Family Affairs (Ouran Host Cl...

By Ouran5

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When Tamaki's old friend now comes to Ouran wearing sunglasses indoors and hiding many secrets including her... More

Chapter 1: Childhood Friends
Chapter 2: Troubling Eyes
Chapter 3: No more Questions
Chapter 4: Miss Kusume
Chapter 5: The Dance of a Lifetime
Chapter 6: Rain and Sun
Chapter 7: Fighting the Breeze
Chapter 8: Zuka Tries to Take the Girls
Chapter 9: Sweets Retreat
Chapter 10: Newspaper Fiasco
Chapter 11: The Secrets Out
Chapter 12: Refreshing Flirting
Chapter 13: I Don't Blame Them
Chapter 14: Roses and Brother
Chapter 15: Kisses Surprise
Chapter 16: Kasanoda's New Look
Chapter 18: The World Crashes
Chapter 19: Separate Carriages
Chapter 20: And Now the World Makes Sense

Chapter 17: Carriage is Slowing Down

70 2 0
By Ouran5

~A month later~

*Rubee's POV*

During class Kyoya and Tamaki brought me up to speed on what happened with Kasanoda, and Kyoya said he thinks Kasanoda like likes Haruhi. This will be interesting. We were hanging in the club room, the hosts attending to their business. But that all stopped when we all look up at the door and see Kasanoda standing in the doorway.

Here we go.... "I'd like to request Fujioka." Kasanoda says, all the guests shriek and scream. Gues they weren't expecting him to be requesting someone. And here comes Renge. Ugh. Haruhi walks over with a tray of tea, sitting on the couch with Kasanoda starting up a conversation. I look around the room trying to find Tamaki and I see all the hosts on the side of the room, Tamaki withering away.

I walk over to the hosts, visibly seeing smoke coming out of Hikaru and Kaoru's ears. As I walk over I hear Kyoya, "He has kept Haruhi's secret so far and since he is after all a paying guest, I can see no reason to eject him." The twins scream something inaudible. Once I get to them I see them all looking at the other guests, who are ooing and aweing at Kasanoda and Haruhi.

"They are even bringing more guests in, I say Kasanoda is a good asset for us" Kyoya says, smirking seeing all the guests on their phones calling people. "You money grumbling enabler" The twins say really pissed. We all look back at the two on the couch, "Seems to be going well" I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Oh, no, she's giving him the adorable smile." Hikaru says, "The one which no man can resist." Kaoru finishes Hikaru's thought.

"Wow. Usually you guys wouldn't waste any time interrupting the two of them." Honey says, cutely like normal. "Yeah, but our hands are tied. After our screw-up in Karuizawa, Haruhi would never forgive us if we butted in" Hikaru says, sincerely. I shiver remembering Karuizawa. It was no ones fault but mine, but it still has bad memories. It took me months to get out of the hospital and fully heal. "Karuizawa was really your screw-up, Hikaru" Kaoru butts in.

I guess I visibly start shaking because Kyoya puts a hand on my shoulder. And I look up to see the other hosts looking at me as well. "Are you ok Rubee-chan?" Honey sadly asks. That seems to get Tamaki's attention because he is up and at my side in a moment. "Rubee, what's wrong?" Tamaki asks me. "Nothings wrong, just very unpleasant memory with Karuizawa, I'm good I swear" I say, faking a smile for Tamaki.

I can tell Tamaki doesn't believe me but he let's it slide and goes back to withering away in his corner. I shake my head chuckling at my best friends antics. "Hey, boss, are you done being shell-shocked yet?" Hikaru asks, "Yeah, we could really use our king right about now." Kaoru finishes. And then they throw Tamaki over to the two. "Oh brother" I say, placing my hand on my forehead shaking my head.

"And now Tamaki is acting like a robot, never seen him do that before" I say, amused. Haruhi hands robot Tamaki a kids toy, so much fun. "That moron" The twins say. Then Hikaru picks up his phone and calls Tamaki. Tamaki answers the phone I am assuming. "Earth to Boss! Will you snap out of it already? The longer you sit there like an idiot playing 'robot' the worse the situation becomes for all of us." Hikaru angrily says to the phone.

"Now listen to me carefully. You can't let this happen. If she and that two-bit thug hit it off she's going to spend her life as a mob wife!" Hikaru emphasizes the mob wife part. "Planning their wedding already? Wow Hikaru, you really want Kasanoda and Haruhi to get together already huh?" I say, snickering, knowing full well that that would get to them.

"Rubee we want you and Kyoya to get together a lot more than Haruhi and Kasanoda" Kaoru answers for his brother. Ha, checkmate I guess you devil twins. Now it is my turn to turn 30 different shades of red. That comment makes Honey laugh his little butt off, rolling on the floor. "Rubee-chan you are as red as your eyes are" Honey says in between gasps of air.

"Shut up you little" I say, though I am not angry just embarrassed. The mob wife comment seems to break out of his robot trance though which is good. Tamaki screams, "Ah! Daddy won't stand for that!" Oh great. "Ugh! Bossa Nova! Just what do you think you're trying to do here? You established a bond with your henchmen, didn't you? Why aren't you with them right now?" Tamaki screams some more holding onto Kasanoda's collar.

"You tell him, sir!" Hikaru cheers, "Yeah!" Kaoru adds. "What about kick the can? You remember that? You should be out there enjoying life to the fullest with your friends while you're still young enough to appreciate it, before it all slips away right under your nose! Why are you harassing my Haruhi?" Tamaki continues to scream. I think Haruhi has had enough of it though by the look on her face.

Kasanoda had said something because now Tamaki is back over by us, pale white, two dimensional and laying in Honey's arms. "He's right you know. I'm not actually Haruhi's father." Tamaki breaths. "Uh, strictly speaking or otherwise" The twins say together. "And we lost him, he's daydreaming" I say shaking my head at the group.

Honey places Tamaki on the floor until he is back in the real world. "I need to sort this out" Tamaki says. "Sort what out exactly?" Kaoru asks. "If supposing I'm not my Haruhi's daddy after all–" Tamaki says. "We don't have to suppose it boss" Hikaru responds. "Then how can it be that I find her so utterly adorable?" Tamaki asks himself. "He's actually catching on to himself" I say to Kyoya.

"Uh what are you talking about?" Hikaru asks. "When she's with another man, why is it that I become so insanely jealous? I'm not her father. I have no right to be so protective. No right whatsoever." Tamaki responds. Now he gets it. "So then, uh, tell me what exactly is with the whole 'making Haruhi your wife one day' thing?" Hikaru asks, smirking. "I know. Daddy's don't typically want to marry their little girls when they're all grown up, do they?" Tamaki asks the group. We all shake our heads no.

"What about keeping her from kissing anyone?" Kaoru asks, devilishly. "I only wanted to preserve those precious lips." Tamaki answers. "Oh, brother" I say, shaking my head for what seems to be the millionth time in this entire encounter. "Preserve? Really? That's a very interesting choice of words, sir. You think everything is absolutely perfect just the way it is now. And having this family setting will keep it all from changing, right?" Kaoru says. Intriguing. What is he catching on to? "Hey, Kaoru?" Hikaru gets the attention of his incredibly psyched out twin.

"I don't understand" Tamaki responds. "Actually he's got a point. I mean, you're delusional, yes, any halfwit could see that, but who knew that you were so....?" Kyoya says at a lose of a word to call Tamaki. "Tama-chan's completely blind when it comes to himself." Honey chirps. "Kaoru, just what did you mean by things changing?" Hikaru asks his twin. "Oh. Nothing. Just a little theory I have. Which I'm probably completely wrong about. The carriage won't come to a stop" Kaoru says, seemingly going insane. Carriage huh?

I check out of the conversation after that. Not paying attention to what is being said at all. Carriage..... What was Kaoru meaning when he said the carriage won't stop..... The family dynamic that Tamaki pushes so much, came to a crashing halt when I'm assuming Kasanoda said something about him being Haruhi's father. Maybe Kaoru was meaning the carriage was the family dynamic..... THAT'S IT! Kaoru is meaning that Tamaki wants this family dynamic to keep his 'carriage' moving.... But when he starts realizing his emotions the carriage will stop and it won't be the same anymore! Gosh I am brilliant I don't even think Kyoya has come up with that yet.

I am only pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the guests screaming, ooing, and aweing. "What's happening?" I ask the hosts. "Kasanoda just got turned down by Haruhi" Kyoya responds. Everyone rushes over to Kasanoda crying saying that they will all be his friend too, including the hosts.

All the hosts decide to head out into the garden to play kick the can. I am sitting under a tree like normal. Everyone has gone to hide and I watch Kasanoda count. Once he finishes he walks over to me, "I found you" Kasanoda says to me. "Sorry Kasanoda but I'm not playing." I respond. "And why's that? Everyone deserves to play. Actually I have never seen you outside if not under this tree why is that?" He asks me. "It is honestly fine Kasanoda, I've never played a game outside even as a child, don't worry about me" I respond waving him off.

Kasanoda runs off to find the others. Once he does find them, everyone goes back to the club room to get their things and go home. While walking out I see the twins talking to Haruhi and decide to walk next to them.

I slightly hold onto Kaoru's sleeve and start walking slower so that all the hosts are walking in front of us. "Rubee-senpai? What's going on?" Kaoru asks confused. "You know, your carriage theory is very interesting." I start giving Kaoru a smirk. He raises his eyebrows, "So you know about my theory?" "It wasn't hard to put together Kaoru, honestly surprised Kyoya hasn't put it together himself yet." I respond. "So what are your thoughts on it?" Kaoru asks me.

"Well it is very sad that you said that it is wrong and will never stop. Because from my view of things, the carriage just stumbled over a pebble today, slowing it down greatly." I say smirking to the younger boy and walking faster to catch up to Tamaki leaving Kaoru behind me to think about what I just said.

*Yoshio Ootori's POV*

I have thought long and hard about Kyoya wanting to marry the Kusume girl, but I can't get one thing off my mind. How come no one knew that someone as big as the Kusume family was coming back to Japan. I decide today is the day to call Miss Kusume's parents and give them our proposal.

I ring the business home phone that all companies in business with them were given. It rings for quite a long time, until someone answers. "Hello this is the Kusume residence, how may I help you?" a girl's voice rings from the other line. "Hello may I know who I am speaking to?" I ask sternly. It is common courtesy to answer a phone with your name as well. Guess the Kusume's don't teach that mannerism to their staff.

"My apologizes sir, I am Nurse Asuka, I am Mr and Mrs. Kusume's personal nurse. May I ask who is calling?" the girl replies. "I am Yoshio Ootori, I need to speak with Mr. Kusume about an important proposal" I respond. "Oh I am so sorry sir but Mr and Mrs. Kusume are on a business trip over in America at the moment. May I take a message for Miss Rubee Kusume to give to them?" Nurse Asuka responds. "No I will call back another time thank you." I say and then hang up.

I thought they just got back from a business trip.... And they have a personal nurse answering their phone? What's going on? I decide some research needs to be done on this situation. But upon my research I see that I can not find anything about the Kusume's moving to Japan. Or anything about their daughter's school records.

I decide to look up the business records for the past year. That would be right before they moved to Japan. A good time period to look at. The business records seem to indicate that the business is doing better since they moved here.

I bite the bullet and look up Rubee Kusume's name, seeing what I can get on this girl's name. All that comes up are articles from when she was in France. So they moved here from France, just like the Suoh boy. But there seems to be nothing of her moving here. In fact, everything on the family stops about a month before Kyoya said they moved here.

That's when I put the pieces together. All the articles stop one month before a big relocation of a humongous company, not giving their staff or colleagues a date or reason why. There is no record of the girl moving here or going to Ouran. The only thing I even have that confirms she goes to Ouran Academy is Kyoya says she goes to school with him. Mr and Mrs. Kusume have a personal nurse, at their home, answering their business phone....... Something happened in France.... Something the family doesn't want uncovered.

I call in my middle son Akito. And he comes in a heartbeat. "Akito, I have something interesting that will entice you..." I say. "And what is that father?" Akito asks. "How would you feel about having ownership of a business of your own"

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