Paparazzi [Jikook]

By Thembekamdluli

136K 7.5K 2K

23 year old Park Jimin is a journalist, always up and down looking for the best stories and celebrity scoops... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 6

3.2K 182 46
By Thembekamdluli



I was at work today, my health wasn't completely recovered but the meds I got from Jungkook really helped me, I hardly sneezed, or coughed. Even my nose wasn't runny anymore. I've been contemplating whether I should write him a text and tell him that I'm better or maybe I shouldn't. But I probably shouldn't, him and I aren't friends. He just helped me out of the goodness of his heart, so I should probably stay away from him because everytime he sees me. There's always something helpful he has to do for me. Maybe he's right, I just can't take care of myself.

I was startled by the commotion of noise and bitchy screams coming from outside, they know how much Namjoon hyung hates noise in the 10th floor, that's where his office is as well. These bitches are just annoying. I rolled my eyes and continued doing my work. Hobi was in the field today... actually he was in the airport welcoming a kpop idol who just landed. I can't lie that's got to be the most annoying thing I've done as a journalist. They stepped on my feet so bad as they were all trying to get shots of Mr Jeon, the owner of JEON HOLDINGS.

The commotion outside got nearer and nearer. And then boom,a crowd of our female staff from receptionist to journalist made it their way in, they were taking photos of someone I couldn't see clearly since they had surrounded him.

"HEY...WHAT COMMOTION IS THIS!!!??? WE'RE WORKING HERE!" Namjoon hyung shouted as he came out of his office, the noise died down and the girls backed away revealing Kim Taehyung who was in the middle of them. What? What's going on?

"Hello Mr Kim...I'm really sorry for the noise" Kim Taehyung said in a deep voice and bowing out of respect.

"Oh...Kim Taehyung, what an honor it is to have you in our buildings" Namjoon said in a sweet and calm voice like he wasn't just shouting a few seconds ago.

"Oh thank you, I'm sorry to disturb everyone working. I just...I came to see someone." Taehyung said, oh he must have a scheduled meeting with another journalist then.

"Really? Who?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung's eyes darted to me, I looked sideways to see if he's looking at someone else but I was the only one there. Why is he looking at me? Does he have a meeting with me maybe? Why don't I remember that?

"Jimin?" Namjoon asked kinda shocked. Taehyung nodded as his eyes were still on me.

"Uhm...okay... don't take long. He has work to do" Namjoon said now eyeing Taehyung suspiciously, I guess his protective instincts are kicking in, I'm like a little brother to him so he has to protect me.

Taehyung walked closer to me and stood right in front of me. There were some "woooos" that I heard from my colleagues. Why is Taehyung doing this? Why is he putting me in the spotlight like this? Is it because I refused his offer for dinner and lunch?

"Hi Jimin" he greeted me and I sighed trying to calm my nerves.

"Mr we have an appointment or something?" I asked trying to be professional, I can't afford to be caught slacking by my colleagues.

"No, well you refused to go to lunch with me, so I figured I should bring lunch to you" He said smiling a little. His smile is so cute I can't even maintain a serious face.

"It's not lunch time yet, and I'm not hungry" I said looking at my colleagues, why aren't they leaving?.

"EVERYONE BACK TO YOUR STATION...NOW" Namjoon Roared and everyone scattered as they left, you could tell they were sad though because they were busy mumbling inaudible complains.

"Thanks Hyung" I said giving Namjoon a little smile.

"Sure, Mr Kim. It was a pleasure to see you" Namjoon bowed at Taehyung and then he walked away to his office.

"Mr Kim, what are you really doing here?" I asked him as I folded my arms against my chest.

"Like I said, I brought lunch to you. Please come with me " he said smiling and turning to walk away. Is this a joke?? I chuckled and closed my laptop. Took my phone and followed him towards the elevator.

We got in and went down to the ground floor in silence. I followed behind him as we went outside to the tables that are reserved for employees only.

There was food on a certain table, and it looked so yummy and all kinds of delicious, I instantly felt my stomach rumble. Okay I'm gonna eat, regardless of hating being in the spotlight but there's no way I'd decline all this food.

"Please, have a seat" he said to me. I gave a small smile and sat down, he sat down as well.

"I hope you brought your appetite along" he said smiling.

"Yeah it followed behind me" I said and he laughed a little as he poured wine on both our glasses.

"Thank you" I said smiling as he handed me a glass of wine.

"Cheers" he said raising his glass.

"Cheers" I said and we both clicked our glasses together and drank a little but I don't wanna be here.

"We can start eating" he said smiling at me. And yes we started eating, but I wasn't comfortable because I could see some of my colleagues looking at us through the windows. It was irritating, why did Taehyung have to come to my workplace?

I looked at our plates as we ate, there was small potions of food on each plate. Is he going to get full from this small food? I know I won't. I really love food, food is literally my boyfriend.
After eating for a while as we were talking about and getting to know each other, Taehyung stopped eating and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He didn't even finish the little food he had. He must not be a big eater.

"You're full already?" I asked him confused.

"Yes, I don't eat a lot, food makes me fat" He said. I smiled awkwardly and looked sideways, right.... if I finish this plate, will he call Me fat and a big eater?

" But you're perfect, not fat" I said as I continued eating.

"Yes I'm perfect, but I still have to maintain the perfect image that you guys see" he said smiling. I know he's just talking but his words are kinda hurtful to me, because I know that I naturally have full cheeks , what if he thinks he I'm fat because of food?

"Thank you, for coming out to eat with me" he said.

"It's not like I had a choice, all eyes were on us and the food seemed really delicious" I said .

"You don't like being in the spotlight?" He asked smiling a little.

"No, I hate it" I said.

"I guess next time I'll have to book the whole restaurant for you, or maybe the cinema." He said making a thinking face.

"No thank you, look Mr Kim..."

"Call me Tae...or Taehyung " he said smiling.

"Tae...I don't mean this in a bad way but...can you please stay away from me? I really don't want trouble. It's hard enough that you came to my workplace. Everyone was looking at us and now I'll be the only to answer their questions. Can this please be the last time we meet for personal reasons?" I asked him in a soft and calm voice.

"Why?" He asked me looking confused.

"Because...I'm way below your league. You're public figure. You have fans everywhere and I am just...park Jimin. I really don't know what you want from me but please...just stay away" I said looking away to avoid looking at his hurt eyes. I shouldn't even feel sorry right now because him and I aren't an item or even friends.

"No... you're not below my league, if you were I wouldn't even be here. I'm here because I think you're a cool person, you're pretty, you're someone I'd love to know better" He said

"You're here just because I'm a cool person and I'm..." I was disturbed by my phone buzzing. It was a text so I looked at it quickly.

Jeon Jungkook
You've been quite for 2 aren't dead right?

I smiled rolling my eyes, has he been counting? That's kinda cute...i mean, it's nice that he thought of me. I bit my lip trying to stop my smile and then I tossed my phone to the side, I'll answer him after Taehyung has left.

"Where was I?" I asked Taehyung.

"Did you ask me to stay away from you because you have a boyfriend?" Taehyung quickly asked me.

"No I don't have a boyfriend. I just asked you to stay away because I don't want to have drama in my life" I said.

"You're not even sure if that'll happen. I'm not always the center of attention you know. I just need you to give me a chance to know you better, at least let's start with being friends if that'll be comfortable for you" he said.

"Friends? Just friends?" I asked him to make sure that he didn't mean anything more than that.

"Yes... just friends. For now" he said. I sighed and sipped the last of the wine in the glass. For now? Does that mean he'll ask for something else later?

"Fine, just friends. And I really hope I won't regret it" I said to him and he smiled.

"Well thank you, and I promise there's nothing you'll regret" he said smiling at me with his cute boxy smile and I immediately smiled back as well.



Is he ignoring me or something? Why isn't he responding to my text, but then again. It's him. He hasn't responded to any of my texts. Why do I even care if he's responded or not. But I hope the meds are working for him. If they're not then I'll have to buy something more stronger than those ones. What is he so busy with? Can't he just take a minute to respond to me.

"Expecting a call from someone?" I startled and looked up, it was Dad. This man is scary, like really scary but he's so sweet. He just hardly smiles to anyone except the media.

" Dad, I was just texting Yoongi" I said putting my phone away. I was at home with my parents, just visiting them to see if they're doing well. But I'll go back to my house later in the evening.

"Ohh Yoongi, how is he? It's been a while since he visited us" Dad asked me.

"He's fine, just caught up with work and all that" I said.

"Now that's a real man. Not you...busy claiming that you don't like being in the spotlight and you're too young to take over the family business. Jungkook you were born as a Jeon... you'll always be in the spotlight whether you want to or not" Dad said.

"I know Dad, but can I just enjoy the little freedom that I have before you reveal me as the new CEO of the company?" I asked him.

"What's so bad about being known? What? Do you have someone that you're seeing right now?" Dad asked me.

"No dad it's not that" I said to him, yes I'm single and I've been single for so long, it's beginning to feel like I'll never find someone that I love.

"So what then? Jungkook I'm getting older, we need new and young blood in the company and that's you. You know what. Clear your schedule. You and I have an interview to attend to on Monday, live on TV" Dad said to me. Wow he's got to be kidding me.

"Dad...I literally just asked for a little bit of time." I said sighing.

"You should have taken over when you turned 18, you're 25 now. Your peers are appearing on tv each and everyday but no one even knows your face as my son. I wasn't supposed to listen to your mother when she said we should hide you from the paparazzi." Dad said sighing and leaning on the couch.

"But dad...TV is a little bit extreme. At least hold a press conference, call the paparazzi and they'll take pictures and write everything on magazines. I don't like to be on TV" I said to dad.

"Oh that's an even better idea. I'll call the public relations team to organize a press conference" Dad said smiling.

"But Jungkook...tell me something son" dad said.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you happy?...Am I not putting pressure on you? Do you even like doing business? I don't want to force you to do anything you don't like" Dad said looking at me with sincere eyes and I smiled.

"I'm happy Dad, I am ready to run the business as the CEO. I want this...I just wish Jeon Holdings was less famous and a private company. Anything to do with the press and journalist kinda annoys me" I said to dad. And I wasn't lying, all that journalists are good at is writing lies and more lies about public figures. They poke their noses in other people's business and it's annoying.

"Well you have to get used to it Son... it'll be your life from now on" Dad said patting my shoulder.

"I guess so" I said sighing.

"So...are we on for the press conference?" Dad asked me.

"Yeah...Yeah. In the meantime I'll just try to prepare a speech for Monday " I said smiling at dad.

"That's my son, I'm really proud of you Jungkook" dad said smiling at me.

"As you should. I'm your only son" I said and dad laughed at my words.

"When's mom coming back anyway? Why does she always shop for hours?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"You know women and their shopping...oh shit you don' only know men" dad said laughing.

"Sir...are you making fun of my sexuality?" I asked laughing a little.

"Not at all... definitely not " Dad said standing up and walking away while he laughed.

Well my family knows that I'm gay, I came out to them when I was still in high school. And luckily they accepted me as I was. They loved me even more to make sure that I never felt unaccepted or unloved. And I'm so grateful for that. I'm grateful that I have loving parents.

I looked at my phone again after dad left, there was still no response on my text. I sighed tossing my phone away to the couch. What is he doing? Can't he just text me back? What's so hard about that? I'm here concerned about his health and he doesn't even acknowledge that. Stupid.

Definitely didn't feel this one, but please read and vote.

Borahae 💜💜

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