Family Affairs (Ouran Host Cl...

Da Ouran5

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When Tamaki's old friend now comes to Ouran wearing sunglasses indoors and hiding many secrets including her... Altro

Chapter 1: Childhood Friends
Chapter 2: Troubling Eyes
Chapter 3: No more Questions
Chapter 4: Miss Kusume
Chapter 5: The Dance of a Lifetime
Chapter 6: Rain and Sun
Chapter 7: Fighting the Breeze
Chapter 8: Zuka Tries to Take the Girls
Chapter 9: Sweets Retreat
Chapter 10: Newspaper Fiasco
Chapter 11: The Secrets Out
Chapter 12: Refreshing Flirting
Chapter 13: I Don't Blame Them
Chapter 14: Roses and Brother
Chapter 15: Kisses Surprise
Chapter 16: Kasanoda's New Look
Chapter 17: Carriage is Slowing Down
Chapter 18: The World Crashes
Chapter 19: Separate Carriages

Chapter 20: And Now the World Makes Sense

98 2 1
Da Ouran5

~The next day~

*Kyoya's POV*

I hadn't seen Rubee yet today. I still can't believe that I was at fault for all of this. If only I didn't tell my father her last name, Tamaki and her wouldn't be in either situation that they are in. We are all hosting as normal including the absence of Tamaki, when Lady Éclair walks in, requesting to know how much debt Haruhi is still in.

The hosts were all discussing Tamaki, but I had something else to do. Fix this whole mess. "Alright gentlemen, our guests are waiting no more idle chatter." I say. "Senpai, it's like you don't even care" Hikaru says. "It's our job to take care of our guests to the best of our abilities. Remember, they're looking to all of us to entertain them." I respond to the accusation.

"But what about Rubee-chan? Have you seen her today either?" Honey asks. "No I haven't but we have work to do so hurry along." I respond walking over to a table and going on my laptop. It's a good thing I have all these savings of my very own from the Host Club. I don't think the members would mind if they knew what it was for.

I see that Haruhi is done with Lady Éclair so I walk over to give her the good news. "Well done Haruhi, after that request from Lady Éclair, your debt has been paid. You've finally repaid us for that Renaissance vase you broke. So, you're free to quit the Host Club, if you want." I say to her. I hope she stays, she has brought Tamaki and everyone else so much happiness.

I see my father and Akito walk past the table and stop. "When they're young, many assume they have all the time in the world, but really, that is never the case. Don't waste your time with something that will ultimately have no value." father says without even looking at me. "You don't know anything about the Host Club. Kyoya-senpai works around the clock to make sure that everyone here is enjoying themselves. And did you ever stop to think that entertaining others might give each of us some fulfillment? How can you possibly say that what we do here is just a waste of our time? I don't care what you say. I think Kyoya-senpai is amazing." haruhi says standing up to my father.

I am dumbfounded, the only other person I imagined standing up for me is Tamaki and Rubee but not Haruhi. Father doesn't look at her, rather continues to walk away, but then he stops. "Kyoya, tell Rubee that we are expecting her to meet us at our place in an hour. I'm sure you can get in contact with her better than us" Father says and with that he leaves. He drives me insane.

I decide to call Rubee, see where she is. Luckily for me she answers. "Rubee, my father and Akito were just here" I say. "What do they want?" she asks. "My father said that he wants you to meet them at my house in an hour." I respond. "Alright thank you Kyoya" After that she hangs up. I hope my plan works.

~A hour later~

*Kyoya's POV*

We were all in the music room and Tamaki hadn't shown up yet. I was calling his cell over and over again. I had gone through with my plan and I was hoping my father would notice by now but I guess he hasn't. "Well?" Kaoru asks me. "No luck. He's not there." I reply. The hosts all look over to me. "I can't believe Senapi didn't show. I really thought he was gonna make it, despite what she said." Haruhi says. Everyone sits there in silence. This is hurting Haruhi, as much as it hurts me that Rubee isn't here. I get another brilliant idea. I decide to call Tamaki's main caretaker.

"Hello, Shima? Been a while, hasn't it? It's Kyoya." I say once the line picks up. "This is about Master Tamaki and Mistress Rubee, isn't it?" Shima says on the other line. "Well it is about Tamaki yes, but if you have information on Rubee as well I will be glad to hear that" I respond. "I'm sorry Kyoya, but the master and mistress will be departing for France soon." Shima responds to me. I am in utter shock. Why are Tamaki and Rubee going to France?!

"I tried to talk them out of it, but Master Tamaki had said the Suoh family had forgiven his beloved mother, and that he was finally going to get to see her again. And since Mistress Rubee knows where she is. Lady Éclair, your brother, Master Tamaki, and Mistress Rubee are headed there. He also said that if he stayed at Ouran any longer, his capriciousness would only continue to make trouble for you and everyone else in the club." Shima finishes.

"How could he be so stupid" I say angrily. I take the phone off my ear to talk to the others. "Evidently, Tamaki and Rubee are planning to return to France." I state. "Huh?" All the hosts say together. "Tama-chan and Rubee-chan are going to leave us?!" Honey cries. "You're kidding me?! We just can't let it end so suddenly!" Hikaru shouts. "Excuse me sir?" Shima says. "Yes?" I respond. "I was just thinking. If the master's mother really is as remarkable a woman as he claims she is, then I can only imagine that she would be upset with the manner in which the mistress and master has chosen to leave Ouran Academy." Shima says, matter of factly.

I suppose she is right... Both Tamaki and Rubee spoke very fondly of Tamaki's mother, I don't think she would like them leaving this way. "Do you know when he's leaving, Shima?" I ask. "I'm afraid his flight is this evening." Shima answers. "Why is he leaving so soon?" I ask. "He would have left sooner, but he said he had to wait until the Ouran Fair was ending." Shima says. Of course because my father wouldn't let Rubee go beforehand. Just then I see a car pass with all four members in it.

I gasp, "Tamaki! Rubee!" Everyone else runs up to the window I am at to see the car drive by. "Tama-chan! Rubee-chan!" Honey cries. "No way!" Kaoru says, "The Ouran Fair isn't even over yet!" Hikaru cries. "My family's car should be in the parking lot! Haruhi Let's go" I state heading towards the door everyone following behind me.

*Haruhi's POV*

We all run to the parking garage. Panting and sprinting as fast as we can. "We're in a hurry, can you drive us?" Kyoya asks the driver. "I'm sorry sir, but." The driver says. "What is it? What's wrong?" Kyoya asks, lost. "Well you see the thing is..." The driver starts again but seems worried to continue. We turn and see the Ootori private police squad starting to surround us. Hikaru pushes me behind him and Kaoru. "You want to tell me your orders? Let me guess. You've been hired to protect Lady Éclair and my brother." Kyoya says, looking down. "I'm truly sorry it has come to this, but as you know, as members of the Ootori private police, we answer to your father." one of the officers says. Oh no. Kyoya smashes his hand down into the cars hood denting it.

"I'm terribly sorry, sir, but we;ve been ordered not to allow any of you to leave, even if we have to stop you by force." the officer states again. Just then we hear the sound of a wheel rolling on the ground. I look over and see Mori and Honey bringing a carriage over to us. "Hikaru take the carriage. If you use the back hills bypass, you can cut them off." Mori says then hopping off with Honey.

"It's Honinozuka! And Morinozuka!" the officers shiver. Hikaru and Kaoru get on the carriage and Kaoru ushers for me to get on with him. I hesitate for second. Kyoya pulls me closer to him, "Go get those idiots. Hurry." And the Kyoya pushes me onto the carriage with Kaoru. "Now go! This is your chance!" Kyoya shouts pointing us into a direction. Hikaru raises the reigns and brings them back down, making the horses run off as fast as Hikaru can make them go.

"Hikaru! Don't you think we should slow down? Somebody could get hurt!" Kaoru asks, scared a little. "We're not slowing down 'tl we get the boss back!" Hikaru shouts back. "But Hikaru." Kaoru pleads. "If it wasn't for Tamaki, then the two of us would still only be lost souls. We were able to become friends with Haruhi and the others because the Host Club brought us together. Rubee was able to trust us. We helped everyone come out of their shells. To think that all of it could end so suddenly like this.... Is something that I can't tolerate!" Hikaru shouts, in anger and frustration.

Then the carriage bumped up into the air Kaoru putting his arm around me to keep me in place in the carriage. As the carriage is heading down towards the ground Hikaru flies out and into a pumpkin patch. "No, Hikaru!" Kaoru shouts and runs out to comfort his brother. I decide then and there. I need to get Tamaki and Rubee back... At all costs.

I throw my wig off and take the bog puffy dress off and jump in the front of the carriage. "What's she doing?" Hikaru yells. I lift the reigns in the air bringing them down quick, making the horses take off with as much speed as before. I race as fast as I can. "I need to get them back!" I shout into the air. I get to a part on the back road and I can see their car and all of them sitting there. I raise the reigns higher and back down, making the horses go faster than before.

The horses jump at the end of the road onto the main road next to the car. "Haruhi!" Rubee shouts. Everyone in the car turning to face me. "That's Haruhi Fujioka?" Éclair says, surprised. "What are you doing, Haruhi?! This is dangerous! Stop that carriage now!" Tamaki shouts over the car engine. "Senpais! Please come back to Ouran!" I yell. "I mean it! Stop the carriage!" Tamaki yells again.

"All of us would be completely lost without you Tamaki-senpai!" I shout back. "But they– they all said they were put out by the Host Club." Tamaki says solemnly. "Really Tamaki?" Rubee says, disappointed. "You really are an idiot! What's wrong with you?! After all this time we've been together, you still can't tell when we're joking and when we're serious?! Everyone loves being in the Host Club! We really do! Even me Senpai!" I yell back. It seems my words have gotten to him.

I reach my hand out to Tamaki, and he reaches to take mine, but Lady Éclair stops him. He looks down to her, my horses start running side to side making the carriage shake causing me to fall out of the carriage and oof the bridge. "Haruhi!" Tamaki shouts.

*Rubee's POV* 

Lady Éclair let's Tamaki go and he leaps out of the car to catch Haruhi. Akito makes the car stop. Him and I getting out. The car drives off with only Lady Éclair in it. "Rubee, there's something I need to tell you. My father requested I didn't but I believe it is in my duty that I must." Akito says to me. I look at him puzzled I never took him for one to disobey his father.

"And what is that Akito?" I ask. "Someone bought the company from my father. You owe nothing to him, he can't take your business or Tamaki's ownership in the business." Akito says. I am frozen but I can tell I have the biggest smile on my face. I am free again. "Akito this is amazing. I'm sorry I don't love you in a way that I can marry you. I do love you in a brotherly way though. You would make an excellent brother-in-law one day" I respond giving him a hug.

"You will make an excellent sister-in-law one day too" He responds hugging me back. "Oh my! How are you getting back?" I ask. "I already called myself a car when I saw the carriage." He responds smiling. I smile back and run on the main road until I can see the dirt leading to the other hosts. The hosts.

*Kyoya's POV*

Honey, Mori, and I catch up with everyone else, but I don't see Rubee. "Rubee, where is she? Did she not come back with you Tamaki?!" I ask, upset. Everyone smiles and points for me to turn around. Once I do I see Rubee, running down the dirt hill to get to us. I split into a wide grin, ear to ear. Once she gets down I pull her into a tight hug.

"Rubee, I am so sorry again. I never meant any harm to come to you or Tamaki." I say, holding onto her like if I let go she will fly away from me. "Kyoya it's ok, Akito told me" Rubee responds to me. I get an even bigger grin on my face if that is even possible. "You have your company back, I plan on giving my dad ownership back but not until after you are 18 and he can't do anything. I will not let him hurt you again" I say, pulling her out of my arms, holding onto her shoulders so I can see her face.

We turn to the group and we all laugh with each other. We are all back and together. To never be split again. We go back to the school that night and have a ball. I watch as every single host has a dance with Haruhi and Rubee. I see Haruhi going to dance with Tamaki so to mess with him, I take Haruhi before he can. In return he dances with Rubee.

I finish my dance when Tamaki finishes his dance with Rubee and we swap. "It was really bold of you to buy the company out from under your father. What were your conditions?" Rubee asks me. "Well my conditions were that I didn't want to be apart of a company that torments children like they did to you and Tamaki. So I will keep ownership until one Rubee Kusume is 18 and has full ownership of her own company, then I would give management back to my father." I answer smiling down to her.

"You are one amazing person Kyoya Ootori" She says to me. "And you are one amazing and trustworthy person Rubee Kusume." I respond. "Can you finally kiss already?!" Someone shouts from behind us. We turn around and see all the hosts there watching us. We both laugh. "Yea Kyoya kiss me already" Rubee says to me. I laugh and look at her leaning down. And as the fireworks go off, we share our first long awaited kiss. And it was as if the heavens and earth moved to make way for this perfect moment.

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