habits, supernatural [ 1 ]

By maybankwalker

185K 5.2K 1.6K

[ supernatural -- seasons 2-8 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the sh... More

001. meet the winchesters
002. america's first serial killer
003. possessed sam
004. gates to hell
005. hunters and the seven dwarfs
006. "what kind of psycho are you?"
007. sam's older date
008. dream root
009. ghostfacers
010. dean's year is up
011. bittersweet reunions
012. ghost witnesses
013. oktoberfest and pantophobia
014. wishes come true
015. angel radio girl
016. godzilla and mothra
017. girl in the walls
018. demon blood detox
019. start of the end of the world
020. war
021. two grumpy old men
022. convention antics
023. last day on earth
024. teen warlock boy
025. hunger
026. rising of the dead
027. dead winchesters
028. the whore
029. future sister-in-law
030. hotel full of gods
031. losing first loves
032. "did you kiss him?"
033. see you later
034. shapeshifting baby
035. kidnapping
036. vampire cure
037. soulless sam
038. his soul and apologies
039. spider-man
040. kidney ghost
041. tv world
042. khan worm
043. wild west
044. killing the mother
045. superman gone dark side
046. broken wall
047. leviathans
048. worried girlfriend and broken boyfriend
049. sam's me time
050. on trial
051. doppelgangers
052. town full of psychics
053. married the wrong woman
054. high dean
055. hanging by a thread
056. mother hen
057. fedora guy
058. amazons
060. insomnia
061. emmanuel
062. drunk spirit
063. lot of foxholes
064. tech genius
065. a kevin tran
066. vamptonite
067. killing dick roman
068. blissful year
069. awkward reunion
070. badass mom
071. foot rubs
072. bobby 2.0
073. "my stomach's a watermelon!"
074. cartoon deaths
075. dirty trick
076. moondoor camp
077. time traveling grandfather
078. new home
079. first trial
080. "that was incredibly hot"
081. second trial
082. baby's first crime scene
083. dean rode a farty donkey
084. curing a demon
085. third trial
Book Two

059. clowns are bitches

1.3K 48 54
By maybankwalker

Sam and Larissa are leaning against the car while Dean waits at the payphone for Frank. Sam is reading a newspaper and Larissa is leaning against him, her head resting on his arm as her eyes flit across the paper.

"Hello?" Dean answers the ringing phone. "I am the eggman." He rolls his eyes. Larissa quietly laughs as Sam smiles. "Seriously, Frank, pay phones? I mean, come on. I-I'm getting the clap off this thing just touching it. Fred Savage? Really? Yeah, no, I know, big mouths are everywhere. Uh, well, since you asked, some actual intel on the Dick Roman guy would be nice. Fine. All right. Yeah, good looking out."

Dean puts the phone up, walking over to the two.

"I hope he finds something quick. This whole protocol du jour thing's really creeping my cheese." Dean says.

"So, we got dick on Dick?" Sam asks.

"That's a vivid way of putting it." Dean comments. "You find anything on Wonder Woman?"

"No. And there probably won't be. They are definitely gone. But..." Sam shows Dean an article about a possible case. "I might have found something over in Kansas."

"All right, well, let's do it. But, uh, a few simple rules, okay? No babies." Dean says making the younger two smile. "In fact, no baby mamas. No bars. No booze. No hot chicks of any kind."

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say--"

"Hey. You spawn a monster baby, see how quick you want to dive back in the pool." Dean says, walking to the car.

"Um... you better not be spawning any monster babies, cause I know for fact, I am human." Larissa says.

"Nah, don't worry. I only plan to spawn a bunch of human babies." Sam assures, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Define "a bunch"." Larissa says making Sam laugh.

"How about we just worry about even being able to practice making them first." Sam suggests.

"Good plan." Larissa says. Sam grins and then kisses her on the temple.


They're in the morgue and stand around the table, the doctor pulling the sheet back to reveal the man, his body covered in raised sores, ranging in size. Larissa grimaces at the body, hating this part of the job.

"Ohh. Those are not the fun kind of hickeys." Dean says.

"You're-- you're saying an octopus did this?" Sam asks.

"Not just any octopus. Based on welt diameter, Enteroctopus dofleini." The doctor says.

"And for those of us that skipped the enteroctopus class?" Dean asks.

"Giant Pacific Octopus." The doctor says.

"How giant we talking, doc?" Dean asks.

"Approximately 30 feet." The doctor says.

"I mean, aren't... giant octopi rare around here?" Sam asks with a short laugh.

"Yet here we are." The doctor says.

"All right, so what happens? Guy comes home, cracks a beer, and gets... suckered to death?" Dean asks.

"Obviously, this was some kind of freak fetish attack. Someone created those hickey marks, then bled the man out." The doctor says. He turns the man's head to expose a wound on the side of the throat.

~ ~ ~

"That bite look a little vamp-y to you two?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, no question." Sam says.

"Definitely." Larissa nods.

"So what are we looking for? An octovamp? A vamptopus?" Dean suggests.

"That's crazy even for us, right?" Sam asks.

"It does push the envelope. Let's go chat up the widow." Dean says.


"We're very sorry for your loss, ma'am." Sam tells Ms. Harper.

"Ms. Harper, we know this is, uh, bad timing. But we just have a few routine questions that we need to ask you. Is that okay?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." She nods.

"Did the house feel any different lately?" Sam asks.

"Different...?" Ms. Harper asks.

"Anything strange? Cold spots. Uh, did you smell anything weird? Maybe sulfury?" Dean asks.

"No. Not that I can remember." Ms. Harper says.

"Okay, we're just ticking all the boxes here. Um, what about any skeletons in your husband's closet?" Dean asks.

"Skeletons? What do you mean?" Ms. Harper asks.

"Can you think of anybody who would want to do him harm? A colleague, an old flame?" Dean asks.

"The tiniest detail could really help." Sam says.

"You want to know what he was up to lately? Ask Stacey. She was here the night he died." Ms. Harper says.

"Um... Stacey?" Sam asks.

"Our nanny. Any other questions?" Ms. Harper asks.

"No, that's... thank you. You've been a big help." Dean says, the three getting up.

"Really appreciate the hospitality, ma'am." Sam says.

"Mom, dad, nanny. Boy, that is a love triangle right out of Casa Erotica." Dean says. "Course, in those, the jealous wife tends to channel her feelings more productively." Dean says.

"The only thing I can't wrap my mind around is--"

"What, how life lady summoned an octovamp?" Dean asks.

"More like why? I mean, kind of impractical, right?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. All right, one of us needs to go talk to the naughty nanny." Dean says. "The other one -- or two -- stay here, shake down the place when the wife leaves. See what we're dealing with."

"All right. We're on the nanny." Sam says.

"No, I'm on the nanny." Dean argues.

"I thought you said no hot chicks." Sam says.

"We don't know that she's hot." Dean says.

Sam gives him a look and Larissa rolls her eyes before they walk off.


"Hey, we talked to the wrong person." Dean says over the phone.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, forget the mom. Talk to the daughter. She's mad at her dad for ditching her birthday." Dean says.

"So, what do you think? A birthday wish gone wrong, something like that?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. Could be." Dean says.

Larissa looks over at the house and sees Kelly sitting on the sidewalk and drawing with chalk.

"We got a 20 on her right now." Sam says.

"Can you get to her without tripping the AMBER Alert?" Dean asks.

"We'll try." Sam says.

"All right, see what you can find out." Dean says.

The two go to the house and walk up to Kelly.

"Whatcha working on there?" Sam asks.

"I know who you are." Kelly says.

"You do?" Sam asks.

"Mm-hmm. You're the guy and lady that talked to my mom." Kelly says.

"That's right. We did." Sam says.

"Kelly! Where are you, honey?" They hear her mom call from inside.

"Something wrong?" Sam asks, noticing Kelly's reaction.

"My mom will get mad if I talk to you guys." Kelly says. Sam crouches in front of her.

"Um... how come?" He asks.

"Because of what I told the police." Kelly asks.

"Well, what'd you tell the police?" Larissa gently asks.

"I told them that I tried to warn my dad. That the monster would get him." Kelly says.

"Kelly." Ms. Harper opens the door. "Come here! Now! Kelly!" Kelly runs inside, Ms. Harper giving the two hunters less than thrilled expressions as she shuts the door.

"Hey." Sam mumbles, nudging Larissa's arm. She follows his gaze, seeing that Kelly was drawing an octopus with sharp teeth and it looks mean.

"Well, that seems like it would, um... kill a dude." Larissa comments.

"Yeah." Sam whispers.


Sam and Larissa are the motel and Sam is sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard. Larissa is lying sideways on the bed, her head in Sam's lap while he plays with her hair.

"Seriously, though. I mean, I know we aren't having sex yet, but how many kids would you want? I need to know what this "bunch" is." Larissa says.

"I don't know... 12." Sam says with a straight face. Larissa's eyes widen in shock, but she feels her heart rate slow down as a grin slowly forms on Sam's face.

"Oh, you bitch." She lets a breath out and Sam laughs. "What the hell?"

"You made me watch Cheaper by the Dozen last week. I just wanted to see how you felt about that." Sam giggles.

"Honey, if we ever have 12 kids, 9 of them better be adopted cause I am not pushing that many baby mooses out of my body."

"Shut up." Sam giggles, Larissa lightly laughing. "Also, uh, the plural for moose is just moose." He informs.

"Shut up." She lightly hits his chest making him grin in amusement. He takes her hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. Larissa softly smiles as she intertwines their fingers, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"I want at least 2 kids." Sam says. "The maximum is 3, maybe 4. I'd need to see how the first two work out first." He chuckles.

"Why two?" Larissa asks.

"Just... so they have somebody. You know, I grew up with Dean always looking after me and we had each other and we had some good times. Obviously, I wouldn't put that much weight on my kid to have to raise my second kid like Dean had to raise me. I wouldn't do anything my dad did."

"I get that." Larissa softly says.

"What about you? How many mini moose you feel like pushing out?" Sam asks with a small laugh.

"I'm good with 2 to 4. Well... maybe I'll pop out 3 and we adopt the last one." She says, both lightly laughing.

"You don't want an only child?" Sam asks.

"Nah. Only child is nice sometimes, but... lot of the times it's lonely. I mean, I guess it depends on the kid, but I always hated it. I had Jo which helped a lot. Just wish I could've had siblings to grow up with... especially with Jo gone now. Though, if I did have siblings, no telling if they'd be alive  by now, anyway."

"Would you, um... would you wanna have kids first or get married first?" Larissa asks, staring at hers and Sam's conjoined hands.

"Mm... I don't know. I don't think I'd really care which came first. Long as I have a healthy significant other and a healthy baby. I mean, sure, marriage and then baby is obviously the usual way to do things. But if the baby came first, I wouldn't be, like... wrecked or anything."

"Do you wanna get married?" Larissa asks.

"I think it would depend." Sam says.

"On what?" Larissa asks.

"The girl. The circumstances, whatever shit storm is going on in my life. It'd be kind of nice if she was a hunter. That way she understood, you know. It would just have to be the right person." Sam says.

"And, uh... am I the right person?" Larissa asks, looking up at him. Sam looks at her, noticing both nervousness and curiosity swimming in her green eyes.

Before Sam can answer, his phone rings. He lets out a quiet groan and Larissa forces a small smile. 

"Get it. Probably involves the case." Larissa says, sitting up, her hair and hand escaping Sam's grasp. Sam sighs, grabbing his phone and reading his brother's name.

"It's Dean." Sam says.

"Answer." Larissa assures. Sam frowns, wanting to continue their conversation. He kisses the corner of her mouth before answering the call, putting it on speaker.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Hey. You remember a chain called Plucky Pennywhistle's?" Dean asks.

"No." Sam answers after a moment.

"Really? Could have swore you loved those places." Dean says.

"No, dude, I hated them." Sam argues. "Uh, you would dump me and go trolling for chicks."

"It's not like I left you in jail. I mean, those places are supposed to be fun." Dean says.

"Fun? Uh, they're lame. And they smell like puke. And the ice cream is all grainy." Sam says.

"Ew." Larissa grimaces.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"All right, don't have one of your episodes, okay?" Dean says. "I'm just saying I hit a dead end with this whole wishes gone wild thing, but both kids were at Plucky's day of. Look, why don't you go check out the local Plucky's and ask about this Billy kid?"

"Look, man, w-why don't we just... why don't we just wait for you to get back?" Sam suggests.

"No can do, Hermano. I'm on my way to talk to little Billy." Dean says.

"Why-why-- why don't Lissy and I talk to Billy right now?" Sam asks.

"Wait, wait, wait." Dean laughs. "This isn't about your, uh, your clown thing, is it?"

"What?! No!" Sam denies.

"Oh, honey. You can lie better than that." Larissa says. Sam gives her a bitch face.

"Sammy?" Dean asks.

"No." Sam insists.

"Yeah, what in the world did they do to you?" Dean asks. "All right, you know what? Nevermind. Just know that 99.99% of all clowns can't hurt you. Okay? And if it bleeds, you can kill it. Plus, don't worry. You have your tiny, scary girlfriend there to protect you." Dean hangs up.

"If it bleeds, you can kill it." Sam whispers to himself. Larissa smiles a little, wincing in sympathy.

"You want me to go and you stay here?" She asks.

"No. No, I'm good. Seriously." Sam says.

"Seriously?" Larissa questions.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Okay. Let's go hope one of the clowns we see isn't Pennywise. He'll eat you." Larissa says.

"Yeah, well, if we do, you better hope he doesn't turn into a bird." Sam retorts.


They park in front of Pennywhistle's and are sitting in the Jeep.

"I'm too old for this." Sam comments.

"Sammy, really, I can go in alone. You don't have to do this." Larissa says.

"No. No, I'm good." Sam says. "Young and thriving." He gets out of the car.

"What?" Larissa whispers to herself, getting out of the car.

They walk into Plucky's and a voice greeting them sounds. Sam flinches at a large clown picture on the wall, letting out a sharp breath.

"Sammy?" Larissa gently calls. "Not too late." She nods to the door.

"Nope." He shakes his head, walking towards the counter. Larissa watches him reel away from the mechanical clown he has to pass that laughs and says "Welcome to Plucky Pennywhistle's" with its jaw moving.

"Welcome to Plucky's where all your dreams are good." Howard greets as Larissa walks up to the counter.

"Could you just, uh, maybe..." Sam struggles to talk as the two show their FBI badges. "Just get the manager for us?"

Howard nods and walks away.

Sam sighs, looking around, not sure which direction he wants to go. Larissa wants to tease him, but she also feels bad he's surrounded by a bunch of clowns.

"C'mon." Larissa holds his hand, leading him through the place. "Just look down." She tells him. Sam follows her instructions, using his free hand to play with the ends of her hair.

Larissa stops at a wall that's covered in paper placements with drawings on them. Sam looks up, glancing over the drawings and the sign "Draw your worst fear... Plucky will make your fear disappear."

"Real beauties, huh?" They turn to the manager. "We rotate them out once a week. Kids love having their art on the wall."

"Draw your worst fear?" Sam asks.

"I know. But we don't post the truly evil stuff. Just the standard crap like sharks and ghosts." She says. "Jean Holiday, shift manager." She shakes their hands.

"Johnson, James, FBI. So tell me, why even ask the kids to draw creepy stuff to begin with?" Sam asks.

"It's just an exercise some pop psychologist came up with. Plus, the owner's obsessed with "aiding children's development." So, the place mat is a safe way to get kids to talk about their fears. You know, we get them to sketch it in a little box, and -- voila -- Plucky magically transforms it into rainbows and candy. Personally, I think it's a load of hooey, but they say that if these fears run wild, then it affects kids long into their adulthood."

A clown passes them laughing, getting too close to Sam's face for his liking. Sam leans back, his hand tightly clutching the back of Larissa's shirt in his hand.

"Yeah, I've-I've-- I've heard that." Sam says. "Um... so, I-I don't know if you'll remember, but there was a-a kid in here yesterday named Billy Pogue for a party?"

"Oh, the conniption kid." Jean says.

"Conniption? He-he had--"

"No, no, no, not him. He was fine. It was his dad. He pulls the kid away before cake and presents, and I guess the kid asked to stay for another five minutes. The dad pulls a full frontal douchebag, starts screaming. Just embarrassed for the kid."

Sam pulls his phone out to call Dean, listening to it ring. They hear whistling, turning to see the janitor.

"Hey." He whistles. "Hey." He loudly whispers. Sam hangs up, walking over to the janitor with Larissa. "You cops?"

"Uh, yeah. We're feds." Sam says.

"Uh, what are you investigating?" The janitor asks.

"Couple of crazy deaths. Why, is there something you want to share?" Sam asks.

"Look, not now. Too many eyes. Come back after closing." Janitor says.


The couple get back to the motel and Dean is taking food out of the bag.

"Hey. So, what's the lowdown with trauma town?" Dean asks. Sam gives him a bitch face and Dean smiles.

Larissa flicks Dean in the head.

"Thank you." Sam tells her and she smiles. "I can tell you this much. Neither vic was up for parent of the year. Kelly's dad skipped her birthday and Billy's dad pulled one of those dick parent scenes that makes everyone cringe."

"What the hell are these?" Dean asks, looking at the drawings Sam set down.

"Kid therapy. Um, you draw your worst nightmare -- poof! -- Plucky fixes it. Um, they hang them up on this big wall." Sam says.

"Well, can't argue with this. Leprechauns are deadly." Dean says making Sam snort. "Okay, so, Kelly draws a monster, and then that goes after her father? That's what we're saying?"

"Well, here's the thing. They label those. And guess which two were missing. Well, name tag was there -- no place mat."

"Little Miss Octovamp."

"Yeah. And... Billy. So, somehow, whatever he drew came to life and killed his dad, riding a horse."

"Close, but no Seabiscuit. See, I went and had a little chat with Billy. And he drew me this." Dean shows them a drawing of a unicorn with a rainbow colored tail. There's a person impaled on the unicorn's horn.

"Wait. so now unicorns are evil?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Obviously." Dean says.

"Talk about ruining my childhood." Larissa mumbles.

"Great. Well, now the question is, how did a unicorn come off a sketch and kill Billy's dad? How's any of this happening?"


"So?" Dean asks the couple after they talk to Jean.

"The manager found the body in the ball pit. Blood everywhere." Sam says.

"Cops have a theory?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, they think the ball washer did it." Sam says.

"The what?"

"The ball washer."

"The what?" Dean smiles.

"The ball--" Sam gives him an annoyed look. Larissa twists Dean's ear.

"Ow!" He cries out, shoving her hand away.

"Would you be an adult for five seconds?" She asks.

"Look at this." Dean lifts the sheet of the body. "Thank you, gentlemen." He tells the EMTs as they wheel the body off. "That's a shark bite."

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"And, uh, judging from the radius, I'd say a 20 footer, at least." Dean says. Shark Week, man. How do you not watch that?" Sam grabs Larissa's hand and walks away. "Whole week of sharks."

~ ~ ~

They're in Plucky's and looking at the placemats.

"Omar Cooper." Sam holds up a name tag. "How much you want to bet little Omar here was scared of sharks?"

"Saul the janitor is connected how? I mean, he's not related to Omar." Dean says.

"No. But Saul had something he wanted to tell us." Sam says.

"So this isn't about ganking some dickweed parent?"

"More like, uh, silencing a whistle blower?"

"Great, so whatever we're looking for can literally fire off childhood fears at will. Wow. Watch out for evil lunch ladies."

"All right. Let's comb this place." Sam takes the EMF meter out, walking off.

"Seriously. Dractopus. Seabiscuit the Impaler. Land shark. What's next?" Dean mutters.


"Maybe a tulpa?" Sam suggests.

"No, killings are too spread out." Dean says.

"True. Um... angel?" Sam asks.

"It's a little imaginative for the God squad, don't you think?" Dean says and Sam sighs.

"All right. So what?" He asks.

"Yeah, I don't know. I'm tapped out."

"I have zero theories." Larissa says.

"Well, whatever it is, at least we know where it is." Sam says.

"Plucky's." Dean says.

"That's where the victims are getting picked up." Sam says.

"Yeah, but we swept the place last night and nada."

"I can go back. Go to the employees, maybe dig up some dirt."

"What good's that gonna do? They think you're a fed. The one guy who was gonna rat, he got Bruce'd. If anybody knows anything, they're not gonna tell you."

"All right." Sam claps his hands once. "Yep. That's the plan. I'll go back, play bad cop, really lean into them."


"And... when I'm done, then you watch them. Lissy can stick with me or also hang around, act inconspicuous."

"So if somebody freaks out, then that's our creep."

"Or he'll lead us closer and you can track him."

"Well, what's my cover?"

"I don't know. Just hang back. Act normal." Sam goes into the bathroom.

"Yeah, yeah. Guy in his thirties hanging out at Plucky's alone, that's normal. That's not pervy at all."


They're in the break room and Jean is sitting down while Sam stands up. Larissa is leaning against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest.

"So, where were you last night?" Sam asks.

"Well, here. Obviously. I found him. But I was by the cash register the whole time. There's a security camera pointed right at the counter. The cops already looked at it." Jean says.

"Uh-huh. And you heard nothing?" Sam asks.

"I heard the ball blaster. I didn't hear him. If I did, I would have run in, of course." Jean says.

"Yeah, right, right. So that's your excuse."

"My what? Look, I know I'm new to this job, but I'm--"

"What? How new?"

"Couple weeks. I just got promoted."

"Hmm. So, uh, was there a lot of competition for the gig?"

"I guess. It comes with benefits. The bosses had us all write essays about how we would do our best for the kids, and they picked me. Don't be shocked, but I actually did two semesters at college, so... I'm not in any kind of trouble, am I?"

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me?"

"Look, I know I'm not perfect, but I'm trying. And, I mean, it's not as if I'd ever do anything illegal."

Sam slams a hand on the table, leaning over Jean, making Larissa flinch a little in shock.

"Sure you wouldn't."

~ ~ ~

Sam puts his phone in his pocket, shaking his head at Larissa, letting her know it isn't Jean who is guilty. 

"Special Agent?" Howard reads Sam's business card. "Wow." He laughs. "I want you to know, sir, that I really appreciate what you do and--"

"Quiet." Sam demands.

~ ~ ~

Sam shakes his head at Larissa, Howard not being guilty either.

"Lose the head." Sam orders and the guy in the lion costume takes the head off. "Why'd you do it?"

"Do... what?" The man asks.

"I think you know." Sam says.

"I-I got rights. You can't--" Sam shoves the chair by him away and leans over with his hands on the table.

"I'm the federal government, pal. I can do whatever I want."

"Okay. I'll talk." The man holds his hands up. Sam steps back. The guy throws the head at Sam and makes a break for it.

Larissa races after him, Sam not far behind.

"Dean!" Sam shouts.

Dean watches the mascot run by, followed by Larissa. Dean follows. Sam gets blocked by a clown, but manages to follow after a second. The guy runs out of the employees only door.

"Hey! Hey! come here!" Dean grabs the tail of the costume, it coming off and Dean tosses it to the ground. "Hey!" Dean tackles the guy, both landing in a pile of tires. Dean rolls the guy onto his back, holding him down.

"If this is about the meth lab that fireballed up in Butte, it wasn't me. Okay, it was my brother, but, um, we got the same fingerprints, and... please. This is the best job I've ever had."

"That's just sad." Larissa mumbles.

"All right, look, uh..." Dean says.

"Cliff." He says.

"Cliff. You're not using kids' nightmares to smoke people, are you, Cliff?" Dean asks.

"I don't... think so." Cliff says.

"Get up." Dean stands up, yanking Cliff to his feet.

"What's going on?" Cliff asks.

"All right, cards up. Yeah, we don't care that you, you know, broke bad or whatever. But there is something seriously weird going on in there."

"You mean the sub-basement?"

"This place has a sub-basement?" Sam asks.

"Sure. Door's out back. Easy to miss if you don't know." Cliff says.

"What's in there?" Dean asks.

"All I know is... me and Saul used to come in after hours sometimes and..." He laughs. "You ever shroom in a ball pit?" He continues to laugh. He looks at Sam, the smile disappearing.

"Not that I... would, agents. It was Saul. Just Saul. All alone." Cliff says. "Anyway... sometimes we'd hear, like, spooky stuff through the vents... coming up from the boiler room."

~ ~ ~

"Dean. What? What is it?" Sam asks.

"While you were out being Dirty Harry, uh, Tyler's mom got pissy with him and now his place mat's missing." Dean says.

"So, what do you think?" Sam asks.

"I think the bitchy mom plus, uh, sad kid plus place mat with something nuts written on it... equals wacky corpse." Dean says.

"So you think she's next on the list? All right, we'll tail them just to be safe. You--"

"Check the boiler room. I know."

"Right." Sam and Larissa start to leave, but Sam turns back. "Oh. Oh. Uh, Dean, hey, uh, any idea what he drew?"



"Yeah, about the size of a house. Shoots destructo beams out of its eyes."

"Great." Larissa mutters.

"At least we'll see it coming." Sam says.

"Yeah." Dean nods.


Sam and Larissa watch as Libby and Tyler go into the house. They get out of the Jeep and Larissa goes to stand by Sam, but stops as a clown appears in front of Sam.

Sam's eyes widen, panickily glancing over to his girlfriend.

Sam and Larissa both take off running, Sam grabbing her hand at some point. They hide behind a car in a deserted area.

"It's okay. They can't hurt you. They can't hurt you. If it bleeds, you can kill it. Yeah. If it bleeds, you can kill it." Sam says.

Sam looks over the car, seeing a clown a short distance away. The clown laughs, running towards them. Sam grabs Larissa's hand, yanking her after him, the woman almost losing her balance. They run to a door as the clown chases them.  Sam breaks the door open and drags Larissa in.

He shuts the door, both of them blocking the door with stuff. They look around for any weapons or hiding places. They hear a crash and turn to see the clown got in and is laughing. They start to walk away, but another clown appears, zooming closer.

Sam punches the second clown and kicks the other one.

"If it bleeds, you can kill it." Sam shoots the second clown, but it does bleed, glitter instead flying around.

"Um... yeah, it-it isn't bleeding." Larissa says.

"I see that." Sam mutters. 

Both clowns laugh. While the second clown knocks the gun out of Sam's hand, the first clown grabs Larissa, throwing her across the room. Larissa cries out in pain as she crashes into a shelf before landing on the floor, unconscious.

"Lissy!" Sam yells. He's able to see blood on the corner of her head. His moment of distraction works for the clowns as they grab him. The second clown punches him three times, sending him to the first clown. That one pushes Sam to the second clown who catches him, holding him for the first clown to headbutt.

Sam headbutts the clown holding him and the first clown sprays him with seltzer from the flower on his jacket.

Sam continues to fight the clowns, really wishing Larissa would wake up. The two clowns charge at Sam who stands there with a wrench for defense. As they reach him, the two clowns vanish into an explosion of glitter.

Sam looks around, spitting glitter out of his mouth. After knowing they're gone, he rushes over to where Larissa is.

"Lissy?" Sam kneels next to her. "Lissy? Hey." He gently shakes her. He cups her face, lightly patting her cheek. "Come on, baby." He pulls a bandana out, holding it to her injury. "Lissy?"

The woman quietly groans, her face scrunching up in pain.

"Hey. Hey, hey." Sam softly calls, a hand placed on her head, his thumb rubbing over her scalp. "Babe?"

"Dude, clowns are fucking bitches." Larissa grumbles making Sam let out a breathy laugh.

"Come on." He helps her sit up. Larissa opens her eyes, looking at Sam, it taking a few moments for the glitter to process. Larissa starts to giggle.

"You're all glittery." She giggles. "Aw, it's adorable!"

"Yeah, okay." Sam can't help the small laugh that escapes him.

"I love it. It-- it's a great look." She says jokingly while still laughing.

"Mm-hmm." Sam lightly rolls his eyes, but isn't able to hide the amused smile on her face.

"It's beautiful. You look-- you look gorgeous, Sammy."

"Shut up." Sam chuckles. "Are you okay?"

"Much better with your new choice of style. You're gonna be finding glitter on you for the rest of your life." She laughs.

"Yeah." Sam mumbles. He wipes some glitter off his hand and wipes it across her face.


"Ha!" He laughs in her face.

"You're a jerk." She gently shoves him making him land on his butt as they both laugh.

"You think that's a jerk move?" Sam asks. "Yeah? Come here."

"No. No, you are not hugging me." Larissa objects, getting up.

"No. No, I just want a little kiss." Sam says, chasing her with his arms out.

"Samuel, no!" She tries to escape him. Unfortunately, with his longer legs, he easily catches up, trapping Larissa in his embrace.

"Nooo." She whines as Sam shakes his head, some glitter falling from him to her. He rubs his face on her head, getting glitter in her hair. "I will shoot you in the dick."

"No, you won't. Then you won't be able to have baby moose." Sam cheekily grins.

"I'll shoot you in the foot." Larissa threatens.

"You love me too much." He laughs.

"You suck." She tells him.

"Well, you're stuck with me." Sam smiles, placing a loud kiss to her cheek.


They pull up to Dean's car, Sam still covered in glitter. They get out, Dean walking a bit closer.

"Let's roll." Sam says, spreading his arms out. "Go ahead. Say it." Larissa is already laughing as Dean bursts out laughing.

"I'm sorry." Dean says. "You look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers." He wheezes.

"Dude, one of them sprayed me with seltzer from his flower." Sam says making both Larissa and Dean laugh more.

"I'm s-- whew." Dean somewhat calms down. "What?" He asks, seeing Sam's look.

"Nothing. Carry on." Sam says.

"Ohh. That's... Sam... I'm sorry for... psychologically scarring you." Dean says.

"Which time?" Sam asks.

"Shut up. Seriously. You know, me-me ditching you when we were kids, that was a dick move. You know, the whole clown thing--"

"You know what, man? Honestly... getting my ass kicked by those juggalos tonight was, uh... it was therapeutic."

"You faced your fear."

"Exactly. And now what else could a clown possibly ever do to me? I feel good."

"Well, congrats."

"By the way, to celebrate..." He goes to the Jeep.

"What?" Dean asks.

Sam pulls out a giant slinky.

"No!" Dean smiles.

"Yes." Sam tosses it to him. 

"Did you win this?" Dean asks.

"We earned that." Sam states.

"Hey. I got you a little something too, actually." Dean says. He puts the giant slinky on top of the car before reaching into it. Sam and Larissa share a confused look. Dean tosses Sam something and he catches it, shuddering as he holds a clown doll.

Larissa quietly laughs.

"What? You said you were over it. You can think of it as a... clown phobia sobriety chip." Dean says as Larissa laughs some more.


Larissa is sitting outside of the motel room and holding a can of soda to her head to help with the ache while looking up at the stars. She hears the door open behind her and turns to see Sam step out.

"Finally got most of the glitter off. Still feel like it's gonna pop up sometimes." Sam says with a small laugh as he sits next to her.

"Mm. Speaking as a girl who used to be obsessed with glitter as a child... it will." Larissa assures.

"Great." Sam lets out a breathy laugh.

The two stargaze in silent for a bit.

"Hey, so, um... about earlier." Sam says.

"What earlier?" Larissa asks.

"When, uh... when we were alone. In the motel." Sam specifies.

"Uh-huh." Larissa nods. She looks up at the sky, not wanting to see his face in case this may not go anywhere she wants it to go.

"You're the right person." Sam softly declares.

"What?" She looks at him.

"For getting married... and-and having kids. You're that right person." Sam states. Larissa smiles a little, trying to ignore the heat rushing to her cheeks.

"So, what? What does-- what does this mean for us right now?" Larissa asks.

"I don't know." Sam says, weakly chuckling.

"I, um... keep in mind, this isn't me pressuring you or anything. But I... I saw what Bobby wrote on your hand. Before he died." Larissa says.

"The-the numbers?" Sam asks.

"And the other thing." Larissa says. "I actually, um, took a picture of it. Not-not because of your hand just because... since it was the last thing Bobby ever wrote, I wanted... wanted to keep it somehow."

"So you saw the, uh... the 'Marry Ris' thing?" Sam asks.

"Mm-hmm." Larissa nods. "I'm not... trying to tell you to propose or anything right now. I just... wanted to know what you thought of it. Of what he said... and our current topic of conversation."

"Well, I-I don't, uh... how do you feel about it?" Sam asks.

"I asked you first." Larissa says.

"I don't wanna say the wrong thing."

"Well, you gotta something. So... say what you want. Don't worry about what I wanna hear, say what you feel the urge to say. You know, given your feelings and all that fun jazz."

"What I want?" Sam asks.

"Mm-hmm." Larissa nods, giving him an encouraging smile.

"Anything I want?" Sam asks.

"Yep." Larissa nods again.

"Okay, um..." She watches as Sam seems to think about it. "Lissy?" He turns to her.

"Yeah?" She prompts. Sam grows a soft, loving and fond smile at the expecting look on her face, the curiosity and love in her eyes hard to miss.

"Will you marry me?"

Larissa bites her lower lip, trying to contain her grin from growing too big. She leans forward, cradling his head, and kissing him. Sam's lips move in rhythm with hers, an arm wrapping around her waist.

They break apart after a few minutes.

"So, uh... is that a no?" Sam jokingly asks making Larissa laugh.

"Very funny, dork." She says, Sam laughing. "Of course I'll marry you." She kisses him again.

"Wait. We do realize we don't know what the other is like in bed, right?" Larissa asks.

"Well, we'll just... you know, get divorced if you suck."

"Oh, if I suck?"

"Yeah." Sam teasingly grins.

"Okay, well, if you suck, we're getting divorced and you're getting shot in the dick." Larissa says.

"I'll take it." Sam says, kissing her again. "Do you... do you want to try?" He asks between kisses.

"I... I think I'm good with trying. Are you?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods after a minute. "Yeah, I... I wanna try. Think I'm ready. Besides, we have the system. Three taps if it's too much."

"Yeah. Or our favorite defense mechanism of slapping each other." She jokes making Sam chuckle. "Okay." Larissa nods. "Get a different room or what? Just kick Dean out?"

"The lobby's closed." Sam mutters. Larissa glances over, seeing the lights to the lobby off and a closed sign.

"What motel closes?" She asks.

"This one, apparently." Sam chuckles. Larissa lets out a quiet moan as Sam sucks on her neck.

"We could, uh... there's the car." Larissa says.

"Um, yeah... I'm not so sure I'd fit." Sam laughs.

"Well... you know how to pick a lock, right?" She asks with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do." Sam nods.

Sam finds an empty motel room and picks the lock. He walks in, keeping the door open for Larissa to walk in. She giggles as he quickly shuts the door, bringing her into his arms, crashing his lips into hers.

Larissa reaches behind Sam, locking the door. Sam tightens his grip around her waist, picking her up, and carrying her to the bed.

"Wait, wait." Larissa breaks away. "You're positive you want to do this?" She asks. "We don't have to."

Sam goes to say yes, but gets that annoying voice in his head.

"Sammy?" She asks.

"Fucking damn it." He whispers, setting her down. He lets go of her, pressing his thumb into his palm. Larissa sadly looks at him, knowing he does it when Lucifer appears.

"I'm sorry." He tells her.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. Honestly, I was getting a little overwhelmed, too." Larissa says.

"I'm so sorry." Sam repeats.

"It's okay. I'm not mad." Larissa promises. "It's okay." She smiles up at him comfortingly. "We can still stay in there, though. Just... be alone with each other. Hug, kiss, cuddle. Turn the TV on, find a movie or something."

"No Dean?" Sam asks. "I... I don't wanna have to explain something or anything."

"No Dean." Larissa assures. "Just you and me."

"Thank you." Sam mumbles.

"You don't have to thank me for anything... fiancé." She says and Sam smiles at the new term. He cups her face, softly kissing her.

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