Connected || Wanda Maximoff

By WindSpirittt

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i n t r o d u c t i o n


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By WindSpirittt

616'S WANDA LEVITATED as she was in spirit form, doing her magic whilst her physical form cooked with Cecellia when she saw what she saw.

"Cecellia!" Wanda put all her concentration back on cooking with her wife.

Cecellia rose an eyebrow, "are we missing an ingredient?"

"No, beautiful," she shook her head, "that universe's Cecellia who, you know is like a mother to America?"


"Well, they are starting a family too," Wanda told her.

Cecellia smiled, "that's great!"

"But not like how we are..." Wanda trailed off looking down as her wife just tilted her head, "they... They are using that spell that you talked me out of."

"Oh..." Cecellia just sighed, "well I guess there is nothing we can do to stop them," she states.

"Not exactly, no," Wanda nods.

Cecellia takes Wanda's hands, "don't blame yourself."

"And here I thought I was the telepath," Wanda joked.

"I can just read you well," she winks, "it's not your fault that they got a hold of that spell. The way the multiverse works could never be your fault."

"I know but I still wish I could help them," she sighs.

Wanda's eyes open as she sits up, an uncertainness in her chest from what she just saw, she looks around not seeing her girlfriend next to her... "Cecellia?"

"Oh, hey beautiful," Cecellia wobbles in with a bowl of ice cream and her baby bump, "you know unless I hide out on your level... Not sure how we're gonna hide the fact we're pregnant."

"We can tell the team if you'd like," Wanda suggests, looking down as she takes a hold of Cecellia's hand, "you know before we... Find a home."

Cecellia smiled at the idea of finding a home, "I'd like to tell the ones who I see like family; America, Tony, Nat, and Bruce, plus I guess Cap already knows so."

"Want me to invite them here?" Wanda asks.

Cecellia nods, "that would be easiest but..." She looks at the clock as Wanda does too and sees it's 3:10 am, "it's a little late for that."

"Oh," Wanda says awkwardly, "sorry," the two of them shared a laugh.

"Ice cream?" Cecellia offered, "I can go get you another spoon-"

Wanda just puts up her hand as red magic travels to the kitchen and attaches itself to a spoon and levitates to her hand, "I got it, don't worry, my love."

"We'll feast and then sleep, tomorrow we'll deal with telling people," Cecellia decided, "okay?"

CECELLIA WOKE UP TO THE SOUND AMERICA'S PORTALLING, "mmm," she stirred as she sat up, "kid?"

"Cecellia, sorry, did I wake you?" America asked as she walks over.

Cecellia just yawned shaking her head, "not really..." She looked around not seeing Wanda, "where's Wanda?"

"She's getting company, I overhead her invite Stark to your guy's floor so I decided to come to ask you what's going on," America explained.

Cecellia pulled her hair into a ponytail as she nodded, "you did good, I'm awake, just gotta be alive," she said as America looked downwards and her expression changed, "what- Oh."

"You're- You're pregnant?" America asked confused.

Cecellia just put up her hands, "okay I could see how confusing this would seem, let me explain, alright?"

America just sat down on her bed as Cecellia straightened her back touching her baby bump, "well to start-" she looked down as she cut herself off, "oh, I have gotten bigger," she states, "nevermind that, Wanda and I wanted to start a family so that's what we did."

America just blinked as she opened her mouth thinking about what she was just told before saying, "so you... You used Wanda's magic to create a baby?"

"She'll be as real as any other child," Cecellia tells her.

America nods, "I... I want to understand, Cecellia, but Wanda... She's-"

"Wanda fixed what Agatha did, she isn't like the Scarlet Witch from 616's universe," Cecellia defended Wanda.

America just sighs, "I know, I know," she stood up, "I'm happy for you," she told her, "I gotta go."



America punched a portal to her room she jumped through closing the portal before Cecellia could reach it.

"Wait- Kid- Ugh," Cecellia looked down at her baby bump, this heavily reminded her of the fact she'll be a mom soon, what she does with America will probably be replicated.

Soon Wanda will be back with the others, maybe she should get ready, she wobbled over to the suitcase and she pulled out a black maternity dress that they had Bruce bring for her:

The elevator opened as Cecellia wobbled out to greet them, Bruce was the only one in the group that Wanda brought who actually knew about the pregnancy so Tony and Nat were unaware. They laid eyes on a very pregnant Cecellia as they had lots of questions.

"Jarvis, is this a prank they are pulling on me?" Tony asked.

Jarvis just piped up, "I don't think so, sir."

"Cece, what is this?" Natasha asked stepping up.

Wanda just stepped by her side and took her hand, "we have some news..." Cecellia stated, "we are starting a family."

Tony just blinked as Natasha's mouth fell open in shock, Bruce was quiet waiting for their reaction, "best science bud," Tony turned to Bruce, "your awfully silent over there, you knew, didn't you?"

"You knew?!" Nat asked him.

"They came for a check-up yesterday," Bruce told them, "but she's bigger today."

"We are having an accelerated pregnancy," Wanda explained.

"And we'd appreciate it if you guys could spread the word," Cecellia requested, "I'm sure America is gonna tell some people and Steve will eventually lose the ability to keep the secret."

"Cap knows?" Tony asks.

"America knows?" Wanda asks before continuing, "we couldn't find her to bring her here."

"She saw you getting them so she came to me to ask what's up and figured out what was going on," Cecellia just shrugs, "she wasn't... Happy."

Wanda nods frowning as she squeezes her hand.

"And one more thing," they both just give eachother a look before saying, "we will be getting a house and moving away to raise said child."

The others all looked at eachother at this before Natasha stepped up, "is this both your official retirement?"

"I've already retired from the Avengers but I will be resigning from SHIELD," Cecellia confirmed.

Wanda just smiles as she continues, "and yes, I am retiring for family reasons."

They sprung with a ton more questions and the couple tried to answer only for Cecellia to feel dizzy feeling this pulling before she touched the baby bump...

"Ce?" Wanda asked feeling her uneasiness.

"I'm tired..."

"Just stay with us a little longer, okay, my love?" she asked gently.

She nodded trying her hardest.

But as Wanda turned to keep the conversation going Cecellia felt that pulling pull her very much more making her look over only for her suddenly pass out!

Wanda cursed in Sokovian as she caught her girlfriend.

"Is she okay?" Natasha asked.

Tony and Wanda both looked at Bruce who was a doctor who just nods, "let's get her to my lab."

As Wanda got her to Bruce's lab, she makes sure nothing serious is wrong with her or the baby and nothing is luckily but she was still unconscious. Bruce kept staring for a minute before saying, "she got bigger."

"How far along do you think she is now?" Wanda asked him.

"Well counting the accelerated pregnancy-" Bruce was cut off by Stark.

Tony just shook his head, "this is crazy, if Cecellia was awake she would agree with me."

"Do you really believe that?" Wanda asked him.

Bruce then said, "she seems to be around 30 weeks... In a day."

"It's not as weird as it seems, at least not to us," Wanda tries to explain but it was hard to do so since only Cecellia and her saw what they saw.

Natasha just shook her head before touching Cecellia's, "why did she pass out?"

"I'm not sure," Bruce admits, "could be a number of reasons with her condition."

"She'll be okay, right?" Wanda asked terrified of losing her.

America suddenly opened a portal into the lab, "Cecellia- Wait," she looked around at the people before her and the unconscious mother figure on the table, "what happened?!"

"She passed out," Bruce told her, "she should be fine, it's probably some minimal reason like exhaustion or dehydration, that can happen with her condition."

"Bruce," Nat said, "you don't have to keep saying 'condition' like that, she is pregnant."


America just went to the other side of Cecellia since Wanda was standing on her side, she grabbed her hand, "I'm sorry for being so stubborn," she told her even though she was unconscious.

"She's going to wake up," Wanda reassured the teen but when she tried to put her hand on her shoulder America flinched, "hey, I'm not gonna hurt you."

America looked down, "I... I'm sorry but I'm here for Cecellia not you," she told her.

Wanda was dumbfounded but didn't say anything as America turned away from her sitting next to Cecellia's side.

That was when Jarvis spoke up making them all jump, "Mr. Stark, Thor has arrived."

"Thor?" Tony asked confused, "we didn't have a visit planned."

"I know, sir, but he insists that it's important," Jarvis told them.

"Stay with my bestie," Tony told them as he went to the door only for...

Cecellia's eyes opened when he finished speaking, "what happened?"

"Cecellia!" America hugged her immediately as Wanda smiled widely.

"Hey, kid, you all look happy to see me," she groaned as she sat up, "what did I miss?"

"Thor is on Earth and is here," Tony told her.

Cecellia just blinks, "oh? Oh..." Then she thinks about how she passed out... That pulling.

"What's wrong?" America asked.

Wanda took her hand as she nods at her, "you can tell us."

"I felt something before I passed out... A pulling, that only got worse before I was swept up in unconsciousness," Cecellia explains, "what was that?"

"Sounds like this is out of my expertise," Bruce decides as he puts his hands up, "should get Strange?"

"I should go talk to Thor," Tony figures out.

Cecellia nods, she feels her baby bump in worry, and Wanda kissed the side of her head, "it's okay, my love, no matter what happens... We'll get through this."

"I know..." Cecellia just nods, "I have to know."

"You trust me?" Wanda asked.

America just looked between the two but she knew her trying to talk Cecellia out of this relationship will not work. It would never work. The two of them were the definition of Soulmates.

Cecellia kisses her hand, "of course, I do."

Wanda smiles, "we'll figure this out, okay?"


It was only minutes later that Jarvis called for Cecellia, "Miss Coulson if Mr. Stark and Mr. Odinson could see you in the penthouse?"

"Of course," Cecellia stood up but Wanda helped her, "Wanda is definitely coming."

Wanda nods in agreement.

That was when it happened, she felt the pulling again, but as she waited for the next symptom which was unconsciousness... It never happened. Cecellia took a deep breath taking a hold of Wanda's hand before going to the elevator.

As they met Tony and Thor Cecellia felt it stronger than ever as she looked down at the case in Thor's hands, "what is that?" She asked, not greeting her old friend, her mind completely overtaken by what she is feeling.

Tony just stepped up, "bestie, you trust me, correct?"

"Yes," Cecellia didn't like where this was going, she touched her baby bump, their child... She has to think about what's best for the baby.

Tony nods at Thor who sets the case on the table before opening it, the two women's eyes widened as they set eyes on the Mind Stone!

"You know when you said 'do you trust me?' I didn't think you would pull something like this, Stark," Wanda hissed pulling Cecellia behind her, all she could think of was that this is what kills her soulmate in multiple universes.

Tony just put up his hands, "I don't mean any harm neither does point break here," he gestured to Thor, "it's just the two of you happen to know the most about the Mind Stone."

"If you mean by know most about you mean got killed by it more than once," Cecellia snapped at him, "I told you that, Tony, do you not remember our call?"

"I do, I just-"

"Please, Cecellia, daughter of Coul," Thor stepped up, "I asked for someone with experience, if you'd like to blame anyone- it should be me."

Wanda shook her head, "no, I'm sorry to the two of you, but we're out. That's what we were telling you, we are starting a family; a home. This isn't our fight anymore."

Cecellia felt the pull be stronger than ever but what Wanda said made sense, she couldn't put the baby in danger and she is sure that an Infinity Stone is not healthy for a growing baby, "Wanda is right, I'm sorry Tony, Thor."

Tony seemed disappointed but understood as Thor closed the case, "I understand, I actually am happy for you," he pulled his best friend into a hug and she just smiled into the hug.

Thor smiled, "I wish you the happiest life, my friend," Thor put out his arm for her to shake.

Cecellia happily took it, "thank you, my friend."

AS WANDA AND CECELLIA BEGAN TO PACK UP WANDA'S FLOOR  in Avengers Tower Tony decided to put the Mind Stone under lock and key inside of the tower. Cecellia kept feeling that pulling but the farther she got away the looser it felt.

Cecellia tried also to keep an eye on her pregnancy, noticing the difference between how big her bump got in the hour, it just keeps growing and it clearly is not a regular pregnancy... Guess there's no hiding that one...

"Wan?" Cecellia asked stopping as she felt her bump.

Wanda stops as she looks at her, "what's wrong, Ce?"

Cecellia just shook her head feeling her water break, "I think... I THINK THE BABY IS COMING!"

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