habits, supernatural [ 1 ]

By maybankwalker

182K 5K 1.6K

[ supernatural -- seasons 2-8 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the sh... More

001. meet the winchesters
002. america's first serial killer
003. possessed sam
004. gates to hell
005. hunters and the seven dwarfs
006. "what kind of psycho are you?"
007. sam's older date
008. dream root
009. ghostfacers
010. dean's year is up
011. bittersweet reunions
012. ghost witnesses
013. oktoberfest and pantophobia
014. wishes come true
015. angel radio girl
016. godzilla and mothra
017. girl in the walls
018. demon blood detox
019. start of the end of the world
020. war
021. two grumpy old men
022. convention antics
023. last day on earth
024. teen warlock boy
025. hunger
026. rising of the dead
027. dead winchesters
028. the whore
029. future sister-in-law
030. hotel full of gods
031. losing first loves
032. "did you kiss him?"
033. see you later
034. shapeshifting baby
035. kidnapping
036. vampire cure
037. soulless sam
038. his soul and apologies
039. spider-man
040. kidney ghost
041. tv world
042. khan worm
043. wild west
044. killing the mother
045. superman gone dark side
046. broken wall
047. leviathans
048. worried girlfriend and broken boyfriend
049. sam's me time
050. on trial
051. doppelgangers
052. town full of psychics
053. married the wrong woman
054. high dean
055. hanging by a thread
056. mother hen
057. fedora guy
058. amazons
059. clowns are bitches
060. insomnia
061. emmanuel
062. drunk spirit
063. lot of foxholes
064. tech genius
066. vamptonite
067. killing dick roman
068. blissful year
069. awkward reunion
070. badass mom
071. foot rubs
072. bobby 2.0
073. "my stomach's a watermelon!"
074. cartoon deaths
075. dirty trick
076. moondoor camp
077. time traveling grandfather
078. new home
079. first trial
080. "that was incredibly hot"
081. second trial
082. baby's first crime scene
083. dean rode a farty donkey
084. curing a demon
085. third trial
Book Two

065. a kevin tran

1K 40 12
By maybankwalker

Sam unwraps the piece of clay and puts it on the table of the abandoned house they're in. 

"That's a lot of fuss over a caveman Lego." Dean says.

"Yeah. Well, whatever Dick wants is bricked up inside that." Sam says.

"All right." Dean takes a mallet out. Sam gives him a pair of safety glasses which he puts on, Sam and Larissa putting their own pairs on, the two stepping back.

Dean hits the clay as thunder cracks. He hits it again, more thunder booming and now lightening accompanies it.

"That sound like somebody says, "No, wait, stop," to you?" Dean asks.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah." Sam nods.

"Yeah. Oh, well." Dean shrugs, hitting the clay multiple times until he gets through. He holds up a stone tablet that has signs on it.

~ ~ ~

Dean fell asleep and Sam and Larissa are still awake and trying to figure out what language the tablet is in. Sam watches Larissa attempt to hold in her seventh yawn within the hour. She fails miserably, just hiding the yawn behind her hand.

"Babe?" Sam quietly calls.

"Hmm?" She looks up at him.

"Go to sleep. I got this." Sam says.

"No. No, no, I am... I am totally awake. I can read. Never felt more alive." Larissa insists.

"Oh, really?" Sam asks.

"Mm-hmm." Larissa nods. She presses her lips together, her hand covering her mouth and Sam knows she's trying not to yawn.

"Lissy." She looks at him. "Go to sleep, please."

"I don't wanna sleep alone." She whines.

"I don't wanna read lying down." Sam says. Larissa huffs, resting her head on the table. Sam lightly pats her head in sympathy.

"C'mon." He says, grabbing all his stuff and then Larissa's hand. Sam slides their mat their over so it's against the wall. He sits down and grabs Larissa's pillow, putting it on his lap.

Larissa lies down and rests her head on the pillow. Sam puts all his stuff within reaching distance on the free side of him, resuming his research with one hand, his other playing with Larissa's hair.

"Are you sure this is comfortable?" Larissa asks.

"I'm good." Sam assures. Larissa sits up and pecks Sam before lying back down, easily falling asleep.


It's the next morning and Sam and Larissa are sitting at the table while Dean is asleep on the floor still. Sam is watching the news on his laptop which seems to wake Dean up.

"Bobby?" Dean calls after seeing a cup by him rattle. "Bobby, that you?"

"Think so." Sam holds up the flashing EMF meter. "But that whole adventure at Roman's seems to have drained his batteries." Sam says.

"So, what? We start the storm heard 'round the world?" Dean asks.

"When we broke this thing open last night, every maternity ward within 100 mile radius got slammed. Looks like any woman in the last month of her pregnancy went into labor." Sam says.

"Hmm. This one goes out to all the ladies. So, heavyweight signs, omens -- what do we got?" Dean asks.

"I assume it's writing. But I've never seen anything like it, ever. And it doesn't match anything in any book or online." Sam says.

"All right, so big daddy chomper lands here, he grabs himself some Dick... and then he started secretly underwriting university departments, pouring money into digs -- all for this. Why?"

"No clue. We do know that he will be tearing new ones until he gets it back, though. Look, we got to take a minute, hole up somewhere safe, find out what we've got."

"Rufus' cabin, then?"


"This time, I'm doing the shopping." Dean states.

Sam's phone rings.

"It's Meg." He answers it. "What?" He asks. "What? Cas is awake." He says.

"When?" Dean asks and Sam puts it on speaker phone. "When?" He asks Meg.

"Last night about 8:00." Meg says.

"And you waited till now to call us?" Dean asks.

"I've been busy with Cas. He's just a tad different than when he dozed off, 'kay?" Meg says.

"What do you mean, different?" Dean asks.

"Hey, Seacrest, guess what -- not a nurse. Just playing one on TV. Want answers? Start driving." Meg hangs up.

"Great. So, Indiana?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean nods.

"Yay." Larissa sarcastically mumbles.

"8:00 last night?" Dean asks..

"Yeah. Same time we opened up that thing." Sam says.


"We raced all the way here, and now I don't know. I can't say I'm fired up to see what's left of the guy." Dean says.

"You think he remembers at all?" Sam asks.

"That, and I'm guessing whatever kind of Hell baggage he lifted off of your plate, it's not gonna be pretty." Dean says.

"Hey. Excuse me, gentlemen, miss, but it's way past visiting hours." An orderly says.

"It's okay, Abel. I've been expecting them. Hello, boys, Larissa." Meg greets. She leads them into Cas' room, the angel staring out the window.

"Hey, Cas." Dean greets.

"Hello, Dean. Sam. Larissa." Cas says.

"Hey, Castiel." Sam greets. Larissa gives him a half wave, not seeming super interested.

"Look at you, walkin' and talkin'. That's-- that's great, right?" Dean asks.

Cas walks over and holds his pointer finger out to Dean.

"Pull my finger." Cas says.

"What?" Dean asks.

"My finger -- pull it." Cas tells him. Dean pulls Cas' pointer finger, the lights shatter, Sam's hand immediately going on top of Larissa's head to protect her.

Cas laughs.

~ ~ ~

"Okay, just hang on, Cas. Wait. Let us catch up to you for a second." Dean says as Meg turns a lamp on.

"So, you're saying you remember who you are, what you are?" Sam asks.

"Yes. Of course. Outside today, in the garden, I followed a honeybee. I saw the route of flowers. It's all right there, the whole plan. There's nothing to add." Cas says.

"You might want to add a little Thorazine." Sam says.

"Right? He's been like the naked guy at the rave ever since he woke up. Totally useless." Meg says.

"Will you look at her? My caretaker. All of that thorny pain. So beautiful." Cas says.

"We've been over this. I don't like poetry. Put up or shut up." Meg says.

"Okay. So, Cas, you said you woke up last night?" Sam asks.

"Yes. I heard a pin that pierced me and, well, you wouldn't have heard it unless you were an angel at the time." Cas says.

"That's also when we opened this." Sam hands Cas his bag and he looks inside at the tablet.

"Oh. Of course. Now I understand." Cas says.

"Understand what?" Sam asks.

"You were the ones. Well... I guess that makes sense." Cas says.

"What makes sense?" Dean asks.

"If someone was going to free the Word from the vault of the earth, it would end up being you two. Oh, I love you guys." Cas hugs the brothers.

The brothers manage to pull away after a moment.

"You said something about "The Word." Is that what's written on there?" Sam asks.

"Did you know that a cat's penis is sharply barbed along its shaft? I know for a fact the females were not consulted about that." Cas informs.

"I, uh... yeah, okay." Larissa mumbles.

"Cas, please, we're losing ground out there, okay? We need your help. Can you not see that?" Dean asks.

"This is the handwriting of Metatron." Cas says.

"Metatron? You saying a Transformer wrote that?" Sam asks.

"No. That's Megatron." Dean corrects.

"What?" Sam asks.

"The Transformer -- it's Megatron." Dean says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"He's saying that M-E-G-atron is the Transformer. And M-E-T-atron is the tablet writer. Keep up." Larissa tells her husband.

"Metatron. He's an angel. He's the scribe of God. He took down dictation when creation was being formed." Cas says.

"And that's the word of God?" Sam asks.

"One of them, yes." Cas nods.

"Uh... well, what's it say then?" Sam asks.

"Uh... tree? Horse? Fiddler crab. I can't read it. It wasn't meant for angels." Cas says.

"Okay, this all sounds bad. What are you jackasses doing with the Word of God? Let me see that thing." Meg says.

"Back off, Meg." Dean demands.

"Come on, it's my ass, too." Meg says.

"Well, we don't give a shit about your ass, so, back off." Larissa remarks.

"Damn it! Enough of this "demons are second class citizens" crap!" Meg exclaims.

"Well, maybe if you weren't a bitch." Larissa quips.

"Don't like conflict." Cas disappears. The tablet falls to the floor, breaking into three pieces.

"Uh..." Sam mumbles.

"What the hell was that?" Dean asks.

"You heard him. He doesn't like conflict. He's down in the dayroom now. I guarantee it." Meg says.

"All right, I'll go handle Cas. Sam, will you please pick up the Word of God?" Dean says, walking out. Sam kneels down, putting the pieces of the tablet back in his bag.

"What are you guys caught up in now?" Meg asks.

"Shit that is none of your business." Larissa answers, giving the demon a sarcastic, annoyed smile.

"I deserve to know." Meg says.

"No, not really." Larissa disagrees.

"Okay, fine. I'll hit the road, then. Let me just go get my angel." Meg leaves the room, the couple chasing after her.

"Meg, what are you talking about? Stop." Sam says.

"We both call, who do you think Cas will come to? I'm guessing me. You heard him. Thorny beauty, blah, blah. I'm the saint who stayed with him. He owes me. His words." Meg says.

"Yeah, what about what he owes us?" Sam asks.

"Well, work on him a little. Maybe he'll start crushing on you, too, hot stuff." Meg says.

"What are you gonna do with a broken angel? Don't be stupid."

"I'll take power where I can get it. I've got myself to look out for."

They hear a noise come from Cas' room and go in. They look around, finding the bag containing the tablet gone.

"Hey!" Sam shouts to the young man running.

"No, stop! Leave me alone!" The guy screams as Sam fails to catch up. Larissa runs a different way and since the guy is looking back to make sure Sam isn't close, she body slams into him, both falling to the ground and groaning in pain.

"Oh, fuck. I am never doing that again." Larissa holds her arm over her stomach.

"Hey, hey. You okay?" Sam helps her up.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." She says with a sigh, still wincing at the dull ache in her shoulder.

"Not a demon and not a chomper. What the hell are you?" Meg asks.

"I'm a... K-Kevin Tran. I'm in advanced placement. P-P-P-Please don't kill me." He begs.

"I'm not gonna kill you." Sam grabs the bag to take it away from him, but he also ends up pulling Kevin to his feet as he doesn't let go. Sam tries to take the bag, but Kevin keeps it in a death grip.

"I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry. I... I don't-- I don't know why, but I can't let go of this." Kevin says.

~ ~ ~

Kevin is sitting on Cas' bed, the other three standing up.

"You really stepped in it, kid. Oh, man." Meg says.

"God, just shut up, Meg." Larissa rolls her eyes.

"All I know is, this is-- it's for me. I'm supposed to keep it." Kevin says.

"Good luck." Meg says.

"But you don't know what it is?" Sam asks and Kevin shakes his head. "Open it." Kevin unzips the bag and takes the pieces of stone out. He puts them together, the tablet becoming whole with a brief flash of white light.

"It's writing." Kevin says.

"Yeah. Yeah, we get that." Sam says.

"What's leviathan?" Kevin asks.

"What? You can read it? Is that what it says?" Sam asks.

"Sort of. It hurts a little. Like looking through somebody else's glasses, but I think it... it's about leviathan, how it came to be. God locked them up far away, right? Like in jail... because they're so... they're... they're real, aren't they?"

"Yeah, Kevin. They-- they are. And they're here. Does it say anything about how to kill them? Cause that's kind of been a problem." Sam says.

"I don't know. It's not like reading reading. It-- it's hard to focus on it too long." Kevin says.

The lights flicker.

"Sam. Something's up." Meg says.

"What?" Sam asks.

Kevin looks up and sees Meg's black eyes making him scream and he scrambles back on the bed.

"Kevin, hey, hey, hey. Kevin." Sam tries to calm him down.

The glass on the lightbulb of the lamp breaks and a woman appears in the doorway.

"Demon." She says. They hear angel wings and a man appears. The woman moves her hand, sending Meg into the wall.

"A demon and a Winchester... again. With the little Brewster girl." The female angel says.

"Uh, actually--" Larissa starts as Sam moves towards Kevin.

"Stop away from the prophet!" The female angel shouts, cutting Larissa off.

"Who, me?" Kevin asks.

"Sole keeper of the word on earth, we are here to take you." The female angel.

"Okay, chill, Charlie's angel, you ain't taking him anywhere." Larissa argues.

"What do you mean, "take"?" Kevin asks.

"Kill the demon, her lover, and the spare." The female angel orders the male angel.

"I'm sorry, the spare? What the hell? I'm his fucking wife, you dickwads!" Larissa exclaims.

The female angel flings Larissa into the wall, the woman crashing to the floor with a groan of pain.

"Lissy!" Sam worriedly calls.

"You talk too much." The female angel says.

"That's not how it-- we're not--" Meg tries. The male angel holds an arm out and she slashes at him with a blade. His palm is shining white light from the cut.

"Where did you get that?!" The female angel asks. They hear angel wings and now Cas is in the room.

"Castiel?" The male angel asks.

"Hi." Cas waves.

"You're alive?" The male angel asks.

"You." The female growls.

"Hello, Hester." Cas greets.

"You smote thousands in Heaven. You gave a big, scary speech. Then you were gone. What the hell was that?" Hester asks.

Sam quickly rushes over to Larissa and drags her to the bed, sitting her down on it near the headboard. He stands in front of her, blocking her from the angels.

"Rude, for one thing." Cas says.

"Where have you been?" The male angel asks.

"Oh, Inias. Hester. I... I know you want something -- answers. I... I wish it could be that... there are still many things I can teach you. I can offer, um, well, perspective. Here." Cas holds his pointer finger out to Hester. "Pull my finger." She doesn't move. "Uh... Meg will-will get another light, and I'll-- I'll blow it out again. And, well, this time, it'll be funny, and-and we'll all look back and laugh."

"You're insane." Hester says.

"Hey." They turn to see Dean in the doorway. "Heads up, sunshine." He slaps his hand on an angel banishing sigil, Hester, Cas, and Inias disappearing  with a flash of white light.

"All angels blown back to their corners. We got three, four hours tops." Dean says.

"Meg, where did you get that?" Sam asks, pointing to the blade.

"A lot of angels died this year." Meg says.

"What's happening?! What's happening?!" Kevin screams. Larissa winces, leaning away from him.

"God, kid. Fucking lower the volume." Larissa rubs her ear.

"What is that?" Dean asks.

"It's, uh... Kevin Tran. He's, uh, in advanced placement." Sam informs.

"So, these leviathans... these monsters are real. And angels with wings?" Kevin asks.

"No. Uh... no wings. No anything." Sam says.

"No junk. Junkless. So, Kevin, you can, uh, read the chicken scratch on the God rock, huh?" Dean asks.

"Uh, I..." Kevin says.

"That is back in one piece, I see. And you're saying that there's some sort of a "How to punch Dick" recipe in there somewhere?" Dean asks.

"I-I don't know what you're saying, but it seems kind of like an "in case of emergency" note. What did they mean by prophet?" Kevin asks.

"Oh, no." Dean grumbles. "Really?" He asks Sam.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's what the angel said." Sam says.

"I don't want to be a prophet." Kevin says.

"No. You don't at all." Dean says.

"Gentlemen, chick, we've got to start running and hiding. Or do you want to tangle with those wing nuts twice?" Meg asks.

"I'm sorry. Did you say "we"?" Dean asks.

"I'm on the angels' radar now. You think I don't need a little safety in numbers?" Meg asks.

"Still don't give a single shit." Larissa comments.

"All right, we'll go to Rufus' cabin. Kid can do his book report there." Dean says.

"Wait, so we are taking her?" Larissa asks, pointing at Meg. Dean simply shrugs. Larissa scoffs and rolls her eyes, leaving the room.

"What crawled up her ass?" Meg asks.

"Shut up, Meg." Sam glares at her as he follows Larissa. He finds her at the end of the hall.

"So... husband and wife." Meg comments.

"Shut up, Meg." Dean tells her.

"Hey, hey." Sam walks over to where Larissa is pacing. His heart breaks when he notices her eyes glazed over with tears. "Hey." He softly whispers.

"I don't want her around." Larissa says, trying not to cry.

"None of us do." Sam says. "But-- but I don't think we're really getting out of it, baby."

"God." Larissa presses her palms into her eyes. Sam frowns, gently pulling her hands away. "All I can think about when I see her is us in-in Carthage and-and her sic'ing those fucking hellhounds on us. And-And Jo helping Dean and then getting her fucking side ripped out and-- and, God, now I have it with Cas too."

"Whenever I see him, I just see you on the ground in that alley or unconscious in the panic room or half out of your mind and wobbling all over the place. Or just lying in that bed and you looked so broken. I--"

"Hey, hey, hey." Sam pulls her into a tight hug, his chin resting on top of her head, his arms securely wrapped around her. "I know, baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you can't see them without seeing all of that stuff. I know that kind of thing isn't easy."

Larissa finally lets herself cry, digging her face into Sam's chest, a sob escaping her. Sam's arms tighten around her, stroking her hair. He continues to silently comfort her until she stops crying.

Sam waits for her to pull away first. Before she can wipe at her tears, Sam cups her face, gently wiping her tears away with the pads of his thumbs. He leans down, pressing his forehead against hers.

"I'm sorry we have to deal with all this shit. I promise, you won't be left alone with them or anything. I'll be right there the whole time. Neither of them are gonna hurt us. Okay?" Sam keeps his voice quiet given their close proximity.

Larissa lets out a small sniffle as she nods.

Sam softly kisses her lips before pulling his forehead away from hers, kissing her forehead before he stands at his full height.

"You want me to sit in the backseat with 'em?" Sam asks.

"Can't we just stuff Meg in the trunk?" Larissa asks making Sam chuckle.

"The trunk can be seen from the car. It's not the Impala. Trunk and seats aren't separate." Sam says.

"She's still in the trunk." Larissa says.

"We'll see what we can work out." Sam says.


It's the next night and they're still on the road. Dean is driving and Sam is in the passenger seat. Larissa is stuck between Kevin and Meg in the back much to her disdain.

Kevin is asleep, but wakes up and looks around.

"Oh, God." Kevin says.

"What?" Meg asks.

"Nothing. Nothing. Just... my life... my future... my girlfriend... my mom's car." Kevin lists as Meg's phone rings.

"Yeah." Meg answers her phone. "Yeah, Castiel. It's me."

"Cas? Where? Where is he?" Dean asks.

"Shut up." Meg tells him.

"I'll stop talking." Larissa hears Cas says.

"No. No, Cas. You talk." Meg says.

"I'm in a place called Perth." Cas informs.

"Perth?" Meg asks.

"Perth? As in Australia?" Dean asks.

"What  dogs?" Meg asks. "He says he's surrounded by unhappy dogs." Meg tells the others.

"They're chasing a rabbit around." Cas says.

"Oh. Okay. He's at a dog track in Perth." Meg says.

"I'm surrounded by large unhappy dogs."

"Yeah, they're unhappy cause the rabbit's fake. Listen, we're on highway 94, north of St. Cloud, Minnesota, just passing mile marker 79." Meg says.

"Oh, my God!" Larissa flinches as Cas appears on her lap. Kevin screams. "What the fuck?!"

"Kevin, this is Castiel." Meg introduces.

"You're one of the angels?" Kevin asks.

"Boop." Cas taps Kevin's nose. "Meg, are you hurt?"

"Shut up." Meg says.

"I'm hurt. You're crushing my lungs." Larissa grumbles. "Okay, I'm-- I'm done." She manages to slide out from under Cas as he lands in the seat.

Larissa puts one leg over Sam's lap, stepping on the floorboard.

"Whoa. What-- what are you doing?" Sam asks.

"I'm moving up here. Deal with it." Larissa says. She tries to figure out the next step of action to get up front without pulling a muscle or something.

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" Dean asks.

"Just keep your eyes on the road, Dean." Larissa snaps. She goes to move her other leg up, but trips over Cas' foot. Larissa falls, her head banging into the dashboard, though she does fall into Sam's lap.

Larissa cries out in pain, holding her head, as Sam tenses up, trying to see her injury.

"Shit. You okay? Are you bleeding?" Sam asks, pulling her hand away from her head. He inspects her forehead, knowing there'll probably be a bump or, at least, a bruise later.

Larissa gets her other leg up front, getting comfortable on Sam's lap, and leaning against his chest.

"Ow." She mutters.

"Hey, you're the dumbass who climbed up here." Dean comments. Larissa flips him off.

"Cas, what happened back there? Who were those guys?" Dean asks.

"They're from the Garrison -- my old Garrison. Looks like Hester's taken over. We were assigned to watch the earth. Often, it was boring. The wars were very boring and the sex-- you know, the repetition. Anyway, I was, uh... I was their captain. Isn't that strange?"

"Cas, why are they pissed at us now?" Sam asks.

"You know, those racing dogs were absolutely miserable. They can only think in ovals." Cas says.

"Cas, don't make me pull this car over! Why are the angels after us?" Dean asks.

"Are you angry? Why are you angry?" Cas asks.

"No, I-I'm..." Dean sighs. "Please, can we just stay on target?"

"There is no reason for anger. They're only following protocol. If the Word of God is revealed, a keeper of the Word will awaken, like this hot potato right here." He taps Kevin's nose again.

"Please stop that." Kevin says.

"Anyway, Garrison code dictates you take the keeper to the desert to learn the Word away from men." Cas says.

"What kind of sense does that make? He has to tell us so that we can use it." Dean says.

"That's God and his shiny red apples." Cas says.

"I can't live in the desert. I-I'm applying to Princeton." Kevin says.

"Okay, you know what? Screw the Garrison. We need the tablet to end Dick Roman's "Soylent Us" crap." Dean says.

"If you want the Word, you'll have to duck Hester and her soldiers." Cas says.

"Yeah, you're in our corner, right, Cas?" Sam asks. His arms are wrapped around Larissa's waist while she plays with his fingers.

"No, I don't fight anymore. I watch the bees." Cas says.


They're at the cabin and Cas is drawing sigils.

"Let's leave off angel proofing sigils or I'll be expelled too." Cas says.

"As long as we're invisible to your Garrison buddies, it works for me." Sam says. He grabs an ice pack out of the freezer and goes to where Larissa is sitting. He gently puts it where she hit her head.

"Sam, I'm fine." She insists. She tries to pull away, but Sam puts his free hand on her head, forcing the ice pack to stay on.

"Fine, but I'm laying down." Larissa says, grabbing the ice pack and going to the couch, lying down. She rests on her good side, letting the ice pack rest on top of where she hit her head.

Sam watches her, able to tell when she falls asleep by how her chest rises and falls more evenly, the pained expression on her face relaxes, and her shoulders relax, no longer as tense as they usually are.


Meg walks into the cabin, but is forced to a stop. Sam turns the lights on.

"Didn't expect you to see you back." Sam says.

"Yeah, not without the king's army." Dean says. "Knife." He orders. Meg hands Dean the angel blade.

"Typical. I save our bacon and you're sitting here, waiting by a devil's trap. Seriously, I just killed two of Crowley's men. I could have gone the other way." Meg says.

"It's true, incidentally. There's other demons' blood on that blade." Cas says.

"Look, I'm simpler than you think. I've figured one thing out about this world -- just one, pretty much. You find a cause and you serve it. Give yourself over, and it orders your life. Lucifer and Yellow Eyes -- their mission was it for me."

"So, what? We should trust you because you wanted to free Satan from Hell?" Dean asks.

"I'm talking "cause," douchebag. As in reason to get up in the morning. Obviously these things shift over time. We learn, we grow. Now, for me currently, the cause is bringing down the King. And I know we'll need help to do it."

"Crowley ain't the problem this year." Dean says.

"When are you gonna get it? Crowley's always the problem. He's just waiting for the right moment to strike. I know what I'm supposed to do. And it isn't screw with Sam and Dean or his annoying ass wife or lose the only angel who'd go to bat for me."

"Fuck you, annoying, murderous demon." Larissa shoots back.

Sam breaks the devil's trap.

"This is good. Harmony and communication." Cas says.

"Yeah, I'm feeling the inner wounds heal." Larissa sarcastically says.

"Excellent." Cas says, the sarcasm flying over his head. Larissa rolls her eyes, sitting back on the couch, holding the ice pack to her head again. Her jaw clenches as she refrains from blowing up at anybody.

Sam is able to sense her annoyed and distressed state. He goes over and puts his hands on her shoulders, massaging them a bit.

"Now our only problem is Hester." Cas says.

"What?" Cas asks.

"Well, here, we're hidden from the Garrison, but when you killed a demon, you put out a pretty clear beacon." Cas says.

"Oh, yeah, that's just fucking great, Meg." Larissa sneers.

"We need better angel proofing now." Meg states.

However, it's too late, as the door bursts open, Hester and other angles appear. As Larissa stands up and ditches the ice pack, Sam jumps over the couch, standing in front of her protectively. One of his hands reach back to hold hers as reassurance she's still there.

"You took the prophet from us?!" Hester questions.

"I'm-- I'm sorry?" Cas tries.

"You have fallen in every way imaginable." Hester says.

"Please, Castiel. We have to follow the code. Help us do our work." Inias says.

"He can't help you. He can't help anybody." Dean says.

"We don't need his help... or his permission." Hester says. She nods to Inias who nods back before he disappears. "The keeper goes to the desert tonight." Inias reappears with Kevin.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back off. We're actually trying to clean up one of your angel's messes! You know that." Dean says.

"He's right. An angel brought the leviathan back into this world, and-and they begged him. They begged him not to do it." Cas says.

"Look, just give us some time, okay? We will take care of your prophet." Dean says.

"Why should we give you anything... after everything you've taken from us? The very touch of you corrupts. When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost! For that, you're going to pay."

"Please. They're the ones we were put here to protect." Cas says.

"No, Castiel." Hester backhands him and he falls to the floor. As Sam and Dean go to help, the other angels use their powers to hold them back.

"No more madness!" She punches Cas. "No more promises!" She punches him again. "No more new Gods!" She punches him multiple times before holding up an angel blade.

"Hester! No!" Inias grabs her arm. "Please! There's so few of us left." She punches him making him fall back.

"You wanted free will. Now I'm making the choices." Before she can stab him, she's stabbed from behind. Hester's body falls to the floor, Cas finding Meg.

"What? Someone had to." Meg says.

~ ~ ~

Sam, Larissa, and Kevin are sitting at the table as Kevin gives Sam a notebook of what he translated.

"Thanks, Kevin. Not a lot of people could have handled this." Sam says.

"You doing all right there, chosen one?" Dean asks, walking over.

"Yeah." Kevin nods.

"Are you ready, Kevin Tran?" Inias asks. Two different male angels each put a hand on Kevin's shoulders. "Bring the keeper to his home. We can watch over him there." The three angels and Kevin disappear.

"I couldn't find Meg anywhere." Dean says.

"Yes, well, she enjoys laying low." Cas says.

"Here." Sam says. ""Leviathan cannot be slain but by a bone of a righteous mortal washed in the three bloods of the fallen." Uh... it says we need to start with the blood of a fallen angel." The three look at Cas.

"Well, you know me." He holds out a small bottle full of blood. "I'm always happy to bleed for the Winchesters." He gives the bottle to Dean.

"What are you gonna do, Cas?" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Cas says before smiling. "Isn't that amazing?" He disappears.

"Well, lets' get to work." Dean says.


Almost to the finale!!

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