Bonded (Niklaus Mikaelson)


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After being sent away Adelaide comes back after 3 years. She already knows about the supernatural world but s... Еще

Part 1
The Martins
Werewolf curse
Hello father
Moving in
Ricky Ric
He's back
The Curse
Werewolf bite
Werewolf hunt
Night affairs
Cupcake loss
Short story
The reckoning
Phone calls
Ghost world
OG witch
Coffin chase
Birthday ball
Find me
Karma's a bitch
My little target
One more stake
Rupert, Emmy and Mila
Back to the 20's
Come back to me
A day of peace
Sorry guys
And then there were 10

How far does my bond go

76 5 0

Adelaide's POV

When I had woken up I had 3 messages from Caroline reminding  me to meet her at the school to help her clean up. I hadn't seen Nik or Rebekah so I just texted Nik and hoped I would see Rebekah at school.

As soon as I got to school I texted Caroline before wandering through the halls towards the sound of her voice.

"I'm sorry about you mom. I mean, I know you like hated her and everything but still. I'm sorry" I heard the faint voice of Caroline say

"I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy" I heard Rebekah

"Yeah he was"

"I'm gonna get started on the gym"  Rebekah turns to leave until she see me at the door she walks past me mumbling something about me being late to which I apologise to her retreating figure. I pick up one of the black bags and start wordlessly cleaning, the only sound emitting from the gym being the shuffling between me and Caroline. Me and Caroline hear a grunt from the hallway and momentarily make eye contact before she's sped off in that direction.

Before I could even move I was flashed outside in front of Caroline's car with her frantically trying to find the right key. I was going to ask her what happened until I saw the clear image of Alaric Saltzman in the window of her car. I turned around to face him only to have my head smashed into the car along with Caroline.


Rebekah's POV

"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me"

"Alaric Saltzman in supposed to be dead" my brother responds

"Well he's not, and a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white-oak stake that can't kill him. He's strong, Nik, too strong"

"Where is he now?"

"Stuck at the school without a day light ring but as soon as nightfalls he'll come after us. We need to leave now"

"Fine. I'll collect Elena and we'll be on our way"

"He has Mari. He managed to get to her and Caroline in the parking lot"

I see anger flash in my brothers eyes and prepare myself for the storm that's about to hit me.

"And you left her" he says raising his voice

"Well I couldn't exactly grab her. Caroline pulled her out first and I can't fight Alaric. I had to have help to escape from him the first time"

"Well you go on then. I'm not leaving without Adelaide"


Adelaide's POV

I woke up with my hands tied down and a cloth around my mouth. The cloth burned as if it had just been set on fire before being placed around my mouth. Every time I breathed it was like I was inhaling razors.

"That's wolfsbane. Hurts doesn't it" Ric taunts

I look to my right to see Caroline tied up next to me obviously doing a lot worse than I am. She had blisters forming near her mouth and pencils stabbed into each hand to keep her hands on the desk. Her whole face was red with pain and she was silently crying.

"You don't seem like your in a lot of pain" Ric says directing my attention back to him. I stare back at him with a blank look.

I had already been through these type of trials before, nothing this man could do to me is anything I haven't experience before. After the same punishment and torture you learn how to keep stone faced even if you're burning from the inside out

"I can fix that" Ric come next to me and takes the cloth from my mouth before stepping towards the left beaker and dipping it in

"I wouldn't try using magic if I were you. With the amount of wolfsbane I pumped into ur system I'd be surprised if you even managed to stand on your own two feet"

"Why?" I croaked out, my lips still hurt, although I did feel some relief from the cloth not being around my mouth it still left burns on me

"Why what? Why do I have you here?" Ric asks
I just continue to stare at him while he hold a triumphant look on his face

"She's a vampire-" he points to Caroline "and you're a vampire sympathiser, not to mention a murderer-" he gives the cloth a few more dips in the beaker before walking towards me readying to put the cloth back on

"And in this case, bait"

"You wear his face and you have his voice but you're not Ric. Ric never would've done this" I say

"That Ric was weak. He befriended vampires instead of killing them. I should've trained you and Elena instead of allowing you to get mixed up in all this vampire crap" Ric says, I lazily turn my head to look at him

"I mean look at you. Wolfsbane wouldn't be able to hurt you if you didn't kill, and all those Originals, they've poisoned your mind beyond repair. I may have missed my chance to help you but it's not to late for Elena or Jeremy"

He goes to wrap the cloth around my mouth to which I let him. One thing I try not to do is give kidnappers the satisfaction. They love watching you squirm and writhe in pain. I would know. I've been on both ends enough times to know. My lack of noise seemed to frustrate Alaric as he sat on the table with a scowl on his face directed towards me..

I guess I must have passed out because when I came to, I heard Elena's voice. Everything was a bit muffled for me but I could still see and move my limbs

"How many times do I have to tell again? Stop trusting vampires" I hear Alaric say

"And Mari? She's not a vampire" Elena says

"She's bait, the wolfsbane is just to keep her down. As someone who's seen her fight firsthand I wouldn't put it past her to break free and try and tackle me" u hear Ric say

My mind is fuzzy and my head feels to heavy to keep up. I see Elena holding a stake in front of Caroline looking like she's about to stab her. I start to scream but they're muffled by the cloth. I try moving closer to Caroline but I didn't get very far. I watch Elena turn around and try and stake Alaric but he catches her hand. Elena grabs the beaker filled with vervain and smashes it on Alaric's head she rushes to Caroline to help her but I can see her struggling. I use magic to lift the pencils out of Caroline's hands  which was probably a bad idea since I'm struggling even more to keep my eyes open. Once Elena had seen the pencils fly out of Caroline's hands she moved to me trying to untie my hands from the table while Caroline helped her.

The minute we were free we all ran Caroline's hand was gripped into mine as we traveled down the hall. Elena was grabbed by Ric before she even managed to leave the classroom but Caroline was still holding onto me basically dragging me through the hallway seeing as I could barley walk. Someone grabbed us both from behind covering our mouths before speaking to us softly

"It's ok, it's ok. You're safe" I heard Nik whisper in my ear and I immediately relaxed. I turned around and my body slumped against him

"Go straight home. You stay inside, do you understand"  he whispers

I gave a weak nod and he passes me to Caroline
"Get her home" he says

"Thank you" I hear Caroline reply

A gush of wind  rushes past me and I'm in the Mikaelson mansion. Caroline stayed there with me for a while before she had to leave and go back home. I had fallen asleep in Nik's room for I don't know how long but when I woke up Nik was next to me.

"How are you feeling?" Nik asks brushing my hair from my face

"Better" I say with a small smile

Nik kisses my forehead and tells me something about getting rid of Alaric before leaving downstairs. I decided to follow him and see what he was doing. He was talking to Elena who was tied down to a chair with needles poking into her. Neither of them noticed I was there and they continued speaking

"Mari's gonna hate you when-"

"No she won't because against my better judgement I'm allowing you to live your pitiful life. I just needed a little donation"

I walked further into the room making my presence known. I didn't say anything I just went to sit on the chair and sent a small smile to Nik.

Nik leaves the room and I stay with Elena. She struggles in the chair for a bit before stopping and giving up

"Why are you struggling, he said he wasn't going to kill you?" I ask

"And you believe him?" Elena asks

"Yeah I do, he could've just snapped your neck and have things end there" I say

Tyler rushes in and goes to release Elena from the chair

"What are you doing?"

"Helping like you should be"

"Tyler" Elena says looking toward the door

Nik stands at the door with a plate of food in his hands and an angry look on his face

"So much for that sire bond" Nik says placing the plate of food on the table next to me

"I'm not your little bitch anymore" Tyler says

I grab the plate of food and start eating not really paying attention to their conversation. I didn't realise how hungry I was until now, for some reason I felt like I had been starved. I was immediately snapped back to reality by Nik's screams. I stood up readying to attack both Stefan and Damon who were holding him  when Tyler sped towards me and knocked me down. I made eye contact with Nik before his body stilled and black viens grew on his face.

"What did you do" I screamed at them I ran towards Nik but Stefan held me back

"I'm sorry" he said

"Let go of me" I say trying to get to Nik

"Addy, listen to me" Stefan says

"No. Don't call me that" I say. I kneed Stefan in the balls and he immediately falls down Tyler tries to stop me next but I fling him away with magic. I drop next to Nik's body and stare at what used to be my boyfriend. He had veins all over his body and his face was grey looking. I sobbed next to his body not knowing what else to do. I held his hand hoping that he would come back in the same way I did but he stayed dead. I felt the side of my head hit against something before my vision went black


When I woke up Nik's body was gone I slowly got up my head still stinging from it being smashed on the floor. I went to Nik's room to try and find my phone but stopped in the mirror when I saw myself. My forehead was bleeding which isn't much of a shock considering I just got my skull banged in, but the golden glow in my eyes was. I never actually saw what I looked like when I had triggered my curse. I quickly abandoned the mirror when I remembered why I had woken up on the floor in the first place.

I went to grab my phone off the night stand when I saw grew veins on my hands. I pulled up my sleeve and the veins barley passed my wrist but it looked like it was spreading. I called Elijah and told him what happened with Klaus and how I didn't know where Rebekah was and he told me to stay where I was and that he would come to me.

It didn't take long for Elijah to get here, as soon as he did he started interrogating me about what happened to cause such a cut on my forehead. I explained to him on the way and I could see his anger rising with the increasing grip he had on the steering wheel. We picked up Finn before heading to the Gilbert household Elijah explaining everything to him on the way there. By the time we had gotten there I could tell both Originals were pissed off.   I had already texted Kol and told him what had happened.

He was with Osa and offered to come and behead "the doppelbitch" in his words but I refused the offer. He told me to text him everything that was going on so he would be in the loop and informed me that Osa was reading off of his shoulder and was now cussing Elena out and threatening to shove a burning cigarette up her arse.

Elijah and Finn were in charge of negotiating. I was told to keep quiet because apparently I am too hotheaded and too violent to be able to negotiate terms

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, and the weapon is in my possession my family will scatter and Alaric will follow us"

"And you'll just run?" Stefan asks

"We've done it before. Niklaus and Rebekah spent the better part of 1000 years evading my father. What's another half- century while Elena's able to live out her natural life?"

"We finally stopped him, Elijah after everything that he's done to us I can't just let you bring him back"

"I wish he did a lot more to your powdered arse" Osa voice sounded through my phone

Kol and Osa refused to allow us to have the meeting unless they were on the phone, it was either this or allow them to come here in person

"I say we just kill the bitch. Who said she needs to breathe. Air can be artificial for her"  Kol says

"I say let it die. Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die" Osa sings while clapping on the phone

Finn reduces the volume on the phone so we can no longer hear them as Elijah continues to speak

"I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps that will finally teach him some manner" Elijah says

Finn increases the volume on the phone when I assumed they finished debating on how Elena should die

"Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over" Matt says

"Shut up and sit down." I say Elena gives me a funny look to which I respond "Is there something you would like to say Elena because my anger is at an all time high and you just happen to be the cause of it. Try me, I dare you I'm just about ready to rip your arms off"

"Is that ratty Marty speaking" Osa's voice sounds over the phone

"The bus boy? Boy, nobody's talking to you go wipe some tables, or do they already have you doing that in the house" Kol says

"Talk about reverse slavery. White on white type of shit" Osa says

This time it's Elijah that reduces the volume on the phone

"Know this, Elena could've been dead the instant we walked through the door" Finn says

"It's no secret that Adelaide wants to murder all of you, so Elena we leave it to you to make the decision" Elijah says

Elijah increases the volume again when he's heard that they've stopped talking

"No. Hello? Did that concussion give you brain damage. His lunatic siblings will kill you first chance they get" Damon's voice sounds over the phone

"Rebekah and Kol will honour the terms. If you return Niklaus' body to us. Elena will come to no harm" Finn says

Elena glances at me about the same time Stefan does

"Adelaide included" Elijah says

"Do we have a deal"

"No! No, no, no. Did I mention no?" Damon says

"Elena it's up to you"

"Oh come on" Damon says. I reach over and end the call on Damon before laying back in my seat. Finn gives me an amused smile before turning back to face the others

"Why do you want Klaus' body"

"None of your fucking business you trump looking piece of shit" Osa's voice sounds through the phone again

"Can someone kill her. Please? Or even just slap her. Anything to cause her harm"Kol says

"He's our brother. We remain together" Finn says

"And Addy?" Stefan asks

"Don't call me that"

"She comes with us" Elijah says

"You can't possibly think about dragging her around with you for the rest of her life" Stefan says

"She's family. She stays with us" Finn says

"We have a deal" Elena says

We were all set and about to leave when Elena tried to pull me to the side

"Mari I'm so-" Elena started but was cut off when I punched her in the face

"I don't know which one of your boy toys knocked me out but you better pray I don't find out" I say

Finn placed his hand on my shoulder and guided me out of the house

"I hope you know I'm not gonna allow him to stay in a coffin for 50 years" I say

"We know" Finn says

"I said I would not revive him I never said anything about you" Elijah says walking with a smirk on his face


Rebekah had gone to retrieve Nik while I waited with Elijah and Finn in the woods. They wanted to send me home but hero hair thought it'd be better if they had someone who practiced magic ready to subdue Alaric if needed. It had been about an hour now, I showed Elijah and Finn my hands the viens had started spreading like I thought they would. They were now at the base of my neck, at the new information Elijah had texted Bekah to speed up the process. Stefan had gotten a phone call from someone and stepped away to answer it.

All of a sudden I felt like my life was being drained out of me I fell to my knees gasping for air gripping at my chest. Finn, Elijah and Caroline all rushed to me to see what had happened. I saw flashes of Alaric standing above me and holding a stake of my body before driving it through.

"What happened?" Elijah asked

Stefan stayed quiet but his eyes drifted to me

"What's wrong with her?" Stefan asked

My body felt like it was on fire, like I was burning from the inside out. I kept seeing flashes of Alaric standing over me with a stake stabbing me in the chest. It's like I could feel the stake imbedding itself inside me.  I screamed and cried thrashing on the floor while Finn tried to calm me down and Elijah tried calling Rebekah. I felt my body shut down  until I could no longer see or move. 


When I woke up I was met with the darkness of the night and the quiet noise of the trees swaying in the wind. I was in the woods that had passed out in previously, but I was here alone


I turned around at the sound of Nik's voice. He was standing right in front of me seeming healthy looking exactly how he did before he was desiccated. I ran up to him and engulfed him in the biggest hug

"How are you here? Who woke you?"

"None of that matters. I don't have a lot of time right now. Neither do you"


"You need to wake up. I promise I'll be with you eventually but right now you need to wake up"

3332 words

I'm starting my GCSE's so updates may be a little slower. Sorry🥲

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