always been you| javon walton

By yourmom-1890

146K 1.2K 2.4K

Isabella is a fun laid back girl to be around, when her mom told her they were moving she didn't care knowing... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17 (part A)
chapter 18 (part B)
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
rest in peace
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65

chapter 15

2.7K 24 37
By yourmom-1890

(Isabella pov)
i'm so nervous to go to his house i haven't met his sister or little brother.

"im sure there gonna like you."wanna said trying to comfort me.

"okay but what if they don't , like what if for some reason they just hate me." i tell him.

"they wont." he said holding my hand while he drives

"before we go can we get dutch bros." i ask him nicely.

"yeah let's go."wanna said.

"ima get my family some drinks that okay." he asked looking at me.

"of course." i told him.
after getting our drinks i'm quietly sipping on my drink sitting in the passanger seat with my legs on wanna's lap he drives to my house so i can get noodles.

"ima grab him fast." i told him

"want me to come in and help you pack his stuff." he asked

"oh shit i forgot i had to pack his stuff. uh yeah can you help me." i asked before opening the door getting out.

wanna turns off the car and gets out, he stands behind me while i use my key to open the front door.

wanna goes downstairs to my room while i head upstairs to grab him from my mom.

"mom" i called opening her door.

"perché dovresti chiamarmi quando entri a prescindere" she scolded me
(why would you call me when you walk in regardless.")

"scusa mamma volevo solo farti sapere che sono io che sto entrando" i told her.
(sorry mom i just wanted to let you know it's me walking in)

"chi altro sarebbe ehm?" she said looking at me with noodles asleep in her lap
(who else would it be hm?)

"ok, non sono venuto qui per essere sgridato, sono venuto a prendere il mio bambino." i told her walking to get noodles.
(okay i didn't come here to get yelled at i came to get my baby.)

"dove vai?"she asked me when i grabbed noodles.
(where you going?)

"il mio amico a casa di amici dormo sopra." i told her
(my guy friends house ima sleep over tonight)

"va bene ti amo" she told me
(okay love you)

"ti amo" i said walking out.
(love you)

after settling in the car which noodles in my lap and his stuff on the feet of the passenger seat me and wanna make small talk.

"what are we gonna do there." i asked.

"i don't really know but i'm sure my sister will wanna hang out with you." he said

"oh is she social?" i asked

"yeah she is she's been asking me who i've been hanging out with. you don't wanna know how mad she got at me when i didn't introduce you to her last time." he said and lighted

"ima tell her your hiding me." i joked

"she'll beat my ass if you tell her that. my family taught me to be respectful to girls mostly my sister, mom and dad."

"i definitely wanna see that but it's nothing new i mean you are scared of me." i sigh and look away from him.

"oh really." he laughed "your right i'm so scared of you, you could easily beat me up."he said sarcastically.

"i know i'm so buff." i joked

"damn you been working out hm i can tell your hella buff." he joked with me.

"so thankful someone noticed just how buff i am." i said.

"your so pretty" he told me when we stopped at a red light.

"your making me shy." i said when i noticed him looking at me. "don't make me suck you off again." i told him.

"fuck, don't make me horny or ima have to return the favor."  he told me with his voice wavering

"we can't we're going to be in the house with you family." i told him teasingly

"i'll still do it with my hand over your mouth" he said looking at me with a smirk.

"shuttt upppp" i said shyly covering my face with my hands.

"we're here." he said parking.

"can i call jaden so he can help grab the drinks."

"yeah here's my phone." he passed me his phone unlocked.

i go to his call log see jaden on the 3rd one so i click on it. after a while the ringing stops cause he picked up


"hey it's isabella can you come outside so you can grab something for me."

"uh yeah im going right now"

"thank you"

"your welcome bye"

he hung up while i was grabbing my mini backpack and put it on my back. im only taking my clothes bag ima leave my makeup and stuff in here so if i need it ima have wanna grab it for me.

wanna's grabbing my bag's from the mall while i grab my clothes bag and noodles i leave my car unlocked so jaden can grab the drinks.

before we go inside i see jaden coming outside and grab some bags for wanna, was he struggling or was jaden just being a good brother?

"what you need me to grab bel" jaden asked me

"can you grab the drinks in the back and front seat please." i asked him

"yeah i got it." he said and started opening my doors

"okay you go in first. i'll open the door for you." i told him

i open the door for wanna while he walks in followed by me walking inside after him. he starts taking the bags to his room i think until we get stopped by a girl when we reach upstairs

"woah wanna did you go in a shopping spree."

"no she did." he said pointing his finger at me

"mee" i said pointing at myself "don't blame me you took me to the mall and didn't let me leave the stores i walked into unless i got something." i said exposing him.

"damn you gonna out me like that, i thought we where better then this." he said putting a hand over his heart

the girl laughed "i'm jayla javons older sister." she held her hand out "i'm Isabella javons uh javons wait what i am again." i asked him "my friend" he laughed "i don't remember you asked me to be friends but i'm his friend." i told her shaking her hand.

"what do you want me to do go up and ask you 'will you be my friend' and shake your hand." he asked

"that's exactly what i expected." i told him

"watch and learn javon" jayla said she walked away and came back to me "do you wanna be my friend" she held her hand out "yeah i wanna be your friend" i said back and shook her hand.

"see now where friends." she said.

"how hard was that?" i asked wanna.

"whatever get in the room and put noodles down."he said opening his door.

jayla followed us in while i sat on his bed and put noodles to lay down.

"aww hes so cute, it's a he right." jayla asked.

"yeah, it's a he." i said

after wanna put everything down in his room i told him we need to get our drinks, so us three walk downstairs to the kitchen.

when we get there i see javons parents and a little boy.oh my god im so nervous even though i already met them.

"hey isabella i didn't know you where coming today." javons mom said and hugged me.

"oh yeah javon invited me over today." i said and hugged her back.

"i told wanna to invite her cause it was like he was hiding her." jayla told their mom

i looked at javon and smirked "he was hiding me he said it wasn't important for me to meet you guys." i told them

"javon wanna walton you said what to her." javons dad said he looked kinda mad?

"i-i didn't say t-that, she's lying i didn't tell her that." wanna said he looked scared, nervous?

i couldn't help it i just started laughing "i'm sorry but i told him i was gonna say that and he said you would get hella mad."i said after laughing.

"yup i like her." jayla said.

"and who are you?" i ask the little boy and bend down to be his height.

"i'm daelo javons little brother" he introduced himself to me.

"i'm isabelle javons friend."i told him

"your pretty, are you sure you want wanna." he asked me

"huh?" i laughed "yeah i want him, you can't have him i don't like sharing." i told him

"good i don't want him and nether does jayla." he said

"ok so it's settled he's mine." i said

"no cause i want you." he said

"ohh then who's gonna have him he's gonna be alone."i said

"no one he's mean anyways." he said

"are you sure he's never been mean to me." i told him

"cause he likes you duh." he said

"okay daelo that's enough." javons mom said

i grab wanna's hand and brings him with me to the island counter.

"which is which" i asked him

"the half drank one is your, this ones mine." he says then starts passing them around.

"come sit with me, not him." daelo said and pulled me by my hand.

he was carrying his drink i was carrying mine and he grabbed my hand taking me to the table. "sit down." he said.

everyone else sat down at the table too. wanna sat on my right and daelo sat on my left with me facing him.

"so tell me about yourself." he told me making me raise a brow. this little flirt

"i was born in italy and i just moved here 2 days before i met wanna." i told him

"can you speak italian." javons mom asked.

"yeah i can speak italian, french, spanish and obviously english."i said and sipped on my drink.

"that's impressive."his mom said

"i wish i could." jayla said

"woah" daelo said

"you never told me that." wanna said.

"you never asked."

"say something in italian." javons dad said.

"oh let me think hold on." i said thinking "tuo figlio sta benissimo" i said (your son is hella fine)

"what does that mean." daelo said

"it means this drink is really good." i lied to him.

"say something in french." jayla said.

"okay give me a second." i said and took a sip of my drink. "si seulement vous saviez à quel point javon est méchant."i said
(if only you knew how nasty javon is.)

"you said something about javon what did you say." jayla asked.

"i said if only you knew how sweet javon is to me." i lied to them again.

"aww that's cute" Jessica said.

"say something in spanish." javon said

"me preocupa que no les vaya a gustar." i said.
(i'm worried you guys aren't gonna like me).

"what does that mean." he asked.

"it means i hope you don't hate me." i lied again

"i don't hate you." he said

"i know it was just the first sentence i thought of." i told him.

"what's your favorite color." daelo asked.

"red or grey." i said

"did your mom or dad teach you Italian french or Spanish." he asked

"uhh yeah my dad taught me Italian and french. i taught myself Spanish." i said a little quietly then before

"can your dad teach me too." he asked happily.

"i'm sure he would but he can't, he passed away a while ago." i said after it got quiet.

"i'm sorry." he apologized.

"it's okay you didn't know plus i have to talk about it sometime." i told him

"isabella i'm so sorry." javons dad said

"no it's okay things happen." i said and tried to move on.

"what did he do. or how did he die" jayla asked.

"Jayla." javons mom slightly yelled.

"it's ok mrs.walton my dad was a businessman he worked kinda with the fbi and cases like that. he was making hella money so me and my mom never had to worry about anything. he bought us a house in italy and saved his money so i can be set in life. i always told him i wanted to be on movies being an actress so he was going to send me to college for that but obviously that's didn't work out cause he isn't here to help sign up for it. he was going into work that morning and i told him i loved him he told me he'll see me after work so we can plan my birthday but couple of hours later he didn't come home that night. he didn't come home the next morning we didn't know why until we got a call from the hospital that he was there so we went to go see him and they told us he was at the wrong place in the wrong time and while he was going into a liquor store to get some snacks for his friends there was a robbery happening at the store and they shot but missed making the bullet go threw the glass window and hitting my dad after he got out his car." i said a wiped the small tear that was on my cheek.

javon pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me "i'm sorry you had to go threw that nobody should ever have to be in that position." he told me still hugging me.

"it's okay, i know he wouldn't want me to be sad he always said when i cried 'his heart hurt seeing me like that' so i try not to be sad." i told him pulling away.

"you aren't going to college?" mrs.Walton said trying to change the subject which i thank her for.

"no i'm not, my moms a nurse so im not sure if she'll want me to go so i can work with her but other then that no im not going." i said

"so when your dad passed away how much money did you get." daelo asked me.

"i bet you i got more money then wanna." i said.

"let's see." wanna said and pulled up his bank account.

we both showed ours to daelo and he said he can't tell so i showed them to jayla.

"holy shit you have hella money in there you don't even gotta work anymore." she said.

"i know but i feel like i spend money like crazy." i said

"we definitely have to go shopping together" she said

authors note: i'm hiding in my room my moms really mad for no reason.

Don't be a silent reader.

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