Begin Again

By Straightnochaser9

355K 12.9K 9.8K

After 8 generations the American mafia finally had birthed not just one but two girls. Demontre and Angelic... More

I'm so happy you're here :D
1. You dumb piece of sh!t
2. The Consequences Of A Mistake Is Death
3. Little Dumpling
4. Never Count A Women Out
5. I'll See You In Hell
6. If Only We Knew
7. Currently Under Attack
8. It's Just A Bullet Graze
9. A Brand New Brighter Future
10. It All Started With Pure Bliss
11. Oh Sugar Snaps
12. I'm All That You Have
13. She's All I Have
14. My Sister Saved Me
New Characters/ Twins Now
15. 26 Pieces Of Rhubarb Pie
16. Why Can't We Just Kill Her
17. Going To fold Quicker Then A Taco
18. They Know Who We Are
19. You Were Kidnapped By My Sister
20. Fucking Animal
21. Thicker Then Blood
22. Sugar Biscuits
23. Trust Has To Be Earned
24. Pubic Hair Of Penguins
25. Did You Have To Stab Him
26. Never Have Enough Garlic Bread
27. Pent Up Murderous TensionοΏΌ
28. Sugar Babies Feeding Me
29. And She Gives Great Head
30. Fallen Penis Pieces
31. Pure Sex & Muscles
32. Shoot Him In The Dick
33. I'll Beat You All With My Shoe
34. She Could Suck The Soul Out Of Anyone
36. So You Can Eat His Bootyhole
37. Someone's Dirty Little Secret
38. A Selfish Idiotic Bitch
39. Just Survive The Night
40. Im Such A Stupid Girl
41. Optimism In My Life
42. You Fucked Up
43. I Wish I Didnt Break Down
44. Sexy Stranger's Name
45. Get A Passion For Dicks
46. I'm Just So Tired
47. You Fucking Bozo
48. No Need For The Foreplay
49. Forgive You And Forget You
50. Kill Those Jackass
51. Strange Tingling Sensation
52. Was She Really Going To Shot Me?
53. Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Girl
54.The Bitch Is Crazy
55. Go So I Can Blow Your Father
56. The Calm Before the Storm
57. Lets Go Save Those Girls
58. Set The World On Fire
59. All You Need Is One
60. Yeah Its a Trap
61. Welcome Home
62. Your Own Personal Hell
63. Moment Of Weakness Is My Gain
64. To Young To Die
65. Taking my power back
Pretty fireworks
66. Own Personal Whorehouse
67. She's Dead
68. She Needed This

35. Dude Dont Call My Sister Fat

2.7K 133 107
By Straightnochaser9

👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏼Mommy A: the boys in my class keep on hitting on me

                                               Me: ok so hit them

👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏼Mommy A: If I accidentally kill one of them, will it take too long to cover our trail with us being in a different continent and everything?

Before I could finish typing my phone was slapped out of my hand... why though?

Looking up the whole class is filled yet everyone is silent as all eyes are on our table. Meeting the owner of the hand I'm met with the sight of some pretty girl who looks like I spat in her coco puffs.

UGH coco puffs I'm kind of hungry, I wonder if I can make a coco puff milkshake. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, I gotta ask mom when I come back home if I can plant some roses in the yard. Gosh I love roses and fried chicken hmm I could go for some Popeyes th-.

"You dumb fucking bitch I'm going to fuck you up," from a pissed off Tre brought me out of my thoughts.

Oh, jelly she's going to kill her, before I had time to move her Tre jumped over the table like a flipping monkey. In one fell swope she was holding that dumb punta by her neck.

The class broke into gasps, and screams as Tre raised the girl up so she was dangling in the air. "Listen to me Ashley," she stated, eerily calm like she was talking about the weather. "When someone says no, it means no, it's a complete sentence it ends the conversation. It does not mean let me try again in a different way."

The girl's skin kissed face was now white as a ghost and was turning bright red from the lack of oxygen. "Tre you're going to kill her," I whispered while pulling my hand on her hip.

Rolling her eyes, she dropped the girl who fell on the floor in a heap gasping for air. "I'm showing you mercy this time."

"That was mercy?" someone behind me had questioned.

Well yes, yes it was trust me.

"But next time you do some stupid shit like this mark my words you'll be in the hospital."

Crouching down so her mouth was near Ashley's ear, she said softly but loud enough so the whole room would hear, "I could give 2 shits who you are, or your status quo in a fucking high school. If you want to act like a bitch, you better be able to buck up like a bitch to."

Turning around Tre looked at the two girls who were standing by the table who instantly put their heads down when they saw Tre looking at them. "Go help your friend."

Plopping down on her chair, Jewel was looking at Tre like she was god's gift to her. "Thank you, I – no one and I mean no one has stood up to her years."

"Sorry I'm late guys," an older man said as he rushed into the classroom. "Let's get started." Starting to write on the chalkboard, the trio of girls kept their heads down as they walked back to their table. All 3 sets of their cheeks flushed from what had just transpired.

After a few minutes had gone by we were doing group work that we quickly had finished. "So, what's the deal with Ashley's?" Mauve asked.


"The trio are all named Ashely," Tre answered, knowing I was tuning out the initial talk they had where they had apparently said their names.

Like scream queens? Be freaking for real.

"She used to be nice back in the day, a little nerdy and everyone would pick on her. One day I shoved a boy who was making fun of her in PreK- and we became best friends. But I woke up one day with boobs, the first one in our class. She was jealous and started a rumor that I stuffed my bra."

Children are terrible.

"She left tissue on my chairs telling people they slipped out of my bra. Of course when she was saying all that she was gaining attention. Something she wasn't used to, she loved it and ate it up, so she expanded her victims."

I'll say it again kids are terrible.

"It's an ugly case of the victim becoming the tormentor."I'll never understand people who go through trauma and or abuse and try to pass it on to other people like.  Why would you want someone to go through the same pain you did?

"No one wanted to be on the receiving end of her wrath, so most people got in line. It was that way for years, and then when we thought it couldn't get any worse, it did."

"Supervillains always have a way of going lower," Mauve sympathetically said while shaking her head.

It's a gift they have just when you think they can't get any worse they somehow find a way to outdo themselves. Managing do even more vile things. Something I learned first hand.

"She slept with a few of the kings... we'll all of them. Since she was homie hopper and around them often she dubbed herself the queen of the school like we're in a movie or something." She finished while gauging all our expressions, Mauve and I were sporting ones with similar motives- sadness for her.

Tre... well Tre's face is blank to the naked eye, but I can see that hint of mischievousness on her. She's going to make this Ashely chick pay, and honestly, I love to see it. "The kings?" Raising her eyebrows in confusion, Tre said "who are those."

"They run this school, but they don't flaunt it. They're actually pretty nice and hot. They're like the bad boys and it's not so secret they're in a gang."

Thinking back to my conversation this morning with Lele about him running this school. I can't help but think she's talking about him. Let me find out sweet Lele is actually in a gang? Feeling Tre's gaze on me we meet eyes and it's easy to see she's thinking the same.

Ohh big bro has some explaining to do later.

"Alright class, turn in your work and make sure you read those chapters tonight." The teacher said dismissing us from his class.

Walking to our next class we picked up the conversation where we left off, " shouldn't being in a gang be kept a secret?" Tre asked, linking her arms through mine. "Yes, it should but they stock the school with the good weed at a discounted price, so no one tattles." Jewel said absentmindedly, "even the teachers dabbles in it."

"Is it just me or are people extra staring," Mauve wondered while people quite literally moved out of our way.

"You guys put the Ashleys in their place, which spread around campus like wildfire and now no one wants to mess with you all." Jewel laughed. And I didn't miss the quick up and down Tre did of her backside as her butt jiggled as she laughed with her whole body.

"But ya also this part is alleged but the leader of the kings apparently has ties to the American mafia." Sparking all of our attention we focused our attention back to her and away from the curious and feared stares are foursome was getting.


"Yes, Leonardo Smith, he's basically running the king gang and someone in his family runs the mob, but that's all allegedly."

Seems like someone definitely has some explaining to do.

Coming to a stop she pointed to a room "Ok this is where I'll drop you off! I'll see y'all in psych!" Surprising us, she gave Tre a quick hug muttering a quick thank you before scurrying off.

Once she was out of earshot I faced my triplet," are you blushing Tre." Earning a gasp from Mauve, Tre shook her head, "she's totally blushing, does our little girl have a crush?"

"I hate you two," Tre exclaimed. "We can go find Jewel, so you can be with someone you love," Mauve snickered.

Giving us the middle finger, Tre kicked the door open ok round 3.

"Shit she's little but she's big as fuck," a deep voice said. Glancing away from my lunch tray that had 2 pieces of pineapple pizza, 6 hot wings, Caesar salad, and a brownie I'm met with the same idiot that was fogging up Tre's window this morning.

"Dude don't call my sister fat!" Lele said while pushing said idiot and putting his tray next to Tre who was sitting next to me and sitting down. Rolling his eyes in apology his eyes shifted to Mauve. She was across from us and texting away not paying attention. "Fuck," he groaned more to himself.

This is going to end bad.

"Hi, I'm Leonardo, what's your name?" Dropping his voice down an octave so it would appear deeper. Tre and I bite down on our lips ensuring we don't laugh at our brother's attempts to catch the attention of her best friend. Who quite literally couldn't be bothered.

"Mauve," Tre said, attempting to help our brother out. "Yes," she replied, not looking up from her phone. "Mauve!" she said again. Taking the hint, she looked up, "yes Tre" putting her phone down clearly irritated that she had to stop whatever she was doing.

"I just wanted to introduce myself," Lele said with a boyish grin. Giving him a slow up and down as best as she could since he was sitting down at the cafeteria table, she squinted her eyes, "ok." Picking up her phone again the table erupted into laughter watching my clear playboy brother get turned down before he even had a chance to shoot his shot.

"You wanna introduce us to your friend's big bro." Instantly smiling at Tre's use of 'big bro' he started to introduce us to his friends.

"That's, Damien, Silas, Salvatore, and Rio," he said pointing to his friends at the table who also happened to be the idiots who were fogging up his car this morning. "Welcome to our squad." Salvatore said I can't help but pick up his British accent.

Might be fangirling over that one.

The other three gave us various greetings and I can't help but think about how hot they all are.

"Thank you... kings," Tre says with a brow raised, causing all 4 of them to choke on their bites of food.

These guys are supposed to be running a gang? I wouldn't be surprised if they accidentally shot someone because they were surprised by what someone said. After calming down they looked over at Tre who was chowing down on some pasta, "kings?" Rio questioned.

"Little Leo," Mauve said, a name I know he hates but because it came out of Mauve's mouth, he was loving the attention. "Yes, gorgeous?"

"Tell your besties not to insult our intelligence, and that they look stupid when they're playing dumb," she said oh so sweetly.

Besides the fact that Jewel said Lele's name as the leader, it's not hard to put two and two together. Damien, Silas, Salvatore, and Rio are all over 6'2 and their muscled bodies are heavily tattooed; they're practically a walking billboard for a mafia.

Opening his mouth slightly he closed it after processing what she said, his shoulders had dropped down for a second. But after a second he perked them up, "you heard the lady don't doubt them and if you do you have to go through me." Puffing his chest out slightly like he was showing his dominance I can't help but laugh.

He's a fighter I'll give it to him.

"We'll be talking about your king's activities at home and away from prying ears." Tre scolded him and judging by the way he pouted his lips our assumption that he was a part of the king's gang was true.

"Fine, but can we talk about you taking down Ashley." Lele cheekily said in between bites of his chicken tikka masala. "How did you know about that?"

"The only school knows about that love, there's a video!" Rio shrugged, "and let me be the first to say that you looked sexy, taking that bitch down."

Rolling his eyes probably at the sexy comment Lele said," you gave Ashley exactly what she needed."

"Really?" Mauve questioned with a glint in her eyes. Oh, sugar what is she about to do? "Oh, for sure," he replied.

Watching Lele take a sip of his olliepop Mauve stated, "so you didn't sleep with her?" Turning her head she made eye contact with the boys, "none of you did."

Choking on his drink, clearly surprised by her question Lele tried to regain his composure. Once he was back to normal, he sighed, "yes we slept with her it was a beneficial mutual partnership... but she thinks that she's my girlfriend now, and she's NOT. I'm single, like painfully single but I'm ready for a tough chick to put me in my place," he winked.

My brother, ladies and gentlemen.

"You said we slept together," pointing to the guys she wondered," you mean like... choo choo?"

"It was more like choo choo choo choo choo," Making an uppercase l with his arm Rio lowered his arm and brought it back up for each choo.

"She may be a bitch, but god damn it she has a way with her mouth. Which is why we had some fun numerous times, and now she thinks she's Leo girlfriend" Salvatore said while slurping down his chocolate milk.

"She sleeps with all of you, but someone picks Leo to attach to?" Tre asks while putting her fork down. Is it because he's the "leader" and she wants to be like the queen? Or is it something else?

With a guilty look on his face Lele explained, "I never sleep with the same girl twice. Since I choose to make her the first girl, I had sex with more than once she thinks I'm hers.

He's a whore, Tre's a whore, are parents dry hump each other whenever they can... must be genetics.

I wonder if I would be whore if it weren't for my past? Hmm shower thoughts for a different day.

Before we could comment the doors of the cafeteria busted open revealing Ashley. Who looked back to normal, walking in like she owned the place.

"Speak of the devil," Rio whispered even though she was far away from us and wouldn't be able to hear us if he spoke at a normal volume.

Talking to Ashley 2 her eyes zoned in on Lele and she smiled. Her smile faltered when she noticed the 3 of us sitting around him. I swear to God I saw smoke come out of my ears at that moment. So did the rest of the school as the giant café became so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone was wondering what was about to happen. Has she stormed over to us I knew that whatever was going to happen would not be good.

Stopping once she was directly in front of mauve's back, she looked at Lele, "Lele!"


"Baby tell these whores to get out of mine and Ashley's seats," she purred while trying to look extra sexy. Ashley is really pretty, and if it weren't for the fact that she was a bully I would love my brother with her, what a shame.

"No, and don't call me Lele, only Angy calls me that." He deadpanned.

Oh, sugar there goes that steam again.

"Lele stop, you're my boyfriend and you're supposed to be on my side! Do you know what these bitches did to me!" She screeched while aggressively stomping her heel on the ground.

"Yes, I saw, and you had it coming! And for the last time we fucked a few times, that's it you are not my girlfriend, and you never will be. You know I would never put my hands on a woman in a violent away, but they will." Pointing towards us making her face go red in embarrassment and madness. "So why don't you run away, before they put hands on you."

Looking around the cafeteria in search of someone brave to stand with her or come to her defense. But all she saw was her peers giddily watching the exchange.

See that's what happens when you're an evil bitch, everyone is praying for your downfall.

"Whatever," she exclaimed.

Little Leo may not be in the mafia but he does run a gang... I wonder if Reese and Ace know 🤐

Anyways I've been getting a lot of new readers who have been making me laugh so much with their comments! Which inspired me to do a Double update ❤️

Choo choo ... choo choo choo I'll see in the next chapter

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