Re zero:The Witch Boy startin...

By MCPELuisTuican

12.3K 433 98

It was another normal day for Klarion, spending his time around the Light's base after spreading chaos. Howev... More

Chapter 1:What the carp is this!?
Chapter 2:Deathstroke was better!
Chapter 3:Does no one in this mansion has any manners?
Chapter 5:You know, I might start enjoying politics!
Chapter 6:All I see is baby magic!
Chapter 7:What a disgustig order you are
Chapter 8:Family is annoying

Chapter 4:Show them, Teekl!

1.4K 53 6
By MCPELuisTuican

Klarion was pissed and for good reasons. He was just minding his iwn bussiness fir once and ge got attacked. And the principal source of that was right before him all set with clown make up.

Roswal:What could you be talkiiiing about?

Klarion:Liar! Liar! Pants for hire!


Klarion:Not now, Teekl! I know you send her after me!

Roswal:...So it has cone to this, huh.

Mana coursed through Roswal's body as spheres of different colors appeared in his hands. However, with only a snap of Klarion's fingers those dissapeared and Roswal found himself unable to use magic anymore.

The enraged Lord of Chaos waved his hand down and Roswal was brought into the floor by an immense force, unable to move even a bone. He tried to look into Klarion's eyes in a act of defiance.

Klarion's appearence had undergo a notable change. His skin became even paler and his features sharpened like ones of a cat. His red pupils glowed and his scelera became black. His canines also grew into sharp fangs. And that stare...Roswal doesn't think he had ever felt so small.

This change didn't actually change anything to Klarion, it was purely aesthethic. It was just a form the Witch Boy subcounsciously took whenever he was enraged.

And he had the full right to be. Even Nabu had the decency to wait for him to actually do something worthy of being attacked for.

Klarion:No more games! No more assasination attempts! You either tell me what this is about or you die! Huh...

Klarion snapped out of his state and his appearence turned to normal. He was distracted by a book with magic in it and it flew to his hands as soon as the Witch Boy willed it.

Roswal was shocked as Klarion easily read the Book od Wisdom. Not only that, he looked bored by it.

Klarion:Tch, amateur work.

Roswal:H...How dare you! Insulting my mentor's greatest creation! That book has more knowglede than you'd ever hope to aquire, boy!

Klarion:...Really? We'll see about that.

Klarion's put his hand on top of Roswal's head. Magic coursed through the limb and Roswal's head was filled with new knowglede.

The birth of the universe. The emerging of the Lords of Chaos and Lords of Order. The existence of other universes. Earth. Vandal Savage. The Light. The Justice League. Nabu. Doctor Fate. Child.

When Klarion took back his hand Roswal's former boldness vanished, in it's place being awe abd fright. Before him was no magic user, but an elemental being beyond human comprehension.

Klarion's looked down at Roswal with a smug gring. He began inspecting his nails.

Klarion:So, this is how it's gonna be. You answer my question, do your own thing and...

Klarion snapped his fingers and pointed at Roswal with his index finger. The Witch Boy's mere presence demanded attention.

Klarion:I might just bring you that dragon blood all noce and bottled up personally.

Roswal's choice was a no brainer. When such an entity makes such an offer you'd be a fool to refuse.

Roswal:Yes, I understand...


The pressure put on Roswal's body vanished. The clown got up so he could be at eye level with the Witch Boy.

Klarion:First, what was with this girl and her hidden distaste for me.

Roswal:I suppose you need to have the Witch's Scent.


Roswal:It's a trait the oni posses. Someone with the Witch's Scent should have something from the Witch of Envy or be a part of tge Witch Cult themselves.

Klarion:Ah, that pesky curse. It was so insignifiant that I forgot about it.

Klarion snapped his finger and a darkness dissipated from his very being. The ability that would've beem otherwise known as Return By Death was no more, although Klarion had no need for it to begin with.

Klarion:Now, do you know something about hands dragging you to another word?

Roswal:...It does sound familiar on the hands part, but the other seems quiet farfeatched. Although if I would need to say about someone able to aquire such a feat, than that'd be the Witch of Envy herself.

Klarion:Heard that, Teekl? Now we know who we need to punish.


Klarion:Oh, yes we will! Now let's go back to our room, I had enough of this robot.


Klarion:Rubbish! Rubbish! You know I meant rubbish!

The next day passed by quiet easily. Klarion has gone to Beatrice's library to aquire a few books and she had given her a book intitulated "The records of Vandal Savage" in return.

As night fell he was walking aimlessly along the mansion. He stopped wgen he saw Ram supporting a very exhausted Rem, the blue haired maid freezing when she saw him because of the events of last night.

Klarion:Alright, what did you to get yourself cursed?


Ram:That's why she's so tired! We need to find Beatrice-sama immediatly!

Klarion:Pfft, as if!

Klarion waved his hand to the side and a red eave went through Rem getting some sirt of darkness out of her and quickly dissipating. The maid felt like she had a burden taken away from her.

Rem:Thank you very much!

Rem:If you got cursed on the village that means there must be a shaman there. Tch, that's no good. Klarion, can I requier your help?

Klarion:That sounds like fun.

A dark crimson portal opened beside them and began moving, swallowing both Klarion and Ram. Before the oni girl knew it, they were in the forest.

Before them a bunch of demonic beasts were lurking around. They were all of the same type, resembling doberman dogs.

Ram:There are quiet a lot. They won't stop coming if we don't take care of the shaman.

Klarion:Eh, it shouldn't be too hard.


Klarion:What's that, Teekl? You want to have fun too?

Ram:...I don't think she can do anything semnificative.

Klarion:How untrusting. Teekl, show her what a familiar to a Lord of Chaos can do!


Teekl jumped from Klarion's shoulder to the ground, making Ram's eyes go wide at what happened next. The cat grew large in size, even bigger than the demonic beasts before them. Her fur grew more potent around her neck and ankles and her bone structure also became more beastial. Her two front fangs also grew exponentially resembling sabers.

Teekl ran forward at great speeds. A demonic beast tried to attack her from the side, but she pushed it aside with her paw. Another tried a frontal approach, but was quickly killed when Teekl bute dien on it's neck, her saber-like teeth going straight through it's neck.

She leaped at great a height at which another demonic beast tried to jump her, she she pushed it down with her front paws, throwing it into another and making them both whimper. She stuch on a branch and began to jump from branch to branch. Atsuch events Ram could let out a single sentence.

Ram:That's one badass pussycat.

The demonic beasts changed their targets on them, a group running towards them. However, Klarion pointed his finger forward and a red lightning-like ray shot forward, dusintegrating them on impact.

Ram jumped up towards the other demonic beasts and they responded in kind. However, she quickly unleashed her magic.


Waving her hand blades of wind were shot forward, cutting them to pieces. She had continued with this strategy, flanking them and efficently cutting off their numbers.

Another group of them took her by surprise from behind. However, before they can lay their mouths on her they were devored by dark crimson flames and were turned to ashes in less than a second. Ram looked to the side to see Klarion that had streched his hand to shot these flames and send him a grateful look.

Klarion:This is taking too long!

Klarion snapped his fingers and a red magic construct in the form of a whistle was formed in the air. It let out a high-pitched noice making the demonic beasts to freeze in their track before their heads exploded.

Ram had once again been left in awe at Klarion's magic. She heard from Emilia, but his magic really seems able to do virtually anything and he seens to have godly amounts of mana to use such spells in quick succesion without tiring.

Her attention was taken away when she heard a low growl and turned her eyes to see a giant demonic beast coming from the forest. This one was feline and much bigger than Teekl. It had blue fur and looked like some kind of chimera.

It leaped at them at an impressive speed and Ram really thought this was gonna be a tough battle. However, Klarion shot his hands forward and tge demonic beast was trapped in a red bubble. He brought his hands together and the bubble closed, obliterating the cat-like monster.

Next she heard a beastly purr and turned her eyes on the other side together with Klarion to see Teekl coming back. She held a little girl by the back collar of her shirt.

The girl had blue hair tied in a ponytail and green eyes. Her name was Meili Portroute.

She strugled, whined and even hit Teekl to get out of her hold. However, all of those attempts were useless against tge anchor's new form.

Meili:Let go! Let go! Damn it, why can't I control this demonic beast when my Divine Protection is exactly that!?

Ram:Because she's no demonic beast.

Klarion:She's Teekl!

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