A Flamboyant Firebender (OC F...

By Thaiph_Kaard

19.9K 567 80

Azula is sent by Firelord Ozai to capture prince Iroh and Zuko, recent traitors to the Fire Nation. For this... More

00 - Character Intro
01 - Prologue
02 - A New Uzu
04 - A New Home
05 - Flamboyant Flames
06 - Swordmaster Piandao
Short Story: Tattoo
Short Story: Lightning Bending
Sidestory: Tears
07 - Omashu
08 - King Bumi
Short Story - Friendship
09 - Apart
Side Story - A Grumpy Prince
10 - On a Journey

03 - Flamboyant

1.5K 34 2
By Thaiph_Kaard

As Uzu was waiting for Esh to return, she started thinking about what happened last night. 

Ah, that was so not flamboyant nor flashy, what a dissapointment... Uzu lamented.

Uzu hung her head down, feeling her hair naturally cover her eyes like usual. Did I always let my hair cover my eyes? How drab...

Uzu brushed her hair away, then it came back 2 seconds later. Thinking nothing of it, Uzu brushes her hair away again.

Her hair fell back.

Feeling an Irk mark forming on her forehead, Uzu starts an endless battle against her hair to keep it in place.

"Agh! Why won't this stupid hair. just. stay. still!" Finally after 2 minutes, Uzu's hair finally stayed in place for more than 10 seconds.

Uzu breathed a sigh in relief, feeling the warmth emitted from her mouth as she unconsiously firebended. 

Her hair fell back.

"UGH! Agni damnit!" Uzu yelled in frustration.

After a few more minutes of trying to keep her hair down, it finally stayed away from her eyes permanently.

"Finally..." Uzu whispered in relief.

She then heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" Uzu shouted, seeing Esh walk into the room with a set a red clothing.

"Here are your clothes milady," Esh said, handing the neatly folded set to Uzu.

"Lady Mai wishes to visit you, I will be escorting her here shortly. Please get changed quickly." Esh explained.

"Of course Esh! I will get changed so flamboyantly fast they won't see what's coming! I know how impatient Mai can get!" Uzu said with a grin.

"Then I shall leave." Esh said, departing.


"I hope Uzu is okay... don't you think so Mai?" Tylee asked.

"Whatever," Mai said, seemingly indifferent to the whole affair. A knock was then heard.

Before Mai could say anything, Tylee shouted an ethusiastic "Come in!" with her normal bubbly voice and personality.

Mai's eyebrow twitch at being interupted as Esh entered the room, eyes widened at the unfamiliar guest in Tylee.

Before boring questions could be asked, Mai gave Esh an order. "Take me and Tylee to Uzu." 

"Right away milady." Esh responded.

As they walked through the halls, Tylee started asking a bunch of questions about Esh. Questions like: 'who is she?', 'is she your friend?', 'does she know you as a baby?', all annoying questions from Mai's perspective.

The group then arrived at the room Uzu slept in and Esh knocked on the door, following common ettiquette.

"Come in!" Uzu yelled from the other side, much to the shock of Tylee and Mai, who had never heard Uzu's voice raised once in their life.

But the shock was only just starting.

Tylee ran into the room to give Uzu a hug, but stopped short in shock at what Uzu looked like.

"What?! Uzu! Your hair is white! How did this happen!" Tylee asked in suprise. Mai was also at the door, looking entirely baffled at what she was seeing.

Uzu gave a massive smile, wider than anything Tylee and Mai had ever seen from Uzu in their lives. "Doesn't it look so amazing and flashy?!" Uzu responded.

Imaginary lightning bolts struck in representation of the sheer suprise both Tylee and Mai were feeling.

"Uzu! Uzu!" Tylee started to shake Uzu by the shoulders, "What happened to you?! Are you ok, why are you so happy and social?!" Tylee asked.

Uzu looked contemplative, entirely ignoring being shaken by Tylee, "Hmmm, I dunno." Uzu shrugged.

Tylee, ever the emotional hurricane, quickly recovered and looked at Uzu in awe. "Woah, I didn't know your red eyes were so pretty." Mai walked up to the two of them as Tylee said that, and had to agree with Tylee's statement.

"Haha!" More shock, "Flamboyant, Isn't it!?" Uzu exclaimed in pride.

Tylee squealed in delight, "It is!" to which Uzu puffed her chest out in pride.

Mai then joined the conversation, "Uzu... are you alright?"

Uzu then looked at Mai confusedly, "Yeah, I feel as flashy and flamboyant as ever!" Uzu said, striking an A pose.

Uzu then got an idea, "Do you guys wanna play tag?" Uzu asked in anticipation, to which Tylee similarly looked excited.

"Yes! Let's play right now! I'll be it to start!" Tylee declared.

"Great." Mai said dryly.

"Alright Mai! Let's make our flamboyant escape!" Uzu said, dragging Mai with her, "Woo hoo!" Uzu yelled.

Tylee quickly gave chase and their game of tag began.

"Cmon Mai, Let's split down this hallway!" Uzu said, running at a speed Mai didn't know Uzu could get close to.

"Got it." 

As they split to two different directions, Tylee decided to go after Uzu, running as fast as she could to catch the white haired firebender.

"I'm going to get you Uzu!" Tylee yelled in glee. "Haha! You will never catch my flamboyant self! Just try to catch up!" Uzu yelled in response.

After 2 whole minutes of running Tylee couldn't catch up to Uzu. Feeling cocky, Uzu decided to slow down and stay still to let Tylee catch up to her.

Unfortunately for Uzu, she forgot the Tylee is a skilled martial artist, so after dodging 6 hits from Tylee, Uzu was tagged by her, who quickly ran away.

"You're it! Heeheeheeheehee!" Tylee giggled while running. Uzu only smiled wider.

"I will catch you in the most flamboyant way possible!" Uzu declared, running even faster than before.

Uzu was quickly catching up to Tylee, who was lacking in pure speed. Tylee then turned around a corner, Uzu moving as fast as she could to catch up.

As she turned the corner however, she was suddenly stopped by something soft and squishy, quickly falling to the floor.

It turns out what stopped her was one General Iroh, who had just returned after his failure at Ba Sing Se.

"Oww... OH! Hello General Iroh! Sorry for running into you." Uzu greeted. Iroh just looked at Uzu in confusion, then had a look of realization followed by pity and his face.

"It is no problem Uzu, it is always nice seeing young ones play with such ethusiasm." Iroh said with a faraway look on his face.

Uzu had a look of understanding on her face, "Ah, I'm sorry for you loss General Iroh,"

Iroh looked suprised that Uzu could read him like that, but didn't comment on it. "Ah, thank you Uzu, it is always a pleasure to know that you will always have people who care for you." Iroh said, both in gratitude and as a small lesson for Uzu.

Instead of smiling however, Uzu visibly grimaced in memory of what happened, but quickly replaced it with a smile at Iroh's words.

Iroh noticed however, "Are you alright Uzu? Why has your hair turned white?" He asked.

"My family died." Uzu stated bluntly, sounding similar to her old self. "It was super unflamboyant." She added.

"Oh... My deepest condolensces to you Uzu." Iroh said in sympathy.

"Thank you General Iroh," Uzu then adopted an old man voice trying to sound like Iroh, "'it is always a pleasure to know that you will always have people who care for you'". She said with a smile, to which Iroh also gave a chuckle.

"Ha, you are right about that." Iroh said in amusement. Iroh's expression then turned serious.

"Uzu, you said that you're family has perished, do you have anywhere to sleep?" Iroh inquired.

Uzu however, flashed an innocent smile. "Yep! I can sleep in the bed in that medical room!" Uzu said, which cause Iroh to scowl.

"Uzu, that is not a place someone can stay in permanently, it is used for the purpose of healing those who are injured." Iroh explained.

Uzu looked suprised, simply saying "oh".

Iroh's expression softened, "If you would like, I would not mind in the least to take you into my home." Iroh said, causing Uzu's eyes to widen.

"*Gasp*, This boring situation suddenly turned very flamboyant! Thank you General Iroh! Please take me in!" Uzu said with ethusiasm.

"Your welcome, now, I believe you have a friend to catch?" Iroh inquired.

Uzu gasped, "You're right! See you later General Iroh!" Uzu said while dashing away at a very fast pace. Iroh smiled in response.

"I'm gonna get you Tylee, no one will ever by able to escape my flamboyant self!" Uzu yelled in the distance.


Done! I hope ya guys are enjoying dis here fanfic. Have a nice day!

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