him, as well as the one he was currently chasing.

He eventually made his way to the top of the mountain where the loading bay stood for the gondola. Peter ran to the edge and peered out over the rail, before barely spotting the pair in a car in the distance. Peter quickly webbed two sides of the guard rail, before sling shooting himself through the air towards the car. Peter landed on top of the car and listened in on their conversation.

"Beastboy..." Terra began with hesitation. "If you found out something bad about me... you'd still be my friend, right?"

"Of course." Beastboy assured her, inching ever closer.

"And no matter how horrible it was..." she continued, unable to look him in the eye. "You'd still like me, right?"

"Of course." He nodded with a compassionate smile and leaned in closer to her.

Suddenly, Peter's Spider senses tingled again, and he noticed another person in the car with them, hiding in the shadows. He immediately punched his fist through the roof of the cab and pried it open so he could jump through.
Beastboy and Terra gasped and looked in his direction. However, all they saw was none other than Slade sitting in the car across from them.

"Hello, Terra." He said coolly. "Remember me?" Then stood up from his seat.

However, he was cut off, when he was kicked back into his seat and webbed to it by an invisible Peter. He then disengaged his cloaking device, revealing himself to the others.

"Sorry." Peter quipped. "But I'm playing wing man on this one, and YOU won't be ruining this date any time soon."

"I see you've been paying attention well, little Spider." Slade taunted coolly, not at all struggling from the webs. "Or is it... Peter Parker?"

Peter's eyes widened at that. How much had she told him about the Titans?
"If you're trying to figure out my secret identity." Peter replied with a shrug. "I don't think guessing is the way to go."

"Oh, but it's not a guess." Slade replied, then looked to Terra. "Is it, Terra?"

"What do you want from her?!" Beastboy shouted demandingly.

"You mean she hasn't told you, yet?" Slade taunted. "I thought you were friends."

"Shut up!" The green Titan growled.

"She was my apprentice the entire time!" The villain taunted further. "She never liked you!"

"Stop talking!" Beastboy shouted, getting visibly worked up.

"Beastboy, don't listen to him." Peter said, putting himself between Slade and his teammate. "He's just baiting you."

"Besides..." Slade continued. "Why would she like YOU anyway?"

That was the last straw for Beastboy as he transformed into a velociraptor. He charged toward them both, Peter jumped out of the wa in time and stuck to the wall of the cabin as Beastboy crashed into Slade, sending them both hurdling toward the ground below. Peter dove quickly after them. Slade flipped himself in midair, landing on his feet, while Beastboy swooped in as a hawk, before changing into a tiger. Peter landed beside Beastboy and squared off against their foe.

"Terra, run!" BB called up to her.

"She can run, but she'll never hide from who she truly is." Slade replied with a sinister tone.

Beastboy gave a bellowing roar, before pouncing on him, swatting at him left and right with his tiger paws. Slade easily dodged the attacks, before Beastboy jumped on him, trying to bite at hi face. Slade simply rolled and pushed the green tiger off him, knocking him into a nearby Boulder. Peter ran at Slade, webbing his feet to the ground, before jumping at him with a flying kick. However, the attac was easily dodged and Peter took a sharp elbow to his kidneys, however the material of his suit, dulled the blunt attack and didn't hurt as bad. Peter turned around and punched at the masked villain, but he leaned back and dodged again, before throwing Peter over his head into the same boulder as the green Titan. Petwr landed on his feet, sticking to the vertical surface and glanced down at Beastboy, who lied unconscious in the grass.

"Why are you doing this?!" Peter asked Slade through his teeth.

"At first it was just business." Slade replied coolly. "But the Titans made it personal... and it's clear you've already decided where you stand, Parker."

"Yeah." Peter nodded, flipping off the rock and landing in front of Beastboy in a crouch. "It's right between you and them."

"So it seems." The villain replied, pulling a laser pistol from his hip.

Peter immediately flipped into the air and webbed Beastboy's unconscious body to him, dodging multiple blasts that shattered the rocks behind them. With a flick of the wrist, Peter webbed Slade's weapon and ripped it from his grasp. At the height of his jump, Peter let go of Beastboy and caught him in a web between two boulders. As soon as he landed, however he was knocked onto his stomach by a heavy boot to his lower back. He fell to the ground, wincing in pain then instinctively caught Slade's next attack mere inches from his face.

Then he twisted his legs, tripping the villain before tucking them in and delivering a heavy kick with both feet that sent the villain flying further down the mountain. Slade rolled a bit after landing, before catching himself on a rock and flipping to his feet. Peter jumped after him, swinging from the cable cars and Slade ran directly at him, throwing a handful of smoke bombs, blinding Peter in a thick cloud in midair. However, he quickly tapped the button on his wrist and activated his cloaking device. Slade was able to spot where the invisible Peter exited the cloud and quickly grabbed his foot in midair and slammed him against the ground onto his back.

"A man from another world." Slade taunted coolly as he bent Peter's knee in a joint lock. Peter tried to break free but his superior strength only made it hurt worse the more he struggled. "Is that right?" Peter grunted in pain as he struggled still to break free, only to find more pain in response. His strength, it seemed was meaningless at this moment. "How very ineresting... almost as interesting as the other... anomilous materials I found. The again you won't live long enough to find out."

"Alright, stop!" A voice shouted from above them.

Peter couldn't tell who it was, but recognized Terra's voice. Slade peered up at her through his mask. "Trying to save your little friends, my apprentice? How noble."

"I will go with you." Terra stated. "Just let them go."

Slade didn't say anything and instead maintained eye contact with Terra, holding his grip on Peter's leg ever tightly. Terra then waved her hands and levatated a boulder over Slade's head.

"Let them go!" She demanded.
Slade paused for a moment more. "Very well, child. Let us leave, then." Then glanced down at Peter. "We will meet again, Peter Parker. Until next time."

The villain then let Peter go and jumped onto the same boulder as Terra and they both flew away out of sight. Peter clutched his knee as he watched them get away, his heart racing in fear and shame. Then he rolled over and looked up the hill to Beastboy, who was starting to wake up. Even though he wanted to try and pursue them, Beastboy needed his help more urgently.

When Peter and Beastboy returned to the tower, they witnessed the wreckage from the attack on their home. Most of the doors and windows were blown out, holes in the walls of almost every room. As they entered the living room, they saw a large pile of Slade's defeated robots, with Raven and Cyborg piling more on top.

Upon seeing each other Peter limped as fast as he could over to her and threw his arms around her with relief. "You're okay!" He said, burying his face in her neck.

"Of course we are." She retorted.

"What happened?" Robin asked, noting the down trodden and beaten appearance of the two.

"Slade got away." Beastboy replied, gritting his teeth in anger. "WITH Terra."

"It was all a setup." Peter explained. "She was his apprentice this whole time."

"That's not true!" Beastboy argued. "I know Terra, she DOESN'T want this!"

"Whatever the case." Cyborg stated, scrolling through his computer files. "She certainly gave him enough. All our strength, weaknesses, even our identities. He took it all."

"What will we do?" Starfire asked with worry.

"Whatever the case." Robin nodded with determination, "We'll have to rebuild and come back stronger. From now on, nobody is to leave the tower alone."

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