Love me or leave me

By malecsd_magical_luv

3.5K 372 63

Magnus Bane-asian-chocolate brown eyes-famous writer-rude but charming-talkative-fashion lover-bisexual-fianc... More

Chapter-23(i love you)
Chapter-24(You're mine)
Chapter-25(already missed you)
Chapter-26(I'm complete yours)
Chapter-27(I'm in love with someone)
Chapter-28(I'm not jealous)
Chapter-29(you broke my heart)
Chapter-30(She's pregnant)
Chapter-31(Lap dance?)
Chapter-32(Leave me)
Chapter-33(I can't do it)
Chapter-34(Who are you)
Chapter-35(How's that kiss)
Chapter-36(Hello Mr. Bane)
Chapter-37(Do you regret)
Chapter-38(Not more than my heart)
Chapter-39(I loved him)
Chapter-40(where's Alec)
Chapter-41(Marry me)
Chapter-42(Get ready)
Chapter-44(Stop teasing)
Chapter-45(We're married)
Chapter-46(oh my god)

Chapter-22(changd my mood)

64 8 0
By malecsd_magical_luv

After 15 minutes of driving Magnus came at the place he texted Alec. When he walked towards the place. He saw Alec's bike and smiled.

His heart felt happy to see that beautiful man. Alec was sat on the bench near a river. Near the bench one big tree decorated with full of lights.

Magnus stopped walking and saw Alec's face from a side view. He mesmerized by Alec's beauty. The extra lights gave him more brightness. He looked at the river while thought something deeply. Magnus bite his lips and walked towards him.

Mags: Hai Alexander..
He said and sat beside Alec. When Alec saw Magnus his eyes shone.
Alec: Hai..
Mags: What you thinking before I came.?
Alec: Nothing..
Mags: C'Mon.. You can tell me anything..

He know Alec is not normal. There is something wrong and he also want to talk but now he want to know what happened to Alec. Alec turned towards Magnus and moved close.

Magnus felt his heart beat fasten. Alec sat like his half body touching on Magnus body. Magnus smiled and put his hand on Alec's shoulder.

Mags: What happened?
He put his other hand on Alec's cheek and asked.
Alec: Just work stuff.. So I'm tired and I don't know but my mood went off..

Mags: Ohh.. It's okay.. You can go home and take rest.. I'm sorry if I know you're tired I'm not told you to come here..
Alec: Hey shut the fuck up.. I came here because I want to see you..
Magnus laughed and said.

Mags: Okok.. Alec I also want to talk..
He want to talk about their relationship but he has no strength and he didn't know if he say he love Alec what Alec will react. So his mind spinning. He lost his thought but he came his conscious when Alec moved close to him as much as possible.

Alec: Please.. Change my mood.. Today I don't want to talk about anything.. Can you do that?
He asked with a puppy eyes. So how Magnus  was deny this request. Now Magnus don't want to do anything other than make Alec happy.

He cupped Alec's face with his both hands. They lost into each others eyes. Alec gulped at the fire of Magnus eyes. Magnus leaned in and captured Alec's big plump lips.

Alec gasped and kissed deeply. Magnus licked Alec's lips so Alec opened his lips. Once Magnus got permission his tongue entered into Alec's mouth for explored.

Alec couldn't hold Magnus hair or touch him. Because of the punishment but when Magnus sucked his lower lips he couldn't help but moan. His fingers want to bury into Magnus silky hair so he broke the breathtaking kiss. They catch their breathe.

Alec: C can I touch your hair? Only your hair..
Magnus laughed and nodded his head at the cute side of Alec. Magnus kissed him again. but Alec put his fingers into Magnus hair and pulled him.

They kissed aggressively yet passionately. Magnus hands lifted Alec. So Alec sat on Magnus lap without breaking a kiss.

The chill air touched both their skin and traveled away from them slowly. Magnus felt his love increasing at every kiss they shared. Alec was in cloud nine. He thought his world only around a both of them.

He want to share this loving kiss everyday. Magnus hand slowly went under Alec's shirt. Alec whined when he felt Magnus cold fingers and ring he wore touched his pale skin.

Magnus smile into the hungry kiss. They sucked each others lips like they didn't eat anything for ages. Alec threw his head when Magnus hand found his sensitive spot.

Magnus fingers caressing Alec's nipples so Alec gripped Magnus shoulder for support. Magnus felt satisfied at the sight. He smiled and licked Alec's neck. Alec closed his eyes and smiled.

Magnus started sucking his neck while pinching Alec's pink hard nipples. Alec moaned loudly. This sound always make Magnus lose his control. So he grinding his hips.

Alec surprised but gripped Magnus hard. Magnus put his one hand around Alec's waist. They grinding each others hips and felt something burning in their bodies. It's a pleasure they want and want to give.

Alec: Ahh.. Yes.. Do it..
Mags: Mmmm..
He grinding fast while sucking Alec's neck hungrily. Alec want to say that three words now but he afraid of Magnus rejection. It's also same for Magnus.

They doing it all with a love feeling. It's flowing into their blood, heart and mind. When they felt to ended up their activities Magnus pulled Alec for a kiss.

They kissed more intense kiss and sloppy kisses. After they lost their control They breathed hard and put their forehead against each other.

Magnus smiled and looked at Alec. Alec felt Magnus gaze on him so he opened his eyes.

Mags: Now how's your mood babe?
He teases him. Alec kissed him before said.
Alec: It's amazing.. you're the only person who knows how to change my mood..
They know it's not only their naughty activities it's about when they did anything it's also connected their mind together.

Alec stood up and sat next to him. It's very uncomfortable. Because of the wetness but they couldn't help. Magnus looked at Alec's neck. It's filled with his hickeys. He smiled proudly but asked.

Mags: How you hide it all from her.?
He pointed at Alec's neck.
Alec: Don't worry.. I'll wear scarf to cover it until I'm go to sleep.. So what's the matter? You said you want to talk about something?
Magnus smile faded. Alec noticed it.

Alec: Magnus.. Are you okay?
Mags: Yeah.. I'm fine.. It's nothing important.. We can talk may be another day..
He said nervously.
Alec: Ohh..
Mags: Okay Alexander.. You're already tired.. Go home safe and sleep well..
He said and kissed Alec's cheek. Alec smiled and said.

Alec: You totally drained my energy.. So now I really want some sleep.. And I also want a peaceful sleep so..
He said while pointing his hand on his lips. Magnus laughed and kissed him hard. They said bye and went to their house.

Next day also they met and spend some time together. It's a last day for Alec's punishment. Magnus sat on the sofa and thought about their relationship.

The love he had on Alec changed his mood when he thought about their life problems. He couldn't control his love on Alec anymore. His heart want to say it loud to Alec.

But the fear of Alec's rejection and the thought of lose him is stayed in the corner of his mind. Finally he took a decision of confess his feelings to Alec.

So he texted to Alec 'Book a room for tomorrow so we can watch a movie and spend a more time babe' after he sent it he put his phone on his forehead and smiled while remembering Alec's seductive smiling face..!

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