Axle: Savage Skulls MC Vol. 1

By WordsSmith1979

80.8K 2.9K 152

The Savage Skulls MC was well-known all over the U.S. with charters spanning across most of the West and Sout... More

Author's Note #1
Author's Note #2
Author's Note #3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
More Characters
Author's Note #4
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Next Book

Chapter 36

1.1K 42 4
By WordsSmith1979

Axle, Capone, and Ink returned to Cathedral. Spook informed them that he cloned Shelley's phone. The guys stood around watching the veins in Axle's hands pulsate as he read the text exchange between Shelley and Stacy.

"Where is Shelley now?" Axle spoke in a deadly tone. "She's down..." Axle rushed downstairs towards the basement before Priest could finish answering. The others quickly followed behind.

"Axle, wait," Priest tried to stop him. Shelley was tied up to a chair with a gag over her mouth, tears evident as her face was wet and some droplets showed on her shirt. When Shelley saw Axle and the others, she began gyrating wildly trying to break free.

Axle kneeled in front of Shelley, his eyes red with fury. "Where is Charlie?"

Shelley shook her head and made an inaudible sound. Axle began pressing his hand firmly on her thigh, squeezing it painfully. She groaned in agony. "Where is Charlie?!" He screamed in her face. When she didn't answer, he pulled his gun out and held it to her forehead.

"Woah, Axle, what the fuck are you doing?" Priest stepped in front of him. "You know the rules, brother, we don't hurt women under any circumstances."

Priest was correct. One of the many rules Menace established for the Reno charter. No skull member was permitted to lay a hand on any female under any circumstances unless the skulls member's life was in imminent danger. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case here.

Axle gripped his hair. "Fuck!"

"What do you propose we do?" Tank asked. "Yeah...Willow would typically be the one to handle this stuff for us," Ice looked over to Ink who was leaning against the wall.

"I say let's make a fucking exception," Ink marched across the room and slapped Shelley across the face so hard, the chair fell over. "Ink!" Capone yelled, grabbing him around the waist pulling him back.

"That stupid bitch knows where Charlie is and she's not telling us!" Ink screamed, wrestling against Capone's hold. Tank lifted the chair back straight. Shelley was visibly shaken by what Ink did.

"What do you want to do, Axle?" Viper asked. "Your charter, your rules."

The Mother Charter had no such rule as Reno did. Anyone who betrayed or harmed the club in any way was dealt with severely regardless of their gender.

Axle was beyond frustrated. He looked over at Shelley, who continued shaking in fear. Then he turned his attention to Priest. There was non-verbal communication happening between the two of them.

Priest pulled out his phone. "I'll make a call."


Charlie was leaning against the headrest of the bed. Her hands were tied to one of the posts, giving her flashbacks of Colombia. But this time there was no Axle or even Tommy to rescue her. There was nobody.

She felt her body becoming weaker. The little food Charlie was given, she immediately threw it up. In her mind, she thought illness had plagued her. What she didn't know was that there was a baby inside her.

The door screeched open and Beast walked inside, his heavy boots pounding on the hardwood floor with each step. He placed a tray of food on the bed next to her. Then loosen the restraints so one of her hands could be released.

He sat down on a rusted chair in the corner and watched her. This had become their routine for the past two weeks. Stacy used to bring the food tray, but Beast forbade her after she tried to kill Charlie.

"I don't think I can eat that," Charlie mumbled, tilting her head towards the sandwich. Beast sighed and nudged the tray towards her. As much as he disliked Charlie, he needed her alive so starvation was not an option.

"I need you to eat, darling," He lifted the sandwich towards her mouth. Charlie shook her head. "I'm not feeling well, everything I eat I just get nauseous." Beast picked up the tray and began walking towards the door. "I'll bring you some soup."

"Why are you doing this?" Charlie asked. Beast turned around. "You wouldn't understand," He answered and continued leaving. "Wait!" She yelled, getting his attention again. "Maybe I would." "If you're going to kill me anyway, I would like to know why." She pleaded.

Beast placed the tray on a nearby table and sat back down on the chair. He didn't understand why he was confessing his most intimate feelings of what fueled his anger towards Axle so much.

"You were only sixteen?" Charlie asked, clarifying. Beast nodded. "I didn't have much way of family - everyone fucked up in some way or another. Menace found me, almost in the same way Willow found Fagan." Charlie winced hearing the young boy's name. The same boy whose bloody head was thrown on her.

Beast got up and walked towards the wall, leaning his back against it. "I don't even know how far I'd been walking before some trucker gave me a lift to the nearest town which was Reno." "Trucker pulled into a gas station and I just kept walking down the road when I stumbled onto the clubhouse."

Charlie listened quietly trying to absorb every bit of information Beast was spilling. In her mind, there might be something she could use against him. There must still be an ounce of compassion in him somewhere. Beast continued telling his story.

"Then your boyfriend came and I lost everything. Menace was so impressed with Axle, I no longer existed to the man who practically raised me like his own son. All of sudden, I was replaced." Beast's body started to tense recalling this part of his past.

"I did everything for Menace and the club!" "Everything!" He marched over to Charlie and grabbed her chin hard. "It was all going to be mine until Axle stole it from me." "So it's only fair I take the most important thing to him." Charlie could feel his breath fanning against her skin.

"He'll find me and kill you," Charlie warned. Beast gave a light chuckle. "I have no doubt he'll find me, I hope he does." "Now, killing me, we'll see about that." Beast released his hold and Charlie scooted further towards the headboard.

"I'll get you some soup." Was the last thing he said before leaving the room. Charlie prayed Axle would find her soon.


Everyone was still in the basement of Cathedral when footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. Kenzie stood at the bottom of the stairs shaking her head. "I see you more now than when we were together." She tossed towards Priest. "Whose fault is that," He mumbled against her ear. Kenzie rolled her eyes at his comment.

Kenzie walked towards Shelley. She looked at the crying harlot and sighed. "Seriously, you called me for this," She pointed at the shivering girl. "We got rules," Axle explained. "You skulls and your rules." She mocked.

Kenzie dragged another chair and sat in front of Shelley. Just looking at the scared blonde, she knew it wouldn't take long to break her. In her mind, she could beat the information out of her. Kenzie shrugged that idea - didn't want to literally get her hands dirty. She decided to go with an oldie but a goodie.

Kenzie pulled out a silver revolver handgun from her bag. She emptied the chamber and six bullets fell out. Then she held up one bullet in front of Shelley. "Have you ever played Russian Roulette?" Kenzie asked, holding up that one bullet. "You have a one in six chance," She smirked, slamming the chamber back into the gun and rotating it one time.

She gets up and moves the chair out of the way. The skulls just stand around and watch. Watching his wife in action made Priest's dick strain against his jeans.

By now, Shelley began to jerk wildly against the chair trying to break free. Kenzie punched her across the jaw, causing the blonde's hair to whip across her face. She brushed Shelley's hair to the side then pointed the gun at her forehead.

"One in six," She repeated. Axle stepped closer and removed the gag from her mouth. "Where's Beast keeping Charlie?"

"You're going to kill Stacy if I tell you," Shelley whimpered. Axle let out an exasperated sigh.

"Of course we are bitch!" "Just fucking tell us!" Ink shouted. His patience was wearing thin. Capone squeezed his friend's shoulder to exert some calm.

"All she ever did was love you," Shelley looked up at Axle. He gestured to Kenzie who pulled the trigger. A clicking sound was heard and Shelley jolted in fear. "One in five," Kenize smirked.

"I don't know where they are, Stacy never told me!" Shelley yelled. Kenzie pulled the trigger again, no bullet. "One in four," "Your chances are getting slimmer." "Best you start telling the truth." Kenzie mumbled.

"I am telling the truth, she never told me!" "All Stacy ever said was how she wanted to get rid of Charlie so she could have Axle." Shelley admitted. "Yeah, we know that much." "We read the text messages." Viper finally chimed in.

Kenize turned around to face the skulls. "This is getting you nowhere, maybe she really doesn't know." "And if this Stacy never told her, she probably knew her friend would be a liability."

"Kenzie's right, Stacy probably figured we'd try to get Shelley to talk." Priest concluded.

"Guess that means, we don't need her anymore then." A loud bang was heard as everyone saw smoke coming out of the barrel of Ink's gun - Shelley's blood and brain matter splattered on the floor and on Kenzie.

The skulls were stunned. Ink had never fired his gun against a woman before. Ink had tears streaming down his face as his hands were visibly shaking. "You got off easy compared to what I'm going to do to your friend." Ink looked at his brothers and walked back upstairs as if nothing happened.


The skulls were upstairs while Tank and Hawk disposed of Shelley's body. Ink was at the bar nursing his anger with a glass of bourbon. Priest was outside with his wife. They were sitting in her car.

"Sorry you couldn't get the answer you needed," Kenzie apologized. Priest shook his head. "It's ok, we'll think of something, thank you for coming."

He leaned back against the passenger seat and looked longingly in his wife's eyes. Kenzie gave the same look. It was clear they still had deep love for one another.

Priest caressed his hand along her cheek, then slowly moved it down her jaw and neck. Kenize closed her eyes and moaned instinctly. He continued his motion across her cleavage, fluttering his fingers down the valley of her breasts. Her eyes remained closed, biting her lips in anticipation.

He gently brushed his thumb across her left nipple and gave a slight tug. "Mmm." Kenize hummed, then swiftly moved on his lap. Priest cups his hands around her face. "Tell me to stop."

Kenzie didn't want him to stop. She leaned in and kissed him eagerly and rough. They began clawing at each other, peeling off their shirts. Priest pulled down her bra and began sucking her left breast while kneading the other. Kenzie fumbled with his belt and unzipped his jeans. She reached down his boxers and began caressing his dick.

"Fuck!" He moaned against her lips. "You like that baby," Kenzie whispered in his ear. Priest lifted her up as she took off her pants. She tugged at his jeans and pulled them down his legs. She moved her thong to the side and slid down on him.

Kenzie began slowly moving up and down. "Shit Caleb," She mumbled in ecstasy. Priest grabbed her hips in place and started thrusting roughly. "Fuck baby, I've missed you," He grunted with each push. "Caleb, I'm..." She gasped.

Priest felt his wife constrict around his dick. Her legs began shaking and she convulsed around him. "Fuck!" He gritted through his teeth as he exploded inside her.

She leaned back, her chest heaving rapidly. She gently touched his face. "I love you, Caleb." "I always have and always will." Kenzie confessed. It warmed his heart to hear those words fall from her lips. "I love you, Mackenzie Johnson." He smiled.


Inside Axle approaches Ink who was on his second glass of bourbon. "Don't man, I don't want to hear it." "That bitch deserved what she got." Ink was unapologetic for killing Shelley.

"I get it, trust me I do." "I wanted to strangle her with my bare hands, but we have rules." Axle reminded him. Taking a gulp and emptying the remaining contents then slamming the glass on the counter. "Perhaps it's time to change the rules." Ink stated, moving towards the others.

Axle's phone started ringing.

"Hey Sophia, what's up? Is everything ok?" He answered.

"I'm calling about Maddox's body, it's still in the morgue." "We have to move him." Sophia reminded her brother.

With everything going on, the skulls completely forgot about Maddox.

"Shit, things have been chaotic around here." He sighed, feeling terrible for forgetting about his brother.

"I understand, but you'll need to contact a funeral home to come get him." Sophia said.

"Ok, give me a couple of days." Axle replied.

"You got it," Sophia agreed.

"Shit!" Axle yelled, attracting the attention of the others. "What is it?" Priest asked. "We forgot about Maddox's body in the morgue." "Sophia said, we need to move him."

"Fuck!" Capone groaned in frustration. "I'll call Carrington's and make the arrangements," The Unholy offered, walking off to make the call.

"Did Maddox have any family?" "Is there anyone we need to call?" Hawk asked. Axle shook his head. "His parents died when he was 18 and he's an only child."

"I'll keep digging about Bishop Clearing." "If Venom gave that name to Dante, then there's got to be something to that." Spook claimed. "Alright you do that." Axle nodded.

"I'm going back to the hospital to check on Willow," Ink voiced, grabbing his helmet. "I need to check on Harper, too." Ice chimed in. "I'll check on Kate," Capone added.

"See about Blake, too." Axle told them. "The rest of us need to figure out the Bishop Clearing connection."


Capone steps out of the elevator and sees Sophia walking out of Kate's room. "What's up doc?" He joked cheekily. Sophia scowled at the sentiment. Capone held up his hands in surrender. "I've always wanted to say that."

"How's Kate doing?" Capone asked, viewing her room through the window. Sophia gave him a somber expression. "It's going to be a long and hard road to recovery for her." "We've started doing skin grafts."

"Can I see her?" He asked. Sophia nodded. "Sure."

Capone cautiously walks in. Because of her injury, Kate is still in an elevated sling with the front part of her body facing the floor. "Hi Kate." He whispered. A low rumbling sound was heard. She was attempting to talk.

"Willow, Harper, Pi..." Kate attempted to ask about the girls but was having difficulty talking. Capone began caressing her hand. "Shhh, it's ok, you don't have to talk."

"Willow, Harper, Pi..." She asked again. Capone sighed. "They're fine." He lied. He didn't want her to know about Willow's condition. "Charlie?" She mumbled. "Hey, you don't need to worry about anyone, just focus on getting better," He glossed over her question.

"Char..." She mumbled before passing out. Capone let out a sigh and gently caressed her hand. "Get better, Kate."

Capone bumped into The Unholy leaving Kate's room. "Carrington's out back, they'll take Maddox to the funeral home and start preparing him."

"He should be buried in his cut," Capone rubbed his hand down his face. The Unholy nodded agreeing.


"Hmph..." Harper hissed trying to reach for the glass of water. Ice quickly came to her aid. "Babe, what are you doing?"

"I'm thirsty," She mumbled, her tiny hands wrapping around the glass. "If you need something, tell me, I'll do it for you." Ice stressed, brushing his wife's hair away from her face.

"Greyson, I dislocated a shoulder, nothing too serious." Harper brushed her injury off nonchalantly. Ice's face hardened. "Are you fucking kidding?" "Just a dislocated shoulder!" "Do you have any idea how broken I was when I heard what happened to you?" "I couldn't breathe, my whole world stopped."

Harper placed her hand over his and gave a soft squeeze. "I'm sorry." She whispers, hanging her head low.

Ice caresses her chin and gently lifts so their eyes meet. "You have nothing to be sorry about." "After what happen with....I got so scared." "I love you so much." Ice confessed.

Harper knew he was recalling when she had been kidnapped and almost died. She leaned up and placed a soft kiss against his lips. "It's going to take a lot more than a dislocated shoulder to keep this girl down," She smiled. "Damn straight, baby." Ice echoed.

A slight cough was heard at the door. "May I come in?" Sophia asked with a large smile on her face. "Sure, doc." Ice greeted me with a friendly gesture. "When can I be released?" Harper asked with a cute pout.

"Today actually," Sophia confirmed. "But, there's something I need to talk to you both about." Ice furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't like how that sounded. "What's going on?"

"When you were admitted we ran some tests to make sure you didn't have any internal injuries." She began explaining. "I noticed your hCG level was high."

Both Ice and Harper were confused as to what Sophia was trying to tell them. "I don't understand, what are you saying?" Ice asked. Sophia darted her eyes towards Harper giving a gentle smile.

"You're pregnant, Harper, four weeks to be exact." Sophia revealed. Harper clasped her hands around her mouth in shock. Ice stood frozen. "Congratulations!" Sophia cheered happily.

Harper looked at Ice with her eyes brimming with tears. "I'm pregnant." She repeated, placing her hands over her stomach. She looked at her husband again who still had yet to utter a word. "Greyson."

Ice looked at his wife, then at her stomach. It finally registered to him. "I'm going to be a dad." "I'm going to be a dad!" He screamed, hugging Harper.

"Woah, what's with all the excitement?" Capone asked, coming inside the room with The Unholy following behind.

"Harper's pregnant, I'm going to be a dad!" Ice shared the news happily. "No shit!" The Unholy cheered, giving his brother a hug as did Capone. "Congrats, man." "Congrats, darling," Capone placed a small kiss on her cheek.

As happily the news was to share, Harper's face frowned in sadness when she realized none of the ladies were here to celebrate with her. "Hey, what's wrong baby?" Ice quickly noticed a change in her demeanor.

"The Squad's not here," She sighed with her shoulders hanging low. Ice gave a faint smile. "I know baby, but as soon as the ladies are better, we can tell them with a big party."

"What about Charlie?" "What if you don't find her?" Harper asked. Ice and Sheriff Ford were honest with her when she asked about Charlie. Ice didn't want his wife to worry, but she was insistent in knowing even threatening her husband with no sex until he told her the truth.

Capone sat down on the bed. "Axle, Viper, and all of us are working every angle and scouring every corner to find her, don't worry." "We're going to bring her home."

"Damn right," Echoed The Unholy.

"Guess that means Kate won't be getting those boots back for a while," Harper chuckled. "You girls and your fancy shoes," Ice laughed. "Yeah, Kate loved them, she said Spook gave them to her." "She said they were heavy, yet extremely comfortable."

Capone bolted from the bed. He started pacing around in circles mumbling to himself. "Bro, are you good?"The Unholy asked, confused. Capone rushed towards the bed. "Harper, did these boots have red studded buckles on the sides?"

Harper scrunched her face trying to remember, then her eyes lit up. "Yeah, they did." "That's what made them so cool looking, that's why Charlie asked to borrow them."

"Fuck yes!" Capone screamed, clenching his fist. Ice and The Unholy were lost as to Capone's behavior. "Are you going to tell us what's got you so hyped? Ice waved his hands.

"The boots Charlie borrowed are the ones we gave Kate to wear when she went undercover at the casino." He explained. "Ok, and it's a big deal why?" Ice asked, still not understanding.

"Spook put a GPS tracker in the sole of the boots!"

Word count: 3,402

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