habits, supernatural [ 1 ]

By maybankwalker

183K 5.1K 1.6K

[ supernatural -- seasons 2-8 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the sh... More

001. meet the winchesters
002. america's first serial killer
003. possessed sam
004. gates to hell
005. hunters and the seven dwarfs
006. "what kind of psycho are you?"
007. sam's older date
008. dream root
009. ghostfacers
010. dean's year is up
011. bittersweet reunions
012. ghost witnesses
013. oktoberfest and pantophobia
014. wishes come true
015. angel radio girl
016. godzilla and mothra
017. girl in the walls
018. demon blood detox
019. start of the end of the world
020. war
021. two grumpy old men
022. convention antics
023. last day on earth
024. teen warlock boy
025. hunger
026. rising of the dead
027. dead winchesters
028. the whore
029. future sister-in-law
030. hotel full of gods
031. losing first loves
032. "did you kiss him?"
033. see you later
034. shapeshifting baby
035. kidnapping
036. vampire cure
037. soulless sam
038. his soul and apologies
039. spider-man
040. kidney ghost
041. tv world
042. khan worm
043. wild west
044. killing the mother
045. superman gone dark side
046. broken wall
047. leviathans
048. worried girlfriend and broken boyfriend
049. sam's me time
050. on trial
051. doppelgangers
053. married the wrong woman
054. high dean
055. hanging by a thread
056. mother hen
057. fedora guy
058. amazons
059. clowns are bitches
060. insomnia
061. emmanuel
062. drunk spirit
063. lot of foxholes
064. tech genius
065. a kevin tran
066. vamptonite
067. killing dick roman
068. blissful year
069. awkward reunion
070. badass mom
071. foot rubs
072. bobby 2.0
073. "my stomach's a watermelon!"
074. cartoon deaths
075. dirty trick
076. moondoor camp
077. time traveling grandfather
078. new home
079. first trial
080. "that was incredibly hot"
081. second trial
082. baby's first crime scene
083. dean rode a farty donkey
084. curing a demon
085. third trial
Book Two

052. town full of psychics

1.3K 40 32
By maybankwalker

After Sam found out that Dean killed Amy, Sam went his own way and Larissa joined him after he told her where he was. It's only been a few days and the two have mostly just been driving around.

Larissa is currently asleep in the motel bed, her hair all over the place.

"Lissy." She's woken up by a whisper and a soft poking to her shoulder. "Lissy." She lets out a quiet groan, turning her head to see Sam in workout. "Hey. Hey, you, uh... you wanna go biking? Or for a run?"

"What?" Larissa looks at the clock. "It's 6 in the fucking morning."

"Yeah." Sam nods. Larissa focuses her tired gaze on him and looks at him like he's insane. Though, Sam doesn't see the major problem with it.

"Okay, Sammy." Larissa mumbles.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"If you ever wake me up before 9 AM again for unimportant reasons -- such as exercising -- I will shoot you in the dick." Larissa states.

"Got it." Sam mumbles.

"Good." Larissa whispers. "Now, you go be a crazy person and have fun. I'm going back to sleep." She drops her head back onto the pillow, shutting her eyes.

Sam lets out a short chuckle before leaning down and kissing her on the head.

"I'll  be back in, like, an hour." Sam tells her.

Larissa waves him off, letting out incoherent words, and Sam leaves.


It's been a week since Sam and Dean have been separate from each other. Sam and Larissa get to their motel room after dinner.

"So... wanna watch a movie or something?" Sam asks.

"You wanna talk about yours and Dean's avoidance?" Larissa asks.

"Nope. I'm good." Sam says.

"Sam..." Larissa starts, walking closer to him.

"Look, I'm mad. But I don't want to talk about it." Sam says.

"Okay, fine." Larissa drops the subject. "But, uh... given no Dean, I can think of an activity we could do."

"What?" Sam asks.

Larissa smirks and leans up, connecting her lips with his. She wraps her arms around his neck, Sam's hands going to her back. They continue to make out, backing up a bit and Larissa's legs hit the end of the bed.

"Mm. Are you-- are you sure? Are you ready?" Sam asks.

"Only one way to find out." Larissa mumbles against his lips. "If I'm not ready, I'll stop. I promise."

"I don't wanna force anything." Sam whispers, his hand cupping the side of her face as their kissing becomes rougher.

"You're not. I'm okay." Larissa assures, kissing him back. Larissa lets out a muffled moan before detaching from Sam's lips and moving her lips to his neck, sucking on his skin. Sam lets out a small moan, one hand tangling in Larissa's hair. Larissa continues to nibble on his neck for a few moments.

Suddenly Sam's hand smacks Larissa's head making her flinch.

"Ow!" She yells out, pulling away from him.

"Shit. I am so sorry." Sam looks at her with wide eyes. 

"Dude, what the fuck?" Larissa asks, rubbing her head.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Sam cradles her head. "I don't know where that came from. I don't know what happened. I'm sorry." He presses a few gentle kisses to where he hit her. "It won't happen again. I'm sorry."

"Is there a reason?" Larissa asks.

"I-- I don't know. I think I just... had some sort of glitch or something." Sam says.

"Glitch? What are you, a robot?" Larissa asks.

"Just kiss me again." Sam tells her.

They start to make out again, it becoming more heated pretty easily. Larissa's left hand goes up and tangles her fingers in his hair as his hands trail down to just above her butt. Her other hand snakes under his shirt, running her hand over his abs and chest.

Sam smacks Larissa's left hand and her right forearm.

"Ow!" She pulls away from the kiss.

"I'm sorry." Sam winces.

"Okay, are-are you okay? Cause that was three times." Larissa says, sitting on the bed.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Sam assures.

"You sure?" Larissa 

"Yeah." Sam nods. He cradles her face, leaning down to kiss her again, but she puts her hands on his chest to stop him. "What?" He softly asks.

"Sammy." She gently pushes him away a little. "You're hitting me for some reason. What is it?"

"Nothing. I just... I haven't had sex in a while." Sam shrugs.


"It's nothing, Lissy."

"Look, I hit you for a reason last time we tried this. And you know my reason, you know, I--" Larissa stops as she seems to consider something. "Wait, you... have you--"

"Lissy, it's not anything to worry about." Sam says.

"Did somebody do that to you?" She asks.

"No! No. I'm-- I'm fine." He says, forcing a chuckle out. Larissa looks at his hands when he presses his right thumb into his left palm.

"Sammy? Did Lucifer ever--"

"I'm not talking about it. Nothing happened." Sam says.


"I'm fine!" He insists. He storms to the door.

"Baby--" She's cut off as the door slams shut behind him. Tears prick at Larissa's eyes as she can practically feel her heart shatter at the pain he's gone through. And she doesn't even know what else he's gone through in Hell because he never talks about it.

~ ~ ~

It's been a few hours since Sam left and Larissa has been nervously pacing in the motel room. She wants to call him, but also doesn't want to push any buttons and she isn't sure what might set him off.

Larissa turns when the door opens, watching Sam shuffle in.

"Hey, baby." She softly greets.

Sam doesn't respond as he walks over to the bed and sits on the end of it. Larissa slowly walks over to him, standing in front of him.

"Hi." She whispers, not really sure what to do.

Sam's face screws up as he begins to cry.

"I'm sorry." He hiccups. "I didn't-- I don't--"

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay." Larissa soothes. "it's okay." She holds her arms out and Sam drags her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist, head buried in her stomach as he starts to sob.

"It's okay, baby." Larissa assures, gently combing her fingers through his hair. "You don't have anything to apologize for. It's okay. You're okay now."

~ ~ ~

Sam fell asleep shortly after he finished sobbing. He's asleep on the bed and his arms are securely wrapped around Larissa. She's still awake and continues to brush through his hair even though she knows he's out.

"I'm so sorry, Sammy. I love you." Larissa whispers.


A few days later, the two are in town for a case. Sam told Larissa he didn't want to talk about it and to keep everything normal and she respects his wishes, knowing how hard it is to open up about that. She didn't talk about what happened to her for a few years until she finally broke.

She doesn't treat him any differently, knowing he's still the same Sam she loves, just more broken than before.

The two are currently at a restaurant and Sam has the files for the case on the table.

"Just coffee, black, extra shot." Sam tells the waiter. He walks away, having gotten Larissa's order first. Larissa plays with Sam's fingers, knowing it helps relax him almost as much as it does her.

"You always wear a suit to get your palm read?" They turn to see Dean.

Sam doesn't respond, pulling his hand away from Larissa to scratch his eyebrow, his demeanor changing as he's around his brother.

"Yeah. Not surprised you caught this one. It's on every morning zoo in America. You mind?" Dean asks. Sam waves his hand around. Dean grabs a chair, putting it at the table and sitting between the couple. Sam shuts the case file, holding it in his lap.

"So, I, uh, I went to the scene. Wires, speakers, enough EMF to make your hair stand up. Don't even think about getting a reading. Oh, and, uh, if this hadn't have been two psychics that bit it... I would have just chalked this up as being, uh, dumb and accidental. And I know, I know. This whole town's supposedly calling ghosts."

"But that takes some serious spellwork and some serious mojo. The only books this lady had were Oprah crap. When was the last time you actually saw a real psychic? Huh? Pamela? Missouri? Anyway, this is good. And, uh, how you been?"

"And what can I get you?" The waiter returns with Sam and Larissa's drinks.

"Uh, pancakes, side of pig. Coffee, black." Dean says.

"Fantastic. You are a virile manifestation of the divine." The waiter tells him before walking away.

"What the hell did he say to me?" Dean asks. Larissa presses her lips together to not laugh at his confusion as Sam lets out a small scoff. "Oh, it's funny? Yeah, no. Go ahead. Laugh it up, you two. Hilarious."

"Dean..." Sam starts.

"Oh, he speaks." Dean quips.


"Sam. Look, we're both here. All right, the chance of either one of us leaving while people are still dying out there--" Dean makes a zero sign with his hand. "You might as well bite the bullet and work with me on this one."

"I don't know if I can."

"I'm not asking you to open up a can of worms, okay? I'm not even asking you where the hell you and Rissa have been the past week and a half."


"I'm just saying, let's try and stop the killings. That's it."


"Okay? Good."

A woman who is walking by stops when she sees the brothers.

"Can I help you?" Dean asks.

"You're the brothers from the--" She hurries to get her phone out.

"Oh, no, no, no, no. THe Winchester guys on the news a couple weeks back? No, we get that a lot." Sam says.

"Yeah, no. Those depraved killers got put down like the dogs that they were." Dean says. "Us on the other hand, we're completely harmless."

The woman laughs.

"Oh, yeah! I'm sorry. Silly me. And I can see by your energies, you're completely gentle." She says.

"Excuse my friend." A man walks up, standing by the woman. "She's excitable. Sweetheart, look at them, hmm? They're FBI."


"I'm Russian. We can spot the law. You must be here about the tragedies."

"Oh, we're just beside ourselves about what happened."

"Yeah. And so close to festival season, huh?"

"Yes-- no--"

"Of course we are worried. We have no idea what's going on." The man says. He takes a business card out, giving it to Sam. "Nikolai. Let me know if I can help you. I'm highly intuitive."

"Nikolai Lishin, spoon bender?" Sam asks, glancing at the card.

"Mm. World famous." He picks Sam's spoon up. "Come to my demonstration at the festival, huh?" He makes a hand motion at Sam's spoon. "I teach you to harness the power of your mind." He puts the spoon down. "Come, let's leave them be." He tells the woman, the two walking to their table.

"So glad we decided to vacation here, huh? Right?" Dean asks.

"All right." Sam puts the case file on the table. "Here we go." He opens it. "First death... second death."

"What am I looking at?" Dean asks.

"Well, see this? Now, this is Imelda Graven, death number one. She was brained by her own crystal ball." Sam informs.

"Bummer, and ironic." Dean says. He looks through the file. "Same necklace?"

"Yeah. See, Imelda gave it to Goldy in her will." Sam says.

"Okay, so, cursed object, maybe?" Dean suggests.

"Worth looking into. Goldy's next of kin lives in town, also a psychic." Sam says.

"Oh, good. I haven't had my fill." Dean remarks.

Sam pours some sugar into his coffee. He picks his spoon up to stir, but it bends.

"He broke my spoon." Sam mumbles.

Larissa starts to quietly laugh at the bent spoon in her boyfriend's hand.


The three walk up to a house just as two women walk out of it.

"Melanie Golden? Hi. Uh... got a minute?" Dean asks, the three showing their FBI badges.

"You want me to stay?" Melanie's friend asks.

"No, that's okay." Melanie assures.

"Okay." Her friend nods.

"Thanks for stopping by, hon." She hugs her friend.

"Of course." Melanie's friend leaves, politely smiling at the three as she passes them, the trio returning the smiles.

"A friend. She just heard about my grandmother. Which is, I guess, why you guys are here, so come on in." Melanie walks back into her house, the three following her inside. "Sorry, I just got back."

"You were out of town?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I work the circuit. Hotels, conventions, you know." Melanie says.

"Oh. Wait. No offense, but... you don't seem all that psychic." Dean says.

"Why do you say that?" Melanie asks.

"Well, I mean, just, you know, where's all the crystals and pyramids?" Dean asks.

"I'm off the clock. Also not psychic." She says. "What? It's an honest living."

"Interesting definition of honest." Dean comments.

"Well, I honestly read people. It's just less whoo-whoo, more body language. Like you three -- you two are long time partner, she's been around for a while, but not as long. You're pissed." She motions to Sam. "You're stressed." She motions to Dean. "And you're annoyed and worried." She motions to Larissa. "You two are dating." She points between Sam and Larissa.

"She's good." Larissa mumbles.

"It's not brain surgery. It's kind of why my grandma and me didn't get along. I mean, she'd go full smoke machine, but she still actually believed in all that stuff, so..." Melanie says.

"You don't?" Dean asks.

"You do?" Melanie returns.

"I've got an open mind. You'd be surprised." Dean says and Melanie hums.

"I'm sorry to have to ask, but there's a necklace of your grandmother's." Sam says.

"Don't have it. Everything went straight to the emporium. She had a deal with the owner." Melanie says.

"The emporium?" Sam asks.


They went to the emporium, though the guy wasn't much help, and they found out the necklace was fake and made in Taiwan.

The next day, they're at Nikolai's house after he got killed last night.

"He probably should have bent those with the power of his mind." Dean says, looking at the scattered silverware and blood stained coffee table.

"Chief." Sam greets the man. "We met at the station." He reminds.

"Right. Morning, agents." The chief says.

"Morning. Uh, this is Agent Borne." Sam points to Dean. "So, what happened?"

"It's a weird one. Chest full of cutlery." The chief says.

"All right. We're gonna take a look around. Let us know if you get any leads." Dean says.

"Oh, I got leads coming out of my ass. As of 9:00, our tip line had 46 calls, all from clairvoyants that know what really happened." The chief says.

"What's the popular theory?" Dean asks.

"It's a toss up between a ghost and some sort of ogre that only attacks Russians." The chief says.

"Policing Lily Dale sounds fun."

"It was either this or Los Angeles."

"So, these clairvoyants, did they give any details as to why they thought it was a ghost? Or a... Russian ogre?" Sam asks.

"Their spirit monkey said so. Plus, apparently, this guy claims he had a vision of his own death, cutlery and all." The chief says.

Dean's phone rings.

"Excuse me." He walks away a little.


"I hadn't checked it until today. I mean, the only person who ever called my landline was my grandma." Melanie says.

"That's okay. Go on." Sam says.

"Look, I wouldn't put any stock in it. I mean, she was always calling me with some crazy dream she was sure was a sign, that kind of thing, but... uh, is it true Nikolai had a real vision of his death?" Melanie asks.

"That's what we were told." Dean says.

"Well, so did she. The day she died." Melanie says.

"What'd she say?" Dean asks.

"Well, you can listen to it if you want. She said she was in a seance, then the lights go off, it's freezing." Melanie says.

"Wait, she said that? That the room got cold?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Why? Is that important?" Melanie asks. The three hunters glance between each other. "What? What is it?"

"A ghost. The real deal." Dean says.

"Come on." Melanie scoffs, but sees their looks. "You're serious."

"Yeah. See, there's, uh, fake whoo-whoo crap, and there's real whoo-whoo crap." Dean says.

"Well, yeah. But... ghosts?" Melanie asks.

"Oh, trust me. There's a lot weirder out there than that." Dean says.

"So the X-Files is real or you just stopped talking like an FBI agent?" Melanie asks.

"Well, um... we're not FBI agents." Sam informs.

"I need a drink." Melanie says.

"I support that." Dean says.

~ ~ ~

"You know, if this is a spirit, it ain't your average spook tied to a house. I mean, this thing is boogying all over town." Dean says as the three leave Melanie's house.

"Not surprised." Sam says. "I mean, how many crystal balls do you figure there are in Lily Dale?"

"Somewhere between 50 and, uh, all of them." Dean says as they get to the car.

"Well, I mean, quartz can act as an antenna for spirits, right? I mean, that's why mediums started using crystal balls in the first place." Sam says.

"Well, that means that every storefront in town has got a ghost satellite dish." Dean says.

"Exactly. And this place is packed with people summoning spirits."

"Yeah, but, dude, most of these guys can't even call a taxi."

"All it takes is one."

"That's gonna be like looking for a needle in a stack of fake needles."

"It's worse. I mean, I'll bet you anything some of these guys got real juice. I'm not talking kill people level. I'm just saying, enough to make it complicated."

"I hate this town. All right, so... what? Start hitting up the Miss Cleos?"

"I was thinking we all split up and canvass. It's faster."

"Wait, all split up? Like three different ways?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods before walking away.

"Right. 'Course you were." Dean mutters.

"Since when does he split up from me?" Larissa mumbles.


They're at the museum and are listening to a museum guide talk. Eventually, Larissa notices Sam roll his eyes before he walks out of the room, her and Dean following him.

They walk into a room that has a wall covered in photographs and they look over them.

"Never ended well for the siblings." The guide says.

"Why is that?" Dean asks.

"The strain of working together. Or maybe just being around each other all their lives." The guide says. Larissa glances between the brothers, wondering which one would snap first. Probably Dean.

"Those two were the exception, actually -- the Campbells. Got along famously. Of course, that was just a stage name. They weren't actually brothers. That was a cover for their, um... alternative lifestyle. Any other questions I can answer?"

"Yes. Who are they?" Sam points to an old picture of two women.

"Oh, the Fox sister. Among the founders of Lily Dale. Kate Fox, quite troubled, apparently, but mesmerizing onstage. She's said to be able to levitate objects and foretell one's death."

"That's her." Dean mumbles.

"Her older sister, Margaret... perhaps not a natural psychic." The guide says.

"So, full of crap." Dean says.

"Yes, well... she didn't have her sister's charisma, but she looked after Kate. Sometimes, one's true gift is taking care of others." The guide says.

"So, what happened to them?" Dean asks.

"Lived here all their lives." The guide says.

"Lived here and died here?" Sam asks.

"Yes, well... buried in the cemetery."

"Great. That was very educational. Thank you." Sam tells him. "Dean." He calls, grabbing Larissa's hand, leading her outside.

The two get to the bottom of the outside steps and wait for Dean to catch up.

"You know... you could try talking to him." Larissa quietly suggests.

"No." Sam tells her.


"I'm not forgiving him."

"I didn't say forgive him, just talk to him. Maybe you two can work something out."

"Not happening."

Larissa huffs, but drops the subject when she spots Dean coming down the stairs.

"All right." Sam starts walking when he notices his brother, Larissa and Dean following him. "Hit up the graveyard, dig up Kate?"

"I actually have a theory." Larissa says.

"All right. Wait a second." Dean says.

"All signs point to her." Sam says.

"But what if--"

"No." Dean cuts Larissa off. "Just hold on a damn minute." Sam stops and turns to his brother, Larissa standing by and nervously glancing between them. "Enough with just the facts."

"We agreed--"

"No, we agreed to work the case. We didn't agree for you to be a dick the whole time." Dean says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"You're pissed, okay? And you've got a right." Dean says.

"Yeah, damn straight."

"But enough's enough."

"Says who? Look, I'll work this damn case, but you lied to me, and you killed my friend." Sam turns to walk away, Dean following.

"No, I put down a monster who killed four people, and if you didn't know her, you'd have done the same."

"I did know her, Dean."

"Yeah, which is why you couldn't do it." Dean says and Sam stops. "Look, I get it. There are certain people in this world, no matter how dangerous they are, you just can't."

"Don't pull that card. That's bullshit. Look, if I've learned one thing, it's that if something feels wrong, it probably is."

"Usually, yeah. But killing Amy was not wrong. You couldn't do it, so I did. That's what family does -- the dirty work. And I would've told you, eventually, once I knew that this whole "waving a gun at Satan" thing was a one time show. I think it's reasonable to want to know that you're off the fuckin' high dive, Sam. You almost got us killed, so you can be pissed all you want, but quit being a bitch."

Dean walks off to the car.

Larissa awkwardly stands back, not really sure what to do or say. When Sam looks at her she seems to be broken out of her daze.

"Okay, I don't really agree with him. You have every right to be pissed and I understand not forgiving him. He did kill somebody you cared about. And I know he'd be acting the same way you are if the roles were reversed. And I-- I do get it. She killed for her kid, I would too. But... he does have a point. If it wasn't Amy, you probably wouldn't have let them go. I think Dean just did what he felt like was right."

Sam quietly scoffs, starting to walk off.

"So much for having my back." He remarks.

"Wh-- Sam." She calls, sighing when he doesn't turn around. "Damn it. Fucking sibling acts." She grumbles.


Sam is digging up Kate' grave, Larissa and Dean holding flashlights.

"I get why she's killing people. I don't get why she's warning them." Sam says.

"Give them a taste of the curse, maybe? It couldn't have been a joyride." Dean says.

"See, that's what I was trying to say earlier. I don't think--"

"Here we go." Sam says, cutting Larissa off.

They break the coffin open and the boys pour gas and salt onto the body.

"Okay, can we just think about this for a minute? Would you listen to me? Cause I really don't think that it's--" Larissa lets out a yell as Kate's ghost attacks Sam, knocking him to the ground.

"Sam!" Dean calls. "Back off, crazy eyes."

"Listen to me. Why isn't anybody listening?" Kate asks. Dean holds his lighter out and flicks it, but it doesn't listen. "No."

"You don't get a vote." Dean says.

"Dean, wait." Larissa says.

"No! Stop!"

Larissa grabs the lighter from Dean.

"What the--"

"Stop it!" Larissa tells him, turning to Kate. "Okay, just tell me what you wanna say. What are people not listening to you about?"

Before Kate can answer, Sam lights a match.

"No!" Kate screams as he drops it in the grave.

"Sam!" Larissa yells. Kate's ghost goes up in flames, vanishing.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean shoves Larissa.

"Me? Did that look like some pissed off ghost, Dean?" Larissa asks, pointing to where Kate was standing.

"It was an act." Dean says.

"Really? Cause I don't think ghosts can act that well."

"Okay, you're really losing it."

"Or maybe I just don't believe the first theory I have. Cause she has no reason to warn and then kill people."

"So who else would it be?"

"Her sister."

"The one who took care of her?"

"Well, maybe she's got a thing against psychics or something. I don't fucking know! But we should burn her bones too. As some sort of safety thing."

"No. No, we have no reason to burn her bones!"

"I just gave you a reason!"

Dean scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Okay, okay, hey." Sam gets between them, pushing them away so they're not in attacking vicinity of each other. "Lissy, look, it's handled. We took care of it."

Larissa glares up at Sam and scoffs.

"Whatever." She throws the lighter at Dean who barely manages to catch it. "Tell that to the next dead person."

"Yeah, only if you were right, which you're not." Dean says. Larissa rolls her eyes and looks at Sam, her heart dropping a little when he doesn't disagree with Dean.

"Well, look at that. You guys are on the same page about something." Larissa says, walking away.


"So much for having my back."


It's the next morning and they're at Melanie's place. After telling them that the ghost issue was taken care of, Margaret had attacked at Camille's house. Melanie called the three and told them, but they were too late as Margaret had already killed Camille.

Larissa is sitting on the couch while Sam and Dean are standing around and Melanie is upstairs.

"Should have known that whole good sis, bad sis story was just showmanship crap. Oh, and it turns out that Kate was just trying to warn people about her evil bitch sister. How were we supposed to know?" Dean asks.

Sam's eyes fall onto Larissa who is sitting on the couch, a pissed off expression on her face. He winces, looking at Dean who subtly backs away from the angry woman.

"And we burned her bones, so that's gone." Dean adds.

"Dean." Sam calls.

"What?" He asks.

"All we can do now is go stop her." Sam says.

"I know. Believe me. But-- can we talk about this later?" Dean asks. "Hey." He greets Melanie as she walks down. She's still crying and she just took a shower, wearing a robe and her hair is damp. "How you holding up?"

"Been better." Melanie says.

"Listen, if you need for us to leave--"

"I need you guys to leave." Melanie says.

"Okay, we will. It's just that... look, Margaret is still out there." Sam says.

Melanie quietly cries for a moment.

"What do you guys need to know?" She asks, wiping her face.

"Is there anything that stood out?" Sam asks.

"Well, um... she barely gave a shit about me. I mean, I was just in the way. She was all about getting Camille." Melanie says.

"Okay. That's something." Dean says.

"One other thing. Um... she enjoyed it. She was smiling." Melanie says.


They're at the graveyard and Dean is digging Margaret's grave.

"I feel naked doing this in the daylight." Dean says.

"Yeah. Let's just hurry up." Sam says.

"Wouldn't have to hurry if you knew how to listen." Larissa quietly quips. Both brothers wince at the venom in her voice.

~ ~ ~

Sam is digging while Dean stands with Larissa. Sam slams the shovel onto the coffin, breaking it open.

"ALl right, Mags. My lighter's juiced this time." Dean says. Sam takes the top of the coffin off, the three looking between each other when they find the coffin empty.

"Geroldo'd." Dean says as they walk back to the car.

"Not good." Sam says.

"Never good." Dean says.

"Dean, if someone knew enough to take Margaret's bones, they're not kidding around. That's seriously binding magic." Sam says.

"Great." Dean sighs. He puts the stuff in the trunk. "Psychic bitch on a leash."

"We got to find those bones." Sam says.

"So we got to find the bonehead." Dean says.

"So, what? We call Bobby, see what it takes to harness the power of a ghost?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean says. "Hey, guys, you know why I'm not going to spend my money at the annual Lily Dale E.S.P Festival and hot dog eating contest this year?"

"Can't imagine." Sam says.

"Couldn't care." Larissa retorts.

Dean holds up the flyer for the festival.

"Because all the headliners are dead." Dean states.


"Hey." Sam greets Jimmy as him and Larissa walk into the emporium.

"Agents. Are you here with my check?" Jimmy asks.

"I'm looking for someone who bought some things from you." Sam says. He puts a piece of paper on the counter.

"How do you know from me?" Jimmy asks.

"I'm kind of doubting they sell ash wood altars at the Gas 'n Sip." Sam says.

"Valid. Let me see the list." Jimmy takes out record books. "Ah, here we go. Credit card receipt. I assume you want the address?"

"Amazing. Excellent psychic work." Larissa remarks.

"That'd be great. Thanks." Sam says.

"It's the least I can do. I just heard about Camille Thibodeaux." Jimmy says. He hands Larissa a piece of paper with an address on it. Before she can pull her hand away, he grabs her wrist. "You're annoyed, feel ignored. You're also worried. It's all frustrating you."

"Yeah, sure, you're amazing." Larissa rips her wrist out his grip. "No tip." She walks out.

"Thanks." Sam tells him, managing a polite smile.

"You're welcome." Jimmy says as Sam follows Larissa out.

"Lissy, I wanna talk--"

"We don't have time to talk."

"Okay, well, later." Sam says.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." She waves him off.


They pull up to the house that Jimmy gave them the address of. They burst in through the door, pointing the gun at the group in the living room as they scream.

"Where's the altar?" Sam asks.

"It's there!" The instructor points to it. They look at the altar. Larissa gets a good look at everybody.

"Oh, shit." She mumbles.

"You're... not a necromancer." Sam says.

"This is a Lamaze class. I swear." The instructor says.

"I-I believe you. Sorry." Sam says.

"We are so sorry." Larissa says. Sam grabs her wrist, quickly dragging her out. "I hope you all have healthy babies!" She manages to call out before shutting the door.

"That people reading dick!" Larissa exclaims.

"Yeah." Sam scoffs, calling Dean. "Dean, it's the pawn shop guy."

"How do you know?" Dean asks.

"He goose chased us to a fucking pregnant yoga class." Sam says.

"All right, well, figure out where he put her bones." Dean says.

"We will."

"Fast, Sam."


They get back to the emporium which is now closed. Sam takes the business card from Jimmy out and the two walk down the street. They see the street number 811 and Sam turns around to see 809 1/2.

Sam and Larissa go into the building of 809 1/2. They look around the dark room, quietly going over to a table. There's a skull, a lit candle, and other objects. Sam picks the skull up.

Larissa gets yanked back by her hair, a gun being pressed to the side of her neck, Jimmy's hand still gripping her hair. Sam turns, heart dropping with the gun at Larissa's neck.

"Somehow, I just knew you guys would be back." Jimmy says. "Hi, agents. Put the skull down." He orders Sam.

"Okay, okay. Take it easy." Sam says. He looks at Larissa who subtly nods. "Here." Sam holds the skull out to Jimmy. He lets go of Larissa's hair to take the skull. When he grabs the skull, Larissa grabs Jimmy's wrist, grabbing the gun, and shoving him away from her, aiming the gun at him as she moves to stand by Sam.

"All right. That's enough." Sam says. "You good?" He quietly asks Larissa and she nods. Sam knocks the table over. "Nice binding spell." He tells Jimmy.

"It doesn't matter. She helps me because she wants to." Jimmy says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Margaret and me... are the same. We're the real thing." Jimmy says. "But guess what... sometimes the real thing just isn't pretty or entertaining enough. When I show people what I'm capable of, it scares them. I can't pay my rent."

"Margaret's happy to kill for me. She likes the leash."

"You're sick." Sam says.

"You know what else I am? A real psychic, you dick-bag." Jimmy raises his hand and the gun flies out of Larissa's hand. Jimmy picks it up, aiming it at the two of them. "Surprise."

"Where are the rest of the bones?" Sam asks. Jimmy glances back, shuffling sideways a bit. "These people don't deserve to die."

"Oh, come on! Are you kidding me? I live in squalor cause I can't put on a show like them?" Jimmy asks.

"Don't do this. They're in the bedroom, aren't they?" Sam asks.

"No." Jimmy shoots at them, the bullet hitting Larissa's arm making her cry out in pain.

"Ah! Fuck!" She hisses, holding her arm.

"Lissy?" Sam worriedly asks.

"Just a-- just a graze. Keep going." Larissa pants.

"You're not getting in there." Jimmy states. He looks behind him, Sam taking the moment to step in front of Larissa and get his gun out. Jimmy looks back and he shoots, missing Sam who shoots at the same time, killing Jimmy.

"Okay. Okay, you okay?" Sam asks Larissa.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm great. Not like I just got shot or anything." Larissa says.

"Come on." Sam grabs her good arm and the skull, dragging her to the bedroom. He finds the rest of the bones under the covers. Sam pours salt and lighter fluid over them. He lights a match, setting the bones on fire.


Sam and Larissa are in their motel room, having called Dean and telling him about Larissa getting shot. He told them that it worked and Margaret is gone.

Larissa is sitting on the sink counter and whines in pain as Sam pours alcohol over her wound.

"Ow!" She yells.

"Sorry, sorry." Sam whispers, wincing at her pain. "It's a little hard to be gentle with this kind of stuff."

Larissa groans in pain.

"I do need to give you stitches, though." Sam says making her whine.

"Can't we just slap a band-aid on it?" She asks.

"Slap a band-aid on it? Really?" Sam asks.

"Yes." Larissa nods.

"No." Sam shakes his head. "Just don't look." He tells her. Larissa watches him get the needle and thread and get it together. She watches him put the needle to her skin making her wince.

Sam sees her looking and uses his pinky and ring finger -- which are the least bloody -- to touch her cheek and move her head to face the other side.

"Don't look." Sam tells her again. His thumb softly rubs over her arm by the wound as reassurance. He sticks the needle in and out, Larissa quietly groaning in pain.

"I know, I know. You're okay." Sam assures. "You're doing good."

"Would you stop talking to me like I'm fucking four?" Larissa asks.

"You're the one whining." Sam says.

"You would be too." Larissa insists. She goes to look at him, but he moves her head to face away.

"I said don't look."

After much yelling, curses, and crying later, Sam is finally done with the stitches.

"There. All done." Sam says. Larissa looks down at the stitches, wincing.

"Ugh. I hate stitches." She mutters.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because they're gross." She says making Sam chuckle.

"Compared to what we see on a daily basis?"


Sam smiles as he washes her blood off his hands, drying his hands with a towel.

"Hey, um... I'm really sorry we didn't listen to you. About the possibility of it being Margaret and all. I'm sorry. We should've considered it." Sam tells her.

"So you'll listen to me next time?" Larissa asks.

"Scout's honor." Sam salutes making Larissa let out a short, quiet laugh. "And I'm sorry... for how I've been acting. I-- being around Dean just got my... you know, blood pressure up, and... and I just tried to ignore you so I didn't snap at you too much or anything."

"You know, I do have your back."

"I know. And I have yours."

Larissa smiles a little.

"And about the whole, um... Lucifer, what happened in Hell thing."

"Sam, you don't have to--"

"I know. I-I don't want to. I don't want to talk about it. About any of it. I mean, the-the nightmares and hallucinations are bad enough. I don't wanna relive it out loud, y'know?"

"I know. But if you ever do..."

"You're here. I know."

"You can wake me up for your nightmares, though. If you want company. Not talk about it, but we can talk about other stuff. Or watch TV... or kiss a little bit."

"Thanks." And you and Dean are right... about Amy. If she was somebody else, I would've let her go. Sorry I've been kind of a jerk about that too."

"She was your friend and saved your life one time. I know it would be hard. I'm sorry Dean lied to you and did it without... talking about it and stuff. But that's also more of an apology you need to give him. Or explanation, at least."

"Yeah." Sam nods. "So, uh... are we good now?"

"Yeah." Larissa nods and smiles. Sam softly smiles and glances at her lips. He leans forward, bringing her in for a kiss. They continue to softly kiss, Larissa not noticing Sam grab the bottle of alcohol on the counter.

Sam cradles Larissa's head in one hand as he slowly picks the bottle up. Sam pours the alcohol over her stitched up injury. Larissa lets out a muffled scream, biting Sam's lip in the process making him cry out in pain.

He backs away, putting his hand to his mouth as he takes the alcohol away.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Larissa asks.

"Me? You bit my lip." Sam says, rubbing his lip.

"Well, you poured alcohol on me." Larissa retorts. "You got me all relaxed and used it to your advantage."

"Well, I figured it'd hurt less." Sam says.

"No!" Larissa yells in his face.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Sam gently dries her arm with a towel. "I'm sorry." He cradles her face. "Please forgive me."

"That was mean." She lightly punches Sam's chest.

"I'm sorry." Sam says, kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry." He kisses her on the nose. He leans her head back and softly kisses her lips. "Forgive me now?"

"You're a dick." Larissa whispers.

"You'll forgive me." Sam says and she lets him kiss her again.


The three are  sitting in the restaurant the next day. Larissa is sitting between the brothers and she's playing with Sam's hand.

"In the bed? They were in the bed?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Ugh." Dean grimaces. "I can't believe he was boning her."

"Dean." Sam rolls his eyes.

"Can I get you anything else?" The waiter asks.

"Uh, just a refill." Dean says. "And if you affirmate me, I'm gonna punch you in the face."

Sam looks away with an amused smile. Larissa brings hers and Sam's linked hands up to her mouth, hiding her smile behind them.

"All righty, then. Coffee coming up." The waiter walks away.

"Dean." Sam says, noticing Melanie looking around. Sam holds his hand up and she walks over. "We're gonna go, um... do something outside."

Sam stands up, Larissa keeping her hand in his as they go outside. They greet Melanie in passing before leaving.

"So... where we going?" Larissa asks.

"Right now? I... I mean, nowhere yet." Sam says.

"Not right now, dweeb. I mean, is it just us or we sticking with pie addict?" Larissa asks.

"Oh. That." Sam says.

"That." Larissa nods.

"Uh..." Sam seems to think some more.

~ ~ ~

Dean walks out of the restaurant and sees Sam putting his and Larissa's stuff in the back of the Dodge.

"Sam, I can put my bag in a car. It's a bullet graze." Larissa says.

"Nope. Not lifting anything you don't need to." Sam says. "I only let you pick a fork up cause you use the other arm." Larissa rolls her eyes.

"Hey." Dean greets.

"Hey." Sam says.

"That's your stuff." Dean points out.

"Yeah. Yeah, I figured we'd take one car." Sam says.

"Works for me. You still want to break my face?" Dean asks.

"The urge never goes away." Larissa says, a small smile on her face. Dean sarcastically laughs, Larissa sarcastically laughing back. Sam quietly laughs at them.

"No. Uh, not at this moment." Sam answers. "Look, you know what? Um... you were right. About Amy. If she was just any other monster, I'm not sure I could have let her walk away. I don't know. I mean, I'll never know."

"So, what are you saying?" Dean asks.

"What I'm saying is... I get why you did it. You were just trying to make sure no one else got hurt. But here's the thing. You can't just look me in the face and tell me you're fine. I mean, you're not sleeping, you drink for the record--"

"Oh, here we go."

"This is a brother moment, so I'm just gonna get in the car. I've... had enough of this for the time being." Larissa says, getting in the backseat of the Dodge.

After a few minutes, Sam and Dean get in the car.

"I still want to know how that guy bent my spoon." Sam says.

"Forget it, Sam. It's Lily Dale." Dean says, driving off.


Next chapter is the wedding episode with Becky

don't know if you guys are gonna love or hate it lmao but there's great best friend dean material, annoyed/upset lissy, and there may be (putting it in dean's words) a chick fight

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