habits, supernatural [ 1 ]

By maybankwalker

182K 5K 1.6K

[ supernatural -- seasons 2-8 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the sh... More

001. meet the winchesters
002. america's first serial killer
003. possessed sam
004. gates to hell
005. hunters and the seven dwarfs
006. "what kind of psycho are you?"
007. sam's older date
008. dream root
009. ghostfacers
010. dean's year is up
011. bittersweet reunions
012. ghost witnesses
013. oktoberfest and pantophobia
014. wishes come true
015. angel radio girl
016. godzilla and mothra
017. girl in the walls
018. demon blood detox
019. start of the end of the world
020. war
021. two grumpy old men
022. convention antics
023. last day on earth
024. teen warlock boy
025. hunger
026. rising of the dead
027. dead winchesters
028. the whore
029. future sister-in-law
030. hotel full of gods
031. losing first loves
032. "did you kiss him?"
033. see you later
034. shapeshifting baby
035. kidnapping
036. vampire cure
037. soulless sam
038. his soul and apologies
039. spider-man
040. kidney ghost
041. tv world
042. khan worm
043. wild west
044. killing the mother
045. superman gone dark side
046. broken wall
047. leviathans
048. worried girlfriend and broken boyfriend
049. sam's me time
050. on trial
051. doppelgangers
052. town full of psychics
053. married the wrong woman
054. high dean
055. hanging by a thread
056. mother hen
057. fedora guy
058. amazons
059. clowns are bitches
060. insomnia
061. emmanuel
063. lot of foxholes
064. tech genius
065. a kevin tran
066. vamptonite
067. killing dick roman
068. blissful year
069. awkward reunion
070. badass mom
071. foot rubs
072. bobby 2.0
073. "my stomach's a watermelon!"
074. cartoon deaths
075. dirty trick
076. moondoor camp
077. time traveling grandfather
078. new home
079. first trial
080. "that was incredibly hot"
081. second trial
082. baby's first crime scene
083. dean rode a farty donkey
084. curing a demon
085. third trial
Book Two

062. drunk spirit

1.2K 49 43
By maybankwalker

It's nighttime and Sam is driving while Larissa sits in the passenger seat and Dean is stuck in the back again.

"All right, well, call us if he wakes up or, you know, anything. Yeah, fine. Thanks for your help, Meg." Dean hangs his phone up. "What a bitch."

"So, Cas is the same, then?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, down to the drool." Dean says and Sam hums. "By the way, how is your custard?"

"It's all right. It's getting better. Just wish it wasn't like the damn tape from The Ring. I mean, I feel like I'm okay cause I passed on the crazy." Sam says.

"No, you didn't. You heard what Cas said." Dean says as his phone starts ringing.

"Let's-- let's not. You know what?" Sam says. Larissa reaches out and grabs his hand, holding it and gently squeezing his hand.

"Hello." Dean answers his phone. "Wait. W-Who is this?" He asks. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, how you doing, Garth?"

"Ooh. Tell him I said hi." Larissa perks up at the mention of her friend. Dean motions for her to be quiet so he can hear Garth.


"Well, this is it." The coroner leads them to the morgue. "Gentlemen, miss... this is Corporal Brown." He introduces Garth who is in a military uniform.

"Corporal James Brown. I'm shipping off to AF manana. I'm here to pay respects to my cousin as I will not be able to attend his funeral." Garth says.

"That must be terrible for your family. Losing two brothers so fast." The coroner says.

"Yeah. Yeah. My aunt, she's, um... she's real broken up about it." Garth says.

"Hey, doc, can we see both files, please?" Sam asks. The coroner's phone rings. He hands Sam the file.

"My wife. I'll, uh, be in my office." The coroner says.

"Great." Dean says as the man leaves.

"You didn't say they were brothers." Sam says.

"Dude, I just found out about the other corpse and started moving quick. I'm sucking up info as I go." Garth says.

"What, are you allergic to a suit?" Dean asks.

"No. I just... look good in uniform." Garth says.

"He kinda does." Larissa comments. Sam looks down at her. "I mean that platonically." She tells him. "I love you." She smiles.

"Same cause of death." Sam says, walking over to a computer.

"Right, uh, gutted at night in the woods, where legend says that the ghost of Jenny Greentree roams." Garth says. Dean takes an EMF meter out. "Oh, uh, I already scanned for EM--" He stops as the device makes noise. "F. Oh. Um... I guess mine must be broken again."

"All right. I'm reading your mail. Uh, ghost of Jenny... whatever?" Dean asks.

"Greentree. That's just it. I torched her bones." Garth says.

"Yeah, well, maybe she's got something still laying around." Dean says.

"Highly doubtful. Chick was homeless. Plus, is it me, or is this less evil spirit and more monster chow?"

"A werewolf?"

"Except, uh, the witness said that whatever was chasing victim numero uno was invisible."

"Uh... so, invisible ghost werewolf?"

"Why'd you think I called for backup?"

"Hey. Either of you ever heard of Thighslapper Ale?" Sam asks.

"Is that a stripper or a beverage?" Garth asks.

"Beverage for douchebags." Dean says.

"Uh, number one microbrew in the pacific northwest." Sam informs.

"But we're in Kansas." Garth says.

"Yeah, I rest my case. What's your point?" Dean ask.s

"The owner is the dad to the dead brothers." Sam says.

"Right. I'll can the uniform, go Fed. See you at the brewery in 40." Garth leaves.

"He grows on you." Dean says.

"Told you so." Larissa grins.


"Agents. I'm Marie. I'm a manager." She lets them into the brewery.

"Thanks for coming in on a Sunday." Dean says.

"We want to help. Anything we can do." Marie says.

"Oh. So all this is your dad's, huh?" Dean asks as she leads them inside.

"And his friend -- Randy Baxter. They own the place together now." Marie says.

"Uh... now?" Sam asks.

"Well, since Dale died." Marie says.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on." They turn at a man's voice, looking to see two guys in an office. "You think I just come in late whenever I want?"

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again." A young guy says.

"The, uh, "charming" Randy Baxter." Marie says.

"Tell you what -- congratulations. You're headed for the graveyard shift. Be one second late and you're fired." Randy threatens.

"Yes, sir." The guy says.

"He's actually a really nice guy. It's just not easy being the axman." Marie says.

"So true." Dean says.

"My comrades got you covered, so if you'll excuse me." Garth says.

"Uh, yeah, I'll go with you." Sam says, him and Garth going into the office.

"He blamed himself when Dale died, and now this." Marie says as she, Larissa, and Dean walk through the brewery.

"Why did he blame himself?" Dean asks.

"Well, Dale was sensitive. But what do you do, watch them 24/7? You can't blame Dale's friends." Marie says.

"But your dad still feels bad." Larissa says.

"And it doesn't help Dale's wife is suing us." Marie says.

"Really? Why?" Dean asks.

"She's angry and grieving, and this is America?" Marie says.


The four are at the motel and Garth is working on his EMF meter. Sam and Larissa are sitting across from each other at the window.

"There's a million things with claws that go bump in the night." Dean says from where he sits on the couch, reading his dad's journal. "Once you throw in invisible, the number goes down." Dean picks up a card that's on the table by him. ""Afternoon Delights"? Really, Garth? Don't you think this place is a little, uh..."

"Uh, you want a nice hot tub after a day at the office. It's the little things."

"I like the way you think. We should really do that now." Larissa says.

"I feel sad for those brewery dudes. Spend your life beautifying the world through beer. First a partner offs himself." Garth says. "Now two kids get ganked by unknown freakadeek."

"According to this, Dale wasn't just a partner." Sam says, looking at his laptop. "He was also the brewmaster."

"Brewmaster?" Dean asks.

"He was widely considered a genius." Sam says.

"All right, that's it. No microbrew is worth... what was it? Eight Food Magazine awards?" Dean asks, getting beer out of the fridge. "Beer's not good. It's... whatever water is." He gives everybody a beer and opens his own. "Hmm. Thighslapper." He takes a drink. "Wow, that's actually awesome. Damn it, I'm not even mad anymore."

The three watch as Garth downs the entire bottle of beer, letting out a loud belch afterwards.

"Wow. Party on, Garth." Dean says.

"I don't even usually drink beer. It messes with my depth perception. Especially when I skinny-dip." Garth says, the other three exchanging looks. "Hey, you guys want to hear a joke?"

"Listen to this. This is something interesting." Sam says as Garth laughs. "Garth, are you drunk?"

"Dude, I just... drank a whole beer. Of course I'm drunk." Garth belches again.

"Something interesting?" Dean recalls.

"Right. Uh..." Sam says.

"Hey, can I have some more Thighslapper?" Garth asks.

"No." The other three deny.

"Coffee for you, Tara Reid." Dean says.

"Coffee with kalhua in it?" Garth asks.

"So, it says that Dale actually left the company two weeks before he died. Or... maybe he got pushed out cause he didn't want to sell. I mean, Baxter said the deal's been in the works for months." Sam says.

"That would explain the widow. She's suing. Maybe Dale had a bone to pick, and he's still picking it." Dean says.

"Right. So, maybe he's a spirito malo." Garth says.

"Unit to McAnn residence. 698 Washburn." The voice on the police radio informs.

"McAnn residence, as in Jim McAnn?" Sam asks.

"As in, let's hope for their sake our spirito ain't made it out of the woods. All right. Let's go check it." Garth says.

"Uh, you two go. Lissy and I are gonna visit the widow." Sam says. Dean looks at him and he smiles.


"So, I have an idea." Larissa says as her and Sam make their way to the widow's house.

"What?" Sam asks.

"You, um... you know how the EMF always goes off when Dean's around? And, you know, I kind of doubt Garth's is broken." Larissa says.

"What are you getting at?" Sam asks.

"Maybe... maybe Bobby is around." Larissa says.

"No. No, Lissy, he's not. We want him to be and because we want him to be, he isn't. Besides, I used the spirit talking board, remember?" Sam recalls.

"You know, you can just say Ouija board." Larissa says. "And you used it when Dean wasn't around. We burned Bobby, but Dean has his flask. So, if he's connected to the flask..."

"Larissa. It isn't Bobby." Sam states.

"How do you actually know, though? I mean, all the small weird shit that's happened. It--"

"It's not Bobby." Sam snaps. Larissa purses her lips together, looking away. Sam sighs, realizing he was a little too harsh. "Look, I-I'm sorry, Lissy. I-- I want it to be Bobby, too. I mean, kind of, at least. If it is Bobby, then that means he might go vengeful, you know? And I don't want that. I just... I don't want my hopes up."

"So you rather avoid it?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Okay. Okay, fine. It's not Bobby." Larissa relents, playing with the ends of her hair. Sam frowns, hating that he made her feel bad.

"I miss him, too." Sam says. He grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers. He brings their hands up to his mouth and kisses the back of her hand, rubbing his thumb over it. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. It probably is just false hope and grief." Larissa says.

"I love you." Sam tells her making her softly smile.

"I love you, too." She quietly responds. "Though, I do have a question."

"Now what?" Sam asks with a nervous laugh.

"Are you jealous of Garth?" She asks.

"What?" Sam chuckles. "What? No." His voice raises a few octaves.


"No." He insists. Larissa gives him a look. "You-- no. I know you guys are just friends and I trust you, obviously. It's just..."

"What?" Larissa asks.

"You've never complimented me in a suit before." Sam mumbles, a small pout on his face.

"That's what this is?" Larissa tries not to smile.

"Shut up. See, I knew it was stupid." Sam grumbles.

"No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Larissa prevents him from letting go of her hand when he tries to. "Your feelings are valid. I'm sorry."

"Okay." Sam mumbles.

"But for the record... you always look good in a suit. And your normal clothes." Larissa compliments.

"You're just saying that." Sam grumbles.

"Does nothing make you happy?" Larissa gives him an annoyed expression. Sam's lips quirk up in amusement. "I love you in suits. You look very... spectacular."

"Spectacular?" Sam chuckles.

"Yeah." Larissa giggles.  She leans over and kisses him on the cheek.

~ ~ ~

"Your husband did a lot of traveling, huh?" Sam asks.

"He went to all kinds of exotic places for the best ingredients." Dale's wife says.

"Right. We've tried his work. It's-- it's great." Sam says, Larissa nodding in agreement. "Um, I hear you're not exactly on the best of terms with Dale's old partners."

"Well, they sold his company right out from under him. It's not about money, it's about... it was his baby, you know?" She says.

"You sound pretty upset about it." Sam says.

"I'm furious. I hate them. But then I think how Dale was."

"What do you mean?"

"His friends left him behind, but you know what he said? "I'm gonna send them a gift that shows I forgive them.""

"Do you have any idea what he sent them?"

"Bottle of sake. From one of his trips. In a... gorgeous box with writing. He was so careful with it. Wouldn't let me touch it."


Sam picks the lock to the brewery and he, Larissa, and Dean go in. They go into the office.

"Here it is." Sam finds the wooden box with writing in Japanese. He puts it on the desk and opens it, taking the bottle of sake out. 

"Oh." Sam shakes the bottle. "Wait a second. Someone's been sampling the goods."

"Oh, you don't say?" Dean asks. "Hey, check it out. God, I love paranoid people." He points out the security camera. "See if you can get on."

"Okay. Uh..." Sam does stuff on the computer, getting the footage to appear. The three wave to the camera, watching themselves on the computer. "All right, so, first death was... what, uh, four months ago? Yeah?"

"Mm-hmm. And, uh, Trevor McAnn. Patient zero." Dean says.

"So, what did he let out of that bottle?" Sam asks. He finds the footage and they watch Jim and Randy in the officer, Trevor, and the cleaner.

"Nothing there." Sam says.

"That we can see." Dean says.

The video shows Trevor taking bottles from the office. Dean puts a glass and bottle on the desk, clapping Sam on the shoulder.

"What, are you kidding me?" Sam asks. They all pour some alcohol and start drinking. "I mean, can you even get drunk anymore? It's kind of like, uh, drinking a vitamin for you, right?"

"Shut up." Dean says, sniffing another bottle. "Holy..." He takes a drink from it and coughs. Dean pours himself some clear alcohol and clinks glasses with the other two. They continue to drink until they're at least slightly drunk.

"This is fun." Larissa giggles.

"And happy drunk has returned." Dean comments. "All right. Party time."

"Okay." Sam says.

"Rewind and go." Dean says. Sam plays the footage of Trevor and the three are now able to see a woman with long hair and she's wearing a white dress.

"Shit, did we just enter a horror movie?" Larissa asks.

"So, he-he let that thing out of the box, and it must have just followed him to the place with all the thingies." Sam says.

"Yes. Yes. That's smart." Dean says. "I'm actually kind of drunk. What is this?" He pours himself another glass of something. "Me likey. I miss these talks." He takes a drink, spitting it out when Randy walks in.

"What the hell?!"

"Oh, man." Dean mumbles.

"Uh..." Sam struggles for words as Larissa starts hysterically laughing.

"Turn it off. Turn it off." Dean says.

"FBI, huh? You know what?" Randy gets his phone. "You can save it for the cops."

"Huh! No!" Larissa lets out a loud gasp, pouting. "We're not supposed to get caught." She frowns, but starts laughing again.

"Whoa, whoa, Mr. Baxter, listen. If-If you just let us explain, you might not--"

Randy falls to the floor with a yell. The three look up to see that Garth tasered him.

"Sweet." Larissa giggles. "Garth be a hero, bro!" She laughs some more, drinking straight from one of the bottles.

~ ~ ~

They got Baxter in Garth's car and he goes back to the motel. The three hunters are about to get in the car when Larissa stops, letting out a small groan.

"What? You okay?" Sam asks.

"Just, uh... gimme a minute." Larissa mumbles.

"Wh-- why? Are you gonna--" His question is cut off as Larissa leans down and vomits. "Oh. Yep. You are." Sam quickly gathers her hair in his hands, holding it back and out of her face for her.

After a few moments, Larissa finishes, quietly groaning and she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

"And that's why I don't drink different alcohols in the same night." Larissa grumbles.

"Yeah. Yeah, good idea." Sam nods. "Okay, baby, c'mon." He opens the passenger door for her, helping her get in. His hand hovers over her head to assure she doesn't hit it.

"You good?" He asks, Larissa giving him two thumbs up. Sam gently shuts the door and gets in the backseat. "You are good to drive, right, Dean?"

"Yeah. Yeah, barely drunk." Dean assures.


The three are standing with a Japanese guy outside of the restaurant he works at. He's holding the box and translating the writing for them. The three hunters have coffee and Larissa is tucked into Sam's side for both warmth and comfort.

Sam's arm is around her, not caring much about the public affection given he's still a little tipsy.

"It says, "what you took will be taken from you." Like, an eye for an eye. You with me?" The man asks and Sam nods. He reads the rest of the writing. "Where'd you guys get this anyway?"

"Why? Is-- is there, uh, something the matter?" Sam asks.

"Well, you're not superstitious, are you?" The man asks, giving the box to Dean.

"Not at all." Dean denies.

"No, no." Sam shakes his hand.

"Because... this says the bottle inside contains a Shojo." The man states.

"What's a... Shojo?" Dean asks.

"An alcohol spirit. Look, it's just an old myth. I wouldn't worry about it. But they are not known for being friendly." The man says. Somebody shouts something in Japanese, the man shouting in return. "I got to go."

"Oh. Uh, hey, uh... there you go." Dean gives him money. "Thank you."

"Thank you." the man says. "Take care."


The three return to the motel, stopping when they see Garth in the courtyard doing some martial art exercises.

"Garth." Sam calls. "Where's Baxter?"

"Dude's a lot heavier than he looks, FYI." Garth says, pointing to the hot tub. The three look to see Baxter in the tub with a pillowcase over his head. "But here. Thought you might want this back." He points to Dean's EMF meter.

"You have the CEO of the douchiest microbrew in the US gagged in your hot tub? You really think that's gonna end well?" Dean asks.

"I'm not feeling the love." Garth says.

"I'm gonna go brush my teeth. I can smell the coffee and vomit." Larissa says, making her way to the bathroom.

"All right. Shojo. Uh, let's see what we can see." He sits at the table, getting on his laptop.

"What's Shojo?" Garth asks.

"Japanese booze monster." Dean says.

"I guess that would explain why you got to be drunk to see it. Very poetic." Garth says.

Sam finds an article and clicks on it. The text is in Japanese and there's a black and white drawing.

"Ooh. Creepy." Garth comments. Sam translates the page.

"Okay. So, a Shojo is said to roam where there's lots of alcohol. There's lore saying that back in the old day, if you were plastered enough, you could see one skulking around the breweries in Japan." Sam explains.

"Yeah, but why is this one shredding brewers' kids?" Dean asks.

"Apparently, you can harness the will of a Shojo with the right spell box. Then you basically have an attack dog that you can sic on whatever sort of personal revenge mission you want." Sam says.

"So Dale nubs one to punish his pals." Dean says.

"Send the bottle, sooner or later it's popped open. Then you have a Shojo that will do whatever Dale compelled it to do right here on the box." Sam says.

"Wait. Except it's not killing the people that screwed him over." Garth says.

"Well, Dale's widow said the company was his baby. So, if he really wanted his friends to feel what he felt..." Sam says.

"He would take theirs. Well, their kids. Jim's, anyway." Dean says.

"And Baxter was the godfather." Sam says.

"All right, skip to how do we gank it." Dean says.

"Good news. It is killable." Sam says.

"Bad news?" Larissa asks.

"Only with a samurai sword consecrated with a Shinto blessing." Sam says.

"Well... that's not a silver lining. All right, the Shojo already cleaned house, right? I mean, Marie's the last target standing, so... I'll hit the pawn shops and, uh, look for the sword, and you babysit Marie." Dean says.

Garth drops an EMF meter, but catches it and it starts to make noise.

"Yikes. Sorry." Garth says, though he doesn't really seem to mean it.

"Don't worry about it." Dean takes the meter and turns it off.

"Unless I've got nothing to be sorry for." Garth says.

"Garth." Dean gives him a look.

"What's he talking about?" Sam asks.

"I'm concerned that Bobby might be haunting you. I-I brought it up to Dean and he shot me down." Garth says.

"Hmm. They're good at that." Larissa comments.

"Garth! Leave it alone." Dean says.

"It's okay." Sam says.

"No, it's far from okay." Dean says.

"I've already tried contacting Bobby. When that beer disappeared, I pulled out a talking board." Sam says.

"Without me?" Dean asks.

"You know, I figured, why drag you in when it's something I could just put to bed myself." Sam says.

"And?" Dean asks.

"And if he was there, I'd have told you." Sam says.

"Unless he just wasn't currently there." Larissa comments.

They turn as Randy groans.

"Talk about this later." Dean says. "You follow Marie. Let me borrow your keys."


Sam and Larissa are at a bar and keeping an eye on Marie who is sitting at a table. The two are sitting at the bar and are already a few drinks in. Sam motions to the bartender for another drink.

"I'm sorry." Sam says making Larissa look at him. "For being a stubborn bitch about this whole Bobby thing. It's just... a lot to process, I guess. I don't-- I don't even know why I'm being pissy about it. I just... I'm sorry."

"Do you feel okay? Like... you know, with your head and... not having Lucifer anymore?" Larissa asks.

"I feel okay when I'm with you." Sam says, a lopsided smile on his face. "When we're not bickering, at least." He lets out a small laugh, Larissa smiling a little.

"Really, though. Do you feel okay?" She asks.

"I'm good." Sam nods. "It's-- it's getting better. Just still a little... I don't know, all over the place, I guess." He says. "But you... I'm good as long as you're here."

Larissa softly smiles as Sam's phone starts to ring. He picks it up and answers it.


"Hey, you guys good to drive?" Dean asks.

"Uh..." Sam glances between their drinks.

"Well, get a ride. It's at the brewery." Dean says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"There's another kid. Don't think -- move." Dean says, hanging up.

"What?" Larissa asks.

"There's another kid. Come on." He grabs her hand, dragging her out. "Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait. Taxi! Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey! Stop! Hold on, hold on. National security!" Sam holds a badge up. "Please!"

The woman who was going to get in steps away.

"Thank you, ma'am. Sorry. Thanks, guys." Sam and Larissa get in the taxi. "Okay. Brewery. Step on it!"

"What?" The taxi driver asks.

"The brewery! Hurry! hurry, hurry, hurry. Please." Sam begs.

"Yeah, but I like to drive safe, you know." The driver says.

"Well, drive safe in a fast manner." Larissa remarks.

~ ~ ~

"Whoa, whoa. Easy!" Sam says as Randy's son almost crashes into them.

"We got to get out of here, man!" He runs past them, the two following him. "It's here!"

"Where's Garth?" Sam asks.

"Who?!" Randy's son asks.

"Garth!" Sam yells.

"I-I-- there was a guy-- he got knocked out!"

"Oh. Oh, okay." Sam and Larissa notice the Shojo walking over. "Stay behind us. Stay behind us." He orders Randy's son.

"Okay, okay. What, you can-- you can see it?" He asks.

"Yeah. We're-- we're skunked. Just, uh... fire exit. On three." Sam says.


"All right?" The door slams shut. "okay. So much for that."

The Shojo appears right in front of them and throws Sam into the wall hard enough to crack it. He crashes to the floor, unconscious.

"Shit." Larissa mumbles. She tries to fight the Shojo, but it just throws her into the opposite wall, cracking it, Larissa dropping to the floor, also unconscious.

Dean puts his hand on Randy's son's shoulder making him turn and scream.

"Get back!" Dean shouts, pulling him behind him. He slashes the sword and the Shojo hits him, Dean falling to the floor. The sword slides across the floor. Dean sits up, seeing Sam and Larissa still knocked out. He looks for the sword and it slides along the floor and back to him.

"Where is it?!" Dean asks, standing up.

"Uh, s-s-swing right!" Sam yells. Dean swings to his left. "My right!" Dean slashes right, the Shojo ducking. "3:00, Dean!" He slashes. "6:00!" Randy's son ducks as Dean swings the sword.

Dean plunges the sword into the Shojo and takes his hand away, watching as the sword stays in midair. The Shojo materializes and it screams, falling backwards as it disappears, the sword dropping to the floor.

"You okay?" Dean asks.

"I'm alive. Yeah." Randy's son says.

"Sam?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam gives him a thumbs up.

"Rissa?" Dean goes over, gently shaking her. "Yo, Rissy?" He taps her cheek as she starts to wake up. "Hey, sweetheart. How you feeling?"

"This is the worst hangover of all time." Larissa groans.

"Well, I... I don't know how much of it is a hangover and how much is the toss into the wall, but, yeah, okay." Dean says. "Where's Garth?"

"Well, he's-- he's over this way." Randy's son points.

"Would you go get him?" Dean asks.

"All right." He leaves.

"Keep an eye on her." Sam orders Dean as he follows after Randy's son.

Dean looks down at Larissa and sees her still pretty groggy. Dean looks around.

"This moved. Bobby? Are you here? Come on, do something." Dean says, but nothing happens.


Sam and Larissa are sitting on the couch in the motel, Larissa's head on his lap as he plays with her hair.

"You okay?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." Sam nods.

"You look like you have something on your mind." Larissa says. Sam stays silent. "What, Sammy?" She urges.

"You wanna get married?" Sam asks.

"Honey, you already proposed." Larissa says.

"No, no, I know. I-I mean now. Do you wanna get married now?" Sam asks.

"What?" She asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, why not? I mean, we can find a little place that does it. You can get a dress, if you want. I can wear a suit. Why wait?" Sam shrugs.

"Are you sure? I mean, your head's still a little... blah. And... you know, other circumstances in life." Larissa says, sitting up and facing him.

"Lissy, we both know there's never gonna be some sort of perfect timing. Something will always be happening. And Lucifer's gone, so... so I don't have to worry about him. So... why bother waiting anymore?" Sam asks. "Unless you want to."

"No. No, I'm good with now." She smiles. "Let's get married." She grins, kissing Sam.


"Why am I with you?" Garth asks as Larissa drags him into a jewelry store.

"Because Dean is with Sam and you're the only other alive person I would ask for help on this." Larissa says.

"So I'm technically not even the first option?" Garth asks.

"Well, you don't see me trying to contact the dead." Larissa says.

"All right, all right. What are we getting?" Garth asks.

"A ring. I know he said he doesn't really care, but I do wanna get him a ring. Just... seems right." Larissa says, looking through all the options.

"What does he even like?" Garth asks.

"Nothing fancy. Just a simple band. Um... we could get silver. It's both pretty and if he ever needs to punch a shapeshifter, that'd work... maybe, kind of. I see him with silver." Larissa says.

"Smart thinking." Garth nods. "Do you even know this dude's ring size?"

"Yes. I dragged him jewelry shopping one time and made him try on rings for fun." Larissa grins.

Garth hums and nods.

"I do have another request for you, and you can say no." Larissa says.

"Shoot." Garth says.

"How would you feel... about being my... man of honor?" Larissa asks. Garth grins.

"Hells to the yeah." He high fives her.

"How can I help you today?" A worker walks up.

"Hi. Yeah, I'm looking for a wedding ring for my fiancé." Larissa says before going into detail about what she wants.


"Dude, why are we here?" Dean asks, reluctantly following Sam into the jewelry store. "I thought you said you guys agreed no rings."

"Well, she likes rings. I wanna get her one." Sam says.

"Can you even afford this shit?" Dean asks.

"Fake credit cards, idiot. Trust me, I'm good." Sam says.

"Well, what are you gonna get her? Do you know her ring size, anyways?" Dean asks.

"Nothing too fancy. And, yes. I've been jewelry shopping with her way too many times to not know." Sam says.


Larissa managed to find a cheap wedding dress that still looks good enough to not look like she just got something from Walmart. She's pacing outside of the church after sending Garth to get Dean.

"Hey." She turns to Dean. "What'd you wanna talk to me about?"

"Will you walk me down the aisle?" She asks.

"Wh-what?" Dean stammers.

"Will... you... walk me... down the aisle?" She says slowly as if she's talking to a three year old. Dean rolls his eyes.

"I heard you, dumbass." Dean flicks her on the head.

"Hey. Dick." She shoves him.

"Bitch." He retorts. "Why-- exactly why do you want me walking you down the aisle?"

"Well... I mean, originally it was supposed to be my dad. But that dream got crushed at 13. And then it was gonna be Ellen or Bobby, but that's... not happening either anymore. And... I mean I could walk down it alone, and I know people do, but that just seems super lonely for me to do it. It just seems like more pressure walking down alone then with somebody."

"And you're Sam's big brother. You know? You can... give both of us away. You don't have to. I mean, I know our relationship isn't all sweet and friendly like this. We wanna rip each others' throats out half the time."

"Half the time?" Dean asks.

"Okay, most of the time. But... you know." She motions between them. "I don't make you express your feelings, please don't make me express mine."

"Okay. Yeah, sure, I'll do it." Dean says.

"Really?" Larissa softly asks.

"Yeah. You look great, by the way." He compliments.

"Thanks." She smiles.

"But you can't threaten to shoot me in the dick anymore."

"Why not?"

"Because you've admitted you care about me." Dean cockily grins. "You don't shoot your friends." He pinches her nose, shaking her head a little. Larissa smacks his hand away.

"Trust me, I still have no issue shooting you in the dick or anywhere else." Larissa says.

"Nah. You know you love me." Dean pokes her in the forehead.

"And you know you're super annoying." She retorts, poking his forehead.

"Right back at ya." Dean clicks his tongue. "For both what I said and what you said." Larissa gently smiles at him, nodding her head a little in acknowledgement. "But mostly what you said."

"Shut up." She tells him making him laugh.

~ ~ ~

"You ready for this?" Garth asks Sam, the two standing at the altar.

"Yeah. Yeah, born ready. And not under a love spell this time." Sam says.

"Uh... yeah, cool." Garth mutters in confusion.

The wedding march plays as the double doors open, revealing Dean and Larissa with their arms linked.

They make it down the aisle, Sam's grin brighter than either of them have ever seen it. Larissa grins at Sam as she stands across from him, holding his hands.

"Thank you." She quietly tells Dean. He nods and gingerly pats her on the head, knowing she'd kill him if he messed her hair up. Dean stands behind Sam.

"And now the rings." The officiator says.

"Oh, uh--"

"Actually." Sam cuts Larissa's off. She watches him take a small, velvet box from Dean and he opens it. She quietly gasps at the sight of the silver ring. It isn't too big or extravagant, but not too plain either.

"You got a ring?" She asks.

"Couldn't help myself." Sam sheepishly chuckles. He takes the ring out and gives the box back to Dean. Larissa grins which relaxes Sam's nerves. He gently grabs her left hand, slipping the ring onto the correct finger.

Sam lovingly smiles seeing the ecstatic sparkle in Larissa's eyes and the large grin on her face.

Sam repeats what the officiator tells him to.

"We only--" Sam starts.

""Actually..." Larissa cuts him off, taking the box from Garth. She opens it, showing Sam the silver ring she got. He smiles, a quiet laugh escaping. "It, um... it turns out great minds think alike."

"They seem to." Sam says, nodding. Larissa takes the ring out, giving Garth the box. She holds Sam's hand, putting the ring on.

Larissa repeats what the officiator tells her to.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Sam's arms immediately wrap around Larissa, leaning down and capturing her lips with his, her hands wrapping around his neck.

"I love you." Sam mumbles between kisses.

"I love you, too." She mumbles back.

After leaving, Sam and Larissa are standing outside while Dean and Garth talk by the car.

"What'd you wanna tell me?" Larissa asks.

"I wanna try." Sam states.

"Try what?" Larissa asks. Sam gives her a look until she gets it. "Oh. Oh! Oh. Try that."

"Yeah." Sam laughs at her reaction.

"Uh... yeah. Cool, sweet. We can-- we can definitely try again. Are you positive?" She asks him.

"Never been more positive." Sam says. "Lucifer's out of my head, we are now married. Maybe, uh... maybe fourth time's the charm."

"Yeah. Yeah, maybe." She smiles. "But if--"

"If it's too overwhelming or I'm uncomfortable, stop. Don't worry, I know. It goes for you, too."

"I know." Larissa says. "Well, then... let's go rent a room, hubby." She grins.


Sam and Larissa lay in bed, covered by the sheets. Sam's arm is around Larissa, her head resting on his chest.

"We actually did it." Larissa grins.

"Yeah." Sam lets a soft laugh out. "We got over our, uh... sexual anorexia... PTSD and all that fun shit."

"Way to, like... dampen the mood, dude." Larissa mutters making Sam laugh.

"Sorry." He mumbles, kissing her on top of her head. Larissa moves around, supporting her weight on her forearms as she turns over, looking at Sam. She rests her chin on his chest and he rests his hand on her head, stroking her hair while his other hand rests on her back.

"I'm proud of you." Larissa tells him quietly. "I know it... it isn't super easy sometimes."

"I'm proud of you, too." Sam says, tapping her on the nose making her scrunch it which causes him to grin.

"I love you." She says, leaning up to kiss him.

"I love you, too." Sam cups her cheeks, bringing her lips to his.


"You sure you guys don't want to hang out? Grab some brunch, maybe some brews?" Garth asks, going to his car.

"Tempting, but, uh, we better roll." Dean says.

"All right, well." Garth hugs Dean.

"Oh. Yeah." Dean lightly hugs him back, sharing a look with Sam.

"Call me anytime." Garth says.

"All right." Dean says.

"Rissa." Garth hugs her.

"See ya later." Larissa says, hugging him back.

"And you, Sam." Garth and Sam shake hands. "Aw, come here." He hugs Sam.

Sam looks at Larissa for help, but she just softly smiles.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks, Garth." Sam pulls away.

"Congrats again, newlyweds." Garth says. Larissa grins, wrapping Sam's around her making him softly laugh.

"Sayonara, kemosabes!" Garth gets in his car. "Nice ride." He nods to the Winchesters' current car. He turns the engine on, blasting his radio.

"You're right. He has grown on me." Sam says as Garth drives away.

"Told you you'd love him." Larissa says, poking Sam in the side.

"Yeah, whatever." Sam mumbles. "All right, um... so, let's talk about it."

"About what? Oh. The, uh, talking board? That's fine. I get it, I guess." Dean says.

"No, not that. Look, I heard you." Sam says.

"Heard me what?" Dean asks.

"What happened at the brewery, Dean?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, I also kind of heard. But I also heard, like, a lot of ringing, so... I didn't hear you very well." Larissa says.

"Nothing happened. It was, uh-- it was just my imagination." Dean says, going into the motel room, the couple following.

"Dean, look, I know something happened." Sam says. "I just want you to be straight with me."

"The blade was across the room and then it was in my hand. And then my beer drank itself. Oh, and then that page magically appeared on the bed. And-and then Bobby's book fell down and out popped the number of the guy who found Cas. Nothing, I'm sure."

"That's actually all out of order. So the-- the "and then"'s don't really fit." Larissa comments. "But not the time."

"Clearly." Sam says. "To both of you."

"Well, then what, Sam? Is Bobby here or not?" Dean asks.

"You know what I think, Dean? I think that regular people, they see the ones they lost everywhere too." Sam says.

"Yeah, fucking ghosts!" Dean exclaims.

"Or they just miss 'em a lot. I mean, they see a face in a crowd, we see a book falling off the table. Same thing, Dean. I did the talking board, I ran plenty of EMF. When that beer went poof, I went a little nuts."

"And you didn't?" Dean asks.

"Oh, no, I was there. But I watched horror movies as a kid and vowed to never touch one of those boards -- ever. In my life." Larissa states.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dean asks.

"Like I said, little nuts at the time." Sam says.

"All right, well, if it wasn't Bobby, then what Jedi'd that sword into my hand?" Dean asks.

"The Shojo slammed the door from across the room. Maybe it was trying to grab the sword, too." Sam suggests.

"Right. Right, I mean if it was Bobby, he would let us know. I mean, who knows more about being a ghost than Bobby? Instant Swayze, right?"


"I think ghosts know more about being ghosts than Bobby, actually." Larissa says.

"Would you stop with the technicalities?" Dean asks. "Okay. Okay, you-- so your theory is that-that we're practically regular people about something for once. All right. Well, you want to grab some brunch and some brews?"

"I am starving." Larissa says.

"Uh, we got drunk again last night so I'm still pretty hungover." Sam says. "How are you not?"

"I am. I'm just hungry." Larissa says.

"Okay, yeah, sure. No brews, though." Sam says.

"Trust me, no brews." Larissa agrees, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the motel. Sam puts their stuff in the trunk and Dean walks out, putting his stuff in the trunk and shutting it.

"Also, I know you're driving, but whenever I do drive, she is officially always in the front seat." Sam tells his brother.

"Then I guess you're never driving." Dean states.

The three get in the car.

"Hang on." Dean gets out, going back into the motel. He soon walks back out, flask in hand and he gets back in the car.

"So... waffles?" Larissa asks.

"Liking the way you think, Mrs. Winchester." Dean says, Larissa grinning at the name.


She's now technically officially a Winchester!!! 🥳🥳🥳🙌💖

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