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By BroQuitStalking

78.4K 2.4K 719

Nora and Bart journey to the past, seeking to alter their future. Henry, their estranged brother, joins the q... More

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Chapter 1: Somone Faster, Someone Smarter
Chapter 3: Everything I've Done
Chapter 4: The Ally Of My Sibling Is My Enemy
Chapter 5: The Girl Of Steel
Chapter 6: Searching For Answers
Chapter 7: One Good Reason
Chapter 8: The Sister He Never Knew
Chapter 9: Soon Enough
Chapter 10: An Early Problem
Chapter 11: Turn Away
Chapter 12: The Girl Who Sat On A Bench
Chapter 13: I Will Reign
Chapter 14: Trapping A Demon
Chapter 15: Race Of A Lifetime
Chapter 16: The Demon Behind The Mask
Chapter 17: ⏰ Watching Time Unfold⚑️
Chapter 18: A Powerful Motivator
Chapter 19: Time For A Favor
Chapter 20: Name The time; Name The Place
Chapter 21: The Gideon Effect
Chapter 22: Back To The Future.... And Ahead
Chapter 23: Blast From The Past
Chapter 24: Unfilled Tension
Chapter 25: The First Step
Chapter 26: More Things Change
Chapter 27: The Brother's Sister
Chapter 28: Control Factor
Chapter 29: Irony Of The Matter
Chapter 30: Maybe There Was Hope After All
Chapter 31: Same Life, Different Me
Chapter 32: He Couldn't Fathom It....
Chapter 33: The Stupid Brother
Chapter 34: What's Past Is Prologue [Part 1]
Chapter 35: The Future Has Changed...
Chapter 36: A Growing Connection
Chapter 37: What's Past Is Prologue [Part 2]
Chapter 38: Dark And Light
Chapter 39: A Night Without Henry
Chapter 40: The Mood Has Changed
Chapter 41: Speaking Of Darkness...
Chapter 42: Stubborn Has It's Disadvantages
Chapter 43: Trapped In His Prison
Chapter 44: The King's Descent
Chapter 45: King's Broken Crown
Chapter 46: Her Escape
Chapter 47: The True Fight Begins
Chapter 48: Shattered Lightning
Chapter 49: Gone In A Flash
Chapter 50: No Time For Closure

Chapter 2: Baseball Battle

2.4K 69 10
By BroQuitStalking

You may remember quite a moment, a truly rare moment where if you blink you miss it, it was the moment where Henry West-Allen was inside the pipeline at Star Labs, he had become trapped with no way out, but how? How could that have happened? How could a king like Henry become trapped inside a cell?

Barry walks over to a panel on the wall as he puts his hand on it as the cell door opens up wide as he goes and stands in front of it as we see Henry inside wearing his suit with his head lowered and his hands against the glass

All we hear is a sinister laugh coming from the speedster as he looks up and his eyes meet with Barry Allen's, it was truly a moment in the making, one that had been years in the making, two speedsters, a father and son face to face once again

Henry cracks his neck as he takes his hands off the glass and crosses his arms

Henry: Well, now what..........flash?

Henry chuckles as Barry feels a cold shiver running down his spine due to the man standing inside the cell

But how you may ask? It was still the question, how did Henry West-Allen, the king of Central City, get put inside a cell at Star Labs? Well in order for you to know that, we must go back a little bit......just a tiny bit

[24 Hours Ago/Flashback]

Xs and Impulse stood in the baseball with Xs pacing back and forth, contemplating what the two of them had done, they helped thr flash but it was clearly wrong, they hadn't actually thought this through before it happened but it did; Nora just kept pacing even looking over at Bart who was even phased by what happened; his mind set was clear about what needed to happen

Bart: I don't know what you're so worried about, Nora.

Nora stopped in place as she looked at her brother and she just scoffed, of course he didn't know what she was so worried about, he didn't understand time travel, he didn't understand what doing in the past could change in the future, he wasn't aware of what damage could be done

Nora: Bart, we just changed the future. We- oh my god. Dad's gonna kill us. Oh my god.

Nora paced again as she rubbed her forward nervously

Bart: Nora, it's fine. All we did was help dad take down a satellite. What's the worst thing that could happen?

Nora scoffs again as she goes over to Bart and points to his chest

Nora: Never ever say "What's the worst thing that could happen." never say that. Because usually when someone says that, the worst thing always happens.

Nora was too wrapped up in her own thoughts and talking to Bart that she didn't even hear the "WHOOSH" behind her as Bart's eyes widen seeing Speed Demon standing in the distance, Nora took notice to it as she slowly turned around and saw him

Bart: You mean, *Points at Speed Demon" like that?

Nora sighs and rubs her forehead as she looks over at Bart and nods

Speed Demon: You two can't be left alone for five seconds without one of you, screwing up.

Speed Demon says as he takes a step closer to his siblings

Speed Demon: Do you have any idea what you two have done?

He shows the two of them the video of them helping the flash destroy the satellite as Nora and Bart look at each other and Bart shakes his head as Nora gulps knowing full well what could happen to the timeline

Speed Demon: I expect this sorta thing from Bart, but you....Nora. I'm very disappointed in you.

Nora looks down at the ground as she nods to her brother, she knew what she did was wrong and still did it

Bart sees Nora lower her head as he his hand on her shoulder and steps forward

Bart: No, you don't get to do that. You don't get to give us the whole "Big brother" act. Your a monster, Henry. You've probably changed the timeline a hundred times. We don't need this. *Turns to Nora* Let's go, Nora.

Bart walks as he grabs Nora's arm and begins to walk away with her but Speed Demon appears in front of them as he gets in Bart's face causing them to stop as Bart lets out a gulp

Speed Demon just looks at Bart as Nora can see the tension between the two of them as she casually steps back, she didn't like being the one in the middle, she didn't like picking sides, even if one of her brothers was the one she had to stop

Bart finally stands his ground as he stands up straight putting on a face of confidence as Speed Demon looks up and down at him seeing his sudden change in demeanor

His mask dematerializes as Henry smirks with a chuckle

Henry: What'd you think.....Bart? Run back and time and tell dear old dad that I've been a naughty boy?

Henry crosses his arms as Bart looks over at Nora for an answer but she just shrugs her shoulders and Bart looks back at Henry

Henry: Or what, Bart? What did this plan entail huh? What's the endgame?

Henry takes a step back as he waves his arms up and down as he says

Henry: Go on.....tell us. What's your endgame?

Bart didn't know it at the time but Henry knew he was hiding something, something he didn't want to get out, Henry though was still trying to determine whether Nora knew what it was or not

Bart: I don't need this.

Bart turns around as he goes to walk away but Henry suddenly appears in front of him as he delivers a huge uppercut to him that causes him to fall to the ground and then he stands over top of his with his foot on his chest

Henry looks down at Bart as Nora steps closer but Henry puts his hand out as Nora stops

Henry: Bart, Bart, Bart, ever the hero, huh? Even after the death of your father....you still can't get it through your thick skull....you can't beat me.

Henry takes his foot off Bart's chest as he kneels down to him

Henry: You know I feel like I deserve a I don't know a "Thank you."

Bart scoffs and looks over at Nora trying to see whether or not Henry was serious, he looks back at Henry; what could he possibly thank him for?

Bart: I'm not thanking you for anything.

Henry chuckles as he immediately grabs Bart by the throat as he stands up and lifts the young speedster up as Nora gasps and Henry's eyes turn black as he pulls him in close

Henry: For seven years, Bart, I've allowed you to live, allowed you to chase me. I've allowed you to wear this pathetic suit.

Henry's eyes turn normal as he laughs slightly and sets Bart down as he lets go of his throat and then pats down his shoulders

Henry: But my patience with you is running thin. Now here is what you and Nora are gonna do. You're gonna run as fast you can, go through a portal and head back to the future you've undoubtedly changed drastically.

Henry turns as he begins to walk away

Henry: Is that clear?

Bart looks over at Nora who nods her "yes" she just wanted to go home, back to their time

Bart shakes his head as looks back at his brother who was still walking away

Bart: No.

He says confidently as Nora face palms knowing that he shouldn't have said that and Henry immediately stops in place as a look of anger covers his face as he turns around

Henry: What did you just say?

Bart: I said....no.

Henry laughs as he points up and down

Henry: I'm gonna give you one more chance, Bart.

Bart crosses his arms as he stands his ground and doesn't budge

Henry's eyes turn black again as he runs at Bart but he's suddenly taken down by a blurr which caught him off guard and he runs the back of his neck and groans slightly

He looks up seeing Nora standing there with her mask now on as purple lightning crackles off her body and Henry was a little shocked at what she had just done

He stands up as he cracks his knuckles as his mask covers his face as his lightning now crackles off his body

Speed Demon: You shouldn't have done that.....Xs.

Xs stands her ground as she gets into a running position, she hated what she was about to do but she wasn't about to let Bart get hurt nor was she going to let her two brothers fight so she had to be the one to do something

Xs runs at Speed Demon as she immediately delivers a huge shoulder tackle that causes him to roll on the ground as he lands on his knees

Speed Demon: That's the spirit, Xs.

Speed Demon gets up as he runs at Xs as he goes for a punch but the purple suited speedster dodges the punch as she counters with one of her causing Speed Demon to stumble backwards

Speed Demon: Someone's been practicing.

Xs: Obviously.

The two speedsters begin clashing in the middle of the baseball field as Xs reals her hand for a punch but Speed Demon catches her fist as he counters with an uppercut

Impulse finally joins the fight as he goes at his brother as the two begin fighting; impulse kicks Speed Demon and then runs at him but the king of Central City grabs Impulse as he throws him across the field

He turns around only to be met with a drop kick from his sister as he punches the ground in anger

Xs: Had enough?

Speed Demon chuckles and doesn't even bother to dignify that with a response as he gets up and walks towards Xs as she runs at him as she grabs ahold of them as the two of them crash through the gate

Speed Demon is the first to make it back to his feet as he walks up and kicks his sister in the face getting a groan out of her, he grabs her leg as he whips her around back into the baseball field

He runs at her but is caught by Impulse he puts him up against the part of the gate that wasn't destroyed

Impulse: No one can help you anymore, Henry.

Speed Demon smiles underneath his mask as he replies

Speed Demon: Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you.

Impulse goes for a punch but Speed Demon moves his head out of the way and Impulse's fist hits the gate as the evil speedster punches his brother hard in the chest, he then runs and jumps in the air before delivering a huge punch causing him to fall down

Speed Demon walks over to Impulse as he kneels down and rolls him over as he holds him down and vibrates his fist over his chest

For the first time in this encounter, Bart finally looks scared as he closes his eyes knowing what Henry was about to do

Speed Demon: Patience run thin.

Speed Demon goes to bring his hand down but before he can Nora interrupts

Xs: Henry!

Speed Demon looks to the side as he immediately sees the purple streak of Nora as he is punched hard in the face and he rolls against the ground and his body crash lands on homebase

Speed Demon groans again as he chuckles, impressed though by Nora's new found determination

He gets back up to his feet as he sees Nora help Bart up, but they don't even get a second to catch their breath as they are suddenly taken down by Speed Demon as the two of them land on opposite sides of each other

They both groan and look up and see Speed Demon kneeling down to the ground

Speed Demon: You two just don't know when to quit.

He chuckles and picks up a rock as he stands up and throws it and he looks down at Bart

Speed Demon: It was so simple, really. I had a plan. I had a good plan. Kill the flash, take over the city and then everything would be alright. Maybe finally, finally, I could stop hearing about what a great hero the flash is.

Bart and Nora both look at each other as Speed Demon walks forward as they look up at him

Speed Demon: But no.....that's not how things went. Still hearing about the flash even after he's been gone for what feels like decades. *Sighs* You two....really have no idea what you've done.

Speed Demon turns back to his siblings as they start to stand up

Speed Demon: Helping the flash destroy that satellite, you two have changed more than you know.

Nora and Bart look at each other confused, it was just one thing.....they only changed one thing.....what could possibly happen to the future

They both look at their brother as he chuckles and then taps his wrist as a future article appears which says "Flash museum reopened." Nora's eyes widen seeing the article

Speed Demon: What'd you think, Bart? Changing one tiny thing, changes countless things.

Nora face palms her face again as she immediately feels the guilt come crashing in, she knew this was a bad idea, but she didn't expect it to be this bad

The future article disappears as Bart scoffs

Bart: He's lying, he has to be lying.

Bart didn't wanna believe it, he couldn't believe that changing something so small could drastically change something so big

Speed Demon: Alright, that's it. You're both done. You're going back right....now!

Bart shakes his head as he immediately runs at Speed Demon and goes for a punch but Speed Demon grabs his arm as he twists it and then puts his leg in between his legs and then throws him to the ground

Nora runs and punches Speed Demon on the back as he groans out and then elbows her in the gut but Xs follows it up with a kick to his back as she runs around him and then uppercuts him before sitting on top of him

Nora: Please, Henry. Stop!

Speed Demon punches Nora as he gets up and runs forward before turning around and standing in place

Xs and Impulse stand up as they both look at each and nod

They run in circles as Speed Demon also begins running in a circle as the three of them each throw out a lightning bolt

Three colors of black, orange and purple each collide with each other as it causes a big explosion that wipes out the entire baseball stadium basically and also causes the three speedsters to go flying

A minute or so passed as Nora and Bart groaned out in pain as they both struggled to get up, Bart is the first to stand as he limps over and puts his hand out as Nora grabs it and he pulls her up as grunts in pain

Nora immediately looks around trying to spot Henry but she doesn't find him

Bart: Don't bother.

Bart says as he looks forward at one of the gates that was destroyed

Bart: He's gone.

Bart looks back at Nora as the two look around for wherever Henry went but he was gone and they didn't know where he went, but they knew he was watching........but something still lingered in the mind of Nora, if destroying that satellite changed something, what else could be changed? She lets out a sigh as Bart puts his hand on her shoulder

All the two siblings could think about was what Speed Demon said, and where he disappeared too

To Be Continued.....

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