Begin Again

By Straightnochaser9

355K 12.9K 9.8K

After 8 generations the American mafia finally had birthed not just one but two girls. Demontre and Angelic... More

I'm so happy you're here :D
1. You dumb piece of sh!t
2. The Consequences Of A Mistake Is Death
3. Little Dumpling
4. Never Count A Women Out
5. I'll See You In Hell
6. If Only We Knew
7. Currently Under Attack
8. It's Just A Bullet Graze
9. A Brand New Brighter Future
10. It All Started With Pure Bliss
11. Oh Sugar Snaps
12. I'm All That You Have
13. She's All I Have
14. My Sister Saved Me
New Characters/ Twins Now
15. 26 Pieces Of Rhubarb Pie
16. Why Can't We Just Kill Her
17. Going To fold Quicker Then A Taco
18. They Know Who We Are
19. You Were Kidnapped By My Sister
20. Fucking Animal
21. Thicker Then Blood
22. Sugar Biscuits
23. Trust Has To Be Earned
24. Pubic Hair Of Penguins
25. Did You Have To Stab Him
26. Never Have Enough Garlic Bread
27. Pent Up Murderous Tension
28. Sugar Babies Feeding Me
29. And She Gives Great Head
30. Fallen Penis Pieces
32. Shoot Him In The Dick
33. I'll Beat You All With My Shoe
34. She Could Suck The Soul Out Of Anyone
35. Dude Dont Call My Sister Fat
36. So You Can Eat His Bootyhole
37. Someone's Dirty Little Secret
38. A Selfish Idiotic Bitch
39. Just Survive The Night
40. Im Such A Stupid Girl
41. Optimism In My Life
42. You Fucked Up
43. I Wish I Didnt Break Down
44. Sexy Stranger's Name
45. Get A Passion For Dicks
46. I'm Just So Tired
47. You Fucking Bozo
48. No Need For The Foreplay
49. Forgive You And Forget You
50. Kill Those Jackass
51. Strange Tingling Sensation
52. Was She Really Going To Shot Me?
53. Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Girl
54.The Bitch Is Crazy
55. Go So I Can Blow Your Father
56. The Calm Before the Storm
57. Lets Go Save Those Girls
58. Set The World On Fire
59. All You Need Is One
60. Yeah Its a Trap
61. Welcome Home
62. Your Own Personal Hell
63. Moment Of Weakness Is My Gain
64. To Young To Die
65. Taking my power back
Pretty fireworks
66. Own Personal Whorehouse
67. She's Dead
68. She Needed This

31. Pure Sex & Muscles

3.8K 145 179
By Straightnochaser9

Finding out the mother you love has been abusing your twin sister.

Killing mother.

Finding out said mother was actually your birth mother's evil twin and is actually your aunt.

Finding out your brothers and dad didn't abandon you and thought you were just kidnapped.

Finding out my actual mother loves my sister and I equally.

Finding out evil aunt is alive.

Evil aunt is alive and making little girls becoming sex slaves.

Yah... none of that was supposed to be on my bingo card for my life.

All of this shit was messing with my psyche I was on verge of a mental breakdown. Not wanting Angy to be in the same state I ended up telling Mauve to take Angy out for the day to distract her from all of this shit.

Of course, they said no at first knowing they have to dump all their work into my lap, but I honestly could care less about me right now. Angy is in a good place now and dealing with something that is bringing up her past demons could drag her down to a place she may not recover from.

With a push from Philip the two went off on a little bestie date. While I've been cooped up in my office all day working on a few things, and I wouldn't have any other way.

Angy always comes first, and if I have to lose a few hours of sleep so she can get herself together then so be it that's why they made coffee and energy drinks.

Three pumpkin spiced lattes later even I'm impressed with the amount of work I've busted out in the last few hours.

Taking a quick break, I feel my body tense up as my mind abandons the land of numbers, and shipment numbers it was just in. And becomes bombarded with stressful thoughts of our aunt.

Shooting a quick text, I massage my shoulders waiting for some of the tension to leave before I go back to work.

"Hey, you told me to come up?" Nancy said while leaning on my door, looking like a whole ass snack.

My stress reliever <3

"Yah, sit down on that couch over there wearing only a smile." Pointing to the couch I sign the document that I was reading and look to Nancy who is pure sex and muscles and has a devilish look on his face, "say less."

All aboard the smut train please keep your hands BOTH HANDS on your device for the whole ride please.

*TW* SMUT, I'll put a second *TW* when the smut is over.

Once he was down to his boxer shorts, he went into the dresser next to my desk pulling out a box of lube. Not like we need it while I stripped down to my matching panty set.

Taking his boxers off my breath skips a beat, I don't think I'll ever never get over how fucking big is dick is. What the girlies on social media say about black guys always having big dicks is such a sick stereotype. But let me tell you Nancy's does not disappoint.

His thick dick is 9.5 inches and, fuck it can barely fit into my mouth let alone in me, but I've made it work overtime.

Sitting down he slapped some lube into his limp dick. As soon as I started to walk over his eyes roamed my panty clad body, and his dick started to come alive.

Giving him a sly smirk, I covered my tits with my left arm while I unclasped my bra with my right hand in an attempt to tease him.

The way his dick started to twitch up it was obvious the teasing had definitely worked.

"Fuck you're so damn sexy Tre," he mumbled while I started to squeeze my tits in my hands.

Once I was in front of him, I put my hands down, making my tits dangle right in front of his face. "Shit Tre," he said before taking the right one in his mouth and sucked on it while palming my left one.

Knowing just how I like it; a few deep moans are heard from me as he bites down harshly on my nipples.

Fuck I love having pain when we're fucking.

Titling my head back to give him more access, he bites down on another nipple so hard a few blood drops leave my body.

Grabbing my chin harshly he makes eye contact with me. Watching as he swipes some of the blood from my tit and takes his crimson sprinkled finger in his mouth.

Clenching my thighs from the sight, my legs press deep into his.

Smirking he takes his finger out of his mouth and slides my panties off me, leaving me stark naked. Once off he presses his warm fingers onto my slits that were wet already just from my titty session.

'What did I even need lube for,' he chuckled.

Fuck if I know.

Laying back slightly with his hands placed behind his head, his eyes meet mine letting me know he was letting me take the lead- just how I fucking like it.

Grabbing his fucking huge ass erection, I try to align it with my opening, once I feel the tip, on my entrance I slowly sit on his dick.

"AHH FUCK Nancy." You would think after all this time of stretching me out his dick would just slide into me like its easy breezy fucking covergirl. But no each time it still took a few seconds for my body to adjust to the monster intrusion.

Once I was comfortably on, I put my hands on his shoulder. His eyes zoning in on my tits that were flapping away as I started to bounce on his huge dick.

"Fucking hell Tre just like that," he groaned while I started to spell the word pineapple with my hips, just like that way I know he likes.

Nancy and I've been sex buddies for so long we have each others bodies down to a science. A science we both get an A++ whenever we decide to rock each other's worlds.

"You feel so good." I panted while I started to slow down seeing his face morph into that look he does right before he's about to cum, "I'm close just hold on," I murmured.

Ending my pineapple action, I go back to straight riding him like he's a horse, digging my nails into his back in the process. I start screaming in bliss as his hand starts to slap my ass after every other jump.

Feeling my orgasm about to come, I put his hands on my shoulders. Taking the hint he starts slamming my body onto his, hitting my g-spot each god fucking  time," Oh my god, FUCK Nancy."

"Cum for me Tre," he said with vigor as I started to ride off my high.

Pressing my nails so far into his back I know I broke some skin, but I couldn't focus on that as my body was releasing my juices all over his dick.

Not giving me a second to recover, he wrapped his strong arms around my waist, picking me up while I was still inside him. He all but ran to the conference room table leaving a trail of juices behind us.

Putting me down he took his still fully erect cock out of me and sat down at the head of the conference table. "Spread your legs for me sweetheart" his husky voice said.

Pulling my body towards him so my legs were dangling on his shoulders I felt his hot breath on my sex. "Tell me what you princess."

Completely out of breath, and seeing stars from the orgasm I don't have much patience for foreplay, or sexy talk

"I want you to eat me out Nance," I whined, squirming because all I want is his mouth on me.

"Don't be brat now," he moaned while giving my right tit a hard slap. "Now like a good girl." Fuck he knows I hate when he calls me that. But he gets away with I every time because he says in between our sessions.

"Tell me what you want," the smirk was clear as day but I could care less as he started to leave a trail of open mouthed kisses on my inner thighs. "Fuck, please Nance."

Feeling his hot breath on my entrance, sent tingles down my body and I'm officially over waiting for him to devour me.

"With pleasure," and then his tongue was in me, lapping me up like he was a dog, and I was the water bowl he hadn't seen in days.

"Nance I AHH," my fingers started to dig into his back as his tongue was draining all my wetness.

Fuck I swear to god he somehow gets better at that.

Once my wetness from my previous high was gone, he pulled away from me and winked. "Did you like that? Hmm?" He taunted through labored breaths before putting his fingers back down as he starts to pinch my clit hard.

"OH FUCK Nance," I screamed this man is going to have me overestimated.

For fuck sakes I just had 2 orgasms and now he wants to fucking finger me.

"You want me to stop princess," I can fucking hear the smirk.

I SHOULD SAY YES, BUT FUCK THAT, mommy didn't raise no bitch.

"Don't stop, please don't stop Nance," I panted. That was all he needed as he thrust 3 of his fingers into me and started pumping into me. Using his other hand to rub circles onto my clit.

Arching my back from his fingerplay, he somehow starts to pump into me rougher and faster. "OH JUST LIKE THAT Nance fucck don't stop."

Picking up momentum from my words he inserts another one of fingers and starts thrusting into me harder stopping at his knuckles, while his other hand keeps flicking my clit rough.

Taking a few fingers out I feel his hot breath back on my entrance. His sharp teeth start skimming my entrance, as my eyes rolled back I swear I saw europhia.

"I'm gonna cum Nance," I barely got out. Taking his hand off my clit he tapped my thigh twice letting me know he wanted me to cum while his mouth was on me.

Not thinking twice about it, I let the river of wetness flow out, and Nancy swallowed every last drop.

The smut train has reached its final destination in this chapter ! I hope you enjoyed the ride.

*tw* sexual scene OVER.

"What?" Nancy asked while chugging a bottle of water.

After we finished our stress relieving session, Nancy had helped me to clean off. Once I looked presentable, I was dropped on one of my couches and was watching him as he cleaned himself off.

"Nothing," I mischievously winked, earning me a small chuckle.

Nancy has been my best friend for years, and he knows sex is something that yes, I enjoy. But it's also something I use to numb the pain, and quiet the voices in my head that are telling me reckless things.

Sitting down next to me, he put his ring covered hand over mine giving me a reassuring smile, one that said I'm here. But it also said we knows  nothing is never on my mind.

Sighing I crawled over to his lap, sitting myself down so I was straddling his waist. "It's just been a hard few weeks, where I feel like everyday a new bomb explodes in our faces. And I just want to go back to how life was before we took that meeting with bio fam."

Burying my head into the crook of neck I breathe in his familiar and intoxicating scent of sandalwood and Dior cologne.

"Your sister is one of the strongest people I've ever meant and of those reasons is because she has you." He begins while wrapping his arms around my waist bringing my body closer to him.

"Angy has a sister that always puts Angy's needs and wants before hers, and its courageous watching a sisterhood be so solid. I mean you two started a family, with kids who were so broken. But we all trusted you guys because we saw the bond you two had. You showed us that the term family can mean good things."

Sometimes it's hard to imagine how all of us used to look at the word family and think so negatively of it. But everyone in our trusted circle had a terrible upbringing filled with traumatizing experiences,mixed with abuse- verbally, physically, and sexual.

We were all deemed not worthy, cast away to be broken pieces of this world and nothing more.

But theirs nothing superglue can't fix.

"But Tre you're just a person too, its ok to put yourself first sometimes, you don't need to take all the burdens."

Backing up slightly so that we were eye to eye, I purse my lips at his response. I put myself first for years, I was able to have friends, eat what I want and feel real love from a parent at a pivotal time of my life.

My sister? When she was at a pivotal point she was suffering.

I'll always put her first, and I'll do my best to put aside my feelings to focus on hers. So if I can take some of her worry away by just doing a few hours of her work so she can decompress then so be it.

Besides using sex as, a coping mechanism is fun.

Rolling my eyes, I get off Nancy's lap and walk to my desk. "I talked to Angy we're going to tell bio fam about what the prisoner said." Pulling out my laptop I do everything in my power to avoid Nance's face that I know is giving me are you shitting me look.

But he's just my fuck buddy, if I wanted to go all out and talk about my feelings, I would get a boyfriend.

Knowing the conversation is over on my part he plays along. "Ok, is this going to affect anything?"

"I don't think so we're still starting school on Monday. " Honestly the fact that Mauve Angy and I all have college degrees should make us hate the fact that we have to go back to high school. But the three of us hadn't had a normal school experience in years, we're all kind of excited to go.

"Right remind me again, why do you have to go to school for this mission again?" He questioned while getting up for the couch and casually walking over to the chair in front of me.

"We don't know much about the ring, but we've gathered this time around they're taking girls from the high school."

"And you're hoping you'll be able to catch a lead that will lead you to the person running this."

"Bingo. Whoever is doing this is disgusting and we hope we'll be able to catch them while hiding in plain sight." I replied while eyeing the stack of Mauve reports that I know I'll be up all night doing.


"On your way out, can you tell my assistant to get me a dirty chai- iced." Pulling out one of the folders I could feel Nancy's head shake in disapproval.

But he and I both know him arguing with me will only leave me mad, and that's not good for anyone.

"Yes, sure." He stated while walking out.

"Thank you," I hollered back before his sexy back left my office murmuring something about "feeling like a prostitute."

Hello beautiful people ❤️

Do you think Tre is taking on to much and Angy can carry her own?

Tre getting dicked down and that dismissed that man... who's doing it like her 😭

I'll see y'all next Sunday same spot

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