A Flamboyant Firebender (OC F...

By Thaiph_Kaard

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Azula is sent by Firelord Ozai to capture prince Iroh and Zuko, recent traitors to the Fire Nation. For this... More

00 - Character Intro
01 - Prologue
02 - A New Uzu
03 - Flamboyant
04 - A New Home
06 - Swordmaster Piandao
Short Story: Tattoo
Short Story: Lightning Bending
Sidestory: Tears
07 - Omashu
08 - King Bumi
Short Story - Friendship
09 - Apart
Side Story - A Grumpy Prince
10 - On a Journey

05 - Flamboyant Flames

1.1K 33 1
By Thaiph_Kaard

Sup! I didn't post on Halloween since I was busy with school and handing out candy to little kids, I plan on posting every single day from now on, but no promises! Anyways, have fun!


"Aaaaaaaaaanddddddd, HAH!" Uzu yelled as she released a massive purple flame foward from her fist.

Uzu pumped her fist in victory, "Yes! Finally! After 2 years of flamboyant training under Iroh, I can now produce flamboyant purple flames! Haha!" Uzu laughed in triumph.

The purple flames weren't actually any better than normal orange and yellow flames, Uzu just trained her hardest to make them purple to look cool, or 'flamboyant' as she puts it.

She had been able to learn this technique both due to Iroh's unique view on Firebending as a form of energy and because of the many books on firebending that can be found in Iroh's library.

Uzu shot out another purple flame, jumping up and down in giddiness, "hehehe. I can't wait to show this to Iroh! I bet he'll be like 'Great job my Flamboyant Uzu, your flamboyant determination flamboyantly led you to flamboyantly create these flamboyant flames'" Uzu said in a mock Iroh voice and a smug expression.

"Alright!" Uzu said with determination, "Time to flashyly run to Iroh! WOOOOOO!" Uzu said, running straight to Iroh's room.


Iroh took a calm sip of Jasmine tea, not his favourite to drink, but definetly his favourite one to brew himself. As Iroh drank the tea, he let himself get lost in thought.

Uzu, now age 10, has been living at Irohs house for 2 years now, and she has been loving it. 

Some might be under the impression that someone as hyper active as Uzu would not get along well with the calm Iroh, but they would be wrong. Uzu, despite all of her energy, is quite the respectful person when she needs to be, even if she can't quite stay quiet. 

Iroh had been a father figure both to his own son Lu Ten and at times Prince Zuko, but taking care of Uzu was definetly a different experience for him. Her boundless energy is a very large change in pace to Lu Ten's calm demenor and Zuko's pessimism. 

Even if it is much more difficult to handle Uzu, Iroh can definetly say for sure that he enjoys Uzu's company a lot. Uzu's antics made Iroh so focused on her that he without knowing made a very quick mental recovery from his loss of Lu Ten.

Uzu had also suprisingly been moving up the ranks of the Order of the White Lotus, though she still stubbornly calls it the 'Order of the Flamboyant Lotus', which Iroh finds more amusing than anything.

Uzu was now a National Lotus, which is precisely 3 ranks below a Grandmaster, the highest rank. Iroh similarly had risen the ranks and was now a Grandmaster, since the previous Grandmaster had died due to old age.

On top of that, they were about to meet master Pi-

Suddenly, the door burst open with a smiling Uzu on the other side.

"Iroh! Iroh! Iroh! Guess what?! I can Flamboyantly Firebend purple flames!" Uzu declared and ran up to Iroh with eyes that screamed 'Praise me!'

Iroh who had long gotten used to Uzu's antics, smiled calmly and said "Really? That's very impressive for some as young as you. Your drive to get better at what you love is very admirable." 

Iroh then patted Uzu's head on instinct, who made no resistance at the gesture, simply giggling to herself at the praise.

"I am pretty Flamboyant aren't I?" Uzu said in pride.

Iroh smiled some more, "Yes, yes you are."

"Do you wanna see?!" Uzu practically begged.

"Yes, I'm sure it will be an impressive sight, now let's go out an-"

"Great! Watch this!" Uzu said, getting into a stance before being hurridly stopped by Iroh.

"Please don't do it in here Uzu, you'll burn the house down." Iroh said in panic.

Uzu merely looked at Iroh thoughtfully, letting out a small "oh".

Quickly regaining her bearings, Uzu grabbed Irohs hand and tried to drag him to the outdoor training spot. "Cmon Iroh let's go! I really wanna show you my flamboyantly flamboyant flames!" Uzu said in excitement.

Unfortunately for Uzu, Iroh is over 4 times Uzu's weight, so she couldn't make Iroh move an inch. Fortunately for Uzu though, Iroh obliged and calmly walked to the outdoor training area.

When they arrived, Uzu wasted no time and walked straight to the middle of the area, shouting "Watch this!".

As Uzu said that, she punch her fist upward, and a purple flame burst from her fist. Iroh gasped in awe of its beauty, Uzu had not been exagerating when she said it was Flamboyant.

Uzu then proceeded to suprise Iroh further when she said "Do you think that's all I can flamboyantly do? Check this out!"

Uzu then proceeded to do the dance of the dragon Iroh had taught her with purple flame, which Iroh had never seen Uzu do before. Uzu's moves were very powerful and exagerated when performing the dance, combined with the purple flames it made the dance look even better than normal.

Uzu then finished the dance by striking a V pose in the center of the area. "How'd you like that?!" Uzu asked with her chin held high, slight exhaustion evident into her voice.

Iroh clapped his hands in awe, it was truly an amazing performance. 

"Well done Uzu! What you pulled off was amazing! I had no idea you could perform the dance of the dragon, and on top of that improve upon it while also using purple flames." Iroh said in praise.

Uzu gave another massive smile. "Thank you Iroh! I flamboyantly worked hard to show this flashy dance!"

Iroh gave a big smile in return, "I must say Uzu, I am very proud of you, you have been an amazing companion these past 2 years and show great potential to be even better." Iroh praised.

"Hehehe, no need to praise me, my talents need not be spoken," Uzu said in a smug voice.

"Oh, If you don't like it, I guess I shouldn't praise you then." Iroh said with a sly smile, causing Uzu to look panicked.

"W-w-wait, hold on one flamboyant second, I never said you should stop. You're praise is very flamboyant!" Uzu said desperately, causing Iroh to chuckle.

"I am joking, you're talents cannot be understated." Iroh said honestly.

"Hehehe" Uzu laughed in both relief and happiness.

Uzu was truly a firebending prodigy from Iroh's point of view. Azula is certainly smarter than Uzu, but Uzu has Azula beat when it comes to flexibility. 

Azula always goes for the perfect option when it comes to Firebending, never wasting any energy with elegant and precise movements. Despite this however, Azula doesn't have a bulky stature, and while she naturally has physically trained herself as necessary, she is still physically weak.

Meanwhile, Uzu has a very chaotic and flashy style of Bending, always doing exagerated movements with large swaths of fire that can easily catch an opponent off guard. Although it definetly wastes a lot of energy, Uzu is naturally much fitter than Azula on top of having physically trained her body more than Azula, so Uzu is able to employ her style without much difficulty.

Overall in a fight between the two, Iroh couldn't say for sure who would win, but it was useless to think about the victor in a fight between two 10 year olds anyways. 

For now, Iroh would enjoy his life with Uzu.

Then, Iroh remembered his plans tommorow, and decided to talk to Uzu. 

"Uzu, would you like to meet one of the masters of the White Lotus?" Iroh asked.

"A master of the Flamboyant Lotus? Sure! Who is this master?" Uzu confirmed then asked. 

"His name is Swordmaster Piandao." 



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