Paparazzi [Jikook]

By Thembekamdluli

135K 7.5K 2K

23 year old Park Jimin is a journalist, always up and down looking for the best stories and celebrity scoops... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 15

2.6K 183 20
By Thembekamdluli


I was in my office, working on a few documents while busy typing some emails to our clients. My phone had two missed calls from Jimin which I purposely ignored, and about 7 missed calls from yesterday which I also purposely ignored. I don't want to ignore him, I don't mean to. But I feel like I should. Clearly I'm a disturbance in his life since he can't even take time to answer any one of my calls out of the 49 times that I called.

Maybe he was having fun with the asshole who answered his call on Saturday. I feel my heart beating so fast when I think about Jimin, yet he's got someone else who he likes. Because obviously that was his boyfriend. I mean it sounded like him. Maybe that's why he wanted me to stay away from him. Ignoring him makes me stressed even more, ahh what should I do?

There was a knock on the door and Yeji the PA came in.

"I didn't say come in" I said to her.

"Oh sorry Sir...I just thought..." I cut her off before she finished.

"Why are you clothes getting more shorter and more revealing each day?" I asked her. This time she was wearing a skirt just about the knee and a white shirt. She had unbuttoned the first 2 buttons and it revealed her cleavage.

"Oh?? That's because I haven't done my laundry, these are the only clothes I can wear now" She said smiling a little.

"Do you laundry. This is not a strip bar" I said to her. She made a disappointed face and then nodded.

"Uhm...I came to remind you about the meeting you have with Mrs Ahn. It's in 30 minutes and she wanted to meet you at the restaurant downtown." Yeji said.

"Okay thanks, you can go" I said to her.

"Should I come with you to the meeting? I'm your PA." She said smiling.

"No...go back to your desk " I said, she nodded and walked out.

I sighed and cleaned up my messy table. I took important documents and then left.

I got into my car and drove to the restaurant I was meeting her in, and luckily I found it easily. it's like the only fancy restaurant here. The others were just fast I food places. I sat down and waited for her. The restaurant was situated opposite a magazine publishing company. Insider magazine... I continued sitting and waiting till Mrs Ahn joined me.

"Ah Mr Jeon, I'm sorry for being late" she said as she joined me.

"Ohh no I'm the one who came 15 minutes earlier." I said standing up and shaking her hand.

"Oh okay, you look so much like your father. The exact copy of him" this women Said . She's beautiful as well. And looks a bit to young to be married. I guess she couldn't wait any longer.

"Oh thank you...uhm let's sit. Is there anything you want to order? I asked her.

"I'll just have orange juice for now." She Said smiling.
I then signaled for the waiter to come and he did.

"Hello are you ready to place your order?" The waiter asked us.

"Apple juice for me, and orange juice for the lady." I said to the waiter.

"Yes Sir, your order is coming right up" he said and walked away.

"So...let's get right into business, shall we?" I asked and Mrs Ahn nodded with a smile on her face.
About an hour into the meeting, we were almost done with our discussions and we had even ordered food because the Mrs said she was hungry. So I couldn't let her eat alone, I also had to order. Now we're eating instead of focusing on business. But what can I say, what the client wants...the client gets.

"They have the best food in this restaurant " she said smiling.

"Yeah it tastes very good" I said returning the smile.

"So... Mr Jeon, are you seeing anyone at the moment? I bet you are. You're old enough now" she said smiling and flipping her hair.

"Uhm... actually I'm not seeing anyone at the moment " I said with a little smile.

"Ohhhh one has caught your eye yet??" She asked.

"Uhm...well it's... actually I don't think we should be talking about my private life. I like to keep my work relationships strictly professional" I said giving her a little smile.

"Oh come on, we're the same age so it doesn't matter if we sometimes talk about personal stuff." She said.

"Uhm I don't think we should." I said and she nodded.

"Okay, whatever you want Mr Jeon....wait let me Remove this.." she said extending her long fingers to my lips and I backed away.

"You've got a little something there" she said.

"It's fine I got it, thanks " I said and took a napkin and wiped my mouth.

"Oops you did quite get it" she said still bringing her hand closer. So I let her touch me to remove whatever, I guess it was in the corner of my bottom lip because that's where she touched.

"There...all good" she said while she was still touching my lip.

"HOBI I SAID I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE!" I heard a familiar cute voice shouting. I turned my attention towards the door and there he was. Black jeans and a black and white checkered shirt. He looked amazing. When did he get here?. Why is he shouting? What's going on?

"Why?" I heard Hobi ask in a lower voice than Jimin's shouting.

Jimin's eyes looked at me, oh shit!....
He then got out of the restaurant and I heard to think fast.

"JIMIN WAIT" I shouted quickly getting up and leaving Mrs Ahn there without any explanations. I'm sorry but I gotta explain to Jimin. He was walking fast along with Hobi going to cross the street so I ran quickly and caught up to him. Then I grabbed him by his arm.

"Jimin wait" I said as I was now holding his arm.

"What Jungkook?" He said with absolute anger in his voice. Okay he's mad...remind me what I did wrong again?

"Is this why you weren't answering my calls? You were busy entertaining that women?" He asked, he didn't raise his voice but his face looked really angry.

"Alright..I'll give you two some space." Hobi said and I nodded.

"Jimin I'm going inside the restaurant, should I deal with the bitch?" Hobi asked Jimin and Jimin shook his head . Wow...Hobi would even go to the extent of dealing with bitches just for Jimin. Talk about true friendship.

"Let go of my arm Jungkook" Jimin said just as Hobi left.

"It's not what you think" I said trying to explain.

"Oh really? What am I thinking?" He asked me.

"I don't know, but whatever it's not true" I said to him.

"Really? I've been calling you from yesterday up to today and you didn't answer any of my calls. Now I see what you were busy with" he said. Wow....he has really convinced himself that I'm with my girlfriend.

"What was I busy with?" I asked him confused. I purposely ignored him, I wasn't busy with anything.

"Isn't it obvious? I was busy thinking that you're acting like a child and ignoring my calls because I also didn't answer yours. Meanwhile while you're out here entertaining bitches" he said as he voice was slightly raised.

"I wasn't entertaining anyone...that was a business meeting " I said trying to defend myself.

"BUSINESS MEETING MY ASS...YOU WERE SO COZY AND SHE WAS TOUCHING YOUR LIPS. AND YOU CALL THAT A BUSINESS MEETING???!!! LET GO OF ME" he shouted and yanked his arm from me. People were looking at us now and to be honest I forgot that I'm now considered famous.

"Jimin keep your fucking voice down, people are watching us" I said to him in a cold and commanding voice. He glared at me then tried to walk away but I quickly grabbed him by his arm again and pulled him towards the underground parking lot, where I had parked my car. At least there's never a lot of people in places like that.

"STOP DRAGGING ME" he shouted as we got in the parking lot and he yanked his arm off me.

"Why the fuck are you causing a scene? You no longer care about being seen with someone famous now?" I asked him. He huffed and rolled his eyes. He's really giving me attitude over something that's not even true.

"Can you just let me explain?" I asked.

"Explain that you ignored my calls in the morning then brought a women to a restaurant right next to where I work? That's what you wanna explain? Then thank you, I'm not interested in hearing what you have to say" he said.

"It was a business meeting, she was just removing something near to my lip. I didn't even know that you worked close to that restaurant. Why do you have to be so angry?" I asked him as I was getting frustrated.

"Jeon Jungkook, I know what I fucking saw. You didn't even see me come in because you were so focused on her face. And you call that a business meeting? Just leave me alone and go back to her. Why did you even come after me? To give me hope and make me a fool?" He asked as tears seemed to threaten his eyes. Okay what's going on? What hope is he talking about?


"You're shouting right now...why are you shouting at me? I'm not deaf" he said. Is he for real? He was shouting at me just minutes ago. God help least give me a hint of why he's so fucking angry. I'm the one who should be this angry. Why does I make him angry to see me with a girl?

"Jimin I want you to explain why you're angry at me."

"Really?...well I'm angry because you chose to ignore my calls when I needed to talk to you in the morning, I'm angry because you don't seem to care about me, I'm angry because you were just shouting at me a second ago, I'm angry because you're letting some bitch touch you like that. And most of all...I'm angry because you're so fucking blind Jeon Jungkook" he said looking at me with tear filled eyes, one blink and he's gonna start crying.

I kept quiet after listening to him. I'm blind?...what does that mean? If anything he's the blind one because he doesn't see that I actually like him. Why else would I chase after him if I don't like him? Does he seriously think I'd leave my girl in a restaurant and chase after him? He must not see how much I actually like him.

"You're blind because you don't see me right in front of you. I didn't plan to do this hurts every day. My heart hurts because I always convince myself that it would never work out. That's why I'm scared to even face my feelings. Jungkook I li..." Jimin was cut off by a voice.

"Mr Jeon?" I turned behind me and it was Mrs Ahn. Gosh I thought she was gone already.

"Wow of course she's here" Jimin chuckled and folded his arms. But damn he looked angry.

"Oh excuse my unprofessionalism, I left in the middle of our meeting. I'm really sorry I just had someone more important to talk to" I said bowing slightly. I hope she understands and doesn't cut her deal with us. Because the company needs her. I just need Jimin.

"It's okay...quite frankly I saw what was happening between you two...and I just felt so bad knowing that I'm the cause of you guys arguing in public" Mrs Ahn said.

"Felt bad? Like hell you did. You should learn to keep your hands to yourself." Jimin said glaring at Mrs Ahn. Why does he look so hot? Is he being jealous? Ahh he's so cute.

"Jimin.. stop" I warned him. He's  really gonna get me in trouble.

"I'm sorry for my behavior, to be honest I was really just trying to remove something next to his lip. I know it's not appropriate but I just felt comfortable because we're the same age. And I'm happily married. I wouldn't do something like this to my husband or anyone's boyfriend. I knew that Mr Jeon is gay and I still have some dignity " Mrs Ahn said showing Jimin her ring finger.

Jimin's eyes were wide open, he looked shocked and it was almost like he's regretting his life decisions.

"Oh?...uhmm...I feel so terrible" Jimin said holding his chest and biting his lower lip.

"It's okay. Misunderstandings happen all the time. You don't have to feel so bad" Mrs Ahn said.

"No you don't understand, I called you a bitch... and I'm just realizing just how nice you are. I'm so sorry" Jimin said bowing slightly.

"It's okay, really I am not angry. But I have to go now that I've talked to you. My husband is waiting for me." Mrs Ahn said

"Okay thank you Mrs Ahn... we'll have to discuss business some other time then. " I said .

"Okay I'll be off now, you two are every cute together. I wish you both a happy relationship and life" she said smiling and then walked away.

"We're not dating" Jimin whispered in shock as Mrs Ahn left.

I sighed and looked at Jimin who still hadn't recovered from the shock.

"Do you believe me now?" I asked Jimin.

"Oh my god Jungkook she's so nice, and I called her a bitch. Ahhh I'm such a bad person" Jimin said biting his lip.

"It doesn't matter now, so what's that you were saying about your feelings? Why are you scared to face them?" I asked him. He looked at me with his eyes wide open.

"Ahh Shibal I should have controlled my anger " he said to himself.

"Forget it, I was just being crazy. Now I know I have nothing to worry about" he said looking down in shame.

"What were you worried about?" I asked him.

"I was worried that you....I'm hungry" he said stopping himself from his original statement.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I'm hungry. And I need to eat now so bye" he said rushing to walk away and I chuckled...he's so cute.

"You're going the wrong way dumbo" I said.

"Oh" he said and walked by me now going the right direction.

He's so cute..(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤ and he's making me like him even more. But I still need to find out what he was about to say. It sounded like he was serious. And I also have to tell him how I feel. Keeping it hidden is getting more and more harder if he keeps being this cute and crazy. He really shouted like I'm his boyfriend that he caught cheating.


I really didn't know what to write. But please read and vote.

Borahae 💜💜

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