habits, supernatural [ 1 ]

By maybankwalker

206K 5.6K 1.6K

[ supernatural -- seasons 2-8 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the sh... More

001. meet the winchesters
002. america's first serial killer
003. possessed sam
004. gates to hell
005. hunters and the seven dwarfs
006. "what kind of psycho are you?"
007. sam's older date
008. dream root
009. ghostfacers
010. dean's year is up
011. bittersweet reunions
012. ghost witnesses
013. oktoberfest and pantophobia
014. wishes come true
015. angel radio girl
016. godzilla and mothra
017. girl in the walls
018. demon blood detox
019. start of the end of the world
020. war
021. two grumpy old men
022. convention antics
023. last day on earth
024. teen warlock boy
025. hunger
026. rising of the dead
027. dead winchesters
028. the whore
029. future sister-in-law
030. hotel full of gods
031. losing first loves
032. "did you kiss him?"
033. see you later
034. shapeshifting baby
035. kidnapping
036. vampire cure
037. soulless sam
038. his soul and apologies
039. spider-man
040. kidney ghost
041. tv world
042. khan worm
043. wild west
044. killing the mother
045. superman gone dark side
046. broken wall
047. leviathans
048. worried girlfriend and broken boyfriend
049. sam's me time
050. on trial
051. doppelgangers
052. town full of psychics
053. married the wrong woman
054. high dean
055. hanging by a thread
056. mother hen
057. fedora guy
058. amazons
059. clowns are bitches
060. insomnia
061. emmanuel
062. drunk spirit
063. lot of foxholes
064. tech genius
065. a kevin tran
067. killing dick roman
068. blissful year
069. awkward reunion
070. badass mom
071. foot rubs
072. bobby 2.0
073. "my stomach's a watermelon!"
074. cartoon deaths
075. dirty trick
076. moondoor camp
077. time traveling grandfather
078. new home
079. first trial
080. "that was incredibly hot"
081. second trial
082. baby's first crime scene
083. dean rode a farty donkey
084. curing a demon
085. third trial
Book Two

066. vamptonite

971 35 6
By maybankwalker

They're still at Rufus' cabin and trying to find anything that will kill the leviathans. They've had zero luck, and Larissa and Sam are currently sitting at the table and watching a Sucrocorp video.

"Little FYI. Bobby's officing out of the john these days." Dean informs.

"Uh... awkward." Sam says.

"Very uncomfortable." Larissa says.

"Well, he probably won't pop in on you." Dean tells her.

"Dear God, I hope not." Larissa grimaces.

"Uh, he does have some ideas about the weapon, though." Dean says.

"Really? Well, uh, he may be just in time." Sam says. He turns the laptop to Dean.

""Roman acquires..." What's Sucrocorp?" Dean asks.

"They make food additives -- namely high fructose corn syrup. That crap is in-- well, it's in just about everything. Um, soda, sauces, bread." Sam lists.

"Don't say pie." Dean begs.

"Definitely pie." The couple chorus.

"Bastards." Dean frowns. "So now what? Roman's moved past restaurants?"

"And into grocery stores, Gas n' Sips, vending machines." Sam says.

"What can we do about it?" Dean asks.

"Short of going AI Qaeda on their trucks and plants, there's nothing we can do about it." Sam says. The laptop slams shut making the three jump.

"Like I said, uh, Bobby's got some ideas." Dean says.

~ ~ ~

They do the spell and Sam drops the match into the bowl, flames rising from it.

"Hello, boys, Rissa. Congrats on the wedding, by the way. Bit offended I wasn't on the invite list." Crowley comments.

~ ~ ~

"So, that's what all the rumble, rumble was about. Who translated it for you?" Crowley asks.

"Nevermind. You gonna give us the blood or not?" Dean asks.

"Happily. But not quite yet. I'm all for chopping Dick, but I can't have you running around with a vial of my blood now, can I? You know the sheer number of nefarious spells my enemies can use that blood for?"

"Well, then when?" Dean asks.

"Last. After you've got all the other components. Most difficult, the angel part, I'm assuming. Given your role in their little apocalypse, I can't imagine the choirboys upstairs are wetting their vestments to do you -- what's the word? A solid. Unless, of course, you have an angel up your sleeve."

"Well, that'd be convenient, but, uh, no." Dean says.

"Don't worry about it. We'll get the angel blood one way or another. We just need you to be ready next time we call." Sam says.

"Fine. Oh, here's a tip. I have it on good authority there's one alpha still among us." Crowley says.

"Whose authority?" Dean asks.

"Mine. Wily character, that alpha vampire. Somehow made good his prison break before Cas went nuclear on the place." Crowley says.

"And you know this how?" Dean asks.

"Keep your friends close, your enemies, blah blah. Needless to say, I keep tabs. He moves around quite a bit. But I have an inkling I know where to start the Easter egg hunt. Happy trails." He disappears.

"Okay. Where, jackass?!" Dean shouts. Flames rise on the table and when they die down, there's words carved into the table.

"Hoople, North Dakota." Sam says.

"Piece of paper would have worked." Dean says.


They're at a Gas n' Sip and Dean is getting gas, leaning against the trunk as he waits for it. Larissa and Sam lean against the side of the car.

"Hey." Sam calls. He motions drinking and Dean puts the flask in the car. He puts the pump up, the three heading for the store. "He seem angry?"

"Angry? Of course he's angry. If you were Bobby, wouldn't you be?" Dean asks.

"But was he showing signs of fatigue, like-like fritzing?" Sam asks.

"No, actually, it was just the opposite. He said he never felt stronger." Dean says.

"That's what I was afraid of." Sam says. "The stronger he gets, the closer he comes to going full vengeful spirit. That's reality. We need to talk about what we're going to do with him."

"Do with him?"


"Three weeks ago, you were-- you were talking how this could work. And now-now you want to go Kevorkian on his ass?"

"Okay, well, that was three weeks ago, Dean." Larissa says.

"I'm just saying that the lore doesn't have a single real life example of Casper the Friendly Ghost. It's all basically poltergeists until a hunter comes along." Sam says.

"Yeah, well, the lore sucks." Dean says.

"I'm talking pure hatred, Dean. No humanity. I mean, he could... kill... possess people. I mean, Bobby could burn this fucking building down. Look, if he goes off the rails--"



"Check out that guy over there. He seem a little out of it to you?" The three look at the man who is pumping mustard onto his hot dog.

"I-I don't know. Maybe." Sam says.

"He's probably just high." Larissa shrugs.

"What about Paula Deen over here?" Dean motions to the woman who is staring at the refrigerator containing beer.

"Yeah, they-they look like, uh..." Larissa sees a man slurping on a giant slushie. "Like those Turducken people. It's starting." Sam picks a can up and reads the ingredients. "It's the corn syrup. Everything in the store is laced with it."

"Everything?" Dean asks. "Hey, man, I'm gonna go into toxic shock, okay? I-I... I need my road food."

"That's what Roman is banking on."

"Hey. Hey." Dean holds up a plastic pie container. "This one says "natural." Th-th-that means it's safe. Right?"

Larissa takes the container and reads the ingredients, pointing out the corn syrup that's listed on it making him pout.

"Yeah, hate to break it to you, but corn syrup is natural, technically." Sam says.

"Well, then what the hell are we supposed to eat?" Dean asks. Sam holds the basket up, bananas and bottled water in it.


"It's totally dark. I can't see inside." Dean says.

"Well, should we wait for daylight?" Sam asks.

"Hell no, we're not waiting. I'll scout it. See if we need to bring in the big guns." Bobby says.

"I don't know. Look, Bobby--" The three turn to see Bobby gone.

"Great." Larissa mumbles.

Bobby reappears after a couple moments.

"Okay. Place is clear. But there's something you're gonna want to see."

~ ~ ~

The four walk into a large room in the house, three bodies on the table.

"Careful." Dean warns. "You know a way to kill vamps with battery acid?"

"Only way I know is beheading." Bobby says.

"Well, something didn't agree with them. Hey. Check out that wall. Something seem weird to you?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, see if you can find a switch or a lever or something." Dean says.

"Don't need one." Bobby walks through the wall.

Sam holds up a book and then presses a button that was behind it. The concealed doors in front of Dean spring open, revealing Bobby and a young woman in a pink bedroom. The girl jumps to her feet and the three hunters walk in.

The girl takes a step back, holding the teddy bear in her arms tightly.

"Dean, Lissy. Machete." Sam says. The three sheathe their machetes.

"Hey. Look. We're not gonna hurt you, okay? No fangs. See?" Dean shows his teeth.

"We just want to talk." Sam says.

~ ~ ~

The girl is sitting in a chair and holding a cup of tea and Dean's jacket is around her.

"I was 8. My mom left me at the playground while she ran to the store. A man approached me and said I was the prettiest girl there. And I've been living with these... things... ever since. At least until now."

"Do you have any idea why?" Sam asks.

"I'm one of his special girls. All the others, it was their job to make sure I was ready for the alpha, whenever he came. Wash me... give me IV bags every day. It's my only food. So my blood's pure."

"They've been doing this for, what, 12 years?" Dean asks.

"Virgins are a delicacy. He always has at least one of us on hand." She says.

"Well, don't worry, okay? We're gonna get you back to your mother." Sam assures.

"Think she remembers me?" The girl asks.

"Of course she does. Don't you remember her?" Sam asks and she shakes her head.

"Hey, these, uh... these guys--" Dean motions to the dead vamps on the table. "--they, uh, friends of yours?"

"They take care of the alpha when he's here. Or did." The girl says.

"What happened to them?" Sam asks.

"A week ago, they came back from what they said was an easy hunt. Three humans just came, didn't put up any fight. But when they started on them, the vampires screamed in pain. The ones who ate died immediately."

"And the ones who didn't?" Sam asks.

"There was only one. When he saw what happened, he moved to animals. He's out hunting as we speak." The girl says.

"Never heard of vamps being allergic to humans before." Dean says.

"You think maybe it's the corn syrup? I mean, think about it. The Gas n' Sip was lousy with stoners. All ripe for the picking." Sam says.

"She did say it was an easy hunt." Dean says.

"Do you know where the alpha is now?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. Maybe. He has a place he goes when something's wrong. He calls it his retreat." The girl says.

"All right." Sam takes his phone out.

"What is that?" She asks.

"That's, uh, that's Sam's douche tracker. Helps us find the alpha. All we need's an address." Dean says.

"I don't know. But I remember things that maybe can help."

"That's okay. Just do the best you can." Sam says.


"I can't do this, man. I can't live on rabbit food. I'm-- I'm a warrior." Dean says as the three walk out of a store, the bag in Sam's arm full of fruits and veggies.

"Dean, you'll be fine." Sam says.

"You don't know that." Dean says.

"It won't kill you." Larissa rolls her eyes.

"You don't know that." Dean repeats, the couple sharing an amused look.

"So what's next on the list?" Sam asks.

"Well, if we're bum-rushing the alpha, then we're gonna need dead man's blood, which means a morgue. Or..."

"Or what?" Sam asks. He and Larissa follow Dean's gaze to a guy sitting on a bench and drinking from a takeout cup.

"Dude, forget the morgue. We are swimming in vamp poison." Dean says as they walk over.

"Excuse me, sir. Hi. We, uh, we're with the... Red Cross?" Sam says the first thing he can think of. "See, we have an emergency shortage. And we're gonna need you to... you're not getting a word I'm saying, are you?" He asks, seeing the man's vacant look.

"Hey." Dean snaps his fingers in the man's face, sitting down next to him. "Hold out your arm. We need your blood."


The man holds his arm out.

"All right." Dean shrugs. "Sam." He takes a syringe out of his pocket and gives it to Sam. "Tap the keg."

"Here?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, Sam. Look around. It's fucking Woodstock. Everybody's hopped up on the brown acid. We don't need the song and dance. Give him a little prick." Dean says.

Sam hands Larissa the bag of groceries before sitting on the free side of the guy. He pushes the needle in.

"Ow! That hurts." The man says and Sam draws his blood. "This is for Hurricane Katrina you said?"

"Yes. Yes, I did." Dean says.

"So, look, uh... when we get there..." Sam says.

"Yeah?" Dean asks.

"Bobby's gonna have to hang back. Do you disagree?" Sam asks.

"I don't." Larissa answers.

"He ain't gonna like it. I mean, he helped us in getting Emily." Dean says.

"Look, I'm team Bobby, too, okay? But there's a reason we left him in the car with Emily. You know that. The more action he sees, the more chance he gets to spin out." Sam says.

"All right, fine. So, we'll keep him off the front lines, and he can just, you know, keep calm and carry on, right?"

A police car slowly drives by, "Why Can't We be Friends?" blaring. 

"Well, and if he can't?" Sam asks.

The siren blares making them freeze and Sam quickly hides the syringe. The cop drives off and the man continues to slurp his drink.


They pull up to the gates of the monastery.

"This is where he took me." Emily states.

"Are you sure?" Sam asks and she nods.

"What now?" Emily asks.

"We'll get you some place safe. Circle back and Ginsu these leeches." Dean says.


It's daytime when they get to a motel. Emily is sitting on a bed and watching TV. Dean is packing a duffel bag and Sam gives him the syringe.

"All right, here we go. 10 ccs of vamptonite." Dean says. Sam gives him a look. "It's a thing."

"What's a Kardashian?" Emily asks.

"Oh, that's, uh... just another bloodsucker." Dean says making Larissa snort. Emily looks at them alarmed. "No, it-it's... a joke." Dean goes to the safe that's in the closet.

"Here. IF we're not back by dawn, call this number. Jody Mills. She's a friend." Sam gives Emily a piece of paper. "She'll take care of you. Here, use this phone." He points to the landline the motel has.

"Sam? Thank you." Emily tells him.

"You bet." Sam says.

Dean opens the door, but it slams shut.

"It was the wind." He dismisses to Emily. "Chill out, Bobby. We'll be back soon." He says quietly. Dean opens the door, the three hunters leaving.

"Well, he didn't take that very well." Sam says.

"How'd you think he was gonna take it?" Dean asks.

Sam bumps into a cart being pushed by a maid.

"Excuse me." She says.

"Sorry." Sam apologizes.


The three are sitting in the car outside the monastery gates.

"Well, this time of day, most of them would be catching z's. They won't know what hit them." Dean says, but Sam doesn't reply. "Hey. You with me?"

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"But?" Dean prompts.

"Are you sure you just want to charge in there, machetes blazing? Last time, it took a dozen hunters to take down the alpha. And most of them didn't make it out." Sam says.

"Yeah, well, you got a better idea?" Dean asks.

~ ~ ~

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." Dean quietly chants as they walk up to the front door. Sam holds a finger up to motion for him to be quiet. He pushes the door, it being unlatched.

"Guys." Sam whispers.

"Maybe we're too late." Dean says.

Sam steps inside, somebody grabbing him from inside.

"Sam!" Dean and Larissa shout, rushing after him, only to be greeted with vamps grabbing them.

The vampires disarm them and drag them into a room that has a large dining table.

"The Winchesters. I'm intrigued." The alpha says.

Emily walks into the room.

"Emily?" Sam asks. She walks over to the chair the alpha is in and leans against it.

"Hi, Sam." Emily greets.

"Oh, you little fucking bitch." Larissa hisses. The alpha makes a hand motion and the vamp holding Larissa knees her in the stomach. Larissa groans in pain, doubling over in pain, but the vamp forces her to stand up, the woman letting out a small whine.

"Wow. For a girl raised in a basement, you're a hell of an actress." Dean says.

"You were gonna hurt my daddy." Emily says.

"God, it's Vampiric Stockholm Syndrome." Larissa mutters. The alpha makes another hand motion, Larissa getting kneed in the stomach again, causing the same reaction. The vamp yanks her up, tightening his grip on her.

"Lissy, please stop talking." Sam quietly begs, wincing at her in pain.

"Yep. Yeah. Yeah, good idea." Larissa says, her voice strained as she tries to regain the ability to breathe.

"Wow. You get a trophy in Stockholm Syndrome. And sorry to burst your bubble, but, uh... we weren't. Sam here had a better idea." Dean says.

"We're here to talk. That's it." Sam says and the alpha laughs.

"Now that my guys have taken your blades and your syringes of tainted blood. Is that what you mean?" The alpha asks.

"Well, we, uh... figured you might hold a grudge." Dean says.

"And why would I? Because you captured me, tortured me, sold me to the King of Hell?" The alpha asks.

"Okay, hey, I did none of that. I'm actually pretty innocent here." Larissa comments.

"That was more our grandpa." Dean says. The vamps holding Dean and Larissa share a look before slamming both hunters' heads into the table.

Dean and Larissa both fall to their knees, groaning in pain, and holding onto their heads. Sam grimaces, fighting every bone in his body to rush to Larissa's curled up form.

"Thank you. That was awesome." Dean says, getting up.

The one vamp yanks Larissa back up.

"I'm going to peel off your faces and drink you slowly." The alpha says.

"Just listen. You need us." Sam says.

"Oh, yes. I am thirsty!" The alpha exclaims.

"The plague! We know what it is! What do you know about leviathan?" Sam asks.

"A bit." The alpha says.

"You know they're poisoning the food supply?" Sam asks.

"Roman didn't mention that when we met for dinner last fall. We made lots of plans. We are on excellent terms, he and I."

"You sure about that? Did he mention that he was going to... Maui wowie the human population?" Dean asks.

"Oh, of course. He said grabbing a snack would be easier than ever." The alpha says.

"He said you'd all live together, didn't he? You really believe him? You think your children are dying by accident? There is pesticide in the formula!" Sam exclaims.

"It suits you to think so. You need me on your side." The alpha says.

"Look, we're not the ones burning from the inside out. Think about it. Whatever deal he made with you was crap! Trust us!" Sam says.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because we can stop Dick. Stop all of it. We just... we need your blood for the weapon."

"So now you want to prevent the extermination of the vampire race." The alpha laughs.

"No. But it beats going down with you." Dean says.

They hear a door open.

"Allan, darling... come." The alpha says and a young boy walks over to the empty side of his chair.

"Well, the creep gets creepier." Dean says.

Larissa opens her mouth to say something.

"Lissy." Sam warns, not wanting her to get hurt again.

"Yeah, okay." She mumbles, biting her lip to prevent any talking.

"What's wrong?" The alpha asks.

"Edgar's here." Allan informs.

Sam, Dean, and Larissa look at each other. The alpha touches Allan's jacket in dismissal and the boy leaves.

"Wow, what a funny coincidence. All right, we need soap, uh, cleanser, anything with borax in it. We need knives." Dean says.

"Put them in the study." The alpha says.

"What? No. No, wait." Sam says.

"Word of advice, boys, girly. You do not live through centuries of fire and ice and continental divide... by jumping to conclusions." The alpha says.

"You're making a mistake! Listen! Wait!" Sam protests as the vamps drag them out.

They shove the three into a study and shut and lock the door.

"Hey. Hey!" Dean exclaims, but it's too late. They look around, seeing bags of blood in a refrigerated cabinet. Empty blood bags hang from medical stands.

"Anything?" Dean asks while trying to open the door.

"Nothing." Sam says.

"Ditto." Larissa answers.

"You think Edgar's here for the same reason we are? I mean, look, if they figured out that we're here to get alpha blood for a weapon..." Sam says.

"I think any way you slice it, you got Pac Man and True Blood in the same room and that's bad news. I mean, he's not stupid. Why the hell do you think he locked us in here?" Dean asks.

"Dean, we're his enemy. I mean, they're like monster cousins or something. Who would you give the benefit of the doubt to? Man, you know what? Maybe the Sucro is poisoning the vamps on accident. Maybe they'll fix it." Sam says.

"I think you got the oldest monster on earth thinking that he can hold his own because he always has." Dean says.

"Edgar's gonna eat him alive." Sam says.

"Yeah. Hey." Dean holds a needle attached to one of the empty blood bags up. "You think you could pick a lock with this?" Sam takes the needle.

"But, Dean, we gave up all our vamptonite."

"Did we?" Dean takes a syringe of blood out of his boot.

"I love you." Larissa states.

"Ah-ha! You actually admitted it with words. I'm holding that over you forever." Dean grins.

"Okay, I mean I love you right now. Not all the time." Larissa says.

"No take backs." Dean says.

"No take backs? What, are you, five?" Larissa asks.

Dean pinches her nose, shaking her head a little, before walking to Sam with a proud grin.

"Sammy?" Larissa asks.

"You... you did say it." Sam says, siding with his brother.

"You both suck." Larissa says.

"I believe you do the sucking, not him." Dean says.

"Dude!" Sam gives him a look.

"Oh, my God." Larissa rolls her eyes. "Is your mind ever not in the gutter, Dean?" He pretends to think about it.

"Nope." He shakes his head.

~ ~ ~

They quietly go down the stairs and at the bottom of them, a vamp grabs Sam. Dean plunges the syringe into the vamp's neck and he screams as his skin burns. He falls to the floor and dies.

"Wow." Dean says.

"Vamptonite." Sam says.

"Fucking vamptonite. All right, we need knives. There's got to be a prep room or a kitchen somewhere. Come on." Dean says.

As Edgar goes to eat the alpha, Dean charges from behind the leviathan. Edgar turns to Dean, his face going back to normal. He catches Dean's arm, knocking the machete out of his grip. Sam cuts Edgar's head off from behind.

"Grab a glass. We're juicing this freak." Dean says.

"No!" Emily yells.

"Stay back!" Dean orders.

The alpha sends Dean flying over the table.

"Leave her alone. She's been through quite enough." The alpha says.

"Now, that's rich... coming from the guy who took her off the swing set." Sam says, making sure Larissa's behind him.

"Do you want to do this fight? Or do you want my blood?" The alpha asks. He sits down at the head of the table, slicing his wrist with one of his nails. He lets the blood drip into a glass and then holds the glass out to Sam.

"For taking care of Edgar. Now go." The alpha says.

"What about the little boy?" Sam asks.

"Are you joking?" The alpha asks.

"Does it look like we're joking? How many other kids you got in here, you freak?" Dean asks.

"At the moment, just him. Emily... help Allan with his coat. He's leaving with Sam, Dean, and Larissa." He says and Emily leaves. "Now, take it." Sam takes the glass of blood from him, the three going to leave.

"What? No thank you? Oh, right, right. Your flesh is crawling. All you really want to do is kill me now. You hate having to wait and come back and try again." The alpha says.

"Pretty much. I wouldn't leave that head too close to that body for too long." Dean says.

"See you next season." The alpha says.

"Looking forward to it." Dean says.


"Let's never do that again. Cops thought we took that kid." Dean says as the three walk to their hotel room. Sam's arm is wrapped around Larissa as she leans into his side.

"Long as he gets back to his folks, I don't care what they thought." Sam says.

"Yeah, I'm sure, you'd be thinking that behind bars." Larissa remarks.

"We had to jump out a fucking window, man." Dean says. He stops the couple, pointing to their hotel room door that's ajar. The three take their guns out and slowly go in.

Dean pushes the door open, turning the light on. The room is somewhat of a mess and the mirror in the room is cracked.

"Bobby." Dean calls. "Bobby?"

"Dean." Sam calls. He motions to the open safe that's empty. "He's gone."

"I'm getting trace bits of EMF, but it's fading fast." Sam says. "And Bobby's probably been gone three or four hours. He's got the flask, Dean. How the hell are we supposed to track him? Look, I hate to say this..."

"Well, then don't. He's gone." Dean lets out a short laugh. "How could he do this... now? I mean, we've got half the fucking weapon, we're almost there."

"It's not him. I mean, he's not thinking." Sam says.

"So, what, we just keep going while he's out there like this?" Dean asks.

"Do we have any other option? I mean, it's what he'd want us to do. Right?" Sam ask.s

"Yeah. Yeah, him and Frank and Cas, if his marbles were in the bag. It's a good thing we got Crowley in our corner. Right? Seeing as how it all comes down to him. What could possibly go wrong?"

"Do you actually want me to answer that?" Larissa asks.

"Of course not, Rissa." Dean rolls his eyes.

"Just making sure." She shrugs.

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