Another Malfoy!?

By CouchPotato_wastaken

21.8K 371 150

Draco Malfoy has been going to Hogwarts for two years now. Now it's his little sister's turn to run through t... More

Chapter 1 - A Letter From Hogwarts
Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 3 - The Platform
Chapter 4 - The Train
Chapter 5 - The Golden Trio
Chapter 6 - The Dementor
Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat
Chapter 8 - A Great Hall A Great Fight
Chapter 9 - Buckbeak
Chapter 10 - Draco's Arm
Chapter 11 -Boggart
Chapter 12 - Fat Lady's Message
Chapter 14 - Marauder's Map
Chapter 15 - Truth of the Prisoner
Chapter 16 - Astronomy Tower
Chapter 17 - A Child
Chapter 18 - The Train Home
Chapter 19 - Finally Home
Chapter 20 - The Letter
Apology (Feel Free to Skip)
Chapter 21 - Harsh Love
Chapter 24 - After Dinner
Chapter 25 - The Truth
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
New Chapter Tomorrow!
Chapter 26 - Class
Chapter 27 - The Party
Chapter 28 - The Party pt 2
Chapter 29 - Aftermath
Chapter 30 - Morning ⚠️ Mentions of Abuse ⚠️
I'm back!
Chapter 31 - Four years later
Chapter 32- Day Before School
Chapter 33 - A surprise

Chapter 13 - Quidditch

528 8 4
By CouchPotato_wastaken

Harry's POV

As Ron and I returned to our dorm after Herbology that morning. We noticed the torn portrait of the Fat Lady had been replaced by a painting of an armoured knight with a fat grey ponytail. Probably for repairs. "I am Sir Cadogan!" He yelled, everyone knew who he was for he'd, previously, hung on the wall on the way to the library. He spent most of his time challenging people to duels, and the rest up ridiculously challenging passwords, which he changed at least twice a day.

"He's barking mad!" Seamus complained to Percy. "A complete lunatic! Can't we get anyone else?"

"What'd you expect?" Dean laughed, sarcastically. I looked at Ron who was giggling uncontrollably. "After what happened with the Fat Lady, none of the other pictures wanted to take the job!"

"For fear they'd meet the same fate as the Fat Lady." Percy interrupted. "Sir Cadogan was the only picture brave enough to volunteer." Percy stood in a perfectly poised position, you'd probably think he was commanding an army. Ron always told me how he took the Head Boy role a little too seriously.

It seemed Percy was always tailing me now, ever since the Fat Lady incident. Probably Mrs. Weasley doing, being the mother I never had. Along with Percy, the professors always found some excuse to walk with me in the halls to classes, even during free periods. The students turned around and headed to class, an annoyed mood wafted over the group.


As we walked to Defence Against the Dark Arts, I noticed Draco walking with his gang of minions, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle who were still eating breakfast. Pansy Parkinson who was pretty much clinging onto Draco's arm for dear life. And, oh god... "Bloody hell! Is that Zabini?" Ron said, taking the words from my mouth.

I bit my tongue trying to not explode down the hall, the one and only Blaise Zabini had his arm around Lucy. I tried to look away to take my eyes off the sight but I just couldn't.

"Harry, you're as red as my hair!" Ron laughed, before his jaw dropped, "You're bloody jealous!"

My head snapped to Ron who was walking beside me. "W-what? No, I'm not."

"Then why do you have that glare that says, I wanna kill that Zabini right about now, hm?"

I scoffed. "I mean it's just she's eleven, almost twelve and Blaise isn't the... best character."

Ron and I entered the classroom, I saw Malfoy shove Blaise away from Lucy, finally he does something right for once! The Slytherins sat at a table at the front, in a corner. I sat at an empty table and Ron sat at the table across a walkway. The Dark Arts classroom always had a dungeon feel to it, the windows had designs of metal that made them look like bars, cages which sometimes housed magical creatures for our lessons, and steps leading up to the place where the professor stood (most likely to show superiority).

"Honestly, Harry, I think you're being a tad over protective of Baby Malfoy over there." Ron said in a ton that sounded sarcastic but clearly wasn't. "I mean, she's got Draco and-"

"Don't. Say. Zabini." I snapped. "And I mean, she's one of my friends, once she knows her way around the school, she should be fine. And all the first years have heard about the git her brother sometimes... always... is. I just want her to be happy." I took out my book and quill for class. "Lucy's not like her brother and I want to keep it that way." Concluding my argument.

Ron looked stunned as if he was expecting me to say something different; Oh, Ron, I just can't take my eyes off of her. She's stunning, with those perfect blue eyes, amazing silky hair, and the way she talks, how it always lightens up the room! Bloody hell, Lucy Marie Malfoy was, in some ways, perfect.

Ron nodded, with a smirk that made him look like his older brothers, Fred and George.

"Oh shut up, Ron!" I teased. "You're just like your bro-"

Professor Snape barged into the room, cutting me off. I'd always known Snape took an extreme dislike to me, however, the face I was in Gryffindor didn't help at all. Everyone knew Professor Snape favored his own house, as he was head of Slytherin. He walked with a rushed feel, closing windows with his wand as he passed them. This made the place seem even more like the pictures of Azkaban Hermione showed me while studying one day.

He stood at the front, his long clock floating gently to the ground behind him. "Open to page 394." he commanded.

I looked over to see Draco taunting Blaise with his book which he held just out of his reach. "Give it back, Malfoy!" Blaise demanded. I chuckled looking at Ron then signalling to the commotion which was quickly cut short by Snape snatching the book from Malfoy's hands and giving it to Zabini.

Ron cupped a hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh as he saw Draco turn red in the face when he realized Snape had caught him. "Hey, Weasley!" Ron taunted while Snape was at the door speaking with another professor.

"Take that back, you bloody-" Malfoy boomed, standing up angrily.

"Draco, sit down."

"Dray, sit." Pansy and Lucy said in unison.

Snape had returned and everyone reverted back to the state of silence. And Malfoy had sat back down by his sister.

"Sir," I asked hesitantly, "where's Professor Lupin?"

"I don't see how that's any of your concern, is it Potter?"

I made eye contact with him, in a way that told him that it'd be in his best interest to tell the class why he was teaching today.

"If you must know... Professor Lupin, finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time." He slowly made his way to the back of the room, he seemed to give every student that he could, a menacing glare. Standing at the back he waved his wand turning on a projector which presented a series of photos resembling a man who had been mixed with a dog, or... wolf?

I looked at Ron who was slowly turning the pages one-by-one, his book quickly turned to the page. Snape's doing I presume. "Werewolves!?" My friend exclaimed

"But, Sir, we've just begun learning Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks " Hermione explained, beside me, my head quickly turned to her, unaware she'd been there.

"When did she get here!? Did you see her come in?" Ron asked, surprised.

I shook my head 'no' and we exchanged confused glances.

"Quiet." Professor Snape ordered walking to the front of the room, again. "Now who can tell me the difference between an Animagus and Werewolf?"

I looked at Hermione, whose hand had been up before Snape had even finished the question. I had caught a glimpse of Lucy across the room. She'd raised her hand almost halfway, hesitated then lowered it, weird.

I had broken away from my thoughts and brought myself to Hermione who was already speaking, "An animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice." she paused for a moment, moving her eyes to the professor. "With each full moon when they transform, the witch or wizard no longer remembers who they are. They'd kill their best friend if they crossed paths. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind." she quickly inhaled as if she was about to say more but was cut off by Malfoy howling like a wolf.

The Slytherins around him chuckled lightly, but were soon silenced by Professor Snape's ominous stance and menacing glare. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." He spoke sarcastically, turning to 'Mione, "Miss Granger, that is the second time you've spoken out of turn, are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you pride yourself on being an insufferable know-it-all?"

Hermione lowered her head.

"For your fellow student's behaviour... a paper-" the class groaned in disappointment. "on my desk by Monday morning on finding a werewolf and recognizing it."

"Sir," I straightened up in protest. "It's quidditch tomorrow..."

Snape looked at me as though he couldn't care less, though most kids believed he only had one mood, dark. "Then take extra care Mr. Potter... Loss of limb will not excuse you."

I looked at Hermione, who normally helped me with my scheduling of class, homework, and quidditch, pleadingly. She rolled her eyes, mouthing, I'll help.

"The term werewolf


"Class dismissed." Snape announced, not looking up from a stack of papers he was grading. \

I left to see Lucy walking out, alone. I rushed up behind her to scare her, "Hey, Harry!" she giggled.

I stood in confusion, "But-but h-how?"

"I saw you leave the classroom after me. And the golden boy is very predictable." she chuckled, and I just gazed back, still confused and frustrated.

"I- I am not predictable!" I argued. I bent my head down to look her in the eyes.

"Aww!" she grinned, "You're cute when you're mad."

My cheeks turned bright red and I could feel my whole face get really hot. We walked to class together, talking about which professors were the best and which were the worst. I don't know what it was but Lucy just brought out a different side in me. She made me forget all my worries outside of ife and focus on the present. Her laugh always brought life to the room and I couldn't help but get lost in her perfect crystal eyes and shimmering white hair.


Lucy's POV

The next day was the Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor quidditch match. I was super excited, it was my first quidditch match at Hogwarts. Of course other matches were held before but I was never able to go, Uncle Snape always said it was a dangerous sport that "someone like me" shouldn't play. I still didn't know what that meant but who cares, I was going to a quidditch match, my best friends were playing in it and it would be one hundred and ten percent awesome!

Blaise Zabini who'd been walking with me to the pitch, "It's odd, you know?"

"What?" I replied, hesitantly.

"Walking with you."

I sent another confused glance his way, "You always walk with me."

"I know, but it's different when it's just you."

I laughed this comment off.

"You're really pretty, Lucy." His words stopped me dead in my tracks. "I mean, maybe we could do this again sometime, what do you say? Maybe Hogsmeade, this weekend? Or a picnic on the lake?"

I smirked at him, "You wish."

"Come on, Malfoy. You're always with that brother of yours or those Gryffindorks! And don't even get me started on Potty, Weasel, and Mudblood Granger!" He was now almost shouting at me, which put me slightly on edge but I managed to keep my cool and keep walking. Blaise sighed, "Lucy... I'm... really sorry. I don't know what came over me. It won't happen again."

He laid his arm around my shoulder but I jolted away. He chuckled again, telling me how he already said sorry. I couldn't help but glare back at his dark brown eyes which seemed almost black in the faint light. "I don't care how sorry you are Zabini, those are my friends you're talking about! I won't have you speaking bad about them behind their backs and their names are Harry, Ron, and Hermione."

"Lucy, Lucy, please," he smirked, twirling a strand of my hair on his finger. His hand moved to my jaw which he raised to meet his eyes.

"Blaise..." I grabbed his wrist, wanting to pull it away but it was too strong. "Leave me alone, I don't want to speak with you. Besides, you're making me uncomfortable.

"I was just saying it's a privilege to be walking with you, no need to get so heated."

"Yeah, well guess what, you just lost that privilege." I slapped his hand away before it could move to my waist.. "Don't talk to me until you know I've forgiven you, Zabini." I walked away, my arms crossed and a light sprinkle of rain began to fall.


After arriving at the quidditch pitch I met my brother and his friends in the stands. "First quidditch match of the year, are you excited? I remember in my first game Potter caught the snitch in his mouth, practically choked, he did." My brother laughed while I only let out a slight chuckle. I leaned my head on his shoulder, we were soon joined by Blaise and I stood up and walked away, uncomfortably.

Draco, seeing me do this, asked me, "Are you alright? What's wrong, it's just Blaise." He moved over to where I was standing, leaning on a wooden wall.

"Blaise was being weird when we walked here, he was getting really close-"

"I'm gonna kill that git!" My brother mumbled. A noise came from outside, followed by cheering. "Looks like the game's starting. Let's go, you don't have to sit by Zabini. I can get him to move." I nodded following him back to our seat. "Blaise Zabini!" Dray shouted, causing Blaise to stand to attention. "Move! We'll be talking later."

"A-about what M-Malfoy?"

"Oh, you know what. It'll be a little talk about keeping your hands to yourself."

Blaise's eyes widened and he ran off sitting down next to some other Slytherins.

With that the match began. A student narrating the game from a box with all the professors. The chasers and beaters zoomed after each other. The rain was pretty much pounding now and if it weren't for Draco bringing an umbrella I'd be soaked. I looked across the field focusing my gaze on the one and only Golden Boy. He sat on his Nimbus 2000 watching the field intently for the snitch. A while later a watched the bludgers and quaffles be passed back and forth between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

, Harry saw the snitch however the Hufflepuff seeker was already after it, the two zoomed by and I cheered loudly, my brother chuckling at how invested I was in the game. The two boys were flying up into the clouds, I tried to catch a glimpse of them but they were too high.

A few minutes later the Hufflepuff seeker seemed to be falling but he caught himself. I looked into the clouds trying to find Harry, nervously searching for him, everyone saw him plummet from the sky but he didn't catch himself, his broom was nowhere in sight. I watched in terror. Dumbledore stretched his wand, I heard him yell, "Arresto Momentum."

I looked over the edge to see Harry float down to the ground unconscious. "Harry!" I yelled, cupping my hands over my mouth. Running for exit to go find Harry, a cold, strong hand grabbed my wrist. Turning around in panic I met my brother's crystal eyes. "Lucy, you can't go down there!" He shouted over the sound of the crowd. "I don't want you going down there."

"Too bad." I yelled back. His hand now moved up from my wrist and grasped my upper arm.

"No, you're not going out there. You're staying with me, I don't want you getting hurt."

"No I ha-"

"I DON'T BLOODY CARE!" His voice boomed as he pulled me back to our seat, a few seconds in the rain and our hair was soaked.

I watched as a few adult witches came out using a charm to levitate Harry off the field. After they left and the rain had stopped I stood up and stormed out of the stands and walked back to the school. Pansy followed after me. "Hey, Lucy Goose."

"Hey, Pans-exual." I smiled, not drawing my eyes from my shoes.

"Luce, what's wrong?"

"Nothing... Just my brother..."

"Oh no..." she replied.

"It's just, I know you don't agree with me. But Harry Potter is an amazing person. He knows how to cheer me up when no one else can. He can tell me exactly what I need to hear..I" I chuckled lightly, Pansy nodded along.

"You're right i don't agree with you, but you have to know; you're a Malfoy and you have expectations you have to live up to. I think Draco wants what's best for you... we all do. "That's why we think you shouldn't hang out with Potter."


"No 'buts." she replied coldly.

I nodded. I then parted ways with Pansy to go to Uncle Snape's potions classroom.


"Uncle?" I called entering the classroom.

"Back here!" He called from a closet.

I ran to the back and egan helping him sort potions "Soooo."

"So." he responded. "I have an essay I want you to write." He picked up a potion and handed it to me, "On this, do you know what it is?"


He nodded, "I want an essay on this potion, by Wednesday."

I looked at him, my jaw dropped, "Why just me>" I whined

"Because I need to make sure you're staying up to standard, to keep up with the third years in class. So I can give your parents a report by the end of the year." I looked at him pouting. "I will not allow you to fall behind." He pushed the potion my way and sent me off.


Draco's POV

By the time I got to the dining hall dinner had already started, Pansy and Blaise sat in front of me and Crabbe and Goyl sat to my right. None of them looked up to greet me as I sat down, I wasn't mad but it was odd. "Something wrong?" I asked, glancing around, "Where's Lucy?" I noticed she wasn't sitting with us.

"Blaise... you tell him, he's already mad at you." I heard Pansy mumble.

"Tell me what?" My reply was cold and demanding.

"Uh, Malfoy, just... uh.... don't turn around." He looked up at me, but I returned it with a glare. I was still quite mad about the whole quidditch situation. Like I was going to listen to him now. I turned around and Crabbe and Goyle stood creating a human wall. I looked up to them standing up, they may have been quite taller than me but i had the control and I knew it.

"Move." I demanded as the two boys quickly parted, mumbling a quiet 'Yes, Malfoy.' I sneered turning back to the place they had been blocking. Potter had just walked through the doors and the Gryffindors had rushed to him. I scoffed, "What?" I asked, wondering why they wouldn't want me to see this... I mean yeah I hated it, he was just a boy, he was barely hurt when he fell!

"Just wait." Pansy whispered, I turned back around and before I could say another word, I saw a pale, platinum blonde haired girl, run down one of the isles to the boy. My eyes darted over to Harry who had moved to the front of everybody. Within a few seconds, MY SISTER had jumped into Potter's arms, his arms wrapped around her in a warm embrace. I wanted to yell, puke, and punch something all at the same time.

I turned, pissed. "Zabini, give me a bloody quill.' I snapped, he quickly pulled out a quill and ink and grabbed a piece of parchment. I began writing and the four gave me a quizzical look.

"Y-you're not going to go stop it?" Blaise asked.

Glaring at him, still mad, I replied, "I'm going to stop it all right, for good."

"Who are you writing to?" Pansy questioned.

I finished my letter sealing it in an envelope and whistled. A Eurasian Eagle-Owl flew into the hall landing on my desk. "Take this to Father." The owl flew off and I turned back to the group. I did have the slightest amount of guilt inside me, but whenever I felt it I told myself this is for the best. I stood up from the table strutting over to where Potter had just released my sister from the hug. I shivered inside just thinking about it. Lucy turned around, terror, plastered onto her face the minute she saw me.

"Uh oh, Harry." Weasel pointed at me. "Here comes trouble..." The students turned to me, Potter's emerald green eyes glared at me through the round frames resting on his nose bridge.

"Well, well! Hate to break up this quaint little reunion, but I'll be taking my sister." I grabbed Lucy's arm, I flt her flinch under my cold hand. I pushed her behind me slightly, still holding onto her upper arm. She restated what she said earlier but rage still consumed me. I pulled out my wand pointing it at the trio, "Last warning before things get messy."

Potter's eyes that were once fixed on me shifted to Lucy who was fidgeting, trying to pull away. "DRACO, LET GO!!! YOU'RE HURTING MY ARM!" I turned to my sister, she rarely ever yelled at me, I gave one last scoff, and left with Lucy. We reached the table and sat in silence for a minute or two before Lucy tried to speak, "Dra-"

"Are you dead from the neck up!" I fumed. "Harry bloody Potter?" She rubbed her upper arm, unresponsive.

"Lucy, your arm..." Pansy pointed out. Shifting my gaze down to Lucy's arm, which was covered in her robe. The robe has a red tint to it, so I reached for her wrist to take a look but she pulled away.

I looked at her with a concerned yet demanding face. She slowly moved her arm towards me, I gently rolled up her sleeve, nervously. There were four puncture wounds on her upper arm, bleeding. I grabbed one of the napkins and placed it onto her arm. I scoffed to myself, how could I have been so stupid I thought to myself. I used my wand to wrap a napkin around her arm. I sighed, "Lucy Goose-"

"Don't call me that right now." she snapped and I saw Zabini smirk, I glared at him, his smile quickly fading.

"Lucy, I... I only want what's best for you. I know you know that." I dampened the napkin in a goblet and neatly tied it on her pale skin. "You know I dislike Potter."

"Harry." she mumbled.


"Harry... His name is Harry."

"Well, you know I dislike Harry. If this wasn't clear before, you will not be hanging out with those- those Gryffindorks anymore." She pulled her arm away from me angrily. I turned to my friends, they straightened up looking back at me. "Blaise, Pansy. You two are to watch Lucy, whilst I'm not around."

My sister looked up at me surprised, "Dray, I don't need babysitters."

"Well, you just proved that you clearly do, so too bad." Her jaw dropped and looked away from me.


Lucy's POV

The next morning I was escorted to breakfast by Pansy then afternoon classes with her. Afterwards, I went with Blaise (who was under close watch by Draco) for the rest of the evening. It continued that way for months, soon snow began to fall.

I was standing at the entrance watching the third years prepare for another trip to Hogsmeade. Draco came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, I let out a short screech. "DRACO! You scared me."

"Oh hush, you love me." He chuckled, I smiled faintly. "Now, you remember our rules?"

"Yes, Draco; 1. Don't hang out with Harry or any of the Gryffindors. 2. Don't peek at the Christmas presents under your bed."

"Good- wait. How'd you know they were under my bed!?"

"BYE!" I yelled running off through the halls. I then bumped into something, or... someone. I looked up to see, "SCARHEAD!" Jumping into Harry's arms.

"Lucy!" He said, hugging me back. "How are you?"

"Alright." I replied, "I'm super happy to see you... and talk to you."

He laughed. "Me too. I overheard Malfoy, sounds like someone has a birthday coming up!"

"Yeah! On Christmas! W-why aren't you at Hogsmeade?"

"Parents didn't sign the slip."

I nodded, "Well, I have to go meet Snape, he's gonna assign me another essay or something." Harry laughed, pulling out his invisibility cloak. "Harry, you're not gonna..."

"Yes, yes I am." I laughed watching Harry disappear under his cloak. He wrapped his arms around me again and I flinched.

"Maybe only hug me when you're visible, so I can expect it." I laughed.

He pulled his cloak off revealing his face. "Sorry!" He laughed, "I really miss you, Luce."

"Me too. But I'll see you again soon."

"Malfoy!" Snape called from around the corner.

"Oh uh... I got to go , Harry." I smiled as he waved. And turned running over to Snape.

Harry's POV

I watched Lucy run off, her perfect blonde hair trailing behind her. I turned, pulling my invisibility cloak over my head. I walked through the snow past Fred and Goerge who were building a snowman. I snuck past them but they grabbed me under my arms.

"You're clever, Harry-"

"But not clever enough."

They pulled me along through the snow, my cloak still over my head. "Guys, come on I have to get to Hogsmeade for... reasons."

"Oh we know, Harry."

"Besides, we've got a better way."

The two pushed me into a room with a staircase. They handed me a piece of blank parchment, "What's this rubbish?" They both chuckled, "'What's this rubbish?' he says." 

(A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting as often, I have been writing longer chapters and the process takes a while, thank you for your patience!)


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