Mlb X DC (Marinette X Kagami)

By DragonLightskz

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Hello everyone, welcome to my story, this is also my first story and I would like to first inform you that I... More

part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Side Story
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19 (The end)

Part 13

609 9 2
By DragonLightskz

3rd Pov

In Gotham in a certain hotel inside a certain room we can see two girls sleeping hugging each other.

Those two girls are Marinette and Kagami.

Marinette woke up, saw that Kagami was still asleep, so she kissed Kagami's forehead and got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and clean herself.

Marinette's Pov.

I woke up and saw that Kagami was still asleep so I kissed her forehead and got up to get my clothes and change in the bathroom to prepare breakfast.

I see that thing shows up down there again.

To explain this let's go back a few months.

I was in the research room concocting potions to see how it would give me different powers.

Tikki flew inside the ER.

Tikki: What are you making Marinette?

Marinette: I'm trying to create a new formula that gives the user Miraculous stamina and increases the user's stamina and strength.

Tikki: So have you done it yet?

Marinette: You came just as I was about to test that on myself.

Tikki: Wouldn't that be very dangerous and would harm you.

Marinette: I know, at least having you around will cure me in the worst case scenario.

Tikki: Okay.

Marinette: Well, let's do it.

I drink the potion I made it's purple it has a bit of a bitter taste but it's okay.

I can't feel anything, I feel something hard in my pants.

Tikki: What's the matter Marinette?

Marinette: I feel something hard in my pants.

Tikki: I think you should check it out.

I check for something hard inside my pants.

I took off my pants and saw that it was a penis.

Marinette: What the hell is this!!!

Tikki: Calm down Marinette calm down.

After a while I calmed down.

Marinette: Okay I was calm but what the hell is this.

Tikki: Looks like you accidentally made some kind of penis growth recipe.

Marinette: Here's how to get rid of it.

Tikki: We're going to study how to get rid of it.

Marinette: Okay, now I want it gone now.

Tikki: Look, Marinette.

Marinette: What? I looked at the boat and saw that it was gone.

Tikki: Looks like it will appear or disappear on its own.

Marinette: At least I won't have that show up forever.

Marinette: I think this won't hurt, don't tell anyone about this Tikki.

Tikki: I promise not to tell anyone about this.

Marinette: Thank you.

From that day on, this penis thing appeared whenever I wanted or when I went to sleep it would appear, I didn't want to tell Kagami about this so I hid it from her.

Now I'm here in the bathroom.

With a penis right under my pajamas.

This penis is very big.

I think about it disappearing and it disappears, I change my clothes and walk out of the bathroom.

Marinette: ((I wonder how Kagami feels when I have sex with her, wait what am I thinking, don't think like that Marinette don't think like that))

After I showered and changed, I decided to wake Kagami up and we would go to breakfast together.

I went to the bed and saw Kagami still sleeping.

Marinette: Come on Kagami wake up my girl.

Kagami: No, I want to sleep again.

Looks like she won't wake up.

I came up with an idea because this would make Kagami wake up.

I bent down and spoke into her hand.

Marinette: What a bad girl for disobeying.

I bitten her ear.

I saw her hearing immediately woke up.

Kagami: Don't ever do that again.

Marinette: Only when I want to.

I found her face and ears extremely red.

I smiled and said to her.

Marinette: Go get ready, We're going to have breakfast.

Kagami: O-Okay.

She got up and got dressed and went to the bathroom to change.

Marinette: ((Cute))

Kagami's Pov.

I was sleeping but woken up by Marinette, I had a dream and it was a very wonderful dream.

I dreamed that Marinette and I were getting married.

By the time the kiss scene arrived I was woken up by Marinette's wake-up call.

Marinette: Come on Kagami wake up my girl.

Kagami: No, I want to sleep again.

I really don't want to wake up because I want to continue that dream.

I heard Marinette say that.

Marinette: What a bad girl for disobeying.

I feel like my ear is being bitten by Marinette.

I immediately woke up.

Kagami: Never do that again.

Marinette: Only when I want to.

I can only blush and my ears are red and I feel my body get hotter, every time she teases me like that.

Marinette: Get ready, We're going to have breakfast.

Kagami: O-Okay. I took the clothes from the closet, all of which Marinette had personally made for me, and I enjoyed wearing the clothes she made for me.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After brushing my teeth, I took off my clothes and found that my vagina was watering and my body felt very hot, I put my hand under the vagina and found it oozing a lot I ignored and started head to take a shower and turn the shower on to drain water all over my body.

I felt extremely warm as the water ran over my skin.

I put my hand down to my vagina and it was watering.

I think about Marinette and I getting married and having sex even though we're both girls.

I put a finger in my own vagina and started making myself moan and I was thinking I was having sex with Marinette.

Kagami: Ah~a~h Marinette I love you please be faster.

I kept thinking to myself that I was having sex with Marinette while moaning her name.

Kagami: Marinette.

Kagami: Marinette.

I feel myself coming out.

Kagami: I love you.

I masturbated myself thinking about her and I was out a lot.

Thanks to the extra soundproofing of the room I turned the faucet on high so she couldn't hear me moaning her name.

I continued to shower and change clothes and then walked out of the bathroom.

I saw Marinette sitting on a chair waiting for me to appear.

I looked at the clock, half an hour had passed.

Kagami: ((Looks like it took me a while))

Marinette didn't seem to notice that I was a little too long.

Marinette stood up and walked over to me and held my hand.

Marinette: Let's have breakfast.

Kagami: Okay.

We both wore jeans and she wore a black top while I wore a white top.

We both walked out of our room and to the elevator press the button downstairs to the hotel.

We both went downstairs to the hotel and got out of the elevator and into the catering room.

We saw on the table serving a lot of different cuisines from around the world.

We take the food we want to eat and bring it to the table.

We enjoy the food together.

If I had to admit which dish was better, I would choose the dishes that Marinette made herself because her dishes are delicious.

After we finished eating we took a lot of other dishes and brought them up to the room for the other Kwami to eat.

We brought food to the room for the Kwami to eat.

Kagami: Marinette and I are going out to explore this city.

Tikki: I will follow you two to protect you two.

Plagg: Me too, I don't want Pigtale to be in danger.

Marinette: You know I'm a very dangerous assassin and I can deal with bad guys too.

Tikki: We just wanted to be in case you were in danger.

Marinette: Thanks for your protection, if you both want to, fly in here.

Marinette opened the bag to let Tikki and Plagg fly in.

The clothes she makes are the ones with pockets that can hold Kwami inside.

Mine is the same.

Longg: I will follow you to protect you from the bad guys in this city.

Kagami: Thanks for your concern Longg if that's what you want, that's fine.

I opened the bag to let Longg fly in.

Marinette: Okay the others will stay here.

Other Kwami: It is clear that we will stay here great guardian.

Marinette and I stepped out of the hotel and explored Gotham City.

3rd Pov

Both girls go around exploring the city.

Marinette: Hey Kagami.

Kagami: What's wrong?

Marinette: I think we should buy some shop and turn it into a cafe to purify Gotham with Tikki's tailoring powers that will purify Gotham's night.

Kagami: That's a good idea but we need to find a store that fits that.

Marinette: I noticed a store recently and saw if it was a good fit.

Kagami: Let's go see.

Both girls go to a coffee shop that looks old but still very good.

Both girls entered the store and were greeted by an old man who owned the store.

Coffee shop owner: Hello, welcome to my shop, how can I help you two.

Marinette: Hello Mr...., my friend and I saw that this store was for sale.

Coffee shop owner: Well, you must have seen my shop listing.

Kagami: Yes, we came here to buy this store.

Coffee shop owner: Then please sit down.

The old man invited both girls to sit down on a chair.

Both girls sat down on chairs as the old man requested.

Coffee shop owner: You're both wondering why I'm selling this shop, right?

Both: That's right.

Coffee shop owner: This used to be my shop built this shop and it's been in business for 35 years, this is a popular shop that gets a lot of people coming but over time nothing can existed forever, this shop began to gradually decrease in customers, due to old age and weakness I decided to sell this shop to others and go back to my hometown to live for the rest of my life.

Marinette: This must be the store that has stuck with you for so many years.

Coffee shop owner: Yes, this shop has survived until now because I have always maintained and repaired it so that it exists until now waiting for the new owner to come and buy it.

Kagami: Yes, we will be the new owners of this store.

Coffee shop owner: Yes, I hope you'll take good care of it.

Marinette: Can you show us around the store?

The shop owner stood up.

Coffee shop owner: Follow me, I'll show you two around the shop.

Stores almost meet the conditions they need.

The first floor is a cooking area, an area for serving food to customers.

The second floor has an empty area for Marinette to produce clothes and an empty area for storage.

The third floor some different rooms so they can use what they want, a kitchen area, a large bathroom with great amenities, there are several bedrooms for them and for returning guests, large customer area for them to do what they want.

Marinette: ((Just needing the shop to reset the page will be done for both of us))

Marinette: What do you think of this place, Kagami?

Kagami: I think this is totally worth it because it fulfills the conditions we need.

Both girls turned to the shop owner.

Marinette: Both, I discussed and we agreed to buy this store.

Kagami: Because this store meets our needs.

Coffee shop owner: I'll get the transfer paper for you two myself.

The shop owner left for a while and then returned with the building papers.

Coffee shop owner: Here, sign here and stamp it, you two will be the legal owners.

I signed the papers and went to stamp that I am now the legal owner of this shop.

Marinette: I think this place needs redecorating.

Kagami: So how do you decorate it?

Marinette: How about we buy decorations for the store together.

Kagami: That's a good idea.

Kagami and I went out to buy things to decorate the store.

We went to the store that sold various decorations along with tables and chairs.

We entered the store and were greeted by the young couple.

(Male and Female) Decoration shop owner: Welcome to our store, what can we do for you two.

Marinette: Hi and I'm here to buy decorations for my shop.

Kagami: You can recommend products that we don't know about.

(Male) Decoration shop owner: So you've come to the right place and we sell a lot of different things, maybe some of which you like.

(Female) Decoration shop owner: I will recommend you high quality products.

After two hour, we chose as the one we saw fit our will.

After an hour. They picked out what they wanted to buy.

(Female) Decoration shop owner: Your order will be delivered tomorrow.

Marinette: Let's go Kagami.

Kagami: Okay.

(Male and Female): Have a nice day, hope you come back next time.

Both girls walked out of the store and decided to go to a coffee and cake shop.

(I will skip this part)

After buying.

Marinette saw that it was almost noon.

Marinette: Hey Kagami.

Kagami: Hmm?

Marinette: It's almost noon, would you like to drop by somewhere for lunch?

Kagami: Okay, I'm hungry anyway.

Both girls decided to stop by a coffee shop for lunch.

(Female) Waitress: Would you like something to eat?

Marinette: I'll take this and this.

Kagami: Same.

(Female) The waitress nodded and went to get the items that both girls requested.

Both girls decided to chat with each other.

Marinette: Do you think they'll find out our true identities?

Kagami: I don't know, Gotham is a big city so it will be difficult to find us so it will take some time.

(Female) The waiter returned to them and gave them the items they ordered.

When they finished eating they paid the female employee and left the store.

Both of them felt like someone was watching them so they went to an alley and hid there.

The person who followed them also entered the alley they both tried.

Both of them jumped out to control their followers.

???: Woah woah I didn't expect you two to break my arm.

Marinette recognized the voice, it was none other than Dick.

Marinette: Why are you following us.

Dick: Didn't you say the game finds out the real identities of the two of you.

Kagami: Looks like we have a winner.

Marinette: I didn't expect you to find out so quickly.

Dick: Anyway, I figured out your identities and B wants you two to live in his house.

Marinette: Well we bought a shop to live there but I'm going to hire some people to work there, what do you think about this.

Kagami: This will help people who don't have money to show them how to make money and will also speed up the development of Gotham making it less crime so I don't see any reason to refuse.

Marinette: We both agree.

Dick: Let me call someone to pick us up at the mansion.

Marinette and Kagami (Surprise): Mansion?!!!

Dick: That's right.

Dick took out the phone and was about to call Alfred.

After a few minutes.

Dick: That person will come pick us up in a few minutes.

Kagami: Who are you talking about?

Dick: You'll see when you get back to the mansion, let's go get your luggage.

The three of them went to the hotel both girls were staying at.

They cleaned everything up and walked out of the hotel.

There was a black Lamborghini waiting in front of it, and there was a man in a butler suit standing there waiting for them to come in.

Marinette: Is this the one who will come pick us up.

Dick: That's right.

Alfred: Hello ladies, I'm Alfred Pennyworth and I'm the housekeeper.

Dick: We see him as a grandfather.

Marinette: Nice to meet Mr. Pennyworth.

Kagami: Nice to meet Mr. Pennyworth.

Alfred: Please call me Alfred.

Marinette and Kagami: That's what we'll call you if we say our names.

Alfred (Smiles): If that's what you want Miss Marinette and Miss Kagami.

Both girls smiled to celebrate the small victory.

Dick was only slightly surprised.

Dick: How the two of you got Alfred to give in to me, I've never been able to do.

Marinette and Kagami looked at each other and smiled again.

Marinette and Kagami: We are our own way.

Dick got into the car.
Alfred: Let me put your luggage in the trunk of the car.

Marinette: Me and Kagami can get in, thanks for the offer.

Alfred: No, I can't let you two do that, so please give me your luggage so I can put it in the trunk.

Both girls had no choice but to give the luggage to Alfred, then both girls got into the car.

Alfred put his luggage in the trunk and got into the car.

Alfred: Please fasten your seat belt.

Everyone fastened their seat belts, and Alfred started driving back to the Wayne mansion.

While driving.

Dick: Would you both like to introduce some information about the two of you?

Marinette: Me first, I know you got some information about me from Damian right?

Dick: That's right.

Marinette: In short I survived and wandered to the city and was adopted by a baking couple then moved to Paris and made friends, after a while they kicked me out and Jagged Stone saw that so adopted me, I decided it was time to find Damian so I decided to go to Gotham.

Dick: Why did they kick you out of the house?

Marinette: I'll tell you the details when I get back to the mansion.

Dick: Okay, you and Damian have almost opposite personalities.

Marinette: I've been taking care of him since he was a baby so I wanted to give Damian a better life but it still can't be because Ra and Damian are affected by part of their personality due to their grandfather is Ra.

Dick: That explains a lot of things.

Dick turned to Kagami.

Dick: What about you?

Kagami: I was born and raised in Japan with my mother, my mother is a samurai swordsman she is also very strict and she also runs a very famous company in japan, she is blind in an accident when I was 14 years old, my father left my mother when I was 8 years old, so she raised me alone now, she also loves me very much when, she accepts me and Marinette started dating.

Dick: She is a good mother although she is very strict but at least she still loves you.

After a few minutes.

Alfred: Attention everyone, we've arrived.

Both girls looked out of the window and saw how big Wayne Manor was.

Marinette: It's so big inside, how big will it be inside?

Kagami: That's right.

Dick: I had the same feeling as the two of you when I first came here, it's going to be even bigger inside.

Alfred: I have already informed everyone of your arrival.

Marinette: I can't wait to meet my family and introduce Kagami.

Alfred stopped the car for the two girls to get out of the car and Alfred drove to the parking lot and when it was over came back with the girls' luggage.

Dick: Are you two ready to meet the others?

Marinette and Kagami: Just bring them in. Alfred opened the door to let the two girls in.

We see a lot of people standing there waiting for the appearance of these two girls:

Alfred walked over to stand with everyone.

Bruce Wayne.

Selina Kyle.

Dick walked in and stood next to his wife.

Kor'i Grayson.

(Mar'i is at school so she hasn't come home yet)

Jason Todd.

Barbara Gordon.

Cassandra Cain.

(Tim) Timothy Drake.

Damian Wayne.

Everyone: Welcome to the family.

Marinette and Kagami: Thanks for the welcome everyone.

Damian walked over to Marinette and hugged her tightly.

Damian: I'm glad you're still alive.

Marinette: I'm glad I'm alive to find your dear little brother.

It wasn't long before their hug reunion.

Jason: I also want to be hugged by her.

Marinette saw that and opened her arms too.

Marinette: Just come here.

Everyone rushed to hug Marinette.

Kagami just stood there.

Marinette: What are you doing standing there, come on in.

Kagami also stepped into the family hug.

After a few minutes, stop hugging.

Damian: As long as you're alive, I think you'll die.

Marinette: It's a long story, after all they don't sit around and talk.

Everyone went to the living room and sat on the chairs ready to listen to Marinette's story.

Alfred sat on the chair with everyone.

Bruce sat next to Selina and they leaned against each other in the chair.

Dick was sitting next to his wife Kor'i in his arms.

Jason sat in his chair eager to hear the story.

Barbara was sitting in a wheelchair next to the chair with everyone listening to the story.

Cassandra was sitting on the sofa next to Tim.

Tim was sitting in the chair next to Cassandra, he was in a state of near-drowsy but with a cup of coffee in his hand to stay awake listening to the story.

Damian was sitting on a chair wanting to hear a story.

Marinette started telling everyone everything.

Including the fact that she was Ladybug and her guardian, partner, old friends, betrayal and what she had to endure while fighting Lila's group.

When everyone heard about what Lila did to her, they were very angry.

Dick: That Lila girl made you like this, I'll kill her along with her group.

Jason: Where's my gun?

Tim: I'll tie her and her group to a chair and shock her.

Barbara: I'll break every bone in her and all of them.

Cassandra: I'll throw her in the Lazarus pit when she dies and torture her again and again.

Damian: I will chop her to death along with those people.

Bruce: No murder.

Though he desperately wanted to kill her along with her group for daring to bully his daughter.

Marinette: Don't worry about it, I've got trusted friends and they're harvesting evidence of all Lila's lies and going to sue her and her team.

Tim: I will help in finding evidence.

Barbara: Me too.

Dick: We're going to sue them and announce this to the world.

Others agree with that plan.

Marinette: So we were able to deal with it quickly.

Dick: There's one more thing.

Marinette: What is it?

Dick: Reward.

Marinette: I'm sorry, what.

Dick: Don't say you forgot.

Kagami saw that Marinette had really forgotten about it.

Kagami: The reward for finding out our identity.

Marinette: Oh that one.

Jason: We'd also like to have your and others' autographs.

The rest of them nodded in agreement.

Marinette: I'll sign for everyone, but Dick will be the first to get it, then you guys.

Everyone thought and decided to agree.

Marinette signs her name on Amblum for Dick.

Kagami also signed it.

Dick: Why do you have two autographs and why did she sign too?

Marinette: The reason is very simple, Marinette please remove the word Mari, you will understand.

Everyone: ((Marinette-Mari=Nette))

Everyone: You are Nette.

Marinette: That's right.

Everyone: That thinks your friend is.

Kagami: That's right, I'm Dragon.

Everyone immediately became chaotic.

Everyone wanted to sign their names.

Marinette: Okay everyone calm down, you'll have our autographs and mine, Jagged's when he's on tour.

All the nodded agreeing with this opinion.

Marinette: Alfred can you tell us where our room is, we want to share a room.

In the room, there was no appearance of Alfred.

Alfred appeared out of nowhere.

Alfred: Invite the two of you to follow me, I have prepared a room for you two.

Both girls nodded and followed Alfred. Everyone wondered how she knew where Alfred was and showed up.

Alfred showed both girls to their room.

Marinette: Are you the former Duusuu's middle man?

Alfred: Yes, I am very close to Duusuu I am also his holder, I am also the one who caused him to break, because I did not notice a bullet was sold into Miraculous that caused the damage. , I don't know how to fix him.

Marinette: Don't worry about that I fixed Duusuu do you want to see him again.

Alfred: I'm glad to see my old friend again.

Upon reaching the room both girls were surprised by their room.

(Everybody can imagine what the room is like.)

After a while both girls calmed down.

Marinette went to the suitcase and opened it, took out the magic box and took out Duusuu's Miraculous.

Marinette: Here you are free to chat with him.

Marinette gives Alfred a box containing Duusuu's Miraculous.

Alfred opens and sees a purple light appear and when turned off we can Kwami Duusuu.

Duusuu: Alfred my friend for a while.

Alfred: Yes, it's been a long time, I see you feel better now.

Duusuu: Yes, thanks to my guardian's help, I'm stronger than ever.

Marinette: Alfred, can you prepare a dispensing room for me and a dressing room for me?

Marinette: Can you get Kwami some cookies and cheese?

Alfred nodded and walked out of the room with Duusuu.

Marinette: What do you think of this room?

Kagami: I have to say it's very beautiful, beautifully decorated, and the scenery is beautiful too.

Marinette went to the mattress and lay down.

Marinette: Ahh this mattress is so soft.

Kagami also lay down with Marinette.

Kagami: It's really soft.

There was a knock on the door.

Alfred: It's time for dinner ladies, I have also brought food to the other Kwami as you requested.

Marinette and Kagami got up and opened the door for Alfred to come in and put the food on the table.

The Kwami flew out from the box to explore the surroundings and when they saw the food they all took the food and ate it deliciously.

Marinette: Looks like they really enjoyed your food, Alfred.

Alfred: Thanks for the compliment, Miss Marinette, follow me to the dining room.

Both girls followed Alfred to the dining room.

Inside the dining room, everyone was gathered, waiting for the two girls to appear.

Alfred opened the door and led both girls in.

Bruce: You two have come, please sit down.

Both girls sat on the chairs available to them.

Mar'i saw the appearance of two people she had never seen before so she asked her mother.

Mar'i: Mom who are both of them, mom?

Kor'i: Well, they're your aunts, Mar'i.

Mar'i: Aunt?

Kor'i: That's right.

Mar'i immediately flew over to hug both of her aunts.

Mar'i: Aunt.

Marinette: And who is this lovely girl?

Dick: That's my daughter and Kor'i, her name is Mar'i Grayson and she's 4 years old.

Marinette: I'm Mari too.

Mar'i: You too.

Marinette: But you can call me Aunt Nette and Aunt Kagami if you like.

Kagami: She's very cute.

Marinette: Sorry, Dick, but I'll adopt her.

Dick: Please don't do that. She's my daughter.

Kor'i: She's just joking, honey.

Marinette: We're just joking, don't act like children.

Damian: That's how I think, he always acts like a child.

Kor'i: I won't lie but yes.

Dick: You're breaking my heart.

Marinette: And you should stop acting like a child in you like a 3 year old.

Dick was laughed at by everyone.

He's very shy right now.

Dick: Stop laughing at me.

Everyone: Okay, okay.

Family dinners are never without food battles.

The boys once again won the food.

Marinette felt extremely uncomfortable.

Marinette: ENOUGH.

Everyone and the bat boy surprised.

Marinette: All four of you sit down and have your dinner normally or I'll give you a nightmare.

Marinette spoke in a dangerously low voice that sent chills down everyone in the dining room.

All the bat boys listened to her and sat down and ate like a normal family.

Everyone was surprised.

Bruce: ((This is definitely my daughter))

He's glad his daughter's solution solves something he couldn't.

After eating, everyone went down to the bat cave.

Bruce: Why did you two go down to the bat cave.

Marinette: We also want to help in catching criminals, we're also heroes and trained to be heroes.

Dick: Come on B she has a good reason and they are strong too.

Jason: I also agree they can also help us catch criminals.

Others agreed to let both girls join.

Bruce had no choice but to agree to their participation.

Everyone changed into their bat costumes.

Madrinette: Everyone's outfits need a makeover.

NightWing: Why?

Marinette: It's not fashionable at all, but I'll make everyone fancy clothes.

Everyone who thinks about it should agree.

Batman: Where are your costumes, you two can't go to the city as civilians.

Marinette: Plagg, Longg you two can come out.

Both Kwami appear.

RedRobin: Mouse can fly.

Plagg and Longg: We are not mouse.

RedHood: It can talk.

Marinette: Calm down everyone, this is Plagg he is a Kwami god of destruction, his power will destroy everything he wants and Longg is also a Kwami god related to weather.

Marinette: Plagg, Claw Out.

Kagami: Longg Bring The Strom.

Both girls transform into Lady Noir and Ryuko.

Jason: So cool.

Dick: awsome.

Tim: Too fierce.

Damian: You look a lot like Selina.

Everyone agrees.

Selina stepped out in her cat costume.

CatWoman: Then you will be my kitten.

CatWoman patted Lady Noir lightly on the head and petted Lady Noir.

LadyNoir whines like a cat.

CatWoman: Did you just whine like a cat?

Lady Noir: Ah um that's just a side effect of using Miraculous cats so I'm used to it.

CatWoman: You're so cute.

CatWoman wants to continue petting Lady Noir.

Lady Noir: Please don't do that again.

CatWoman respects Lady Noir's decision and stops it.

Lady Noir: Now let's go on patrol.

Lady Noir took out her cane and put her arm around Ryuko's waist, pressed it to lengthen it, and left.

RedRobin: I want to made the stick like that stick.

Lady Noir: You can't it's made by magic.

RedRobin: That's fair enough.

Everyone gets into the BatMobile car and enters the city patrolling and catching criminals.

After the patrol is over.

Everyone changed and went to their rooms, both girls turned back to normal and went to their bedrooms.

Damina appeared in front of Marinette.

Marinette: What's wrong, Damian?

Damian: Can I have a hug before bed?

Marinette smiled and gave Damian the hug Damian wanted.

Marinette: Good night Damian.

Damian: Good night Sis.

Damian went to his room and both girls went to their room.

They both changed into their pajamas and got into bed, turned on their computers and made a call with their friends for a group meeting.

After the meeting is over.

Both girls lay down on the mattress.

Marinette: I knew right away Lila was a bitch.

Kagami: There's also Adrien joining her.

Marinette: I hope they and her group burn in hell.

Kagami: I agree.

Marinette: Let's go to bed, my girl.

Kagami: Okay but did you forget anything?

Marinette smiled knowing what Kagami wanted.

Marinette kissed Kagami passionately.

Kagami was enjoying the feeling of her lover kissing her.

Both girls exchanged saliva despite Marinette taking advantage of Kagami's mouth.

Kagami groaned because their kiss was so passionate.

Marinette stopped so they could both get Oxygen.

Marinette: Do you like the good night kiss?

Kagami: Yes I really like it.

Marinette: Let's go to sleep.

The two of them hugged and fell asleep.


Look forward to the next chapter.

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