Begin Again

بواسطة Straightnochaser9

368K 13.3K 9.8K

After 8 generations the American mafia finally had birthed not just one but two girls. Demontre and Angelic... المزيد

I'm so happy you're here :D
1. You dumb piece of sh!t
2. The Consequences Of A Mistake Is Death
3. Little Dumpling
4. Never Count A Women Out
5. I'll See You In Hell
6. If Only We Knew
7. Currently Under Attack
8. It's Just A Bullet Graze
9. A Brand New Brighter Future
10. It All Started With Pure Bliss
11. Oh Sugar Snaps
12. I'm All That You Have
13. She's All I Have
14. My Sister Saved Me
New Characters/ Twins Now
15. 26 Pieces Of Rhubarb Pie
16. Why Can't We Just Kill Her
17. Going To fold Quicker Then A Taco
18. They Know Who We Are
19. You Were Kidnapped By My Sister
20. Fucking Animal
21. Thicker Then Blood
22. Sugar Biscuits
23. Trust Has To Be Earned
24. Pubic Hair Of Penguins
25. Did You Have To Stab Him
26. Never Have Enough Garlic Bread
27. Pent Up Murderous Tension
28. Sugar Babies Feeding Me
29. And She Gives Great Head
31. Pure Sex & Muscles
32. Shoot Him In The Dick
33. I'll Beat You All With My Shoe
34. She Could Suck The Soul Out Of Anyone
35. Dude Dont Call My Sister Fat
36. So You Can Eat His Bootyhole
37. Someone's Dirty Little Secret
38. A Selfish Idiotic Bitch
39. Just Survive The Night
40. Im Such A Stupid Girl
41. Optimism In My Life
42. You Fucked Up
43. I Wish I Didnt Break Down
44. Sexy Stranger's Name
45. Get A Passion For Dicks
46. I'm Just So Tired
47. You Fucking Bozo
48. No Need For The Foreplay
49. Forgive You And Forget You
50. Kill Those Jackass
51. Strange Tingling Sensation
52. Was She Really Going To Shot Me?
53. Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Girl
54.The Bitch Is Crazy
55. Go So I Can Blow Your Father
56. The Calm Before the Storm
57. Lets Go Save Those Girls
58. Set The World On Fire
59. All You Need Is One
60. Yeah Its a Trap
61. Welcome Home
62. Your Own Personal Hell
63. Moment Of Weakness Is My Gain
64. To Young To Die
65. Taking my power back
Pretty fireworks
66. Own Personal Whorehouse
67. She's Dead
68. She Needed This

30. Fallen Penis Pieces

3.3K 146 159
بواسطة Straightnochaser9


Pretending to think about his offer I tapped my finger on the middle of my chin. "Respectfully no."

"Please I'll TELL YOU AN AHHH," the Swedish man's words were cut off by his screams as I sliced another piece of his dick off.

Watching the blood spurt out on the floor bringing me closer and closer to a sense of euphoria.

"Well, fudgesicles, why do you have to have such a small dick huh? I have nothing left to cut now."

Once we got all our McDonalds and Wendy's because Mauve insisted she had to have a 4 for 4. We were supposed to go on a mission and capture the men who had been supplying girls at our club.

But those idiots took all the fun away from a mission because they were drunk off their asses in the middle of the street. Kidnapping them was way too easy, we threw them in the cell and now that it's morning and they're sober it's time for their integration.

Well first we killed 4 of the guys for funzy. Leaving- Arvid, Cecilia's direct link and one another guy as a spare just in case I kill Arvid too soon.

Placing my favorite lighter in my hand I give Tre a small nod in thanks. Making sure to ignore the winces from Philip, and Nancy that were behind me because they knew what was exactly going to come next.

"Please NO NO NO," Arvid chanted while eyeing the lighter with widened eyes.

Sugar snaps I LOVE when they beg.

Flicking the knob on the lighter, I put the small fire on the little bit of dick that was left and watch as his little white knob of his dick starts to turn pick, red and finally black. Thankfully he was skillfully tied up so the trashing he was doing did virtually nothing except make some of the flame touch his thighs.

"I'll never understand how she's nice but turns into the devil when she starts torturing people." Philip murmured while I got up from my chair and skipped to the weapons table so I could pick my new weapon of choice.

"That's that the girls who get it, get it! And the ones who don't, don't" Mauve shrugged.

"Of course, you get it, you're just the same, you go from angel to Muesda in 2.5 seconds." Nancy replied while eyeing the Swedish man's fallen penis pieces that were now on the floor dotted with blood. "AHH fuck that had to hurt."

Oh, it definitely did, I think while looking at the fallen pieces. Ugh I could go for some Reese's pieces, gosh I love peanut butter, peanut butter anything honestly, chocolate, cookies, cake sandwiches!

Ahh a peanut butter sandwich sounds so good; I mean anything with bread is good. Lord have mercy I love bread all types I don't discriminate it could be french, Persian, Italian- ohh pizza Italians make the BEST pizza li-

"Angy," Tre voice boomed, breaking me out of my inner monologue. Right where was I? Zoning back in I focus on picking the tool I'll be using to make this bastad wish he was never born.

Although Tre has a terrible temper and has massive issues that have led her to hulk out between the two of us, I'm the more deadly one. Well, when it comes to dealing with the people who prey on the innocent.

It's probably from the fact that I had to hide my abuse. But I have this nact for bottling all my issues and temper inside me and holding onto them for special people. And this disgrace of a man is very special which is why I'm unloading some of my temper on him.

I shouldn't use the torch because I just used a lighter?

Guess I will settle for a drill.

With my weapon of choice in my hand I skipped back to my chair the laughter from Mauve, Philip, Nancy, and Tre behind me from my childish nature, the only audible noise.

"You know the human body absolutely fascinates me." Picking up the drill that I had put on my lap I examined it more before continuing, "It's crazy how one can be so strong, yet they just lose a few pints of blood and they're a half step away from death."

"Please I-" he started to stammer out, but his cries were drowned out when I flicked the switch on my specially made drill and the rotating bit screeching noise overpowered whatever crappy excuse he was spewing.

Standing up I can't help the sinister smile that overtakes my face as I begin to drill holes in the upper part of his arm.

Once hitting his shoulder blade, I drop the drill and slide my knife from my pants pockets. Ignoring his screams, I start stabbing his stomach and then moving to his back over, over, over and over again. With the blade about 2 inches from his head I feel a soft hand wrap around my wrist bringing me out of my trance.

Looking down there's a crimson puddle around my feet and the once attractive Swedish man looks almost unrecognizable with all the drill holes, and the bloody lines I had made from my knife.

I had done it again.

It happens almost every time I torture someone it takes me back to that time, and I imagine its Jace that I'm hurting, and I lose control slightly.

Luckily someone from our inner circle stops me right before I completely kill that person, a skill I taught them while giving them a 2-week medical school crash course.

Before that crash course they kept stopping me after I had killed the person we were torturing.

Taking a step back, I walk over to where Mauve, Philip, and Nancy are as we watch Tre sit in the chair across from the disfigured rapist.

Fuck, Angy did quite a number on this fool.

I can't help it as my eyes roam all over his dismembered body that is covered in bruises. Fuck his body is oozing with blood from all the drill holes she had put in his body.

And people say I'm crazy when it comes to torture.

"Here's the deal, I'm going to kill you."I say absentmindedly while looking at my nails.

Why beat around the bush?

"But before you die, we need you to answer some of our questions. Now I know underneath that receding hairline there is a brain no matter how small it is. So you're wondering, ''Hmm, why should I answer her questions?" Folding my arms around my chest, I watch as his head goes up and down giving me a swift nod.

" It's quite simple." Taking out my gun from my waistband I put it in my lap. "You answer my questions truthfully you'll get a bullet right between your eyes, in instant death quite painless."

It's a fair deal that honestly he doesn't deserve.

"But every question you answer wrong is an extra week we'll keep you alive. Have that blonde Barbie over there have her way with you." Watching his eyes widen in fear just at the mention of Angy, I'm not going to lie warms my heart.

Go sissy, that's my sissy.

"And in case you were wondering, she'll sew you back up just so she can drill your body again." I finished with a small smile and tried my best not to laugh at this man's scared state.

This was really one of the men they used on us? To sell on our territory... honestly a little insulted, like if you're going to try and get one over on us, at least send your good people.

"I'll tell you whatever you want, just keep she devil away from me PLEASE." He begged while looking down at the space where his dick would have been if she hadn't chopped it off like pieces of sushi.

Rolling my eyes at his choice of wording to describe my sister I start my integration. "Do women find you that repulsive? So vile that you have to try with easy to manipulate little girls. So just bad at sex that you have to force them to have sex with you?"

His head that was hanging low snapped up so quick at the word repulsive I thought it would break.

Caught a nerve there huh?

He opened his mouth, but before words could escape, he closed his mouth shut tightly. Probably to stop whatever venom he was about to spew.

Man the 'she-devil' got him down bad.

Getting rid of whatever crap he was going to spew he cleared his throat. "I get women just fine but one of my jobs is to break the girls in, so you know." He smirked, showing his now bloody teeth.

Forcing young girls and guys to have sex with you so they'll be ready to be pimped out... fuck what I said we'll keep this guy around to suffer for a little bit.

"Where did you get the girls, and how did you pick my club?"

"This woman approached me last year to do it. She said she'll supplies the girls I don't know where she gets them from. It's all done through burner phones. A burner phone somehow appears. I have no idea how it gets there. She calls saying how many girls, where they'll be and what club they'll go to."

Pausing he breaks out into a coughing fit, after a few minutes of bloody coughs he starts back up again. "T.I.P was always on a no sell list but 3 weeks ago she picked your club and said now is the time to start. I know she's doing the same thing at 2 of your other clubs but I don't know which ones, she tries to share as little information between other workers as possible."

Suddenly his eyes widened so much I thought they would pop out. "Here open up," Angy said. This jackass has it down bad he's terrified of her. Titling his head back, Angy titled a water bottle and dropped a few sips of water in his mouth.

"Thank you," he mumbled while watching her retreat back with a cautious expression.

"When is your next drop of girls?"

"We're done. I had a one-year contract with her, the year was up last week. She gave me my pay in an offshore untreatable Cayman Island bank account."

"What about the girls you used?"

"They're gone too, my contract was 1 year meaning I got girls that just turned 14/15. The regulars are now too old, so she disposes of them, probably to be adult hookers, or drug mules. The one timers, well you already know they were sold to the highest bidder."

"So basically, you can't tell us anything that is useful," I said, quite agitated.

"I told you information about the girls!" He proclaimed like he just told me how to solve world hunger.

"You told me nothing." Sensing my mood change, and probably thinking I would send Angy after him he squealed, "wait I do know what she looks like the women in charge, I met her once."

"Well, go on."

Giving me a confused look, he pursed his lips. "Well actually she kind of looks like you and the she devil, now that I think about it she even sounds like you."

Aint no fucking way

"How tall was she?"

Laughing at a memory to himself he said, "short, like short you wouldn't believe she's a mobster... kind of like you two."


Walking towards me again, Angy was flicking through her phone, turning it around to the prisoner, "is this her?"

"Umm I mean she looked a little duller, bitchier too but yeah that's her." He nodded.

Turning her phone to me I see that she had done a close up of a picture of Reese and Ace.

I could be wrong, and it could just be a leap, but something tells me the big bad that is in charge of this ring that is tracking girls is her aunt.

Even if she's not the big bad.

She's responsible for bringing in hundreds of young girls to be trafficked. And the fact that she decided to come to our club days after we reunited with our family.

Great. She is alive turning out young girls and it looks like she's coming after our whole family.

Just fucking great.

I don't think I will come up with a better title? Fallen penis pieces just *chef kiss* I don't think it will get better.

Let me know what you thought about this chapter!

When you get chicken wings, are y'all a sauce person!? I drink my wings with ranch I s2g

I'll see y'all next Sunday same spot.

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