Family Affairs (Ouran Host Cl...

بواسطة Ouran5

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When Tamaki's old friend now comes to Ouran wearing sunglasses indoors and hiding many secrets including her... المزيد

Chapter 1: Childhood Friends
Chapter 2: Troubling Eyes
Chapter 3: No more Questions
Chapter 4: Miss Kusume
Chapter 5: The Dance of a Lifetime
Chapter 6: Rain and Sun
Chapter 7: Fighting the Breeze
Chapter 8: Zuka Tries to Take the Girls
Chapter 9: Sweets Retreat
Chapter 10: Newspaper Fiasco
Chapter 11: The Secrets Out
Chapter 12: Refreshing Flirting
Chapter 13: I Don't Blame Them
Chapter 15: Kisses Surprise
Chapter 16: Kasanoda's New Look
Chapter 17: Carriage is Slowing Down
Chapter 18: The World Crashes
Chapter 19: Separate Carriages
Chapter 20: And Now the World Makes Sense

Chapter 14: Roses and Brother

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بواسطة Ouran5

~Two months later~

*Tamaki's POV* 

After the incident in Karuizawa, Rubee has been in the hospital since. We had all gone to the mall without her yesterday, I got her some things to make her feel at home when she got home, including a dog named Antoinette. Today was the first day back at school and the host club. Rubee gets out of the hospital tomorrow though so that's exciting.

We are all in Music Room #3 doing our hosting thing when the door opens again. And to all the hosts shock in walks Rubee! "Rubee! I thought you were getting home tomorrow! We had this surprise set up for you and everything! How are you feeling?" I run over and about to hug her but she puts her arms out stopping me.

"I was released early. Also the blisters are still healing so don't touch me it would significantly hurt please" Rubee says, softly. All the hosts come over leaving our guests for the moment to welcome Rubee. "How was the hospital Rubee-chan?! We weren't allowed in! Even though Kyo-chan owned it!" Honey says, hoping over pulling on her sleeve lightly. "It was fine, wasn't the best, but what else can I expect from a hospital" Rubee says, plainly.

Everyone goes silent until Kyoya speaks up, "Alright hosts back to your guests. We will all catch up after club hours." As we are all going back to our areas Rubee goes to walk outside but she waits at the door seeming to be talking to someone. Mori and Honey go over to check it out. In a second in jumps Honey's little brother Yasuchika, as he jumps the wind takes Rubee's glasses off. She bends in half covering her face.

I run over and grab her glasses off the floor. "Rubee stand up and close your eyes. I got your glasses. I got you it's ok" I say, placing a gentle hand on her back as the brothers fight behind me. She listens with slight tears in her eyes, not many but some. Once her glasses are back on we look at the fight to see Renge narrating and Haruhi confused on what's happening.

Kyoya ushers the guests out of the room. I guess club hours are getting cut short today haha. We are all watching very closely to the battle. Yasuchika had pulled a weapon out at some point, at the end of the battle Yasuchika thinks he has won. Until Renge says, "I don't think so. The winner of this fight is Honey-senpai!" Mori confirms her statement which makes Yasuchika look to his feet seeing that Honey had gotten him with one of his weapons.

Honey claps for Yasuchika, and Renge leaves into the floor like always. "Hey guys, I am completely lost, you wanna tell me what's going on here? Who's that kid and why'd he attack Honey-senpai?" Haruhi asks. "What? You mean you can't tell just by looking at his face? He's Honey-senpai's younger brother" I respond to Haruhi, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I see Rubee go over to a corner and sit down, seemingly not interested in this at all. I can't have that! She will be included today! She has been gone for two months, she will get some fun today! Yasuchika tells Haruhi about the Honinozuka fighting style and techniques, and why he attacked Honey. "Let me just say there's no way I'm ever going to recognize a dimwit like Mitsukuni as the next head of our family." Yasuchika says. That seemed to strike a cord with Rubee cause next thing we know, she is stomping over looking mad.

"You want to disrespect your sibling like that?! Do you know anything about your older brother?! He is one of the most caring people in here! He would drop anything for anyone of us! Including you! So don't call your brother a dimwit and don't disrespect him like that!" Rubee yells, Don't get on her bad side, I mean I already knew that but still. "Why should I listen to someone like you?! You are wearing sunglasses indoors! That obviously means you're hiding something! Mind telling the group what that is?!" Yasuchika says, glaring at Rubee.

"Wouldn't you like to know! But I don't owe anyone an explanation. You should be nicer to your brother, you never know when your going to need him. Or just miss him. Good day to you all." Rubee says, storming out of the room. "Well she's mad" the twins say in unison. One huff from Yasuchika, "There's no doubt my brother is strong, but since he left the karate club to become self indulgent, he is no more a Haninozuka to me." And then Yasuchika leaves as well.

We discuss Honey's family history with Haruhi before we all, I mean I decided that we would go to the middle school and talk to Yasuchika. On our way out we run into Rubee, sitting in a dark corner in the hall studying. "Rubee-chan what are you doing?" Honey asks her. "I am studying, no need to leave the school before club hours" She says sniffling. Was she crying?

Rubee decides to come with us to the middle school. Well it was more of I forced her to come with us against her will. But once we actually get to the school, Honey, Mori and Rubee run off somewhere, I don't know where. The rest of us head towards the dojo where the karate club is meeting. All of us knowing full well that that is where Yasuchika is.

When we get closer we all hear some of the club members talking, "Y'know, Captain Haninozuka sure is a strict captain. No matter how hard we try it's like he's never satisfied. I really don't think I can take it." "He is skilled but nowhere near the skills of his brother Mitsikuni" Another members says. This seems to make Yasuchika snap, "You will not talk about my brother in my presence, do you understand?"

We were all watching through the window, things slowly making sense. Yasuchika was jealous of Honey. The twins start to run off saying 'the reason of the fight is boring' How could they not care about the brother's feelings?! I was yelling at the twins when just then Honey, Mori, and Rubee all walk into view.

"It's okay Tama-chan, really." Honey says, sounding ready to cry. Honey explains that he doesn't mind if Yasuchika hates him, he would just be happy seeing his younger brother grow into his potential. Yasuchika comes out mad at all of us for coming to the school. Then we get the deeper truth to why Yasuchika doesn't like Honey. "You mean, you don't like your brother because he gets up in the middle of the night, once a week might I add, and eats cake? That's why you're mad?" Rubee asks, bewildered with the reasoning.

And with that Yasuchika snaps, full blown anger over Honey eating a lot of cake. Interesting. Yasuchika calms, "There was once a time where we got along.... Sure he has always had a fondness for cute things and more of a sweet tooth than I. But I always respected his ability to stay away and restrain himself from it, even though he loved it. And then some idiot came and brainwashed him, saying something about acknowledging who you really are, and just being yourself. That that's true strength!"

"That was you wasn't it boss?" the twins ask. I turn to see Rubee shaking her head. " No! No, it wasn't me" I nervously laugh waving my hand. "Only you Tamaki" Rubee says, shaking her head chuckling. "There is a way to solve this you know" Mori says, patting Honey on the back. "You've got it figured out?" I ask, stopping freaking out. "So Mitsukuni, you know what to do" Mori finishes.

"I'm sorry Chika-chan. I didn't know you hated sweets that much. But I can't change who I am. I am thankful to Tama-chan and all of the host club for showing me that. Rubee-chan as well. She may hide from the world but she isn't hiding from us. They all showed me a great power in myself that I deserve to be who I am and want to be. So.... Let's settle this like men, in the Haninozuka style." Honey says, smirking at the end.

The brothers get into a fighting stance, all of us standing on the sidelines watching. Mori explaining to us throughout the battle that he has seen them fight before, and that Yasuchika uses Mitsukuni's movements from the last match. "There's no need to worry about the outcome of this match. I can already tell you that Miskuni is planning on throwing the match and letting Yasuchika win this match." Mori finishes.

There is a long silence, until Rubee speaks up, "Is it just me or was that the most I heard Mori-senpai speak since I have met him?" Everyone chuckles but I notice something, Rubee side eyes Kyoya while he is laughing, is she mad at him? Just then we see Honey not hold back in the fight, he is not planning on throwing. And from the looks of it that surprised even Mori. Honey has won the fight. "I guess his love for cake overpowers his love for his brother" Haruhi making an inference.

After the fight we all decide to walk back to the high school together. I pull Rubee back a little to discuss what I say. "What Tamaki?" She asks me. "Well Rubee, I saw you side-eyeing Kyoya earlier, are you mad at him?" I ask. She sighs looking down at the ground. "I guess I am. I don't want to blame him for what happened two months ago, but it's hard not to. I had told him that I was stopping, but I should've known better that he wouldn't hear me over the storm..... I just wanted to see the butterfly." She responds sounding tearful.

"Is that what you meant when we got you in the cafe? You had said you just wanted to see the butterfly. Did you stop to look at it?" I ask, believing that was a very Rubee thing to do. "Yea, it was storming and there was this singular butterfly on a leaf trying to fly but the water was weighing down it wings. I had it walk on my finger and covered it with my other so it could kinda shake the water off, then I watched it fly away, I turn around and Kyoya was gone and my vision started leaving. I was at a complete lose of what to do." She responds.

I get a determined look on my face and walk faster, catching up with Kyoya at the front of the group. I don't make a scene, as to not get the other hosts attentions. "Rubee, she is upset at you. She doesn't want to be, she doesn't blame you for what happened but I think a really nice gesture will do the trick for you" I say and then continue walking past Kyoya, turning slightly to see a shocked look on his face. Hopefully he will listen.....

~The next day~

*Rubee's POV*

It was club hours and I was sitting in a corner nearest to Tamaki listening to him talk to his guests. Kyoya was at the table next to me on his laptop doing some type of work. I was lost in my own world until a guest asks an intriguing question, "Tamaki, I realize all the hosts have a certain color rose. What do they represent?" Tamaki chuckles. "Well for me I picked white to honor my best friend over there, I missed her deeply after I left France, thought it was a nice way to honor her." He replies sending me a sweet smile.

"There's more to it than that Tamaki" Kyoya says, not looking up from the computer. All the hosts and guests are now intrigued by this conversation so everyone sits on the floor in front of Kyoya's table, myself staying at the one I am at. "Oh yea Kyoya, what does mine mean then?" Tamaki asks, slyly. "Easy, each rose color has a meaning. Tamaki, the white rose, symbolizes innocence and purity. Which as we can all see fits him nicely" Kyoya responds. "Do me next Kyo-chan!" Honey chirps, happily on Mori's shoulders. "Honey-senpai, your's is pink, which symbolizes sweetness love and gratitude." Kyoya says, still not looking up from his computer.

"And what about Takashi?" Honey asks. "Mori-senpai is the dark blue rose, it's associated with loyalty and caution. As we have discussed before the Morinazukas have been loyal to the Huninozukas for centuries." Kyoya replies. "Oh yea what about us" the twins say together. Kyoya sighs, "Hikaru you're the light blue rose, it also symbolizes loyalty like Mori-senpai's. And Kaoru yours is the orange rose which symbolizes enthusiasm, passion, and desire I think everyone can agree those are fitting."

"What about me Kyoya-senpai?" Haruhi asks, sweetly. Kyoya must be irritated at this point. He earned it for speaking up in the first place. "Haruhi yours is the deep red rose, it symbolizes true love, beauty, and perfection. You are a natural host who has connections with his guests creating the true love aspect." Kyoya says, annoyed. "What about you Kyoya?" Tamaki asks.

"I am the lavender rose, which is love at first sight and enchantment. I am the 'cool guy type' and the mysterious one. Causing women to have that love at first sight aspect. I thought long and hard about these and I think I did a great job with it." He answers. There is a long silence until one of the guests speak up.

"I know she's not a host... but since she's around all the time.... If Rubee had a rose.... What color would you give her Kyoya-senpai?" She asks. Kyoya is quiet for a second, before he looks up from his computer for the first time during this conversation. Looking at the guest, the hosts, then to me. He sighs, then has a genuine smile on his face.

"I think she would be the green rose. Green is the most prominent color in nature. Just like she is in anyone's life. It symbolizes growth, energy, and life. Rubee has grown so much since coming to Ouran and she keeps amazing everyone day after day with her beauty and her strength. I can't see another rose fitting her any better." Kyoya finishes. After looking at me for another second he looks back put into his crowd to see everyone has aww faces and tears, including the hosts.

"Mommy, that is so sweet of you to say to my sister!" Tamaki cries out with excitement. Everyone starts cheering. It all gets too much for me, so I get up and walk out of the room unnoticed. Or so I thought. I am taking a breather in the hallway when Kyoya walks out.

"Look Rubee, I am sorry for leaving you in the woods two months ago. I was so worried for you. I even hated myself for it. I was so relieved when Kaoru found you and we got you to the hospital in time. I haven't forgiven myself and I don't expect you to forgive me either." Kyoya rants on starting to pace through the hallway. It was somewhat amusing to watch honestly.

To shut him up I walked up to him putting my hands on his shoulders. "Kyoya, when you were talking about my rose..... You weren't meaning it to be friendly were you?" I ask, looking into his eyes. There is a silence as Kyoya slowly raises his hand to my face. Lifting my sunglasses to rest on the top of my head looking into my eyes. We both start slowly leaning in again, when the Music Room doors open and we once again jump away from each other, me pulling my sunglasses back down, and Kyoya straightening out his already straight shirt.

"Sorry to interrupt Kyoya-senpai and Rubee-senpai, but Tamaki wants to close club a little early and speak with Kyoya" Haruhi says, peaking her head out the door. Another failed attempt at kissing Kyoya.... Can the universe just let me have what I want for once?!

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