It's Something Called Obedien...

Bởi Ink-Bringe

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Fair disclaimer there's intense violence, gore, religious controversy, suicide, and sensitive topics in this... Xem Thêm

Prologue: Broken Tiles
Chapter No.1: Ghostly Body
Chapter No.2: Twisted Truth
Chapter No.3: Broken Mind Syndrome
Chapter No.4: Your Masterpiece
Chapter No.5: I'll Kiss Your Grave
Chapter No.6: Burning Your Mistakes
Chapter No.7: Stockholm Syndrome
Chapter No.8: Lost Echoes of My Mind
Chapter No.9: Sacrificing My Sacrilege
Chapter No.10: A Fatal Rose
Chapter No.11: The Dance of Bleeding Ink
Chapter No.12: Pool of Mangled Dreams
Chapter No.13: Surreal Nightmares
Chapter No.14: Haunting Pulses
Chapter No.16: Valorous Doe
Chapter: No.17: Interchangeable Files
Chapter No.19: Altered Anguish
Chapter No.20: A Poem's Dilemma
Chapter No. 21: The Burden Sparks Hold
Chapter No. 22: The Tune of Tragedy
Epilogue: Life Lessons

Chapter No.18: Peace Only Creates Tragedy

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Bởi Ink-Bringe

Esther glares me down, a gaslighting smile on her face. "Hello Theseus, I've been waiting for you." She.. she isn't talking in Shakespearean.. She has been hurting people for all this time, and yet, she won't even do what she asked for. "Esther..?" I couldn't understand this, why is she speaking like a normal person for once? "We have quite the situation to discuss." She laughs maniacally as her hand cups my chin. A sadistically sweet smile cuts into each of her cheeks. This is going to be one Dread of a ride.
"What did I do this time.?" I ask as a glaring Wisp and Galaxy Guardian troupe glare daggers at me. "Kelx, what the fuck do you mean, "what did I do this time?" you sent away two recruits! Two major recruits that might've sealed the treaty we were forming with Esther!" Solar starts, her fury showing in the flames of her hair. "We don't need Esther! These 6 shooters and machetes can do some work! That's our weak blows too! Have you seen the sharpened daggers, crossbows, spears, flame throwers, grenades, revolvers, pistols, rifles, muskets, shotguns, AK-47s, machine guns, battering rams, and the chemical weaponry! It's like my paradise, and anyone who doesn't like it should get their taste buds accessed."
"That's great Kelx, our majesty, although that seems like enough, it's indeed the opposite! Have you realized that magical abilities exist yet? It's been over 7000 years already?" "Oh shush Wisp! If we fail we can just blame the Demonics by saying they brainwashed us!" "We are not framing the innocent Demonics like that, I'm going back to my post." Lunar vanishes off with her statement. "I'm joining Lunar, Kelx you have another ceremony to deal with soon, and it's with that guy you hated when alive!"

Who cares what they think if I still get every little thing I want! It is finally time to watch a little pest squirm and vomit on my carpet! Seriously, they are paying for wherever their vomit lays. Hm, I should check on Inklyn. I wonder if Mr. Python has caught on to my plan yet. Oh well, time to look at more random weapons! Ugh wait, I'm getting a call from a profile that seems familiar. "Kelx Azen? It's us Bow Lynx and Vinyl Calx! We have to keep you aware so we are happy to report that Purss Moper's imprisonment is in good security." I shivered at the name, I can't stand even the thought of his escape.
"Good news Ink! After meeting Mr. X and Mr. Ashz, we can confirm that you are ready to meet with the Mei band!" Mr. Python was excited, more excited than I was, perhaps I was just too tired to show emotion or I was worried he was just getting my hopes up but I truly couldn't remember the last time I saw them. Had it been a couple of days, a couple of weeks? It's not something I couldn't count on if I even tried, they hadn't given me a clock nor a calendar, they say it is because time doesn't have a stable stream here. I'm aware they are lying though, how else would the seasons and yearly rituals still work?

"Take me to them, you better not be messing with me again." I sigh, snapping my fingers to change my dull dress to a nice one. If he isn't lying I do want to look nice for my friends. "Don't worry I! You can trust that this time you will be meeting with them, do you need anything else?" It is strange he is trying to calm my anxiety, I thought I was good enough at hiding this by now for him not to notice. "Could you finally tell me how long I've been here?"
"Why aren't you talking in Shakespearean? You forced us all into this lifestyle for so long just to not even follow it yourself! It's been who knows the amount of the millenniums we have

wasted this way!" I retort back at her, Esther just couldn't ever stop degrading me! I summon my personal weapon from behind my back as Hematite of Hue-Lake has taught me what it was in case of the need of defense.
"Hm, I just decided it was annoying. No more Shakespearean needed!" She answers as if it is the most justified reasoning in existence. "What in Melchior's name is wrong with you? You had us believing for so long that you were the only person who knew justice. Just for you to be revealed as the biggest liar I have ever seen in the existence of this afterlife! I know now what is wrong with this world and I am going to change it. Starting with eliminating YOU!" I take out my weapon, a fantasy bow and arrow powered with karmic energy.
It takes a mere shot to hit her profile even if it was between her wings, to leave her on the floor turning to ash. Sirens blow, alarms sound, however, thanks to my reasoning and profile, I am now responsible for taking her place entirely. The sky dulls, wings flap, suddenly Kelx is walking towards me in this throneroom. "Theseus Claudius, I could not thank you enough. Esther Angelline was the most annoying bitch in all of this realm! How could I thank you? I know! Hue-Lake could use a deity like you to keep it uncorrupt!"

Oh my lord I am so glad she eliminated Esther, I was gonna lose my remaining sanity if she didn't! "Alright then, where do you go for the deity ritual?" She's prepared too! This is looking greatly in her favor! "My garden, how about we fly down there? I can set Sonnet in charge while we are gone." Sonnet Haiku might be a recent edition to Dread but she is responsible enough, I think.

"That sounds lovely, shall we depart now or do we get her first?" Theseus asks, she seriously is gonna make a great deity! "Well they are on their way there, I made them aware of the situation before I even left to come over here. Thus, he'll be here any moment now." Sonnet is an okay flier, so perhaps it won't be much longer- oop there they are! Their silhouette is made visible through these windows.
16 days.. I have wasted myself into almost-spring already! "I, are you doing okay?" Mr. Python asks me as I snap myself back into consciousness with his question. "I'm fine." I really need to work on lying, no wonder these weird ass bitches keep noticing that I'm upset. "I'm fine Mr. Python, I just can't believe this.." I sighed, pushing my right hand against my forehead in frustration. To think I thought it had been only a couple days, how could I ever be so wrong? Am I just that stupid? I thought Tion Pulse was kind, I thought Plot Eci was on my side, I thought Matrix Code was so bright!
That isn't even all of it, I thought who is now known as Citrus Lemonade, Gabriel was cruel! My mind thought Zereph Luxe was so cool, I thought Kelx Azen was harmless, I thought Theseus Claudius was safe with us! You would think that no one could be this dumb! I thought I'd never be so wrong. How does the Mei band even feel about me? Am I just a burden to them? This entire time, was that all I was? Some blue haired demon that couldn't do anything right?

If I was working this hard to escape and find my friends, did they even care if I was okay at all? Have they ever cared? Has anyone ever cared for me, has anyone even had anything close to resembling a worry for me. No one said 'I am so sorry you had to go through that!' No one has

ever shown any honest remorse about what has happened. Am I seriously just realizing this? After all of this fucking time, am I just now realizing how horrible I feel about my afterlife?
"How the Dread could I be uncorrupt enough to be the next new deity? I only killed her!" I yell at Kelx, I can't believe this jerk! Why would me? Some random 16 year old Hypna-Demon that's only been dead for 18,000 years would never be ready to rule over the next eternity! "Theseus, hey now, you gotta take responsibility for the people you eliminate, if you ever look at Inklyn too long you'll see the terror in their eyes that eliminating Tion gave them, and it's been 4 months! Purely Melchior, you can't just not accept your new power!" He's trying to reason with me, I wish I knew how much of an idiot this guy was all along.
"I can't and I won't! After all this nation has done, after all Dread has had to go through, the last damn thing that Hue-Lake deserves is a deity! I abdicate the responsibilities of a goddess, and I hereby stand here to forbid ANYONE from even trying to take up that position themselves!" Horror bellows through the atmosphere as I assert my remark. My palm rests on my chest as I take a deep breath before continuing, "As long as Dread does not have a valid Deity, neither does Hue-Lake! Consider this a declaration of war to those opposed to my call!" The only statement I ever plan on having as a deity is this, and this alone. This land does not deserve a goddess, and I will make sure order and justice is in Hue-Lake's court.

This is impossible! This is outrageous! We cannot have another land of anarchy, if I knew that Theseus would command a remark as preposterous as that, I would've never allowed

the elimination of Esther Angelline until further notice! Perhaps I shouldn't be concerned because I already was managing all three lands, however, the social networks knowing this may cause panic and more harm than good. As the only god left, it is my responsibility to keep order in this realm.
How am I supposed to keep order after all of this? I'm not smart, it's not like I ever have been, Esther just wanted a useless deity to do all her dirty work so she could blame them for all of her mistakes! This isn't fair, it's not fair! Why did she have to choose an idiot like me to rule? Now I'm just this stupid, stupid god that can't even do anything with intellect! I shouldn't be the one ruling over these nations, I shouldn't even be ruling over that abandoned one.
My people all fear me, it's not like I have any friends either. I'm just a stupid guy that likes guns. Now I'm supposed to lead all of these people that don't trust me into a war. I've never led a war on my own before, how am I supposed to now? We don't get lessons in war when we're turned this way. All of the things we were taught seem useless next to what the actual Dread is going on.
Now I'm flying over to my chambers, what was supposed to be happy news with Theseus by my wings, has turned into the worst of this millenia. What should I have expected though? Nothing has ever gone truly well for me! I'm such a hopeless idiot and I can't even tell anyone! They would all just make fun of me, say how I'm a waste of space, all while making me feel as if I'm the worst version of myself. That is the only thing that never changes in my horrid afterlife. I'll never be a good person. No matter how hard I try, I cannot believe I am a good enough person. If I was anyone else, I'd hate myself too.

I don't believe anyone could hate a deity, yet I am over here hearing about the events of Hue-Lake through the perspective of some guy who died while he was middle-aged. Apparently, a huge percentage of these lands absolutely despise all of the deities we ever have had, not just Esther. I could never believe it, I could never comprehend what they're going through, I feel so horrible about it. Even when, I have no right to.
A deep breath seeps through my lungs as we walk outside of the building, the breath blowing away once Mr. Python does that coughing thing to get my attention. "I, are you alright? You're zoning out again and I haven't even opened the door to their room yet." He expresses with great concern in his voice. "Ah yes, I am fine, this just has been exhausting is all." I motion a hand over my mouth as I yawn, "Yeah I get that, let's not make your friends wait any longer though. Come now I."
Mr. Python opens the doors, showing the five girls and two adult dudes talking with them. "Ah Ink! How glad am I to see you! Come, meet Mr. X and Mr. Ashz!" Sparix motions, pointing out Mr. X to be the Bat Demon is the blue flannel and Mr. Ashz as the man with the yellow sweater vest. "Alright,, uh hello? My name is Ink Bringe. I'm formally a robot so excuse me when it comes to customs."
"Oh hello! Aren't you clever? I'm Mr. Ashz, my friend here is Mr. X '' The man chuckles, clearly he knows Mr. X well. "Nice to meet you, you're all good!" Mr. X starts to trail off, losing touch with his surroundings, it's actually kind of fun to watch. "You're all good, we know we struggle here, just act how you know best." I suggest this because I'm so smart and assume this is everyone's usual way of acting,

"What if my origins rest in places you didn't learn of?" Mr. Ashz jokes, I now know who to avoid as well, "Okay okay, just finish this chat, I just want to talk to the Meis alone." Frustration peered through my voice, I shouldn't let them see any negative emotions. "Alright then, let us go then." Mr. X politely offered before leaving with the others. Apostrophe looks guilty but also, annoyed? It's probably just the long wait that Mr. Python caused, that has to be it.. "I was talking to the others for a while now and I can't do this! I don't want this type of life, especially since it's changing so much now that you're in it! You're ruining this!" I didn't want this to happen, not again!

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