License to Love

By MJKristo11

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PART 2 OF REBEL HEART. Status: COMPLETE Michelle and Brook are back in a brand new adventure with the crew... More

💛Character Aesthetics💜
Bonus Soundtracks 🎶
🎧Soundtracks 🎵
Chapter 1 Not a Dream
Chapter 2 Couples that Go Together
Chapter 3 What Comes Next
Chapter 4 Surprises
Chapter 5 Housewarming
Chapter 6 Girls Wanna Have Fun
Chapter 7 Born to Be Wild
Bonus Chapter: You & Me.
Chapter 8 Clash of the Crewmates
Bonus Chapter: Covert Operations
Chapter 9 A Mutual Alliance
Chapter 10 Blueprint for Perfection
Chapter 11 Out of the Shadows
Chapter 12 Survival of The Fastest
Chapter 13 Owning the Streets
Chapter 14 Ultimatums
Chapter 15 Uncovering the Truth
Chapter 16 Nevada Nitrous Circuit
Chapter 17 Outnumbered
Chapter 18 Know thy Enemy
Chapter 19 Secrets and Lies
Bonus Chapter: Double-Crosser
Chapter 20 Saboteurs
Chapter 21 Opposite Sides of the Line
Chapter 22 What Women Want
Chapter 24 A Bad Boy's Good Heart
Chapter 25 Sing your Heart Out
Chapter 26 Starry Nights and Campfire Tales
Chapter 27 Evaluating the Enemy
Chapter 28 Catch a Mongoose with a Mole
Chapter 29 Operation: Bait and Chase
Chapter 30 End of the Line
Chapter 31 The Hardwired and the Undefeated
NFS-Inspired Locations!
Chapter 32 Cutting it Close
Chapter 33 X Marks the Spot
Chapter 34 Missing in Action
Chapter 35 Vengeance
Chapter 36 Quagmire
Chapter 37 True Love
Chapter 38 Meet Me at the Altar
Epilogue: First Time
Authoress' Note

Chapter 23 Family Ties and Pseudo Foes

42 13 9
By MJKristo11

"I think I might have to mortgage my Rolex to pay this back," Payton sighed in the hotel room later. They had returned after the shopping trip loaded with bags. Payton held up the bill for the girls' shopping which totaled about eight hundred dollars.

"Relax, it's not so bad. We'll be getting a little extra cash from the race winnings so it should more than make up for it," Brook said assuredly.

"Assuming you win the race," Payton grumbled. "Not that I doubt your skills... "

"You, my friend, are suffering from post-shopping depression." Brook chuckled. "It'll wear off soon. Besides, didn't you get paid for working at the dealership? Soriano told me sales were pretty good thanks to you."

"Considering the fact that I came here and we're not talking to the chief at the moment—I actually missed my last paycheck."

"He'll pay you as soon as we get back. No matter how bad things are between us, he always comes through," Brook said.

"Yeah... but the thing is, I'm not sure I can trust him anymore," Payton said.

"Trust who?" Jett asked as he and Reece entered the room.

"The chief," Brook replied.

"Yeah, what exactly happened with him?" Reece asked curiously. Brook told them briefly about Michelle's parents and what Soriano had been keeping from them.

"Shut up, so Michelle's parents were Night Blazers too?!" Jett asked with bulging eyes.

"Figures. No wonder she's just as car crazy as the rest of us," Reece commented with a smile.

"Poor girl, she's been carrying that around on her shoulders and we've all been acting like we didn't know?" Jett said, slapping his forehead.

"It's not your fault. We hadn't found the right moment to tell you guys," Brook said. "And it's better for Michelle that you didn't treat her any different because of this. I know she wouldn't have it any other way."

"Yeah, but we should've known anyway. We'd have been a bit more sensitive to her situation. That must've been a lot to process," Reece said, contemplatively.

"Finding out isn't the point. The point is, the chief lied to us again. I'm getting sick of it," Payton said in disgust.

"I'm sure he was just trying to protect you and Michelle," Jett said to Brook kindly.

"We didn't need that kind of protection, we needed the truth," Brook said with a frown. Jett nodded, knowing that was justifiable too.

"How did Michelle take it?" Reece asked.

"It came as a shock, naturally. She never even knew who her parents were..." Brook trailed off, his heart aching for her.

"And with her birthday coming up, I bet she feels even worse now that she knows about her parents," Jett said with a bummed look. "Talk about bad timing."

"I know," Brook said with a sigh, rubbing his neck.

"We should throw her a surprise party to cheer her up! Make her feel so happy she won't even have time to think about her—loss," Jett suggested.

"Again with the party idea," Payton said, shaking his head skeptically.

"No, I actually think it's a good idea. If it'll cheer her up, I'll do anything," Brook said earnestly.

"Okay then, looks like we're having a party. Let's not tell Paige the secret either—she'll definitely tell Michelle," Payton said.

"Watch it bro, keeping secrets from your girlfriend is the surest way to a breakup," Reece teased him and got a punch in return.

"So it's settled—we party on Friday!" Jett whooped.

"Keep it down, the girls are in the next room!" Brook hissed. Payton grinned and felt his pocket for his phone. Not finding it, he got up and began to hunt for it.

"Lost something?" Brook asked on seeing him.

"My phone... I must have left it in the car, I'll be right back," he said leaving the room. He went down to the hotel parking lot and checked his car.

"Found it," he said to himself upon retrieving his phone from between the car seats. He shut the door and locked it. As he turned back to the hotel, he got a prickly feeling on his neck like he was being watched. He frowned and stiffened, alert at once. He cautiously looked around without appearing suspicious. There was no one in the parking lot but a bunch of empty cars. His eyes briefly landed on a particularly dark-tinted car but he turned away when he detected no movement from it.

"Must be my imagination," he muttered as he returned to the hotel. A pair of eyes watched him go through the glass of the tinted car. Mr. Cross clenched his fists.

"Your time is numbered, Night Blazers," he uttered to himself.

Soriano's nineteen-ninety-two white Porche zoomed along the deserted dusty roads leading up to Carson City, distinctively taking the roads back through time with its aged personality. Beside him sat Leslie, looking like she wanted to say something but biting down her words every time she saw the tension clenching the chief's jaw.

"We'll be there soon," Soriano said, more to himself than to her. He gripped his steering wheel tight as he drove and his face was rigid. Leslie knew it wasn't a good sign; usually, he drove his oldies-but-goodies with ease and comfort. The stress of his inner state was clearly visible in his driving.

"Chief, why didn't they tell us?" Leslie finally ventured to ask.

"Didn't want me to worry—or they're still mad at me," Soriano said sadly. "At least, if I had to take a guess."

"But still, Jett said it was a pretty serious case of carbon monoxide poisoning. He could've died," Leslie said, her own face veiling the worry she felt. Soriano's face twitched with emotion and Leslie lay a gentle hand on his knee.

"It was serious. And they didn't tell me," Soriano said.

"He survived—and Jett said he was on his feet the very next day," Leslie said softly.

"But that punk should've let me know—instead of letting me find out on the sly!" Soriano slammed the wheel in frustration.

"You gotta go easy on them, chief. They're probably still upset. I know you're worried but they're not gonna see that. At least, not at first." Soriano sighed.

"I just need to check on him—find out how he's doing," he said, sounding pained.

"You don't want to stay to watch the next race?" Leslie asked.

"They might not want me around. Whether I like it or not, I gotta respect their boundaries. They're not kids anymore. I just wish I didn't give them one more reason to hate me. I'm starting to feel like I need them around more than they need me..." Soriano said before trailing off into silence. Leslie knew better than to speak when she saw thoughts zooming in his eyes while the streaming road they past reflected across them.

"We're here," Leslie announced as the car drew near the hotel where Jett said the crew was staying—Soriano might have passed it by if she hadn't, he was that engrossed in thoughtful worry. Soriano braked the car with a jerk, more nervous than he was letting on. He and Leslie got out and made their way into the hotel lobby with long strides. They stopped short however on seeing the crew standing by the reception desk, bags in hand as though they were checking out.

"Brook!" Soriano called with a mix of concern and relief in his voice and rushed towards him. He halted in front of the crew and gave Brook a long piercing stare as he looked him over.

"Chief, Leslie, what are you doing here?" Brook asked in surprise while the rest of the crew shifted their weight on their feet awkwardly.

"I just—wanted to make sure you were alright," Soriano said in a tight voice.

"We were worried about you, Brook," Leslie said softly. "We heard what happened. Are you feeling better?"

"I'm fine, thanks. There was no need to come all the way over here," Brook said pointedly to Soriano. He nodded miserably.

"Okay, okay. I get it. I'll leave now that I know you're okay," he said, holding up his hands in despondent surrender. Jett spoke up.

"Aw, don't leave yet, you guys just got here!"

"And I'm starting to wonder who told him we were here," Paige said in a dangerous voice, glaring at Jett. He immediately dropped his head in guilt.

"Look, you guys are acting way too immature!" Leslie snapped suddenly. "The chief has always looked out for you guys, he doesn't deserve this kind of treatment from you! So I suggest you all make up together and get over this silly feud hanging in the air!" Everyone blinked at the normally good-natured Leslie in surprise.

"She's right," Michelle said suddenly. Brook turned to her.

"We've been disagreeing and fighting a lot with each other these past few days and it's taking a toll on all of us," she continued. "We were better off sticking together and safer. We've been letting everything that happened split us up. I want us to just start over—all of us. And I'm willing to take the first step." She went over to Soriano, taking in his tired, harrowed face and feeling sorry for him.

"I was mad at you for not telling me about my parents—but now I realize it's because you didn't want me to go through more pain. And I appreciate that. You were looking out for me, right?" She glanced expectantly at him as she voiced the last question in a timid voice. He gave her a tight smile.

"Right, as always," he replied. Michelle returned his smile.

"Life's too short to keep fighting over stuff like this," she said. Brook glanced at her, wondering what made her say that. "So I forgive you." Michelle continued, holding out her hand to him. He took it, but instead of shaking it, he pulled her into a warm hug.

"Thank you, Michelle," he said, his eyes full and teary. "And I might say, you were just like your mom then—I know she'd be so proud of everything you've become." Everyone smiled, the tension dissipating from the air.

"Aww. That's so beautiful I could cry," Jett said, wiping the moisture from his eyes.

"I forgive you too, chief," Brook said with a little break in his voice. Soriano hugged him next, his arms engulfing his prodigy in a bone-crushing hug.

"Thanks. And I'm glad you're alright, son," he said. Reece cleared his throat.

"So, er, does this mean we're all going to Gardnerville together?" He asked.

"Looks like it," Paige said with a one-sided smile.

"Whoo hoo! Then we can all go on the camping trip together, just like old times!" Jett said excitedly.

"Camping trip?" Michelle asked in confusion.

"Yeah, when we were younger, Soriano would take us camping in the desert around summer—sort of a tradition—we'd rent trailers and just go where the road took us," Brook explained.

"It'll be just like the old days," Payton said with a smile. A man in a long coat and Fedora approached them just then, walking in slow purposeful strides with his gaze fixed on the crew. Payton caught sight of him first and his eyes narrowed.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a Jett Sandoval and Reece Cho?" The man asked in the general direction of everyone's gazes.

"Who's asking?" Paige asked, while Jett raised his hand and came forward.

"I'm—" he began, but Payton stopped him by clapping a hand on his chest and speaking to the stranger.

"I've seen you before—you're the guy who came to our dealership a few weeks ago!" Payton accused him in a rough voice.

"Ah, yes, I remember you," Soriano said, turning to face the man properly. "It's a surprise seeing you here."

"Yeah, how did you find us?" Payton asked harshly. Paige glanced at him in surprise, wondering why he sounded so biting. Soriano even gave him a frown mouthing him to behave.

"Believe me, it is an utter coincidence," the man replied stiffly to Payton. He turned back to Soriano with a cordial smile.

"You might not know me—I'm Linus LaCroix, you might have known my younger brother, Mario LaCroix. Ran an auto shop up in Vegas." Payton coughed the words 'phony name' while everyone gave a look of recognition at that name except Michelle.

"Mario! Of course, I remember him—he was such a good kid." Soriano said, his eyes softening. "I'm sorry about what happened to him," he continued apologetically. "My heart goes out to you. I had no idea he had a brother, he never mentioned it. If he had..." Soriano let out a deep sigh. "Pains me to lose any of my own, especially if there's nothing I could've done about it."

"I'm sure it wasn't your fault, that dreaded gang the Inferno Ghosts are to blame, right? I heard they were behind bars now," Linus said, his own eyes filled with strained emotion.

"Yes, they are," Payton growled out. "They learned their lesson." Linus ignored him.

"I've been trying to find you for a while now—my brother told me a lot about the famous 'Night Blazers'. How you guys aided him and helped him stand on his feet starting his own auto shop in Vegas. I'm surprised he never mentioned me though... then again, we weren't exactly on good terms. Still, he was my brother and I feel an—urgent obligation to help the people who once helped my brother."

"I'm not sure I follow. We're grateful for the sentiment, I'm sure," Soriano said with a wary glance at Payton who was still glaring at the stranger, "but there's no need to extend any obligation to us." The man shook his head.

"I owe you guys a debt, naturally. I wanted to be of service to the people who helped my brother so much. And I have a specific proposition in mind." Payton continued to eye him suspiciously.

"Well, that's very considerate of you," Soriano said. "But I don't see how—"

"I'm an investor, you see," the man interrupted him, handing him a business card. "I run my own business and I invest in enterprises my statistics convince me will be profitable. I came to your dealership that day to find out if you guys were the people Mario told me about. I know he would've wanted me to help you out in any way I could. However at the time, I felt my services were unwelcome," he gave a hard look in Payton's direction, "and I wasn't sure how I could repay my debt to the famous—Night Blazers. But now, I found a way." He turned to Jett.

"You must be Mr. Sandoval. I've come across your partner Mr. Cho's and your video game online and would like to invest in it. I feel it's a profitable venture and there's no better way for me to pay off my debt." Jett looked like he was about to explode with excitement and even Reece's eyes widened with interest.

"Why that's mighty generous of you," Soriano replied on seeing Jett lapse into euphoric incoherence, "if Jett and Reece are interested, I'm sure they'd discuss it with you. My team and I don't take handouts but I'm sure you can work something out if they agree."

"We'd certainly be interested in discussing the proposition further," Reece spoke up while Jett swayed on his feet on the verge of blubbering. But Payton stepped forward, cutting him off.

"Thanks for the generous offer, but we'll have to decline," he said with heavy sarcasm before anyone else could answer. The man raised his eyebrows looking like he wanted to retort to Payton but controlled himself.

"Well, of course, you can take some time to think about it." He pulled out another card from his breast pocket and handed it to Reece. "I'll leave my contact details if you change your mind. And do give me a call if you need anything. Just as for Mr. LaCroix. I work in Reno." With that, he gave a little incline of his head at the Night Blazers and walked away. Reece immediately turned with a scowl at Payton.

"Rude much?" He accused him. Payton shook his head.

"I don't trust that guy. He's slippery as a snake. Something's off about him and I don't think it's safe for you guys to rush headlong into a deal with him," he said briskly.

"He did seem a little suspicious appearing out of nowhere—how'd he find us?" Brook asked, looking thoughtful.

"I bet Jett had something to do with it," Paige said with a poisonous look at him. He shrank back.

"It wasn't me!" he said in dismay. "I was just as thrown off as you guys when he appeared, I don't even know him!"

"Oh yeah?! You're the one who puts trackers on everyone's cars and makes it easy for people to find us!" She griped.

"Let's argue about this later—we're making a scene here," Brook said, as hotel guests kept turning to stare at them.

"He's right," Soriano agreed with Brook. "Payton, I understand your concerns but this is for Jett and Reece to decide. I'm sure they know the risks and can take care of themselves. Of course, we'll be there as backup should anything happen," Soriano added, raising his hand to stop Payton when he tried to protest, "but I'm sure you boys can handle it."

"Can we ever!" Jett exclaimed in glee. "This is our first outside offer for an investment, imagine the possibilities for expansions we can do with this!" Payton grunted irritably and strode off to his car, Paige at his heels. Reece watched him go with thoughtful eyes.

"He's been way too touchy lately," he mumbled.

"Payton's just looking out for you guys, you know that. Cut him some slack," Soriano said, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, we just made up, I don't want us feuding all over again," Michelle said with a concerned look.

"Don't worry, Michelle," Jett said to her. "Payton will cool off. For now, we need our main marketing manager's help on this deal, there's so much to go over!"

"Can we do it someplace that isn't a public lobby?" Brook whispered warily. "People are still staring."

"We can talk more on the road, for now, let's just get going," Leslie said, ushering them all out like a mother hen. They headed to their cars, Michelle deep in thought as she walked.

"Mario... Mario... Why does that name sound so familiar?" Michelle asked as they neared the cars. Paige and Payton were waiting outside their cars, appearing to be conversing in low voices.

"Remember that blown-up auto shop we went to last year after Brook ran away?" Reece replied to Michelle, who nodded.

"That was Mario's. He was one of the victims of Jackson's homicides," he continued. Michelle swallowed, a chill running up her spine.

"And—that was his brother?" She asked, referring to the stranger. Payton heard that last bit and answered sullenly.


"Take it easy, Payton. He's probably telling the truth," Soriano said. Payton scowled and got into his car without another word although he kept muttering under his breath.

"I guess he must've suffered a lot, losing his brother like that," Michelle stated. "He must be a really nice guy if he's willing to help us..."

"Not that we need any more help," Brook said to her as they got into his car. "We'll be fine on our own, right Michelle?" She looked up at him with a trusting smile and nodded.


BEEN SO LONG!!! This chapter went through so many edits I can't remember which version it is. But I hope you enjoyed it all the same! Lotta plot changes.

So, to recap, Mr. Cross came out into the open, Payton's edgy as a sword and suspects dangerous motives behind that generous offer... and the crew's all together again, one big happy family. And we're getting closer to a PARTY! And a camping trip...

Think Jett and Reece will take up the offer? And what was our second favorite couple discussing back there? Find out in ch 24! Counting down to,

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