Blue Butterflies

By royalbree

40.7K 1.6K 360

•Blue But·ter·fly Represent change and transformation, comfort, hope, and positivi... More



1.1K 56 20
By royalbree



I was currently in the car with my dad as we drove to my grandmothers house for the week. Since most of my family could never make it around Christmas, we usually meet up around thanksgiving. I played a game on my phone as my dad sung his little heart out to Rihanna.

"Dad, please let her sing" I said rubbing my head.

"Girl you must not know your daddy use to serenade all the girls back in my day"

"Puh-lease" I said laughing. He chuckled.

"Why you hating" I tried to control my laughter as he tried to act as if I hurt his feelings.

"I bet it I ask nana, she gonna say the same thing" I told him. He waved me off as he turned the radio up louder. The whole ride consisted of him singing off-key to some r&b songs. It was such a pain to have to listen to him screech in my ear.

"Oh thank goodness, we made it" I jumped out the car so quickly once we parked.

"Your such a hater Kyrie" we both grabbed our bags before making our way inside.

"Dad you can't sing, even Oreo starts howling when you try" his mouth fell open once we got in sight of my grandma.

"Close your mouth honey, hi my baby" I smiled running into my grandma arms.

"Nana, I've missed you"

"Ma, your granddaughter so mean" he mugged me as he took his jacket off.

"No you can't handle the truth"

"What y'all fussing about" her thick southern accent came out.

"Nana I told him he can't sing and he said I was a hater" she looked over at him as he folded his arms.

"Uncle Mikey" my cousin came running around the corner engulfing my dad into a hug.

"Haven how you been" he ruffled her hair once they pulled away from the hug.

"Dang you forgot about me" I said mugging her. She looked at me and gave me a mug back before we broke into a laughter.

"Ky I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" we embraced each other for a few more moments until we heard someone clear their throat. I turned around to see my older cousin Enzo standing there with a silly grin. I smiled big before jumping on him.

"Enzo, I didn't know you was coming down this year" since he plays football in college, they usually don't get to come back for small breaks like thanksgiving.

"Coach made some arrangements to let us back home this year, surprise"

"Wassup Unc" he said dapping my dad. I was the closest to them out of all of my cousins since we had a more relatable childhood.

"Ky baby, go put your stuff up in your room" my nana said. I nodded as they helped me grabbed my bags.

"So what's been new" haven asked as we walked to our shared room. There was so much to tell.

"So much has changed since last year" even though we have each other numbers, we try to save up a lot of tea for when we see each other again.

"Damn I missed y'all little asses" Enzo said as he fell back onto my bed. I sat my stuff down as I plopped down beside him.

"You got a extra glow to you" Haven said squinting her eyes at me. Enzo looked over at me as I tried to hide my obvious smile.

"Uh uh what little nigga got my cousin smiling like this" he said raising an eyebrow.

"You still with what's her face" I questioned with a puzzled look.

"Gina, why you changing the subject" he smirked. Haven poked her lips out as she waited for my response.

"Fine, I've been seeing someone for awhile now, but my dad is still hesitant with guys trying to date me"

"Please tell me unc not still hung up over the Goblin" I let out a laugh

"Yeah he's not, he reminds me all the time how he wants to beat up his father for raising him like that" They both started laughing shaking their head. My dad couldn't watch me have another heartbreak.

"But let's talk about Gina" I said changing the subject back over to him.

"We still on and off but I for sure fucked up" we furrowed our eyebrows.

"I got her ass pregnant" I gasped. Gina was such a gold digger and none of us liked her.

"Your mama gonna be so pissed" haven spoke. I nodded.

"I know, I don't even know how she trapped my ass. I strapped up every time" 

"Well even if you use condoms, there is still a chance of pregnancy" I said. He sighed rubbing a hand down his face. He has a great chance of going pro, so there was a possibility of her trapping him. The door open revealing two of our other cousins, Ella and Faith. I gave them a closed lip smile. Neither one of us liked them at all but we had to be cordial since I'll be staying at my grandma's place for the whole break.

"Oh Ky I didn't know you was here already" Ella said bringing me into a hug.

"Yeah I got in not too long ago"

"What was y'all in here talking about" faith asked taking a seat next to haven.

"Just school honestly" I said keeping it short. It got quiet.

"Imma let y'all girls talk, imma go unpack the rest of my stuff" Enzo said breaking the silence. I was literally begging him with my eyes for him to stay. 

"Y'all" Ella dragged out as she propped up her elbows with a smile.

"I'm assuming something new happened?" I questioned. She nodded biting on her acrylic nail scrolling through her phone.

"So this guy I met at my job, Lance. He is so fine and his sex game—" she smiled widely probably reliving the moment again in her head. "—is A1"

"Then I found out this Nigga was married" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You tryna tell me he had no ring on— at all?" Haven asked leaning on her hands.

"He never wore it around me and he's like 37"

"Sis 37?, aren't you like 23" I asked. She shrugged.

"The older they are, the better the sex is" I was already over this conversation.

"Shit she ain't lying, I fucked around with this 53 year old and he changed my life" Faith said. She was a year younger than Ella.

"I'm going downstairs, I didn't speak to everyone" I quickly got up as they were still scrolling in their phone responding to people.

"I'm right behind you" haven hopped up quick and followed me out of the room. The two girls continued talking about their experiences loud.

When we got downstairs, everyone was busy playing a game of spades or watching the current game. My little cousins were running around the house making loud.

"Aye Ky come play me in Mario karts" Enzo called out. Haven and I, both walked to the living room. I grabbed the awaiting controller from his hand.

"Which cup?" He asked. I looked at the various options.

"Flower" I responded. Once we got to customize our cars and pick a character, the race started. I sat on the edge of the couch as I focused on making sure I stayed in top three. We was playing for awhile until we got to the last race in the cup. The first two laps passed and I was in second place behind Enzo.

"Yeah watch out" I said sitting up as I got closer to lapping him. He started pushing my controller. I laughed swatting him away as I past by an inch and winning in first place.

"Let's go" I pounded my chest as he sucked his teeth.

"Nah rematch, I ain't going out like that"

"That was the rematch" Haven said making me laugh.

"Yeah show them how we do Ky." my dad said hyping me up from the card table. I pointed to him as we both laugh. We were both extremely competitive and hated losing.

Enzo sucked his teeth "you cheated"

"You always say that when you don't win" haven said.

"Damn who side you on" I chuckled as I sat back down on the couch. I pulled my phone out as they kept going back and forth.

Bestieee, come back

I have only been gone for 7 hours

That's too fucking long, my family keep asking if you coming over

We go through this every year lol

I shook my head locking my phone back as I looked over at everybody doing their own thing. Ella was cupcaking with some boy on the phone. Faith was beside her doing pretty much the same. Enzo and Haven was still going at it. My other little cousins was playing with their toys. Some of my boy cousins were outside chilling. The rest of the family was either playing cards or watching tv in the other room.

* * * * *

It was the day before thanksgiving and I was trying my best to avoid my nana. I did not like to help cook at all. All she do is say I'm not doing things right or I'm stirring too fast. So to make everyone satisfied, I stayed in my room. I laid backwards on my bed as I scrolled on my instagram feed. I clicked through a couple people of stories uninterested. I got to honey story and thought about how I haven't asked her if she had a thing for Levi or not.

After we went skating, I noticed how she would react around him and laugh at his jokes that were terrible. I tried not to pay attention to it but then I started wondering if it ever was a Jaden. I tapped my tongue against my teeth as I clicked past her story to see Myles. A smile graced my lips as I swiped up his story and sent a message with a couple of emoji's

I watched it one more time before locking my phone and sighing. Haven was helping my Nana cook, Enzo was 'chilling' outside with my other guy cousins. Leaving me bored in my room with nothing to do. My phone vibrated on my chest. I picked it up seeing the one and only Myles was FaceTiming me.

"Someone must miss me" I answered sarcastically. He sucked his teeth.

"Don't start" I'm assuming he was still in the car.

"Where you going?" I asked rolling over to my stomach.

"Nowhere in particular" I nodded.  "Would your pops be okay if I come get you for a little while"

"Uhh let me ask" I popped my AirPod in my ear as I dashed out of my room. I could hear everyone talking amongst themselves.

"You have to layer th— Move Mikey" my nana fussed. Haven was standing there watching the whole altercation.

"Dad can I go hang out with Myles for a little" I asked. My nana turned around with a smirk.

"Myles, who's that? You're lil friend?" They always calling them a little friend.

"That's fine but let me meet him before y'all leave" I gave a half smile not wanting to bring him inside. Haven wiggled her eyebrows making me hide my laugh.

"Thank you" I kissed his cheek and rushed out the kitchen.

"Send me the address, I'll be on the way"

Kyrie met me outside the moment I pulled up. She had the hugest smile on her face. I unplugged my phone and hopped out of my car.

"Someone definitely missed me" I spoke opening my arms. She wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a hug. I pecked her lips two times and then planted a kiss on her cheek.

"So you're definitely gonna get questioned" she warned me as she interlocked our hands. A couple of people were sitting on the porch smoking while eying me. I wanted to mug them but I decided against it.

"Don't try to rush past me, who this" one of the guy asked.

"Enzo please" she said laughing. I eyed him the same way he did me.

"This is Myles" she turned towards me "and this is my big head ass cousin, Enzo" he sucked his teeth before a smile broke out.

"I can't stand you, nice to meet you man" He raised his hand out. I gave him some dap


"You tryna hit" he asked. I took it from his hand and raised the blunt to my lips.

"And you can't get none, better not be smoking" he said pointing his finger at her. I released the smoke passing it back to them.

"Tuh yeah" she said as she opened the door. I followed behind her, taking my shoes off at the door. The house was nicely decorated and filled with a lot of family photos on the wall. My family home had bare walls and a minimal amount of decorations.

We walked in the kitchen where the smell of the food they were cooking was deep in my nose. It made me hungry. Once they noticed in there, they stopped talking and looked over at us.

"Myles this is my nana, my dad, my aunt and my cousin Haven" she introduced.

"It's nice to meet you all" her dad eyed me with squinted eyes.

"It's so nice to meet you baby, I can tell you make her happy" her nana pulled me into a hug that caught me off guard. She placed a kiss on my cheek before pulling away with a smile. One thing about southern grandmothers, they love kissing peoples cheek.

"You can call me Mikey" He raised his hand that I accepted, giving a firm handshake.

"I know you're a good young man, just treat my peanut good and we'll have no problems" I nodded as Ky rolled her eyes.

"Oh do I need to buy you condoms" he asked Kyrie. Her cheeks flushed red.

"DAD" she said pushing his shoulder. I started laughing as he chuckled. The other people in the kitchen started laughing.

"I don't want any grandchildren right now, just tryna make sure" she covered her face hiding how red she was. All I could do was smile.

"I got some under my cabinet if y'all need some now" he said pointing his finger at me.

"We're not having sex dad" she said. He chuckled. Not yet at least.

"Well when-"

"I think it's time we leave" he started laughing as she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the kitchen.

"That was so embarrassing" I laughed as we almost out of the door.

"Woah who are you" a girl asked biting her lip at me. I mugged her.

"Myles these are my two other cousins, Ella and Faith" I blinked in response.

"You're so fine" Ella said rubbing her hand on me.

"And unavailable, let's go" I moved out of her grasp as I opened the door.

"And he drives a mustang" I heard. I opened the passenger door before walking to the driver side to take off.

* * * * *

"Where are we?" Ky asked as she closed the car door behind her. I grabbed her hand as we walked to the building.

"You'll see" I spoke as we walked inside being greeted by the receptionist.

"Myles is that you?" The receptionist, Tanya asked. I gave her a smile. She was an older women who use to babysit me when I was younger.

"Hey Ms.Tanya, how you been?" I asked.

"Who's this little cutie, you're girlfriend?" She asked looking at Kyrie.

"Yeah this is my girl"

"It's nice to meet you" she said waving at Tanya.

"I won't hold y'all, go ahead and sign in and then I'll buzz you in" I nodded as I signed my name and stated the guest. Ky held onto my arm as she looked around.

"Gwen look who's here" the nurse said once she noticed me walk up to her favorite spot in the facility. She looked up locking eyes with me, confused.

"Hey mom" I spoke with a smile. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Myles" she said rubbing my face with a smile.

"I want you to meet Kyrie, she means quite a lot to me" I said as we took a seat. I never told anyone or any past girlfriend about my mom. This was a huge step.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Gwen" Ky said laying her hand on top of hers. My mom gave a smile as she looked over at her.

"James, did you pick up Myles" she asked me punching my skin lightly. Just like that, she forgot who I was. I looked over at Ky who already had her eyes on me with a smile.

"This is my first time ever bringing someone here that's not my siblings, my mom got diagnosed with Alzheimer's when I turned 12" I looked back at her as she stared out the window.

"She gave me her ring when she realized she started losing her memory. She always told me that it guided her to the right path in life" I touched the ring on my chain as I felt my eyes trying to water.

"She told me that blue butterflies had many meanings and that the ring led her to the symbol she needed the most— happiness" I rubbed my finger across the engraving.

"Did the altercations with your dad happen once her memory started to deteriorate?" She asked. I nodded as I looked at her. My dad blamed me for her loosing memory and cognitive functions. He physically, emotionally and sexually abused me as his way of grieving.

"Just like you said, she's just a shell of the women I use to know"

"James did you hear me" she snapped tossing her hands up.

"I picked him up Gwen, we're getting ice-cream. Remember" I said playing along. A smile graced her lips as she clapped her hands excitedly. I resembled my father, so she usually mistaken me for him.

"Thank you for letting me meet her, she's a lovely person" Ky said as she leaned her head on my shoulder. My mom made me promise her two things, to look over my siblings and to let her meet the women who I'm truly in love with. Two promises I can finally fulfill. I kissed the butterfly ring as I watched the two of them interact.

You finally get a better insight of Myles and his mom

This was a longer chapter, I hope you guys liked it

Sorry for any mistakes; please leave feedback


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