habits, supernatural [ 1 ]

By maybankwalker

184K 5.1K 1.6K

[ supernatural -- seasons 2-8 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the sh... More

001. meet the winchesters
002. america's first serial killer
003. possessed sam
004. gates to hell
005. hunters and the seven dwarfs
006. "what kind of psycho are you?"
007. sam's older date
008. dream root
009. ghostfacers
010. dean's year is up
011. bittersweet reunions
012. ghost witnesses
013. oktoberfest and pantophobia
014. wishes come true
015. angel radio girl
016. godzilla and mothra
017. girl in the walls
018. demon blood detox
019. start of the end of the world
020. war
021. two grumpy old men
022. convention antics
023. last day on earth
024. teen warlock boy
025. hunger
026. rising of the dead
027. dead winchesters
028. the whore
029. future sister-in-law
030. hotel full of gods
031. losing first loves
032. "did you kiss him?"
033. see you later
034. shapeshifting baby
035. kidnapping
036. vampire cure
037. soulless sam
038. his soul and apologies
039. spider-man
040. kidney ghost
041. tv world
042. khan worm
043. wild west
044. killing the mother
045. superman gone dark side
046. broken wall
047. leviathans
048. worried girlfriend and broken boyfriend
049. sam's me time
051. doppelgangers
052. town full of psychics
053. married the wrong woman
054. high dean
055. hanging by a thread
056. mother hen
057. fedora guy
058. amazons
059. clowns are bitches
060. insomnia
061. emmanuel
062. drunk spirit
063. lot of foxholes
064. tech genius
065. a kevin tran
066. vamptonite
067. killing dick roman
068. blissful year
069. awkward reunion
070. badass mom
071. foot rubs
072. bobby 2.0
073. "my stomach's a watermelon!"
074. cartoon deaths
075. dirty trick
076. moondoor camp
077. time traveling grandfather
078. new home
079. first trial
080. "that was incredibly hot"
081. second trial
082. baby's first crime scene
083. dean rode a farty donkey
084. curing a demon
085. third trial
Book Two

050. on trial

1.5K 48 2
By maybankwalker

The three get out of the Impala, having just gotten to town on a case.

"Feels wonky." Dean comments.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Working a regular job." Dean says.

"Bobby'll call if anything flares up on the leviathan front. In the meantime, you know you want to work this case, Dean. Cop on the wire sounded dumbfounded." Sam says.

"No arguments. It's kind of nice, you know? We're due for a little cut and dry. And, uh... you seem good." Dean says. They show their FBI badges to a cop and he lets them through.

"I am. For me. By the way... thank you." Sam says.


"Amy. I know you didn't want to let her go, but it was the right thing to do. So, thanks."

"No problem."

~ ~ ~

"Welcome to Crazytown. Population -- one dead guy." A detective says, leading them into the apartment.

"Who was he?" Sam asks.

"Uh, Matthew Hammond. Seems to have been crushed to death." The detective says.

"By?" Dean asks.

"Well, if we weren't on the tenth floor, I'd say by a car." The detective says and he walks around. Sam takes his EMF meter out.

"It's going crazy." Sam comments.

"Some kind of ghost?" Dean asks. "With a license? License to kill?" He grins.

"Seriously?" Sam asks as Larissa rolls her eyes. "Huh."

"What do you got?" Dean asks.

"I don't know. Looks like some kind of powder." Sam says.

"Sulfur?" Dean asks.

"No. Just dirt. Could be Christine like." Sam says.

"Ugh. Even possessed cars can't do stairs. It's something spectral." Dean says. He picks a token up. "Check this out. AA, 10 years. Dead and sober." He tosses the token to Sam. "Double crappy."

"There's a charge that keeps coming up." Sam says, looking through papers. "50 bucks a month at a place called Jane's. All right. Congrats on your sobriety." He tosses the token to Dean. "Lissy and I'll go find out what Jane's is."

"I gave up AA for Lent." Dean says.

"We're not Catholic." Sam says.

"Always with the details. AA gives me the jeebs." Dean shivers.

"Huh... no." Larissa sarcastically gasps.

Dean gives her a bitchface and Sam snickers.

"Shocker." Sam quips.

"Both of you shut up." Dean orders.

"Fine. We'll hit the meeting, you go hit on Jane." Sam says.


"Elizabeth Duren. Killed 10 years ago when a neighbor backed out of his driveway. Didn't see her bike, no one was ever charged. Police ruled it an accident." Sam explains.

"Let me guess. The neighbor's our tenth floor pancake?" Dean assumes and Sam nods.

"At least we know he felt bad. I mean, the flowers..." Sam says.

"Kind of makes you wonder if the guy wasn't drunk when he ran her over." Dean says, looking at the bottle in his hand.

"Probably was. His chip was for ten years. There's no way it's all a coincidence." Larissa says.

"Yeah. All right, well, regardless, now that we got a decent bead on ghost rider, let's go." Sam says.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Burn her bones. Put her to rest." Sam says.

"The fun never stops." Dean sighs.


The three get back to the hotel after burning Elizabeth's bones.

"Oh, another night of the office. Why don't you take the first shower?" Dean suggests.

"I call dibs." Larissa holds her hand up.

"Listen to this. "A local man, Christopher Fisher, was ripped to shreds in a wild animal attack last night."" Sam reads from a paper.

"It is a dangerous world out there." Dean says. He takes his jacket off, flopping onto his bed. Larissa lays down on her bed and Sam sits at the table.

"He was in the restroom of a diner." Sam says.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound right." Dean sits up.

"Damn it." Larissa whispers, just wanting to go to sleep.

"Apparently, uh, none of the patrons saw anything. Guy calls 911, screaming about a dog, but the operator didn't hear anything, either." Sam gets on his laptop. "Wow. Looks like this guy had a history with dogs."

"Meaning?" Dean asks.

"Five years ago, he was arrested for running a dog fighting operation." Sam says. Dean sits by Sam.

"Classy. All right. So, what? He causes so much misery that some Rottweiler goes Cujo on him from beyond the grave? Wait a second. Do... do dogs have ghosts?"

"First I've heard of." Sam says.

"I would love to see my childhood dog again." Larissa mutters, trying to fight sleep off, though she doesn't sit up.

"That sounds weird. Ghost dog?" Dean asks.

"I'm down with it." Larissa says.

"No weirder than ghost car, you know?" Sam says.

"You know what does make sense? Vengeance on the guy that Michael Vick'd you. I mean, I'm no one to judge, but it sounds to me like that guy had it coming." Dean says.

"Maybe... but maybe not. So, he got busted, got probation, started volunteering at an animal shelter." Sam says.

"Yeah, cause he had to." Dean says.

"At first, yeah. But he kept going long after he served his time. Looks like he got really into it. Raised a lot of money for the cause."


"People change."

"Yeah, tell that to ghost dog."

"All right. uh, get suited up. Let's go check out the body."



"What?" Dean turns to Sam. "What?"

"Nothing. I... you okay?" Sam asks.

"Peachy. Yeah, let's do this." Dean says.

"Lissy?" Sam calls, but doesn't get a response. "Lissy?"

Dean waves his hand in front of her face.

"Nope, she's out cold." Dean informs.

"Eh, just leave her." Sam shrugs, getting his suit out.

"What?" Dean asks.

"What?" Sam asks.

"She gets to sleep and I have to go?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"What the hell is up with that?" Dean asks.

"Well, she just... she looks peaceful. And she doesn't sleep all the time stressing over me, so." Sam shrugs.

Dean huffs, but doesn't say anything.

The guys got dressed and are getting ready to leave. Sam gently pulls the blanket over her. He brushes hair out of her face and softly kisses her on the temple.

"Dude, you are so beyond whipped." Dean comments.

"Shut up." Sam rolls his eyes.

"You're not denying it."

"Shut up."


"An apple farm?" Dean asks as he drives.

"Yeah. Apparently whatever's in red dirt makes great apples." Sam comments.

"Wow. I'd be so interested in that if I ate apples." Dean retorts.

"Dean, what do you think apple pie is made out of?" Larissa asks. Dean doesn't answer.

"So, this one's supposed to be pretty old, uh, mostly abandoned." Sam cuts in. "Few hundred acres."

"A few hundred? We're gonna be searching all year." Dean says. A man runs into the road making Dean slam on the brakes. "Whoa!" The three get out of the car.

"Hey. Uh... you okay?" Sam asks.

"Guy just jumped in front of a car, Sam." Dean says.

"Uh, you want us to help you, sir?" Sam asks.

"Okay, well, why don't we get you out of here before you get roadkilled, huh?" Dean suggests and the man agrees.


They're at the hotel and Sam gives Warren a glass of water.

"So, Warren. Just, uh, take a minute. Tell us what's going on." Sam says.

"Look... you're good people, I can see that, but you can't do anything for me. No one can." Warren says.

"Why not?" Dean asks.

"Cause it's all impossible. You won't even believe me." Warren says.

"Well, try us." Dean challenges.

"I was just put on trial and sentenced to death." Warren states.

"What'd you do?" Dean asks.

"Held up a liquor store. I killed the owner and his wife, I was thinking... I was young." Warren says.

"Young? When was this?" Dean asks.

"1981." Warren informs.

"And they just put you on trial?" Dean asks.

"No, no, I just got out of prison."

"Okay, you're making less sense the more you talk."

"No, it's okay. Just... go on." Sam tells Warren.

"Did 30 years. I just got paroled. Not that you're ever free of that. I think about it every day." Warren says.

"So, then, what were you running from?" Sam asks.

"Well, I told you... the trial. All I know is, one minute I'm at the bar, and the next, I get jumped, wake up in a damn courtroom." Warren says.

"Courtroom? Like a... courtroom?" Dean asks.

"Well, no. There was a judge. Everything was crazy. It was in a barn." Warren informs.

"At the apple farm?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Warren nods.

"And this bar where you were grabbed?" Sam asks.

"Neal's Tavern." He informs.

"Same place Matthew Hammond went before his... car accident. Think maybe dog guy went there too?" Sam asks his brother and girlfriend.

"I'd place my money on yeah." Larissa says.

"Is there anything else you can tell us?" Sam asks Warren.

"You believe me? Who the hell are you?" Warren asks.

"Honestly, you probably don't wanna know." Larissa says.

"We kind of... specialize in crazy." Sam says. "So, uh, this judge -- he got a name?"

"No. But there was these weird symbols." Warren says.

"Symbols? Do you remember any of them? Can you draw them?" Sam asks, giving him paper and pencil.

"Excuse us a sec." Dean tells him. "Can I talk to you?" He asks the couple.

"What is it?" Sam asks as they get outside.

""What is it?" Sam, uh... how about a drunk driver, Michael Vick, a murderer?" Dean asks.

"And?" Sam asks.

"And... when did our black and white case turn to mud? I'm just saying I'm having a hard time not rooting for the ghosts on this one." Dean says.

"No, you said it yourself. It's not on us to judge." Sam says.

"Yeah, except that that's complete crap. Everybody judges all day long. Look, I'm just supposed to ignore what that guy did?" Dean asks.

"We've shot people, Dean -- more than two."

"Yeah, you know what? When those ghosts come to kick my ass, they've got a compelling case."

"So, what, you're saying-- what? You don't want to work the job anymore?"

"I'm just saying, you know, one simple fucking day on the job. Is that too much to ask?"

"Well, look, I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna go try and find that barn. You coming?"

"I'm gonna check the bar."

"To work or drink?"

"I haven't decided." Dean walks away.

"What about you?" Sam asks.

"I'll go with you. What else have I got to do?" Larissa shrugs.

"Do you agree with Dean on this?" Sam asks.

"A little. I mean, these people have been terrible shit." Larissa says. "But I'll help you. Because I know it means something to you. Even if I don't fully know where I'm at yet."

"Thank you." Sam says and she nods. He leans down and kisses her on the cheek before dragging her inside.

They get back up to the room and Larissa shuts the door behind them.

"What's going on? Where'd he go?" Warren asks.

"He, uh... everything's fine. Look, let's go back to that farm." Sam says.

"Oh, no, no, no, I'm not going back." Warren states.

"Warren, we need your help finding that barn." Sam says.

"It's red, it stands out. I'm not going back. They're out there." Warren says.

"Who?" Sam asks.

"The people I killed. I just-- no. No!" Warren denies.

"You're safer with us than not." Sam says.

"No." Warren says.

"Okay." Sam says. "Fine." He takes the paper from Warren. He makes a salt circle around the chair Warren is sitting in. "I need you to stay inside this circle until we get back, okay? It'll protect you."

"How?" Warren asks.

"Just trust me, okay? I'm trying to help -- her and me." He puts the TV on, giving Warren the remote. "Stay put." Sam takes his phone out, calling a number.

"Bobby? Hey. Me. Listen, I'm sending you some symbols to look up." Sam says. He motions for Warren to stay again as him and Larissa leave.


They get to the barn and get out of the Impala. The two walk in and look around, seeing the floor covered in red dirt. Sam's phone rings and he answers it.

"Hey, Bobby, what do ya got?" Sam asks.

"Those chicken scratches -- definitely Egyptian. "Book of the Dead."" Bobby informs.

"So, good news, then." Sam says.

"They identify the God, Osiris. Real authoritarian type. He gets ahold of you, he's judge, jury, and executioner. Lore says that he can see directly into the human heart. He weighs the guilt. If he finds more than a feather's worth -- boom, you're done."

"So what's he doing in Dearborn?"

"Well, it seems like he just pops up and does his circuit judge act and then disappears again. That's all I got so far."

"You know what this means."

"Yeah. We've got to find him before he goes underground again."

"No, you idjit. It means you guys got to get the hell out of dodge. This guy hones in on people who feel guilty. Who does that sound like to you?"

Sam hangs up on Bobby and turns to Larissa.

"We need to find Dean. Now." Sam declares.

"Well, we-- we know he's at the bar." Larissa says.

"We gotta go." Sam states.

"Why? Wha-- what'd Bobby say?" Larissa asks.

"I'll explain more later, but basically, dude we're chasing chooses people who drown themselves in guilt. And guilt is just about at least 40% of Dean's personality."

"Okay. Okay, we'll find him." Larissa assures.

~ ~ ~

"Dude, third message. You better not be loaded. Call me. This is important." Sam leaves another message for Dean. Sam hangs up and then his phone rings. "Dean. About time, man, I--"

"Uh, hello?" A woman's voice asks.

"Who is this?" Sam asks.

"Oh, well, I just-- I picked this up off the ground where I've been standing for ten minutes listening to it ring. Is this Dean's phone?" She asks.

"Yeah." Sam answers.

"Well... he was supposed to meet me here." Mia says.

"Where are you? I can be right there." Sam says.


"Uh, here it is." Mia gives Sam Dean's phone.

"Now, where exactly did you find this phone?" Sam asks.

"Uh... there." Mia points to a spot on the ground.

"Thanks." Sam goes to it, Larissa following. Sam looks up at Larissa and points to the red dirt on the ground.


They get back to the apple farm and both have shotguns.

"Oh, eavesdropping. That's cute." They hear Dean comment.

"Speaking of... you gonna skulk all night, Sam, Larissa?" Osiris calls out. The door slides open, Dean turning to see the two of them.

"Sam? Rissa?" Dean asks.

"What's up?" Larissa nods at him.

"Nice job finding us. I assume you figured out who I am, too?" Osiris asks.

"Yeah." Sam answers.

"Well, technically, Bobby did, but cool." Larissa mumbles.

"You want to fill me in?" Dean asks.

"Osiris. He's an Egyptian God." Sam informs.

"Ta-da! Now, go about your business, Sammy, Rissy." Osiris says.

"Look, if anyone should be on trial, it's me." Sam says.

"Excuse me?" Larissa asks.

"That's for me to decide. Now go away." Osiris orders.

"But he-- he has the right to an attorney. Doesn't he?" Sam asks.

"Huh." Osiris hums.

"Let me defend him." Sam says.

"Well, that's unusual." Osiris comments.

"Are you gonna respect his rights or not?"

"Why not?"

"Uh, Sam? You're not a lawyer." Dean says as Sam sits next to him.

"I was pre-law." Sam says.

"Yeah, pre." Dean says.

"All right, then. The little girlfriend is kind of cute so she gets to stay as a witness to the trial." Osiris says.

"Wha--" Larissa gives him an annoyed look.

"Let's get started. Now, the list of witnesses I can call... endless." Osiris says.

"Objection!" Sam calls.

"Are you gonna let me finish my sentence, Sam?" Osiris asks.

"No. This isn't fair." Sam says.

"Fair? I'm sorry. Moving on. I can make it very simple. Three witnesses." Osiris says.



"Witness is being called without prior notice."

"Good one." Dean whispers.

"I saw that on The Good Wife." Sam whispers back.

"Yes. Very fine objection. Denied!" Osiris states.

"What? Why?" Sam asks.

"Because I'm the judge, son. Now stop objecting or I'll find you in contempt -- that is, kill you. So I advise you to let me move it along. The prosecution calls Joanna Beth Harvelle to the stand."

Larissa's eyebrows furrow before her eyes widen when Jo's ghost appears.

"Jojo." She whispers in shock.

"Jo?" Dean asks.

"Dean. Sam. Long time." Jo tells them before looking at Larissa. "Hey, Lari." She smiles gently.

Osiris motions for Jo to take a seat which she does.

"State your name for the court." Osiris orders.

"Jo Harvelle."

"And... what is your relationship to Dean Winchester?"

"We worked together."

"Isn't it true that you admired him?"

"Well, as a hunter... yeah. As a guy, he was kind of a jerk."

"So you saw him as a mentor of sorts?"

"I wouldn't put it like that."

"How would you put it?"

"I don't know. I trusted him. So if you're trying to say that he was a bad guy or something--"

"Was it hard?"


"Working with him... considering your feelings."

"No. What feelings?"

"You would have done quite a bit for him. Followed him into any battle."

"I know what you're getting at and it's bullshit."

"So Dean had nothing to do with your first case? The one that started it all.

"It wasn't like that."

"No feelings? None at all? You would have chosen the same exact road. Ended up in that hardware store, holding the fuse."

"Oh, you're a piece of work, you know that? Putting words in her mouth--" Osiris gestures to Dean and Dean gulps.

"Keep him under control, counsel... or I'll remove his tongue." Osiris threatens. He gestures again and Dean takes a deep inhale. "Your witness."

Sam stands up and stands in front of Jo.

"Jo. So, um... your dad... was in the life?" Sam asks.

"Yes, he was."

"And your relationship with him?"

"Good. I mean..."

"You idolized him."


"So why'd you start? To impress some loudmouth ass you just met... or cause you wanted to be like your dad?"

"Daddy issues. Definitely." Jo answers. "Listen, Dean, I don't--" Osiris flicks his hand, making her disappear.

"All right. You two can have a moment to strategize. And then I'll call my next witness." Osiris says.

"You okay?" Sam quietly asks Larissa. She manages a small smile and just motions for him to talk to Dean. He knows she's playing with her hair behind her back and wants to comfort her, but knows he doesn't have the time. Sam gently squeezes her arm.

"All right." Sam sits by Dean again. "Who's the next witness? He looked at you like you'd know."

"I got no clue. This whole thing's like a fucking episode of Pee-Wee's Playhouse."

"Next witness! The prosecution calls... Sam Winchester to the stand." Osiris motions to the witness' chair. Sam sits in it. "Sam... not exactly the life you expected, is it?"

"Details a little different." Sam says.

"For a while there, you were gonna be a real lawyer. Marry Jess."

"Yeah, that was a long time ago."

"But were you or were you not happily out of the family racket until Dean showed back up in that gas guzzler?" Osiris asks. Sam goes to answer. "Ah-ah. The truth, now."

"It's complicated." Sam says.

"That one act had quite a domino effect. Come back, your girl's dead."

"Well, that wasn't his fault."

"Sure, and neither is everything that came after... all the death and the blood and hanging on by a thread. None of that is on Dean, directly. But don't you think that your brother dragged you back into that catastrophic mess because he'd rather damn you with him than be alone?"

"No." Sam answers after a moment. "One way or another, I'd have gotten pulled back in."

"You know that for certain?"

"Pretty sure."

"Pretty sure?"

"I'm positive."

"I believe you. Hey, if it was about convincing me, I would say--"


"I don't decide anything, Sam. I don't decide Dean's guilt. I just weigh the guilt that's already there. This is solely about how Dean feels, way down deep. Them's the breaks."

"Wait. So, if Dean believes he's innocent, then he is?"

"If -- a big if. Why do I bring up the past? To see if he feels like dog food about it. People want to be judged. They really do. When your heart's heavy, let me tell you, real punishment's a mercy."

"I want to call Dean to the stand." Sam states.

"Oh, you do, now? There is an order to this stuff, you know." Osiris says. "Okay, I'll allow it." He snaps his fingers, Dean's chains disappearing.

Dean gets in the witness chair and Sam stands in front of him.

"So, Dean. When you came and got me, did you know Jess would die? Or any of it?" Sam asks.

"'Course not." Dean says.

"Right. How could you? I mean, are you psychic?" Sam scoffs. "That's a question."

"No. Uh, definitely not psychic." Dean answers.

"Great. So why would you feel guilty about not predicting the future?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, I guess that doesn't make any sense. Actually, yeah, no, I don't." Dean says.

"What about Jo? Did you actually kill her?"

"Uh, no."

"Isn't it true that you don't feel guilty about her? That you're just... sad she's dead? That it just... blows?"

"Actually... maybe, yeah."

"Mm-mm-mm. I like your style, Sam. Very engaging." Osiris says.

"Dean. Does any of this feel like it's really... on you?" Sam asks.

"Not really." Dean answers.

"Then is your heart heavy with guilt or just plain heavy and none of this guy's business?" Sam asks.

"Uh, what you said-- the second thing." Dean says.

"Then I rest my case." Sam says.

"Very good... both of you. All right. Because I really enjoyed that, I'm gonna be generous and ask. Dean, do you want me to call my last witness? Or have we had enough?" Osiris asks.

"What the hell's he talking about?" Sam asks. He glances back at Larissa who shrugs.

"Enough Ally McBealing. Just drop the hammer, will ya?" Dean says.

"Wait, Dean, he's giving us more time." Sam says.

"It's not gonna make a difference, Sam!" Dean exclaims.

"You need another moment? You done?" Osiris asks. He bangs his staff three times. "The court's reached a verdict. I find you, Dean Winchester, guilty in your heart... and sentence you to die. I'd suggest you get your affairs in order quickly."


They pull up to the hotel and see police wheeling a body on a stretcher away. They get past the crime scene and go into their hotel room, seeing the broken salt line.

"Damn it, I told him." Sam says.

"Osiris would have got to him one way or another. Guy's batting a thousand." Dean says.

"There's still time. We can figure something out." Sam states.

~ ~ ~

"Bobby. What do you got?" Sam picks up his phone.

"A way to give Osiris a dirt nap." Bobby states.

"Good. We need it." Sam says.

"Now, as near as I can figure, it ought to put him down for a couple of centuries, at least. It's worked a few times since the Pharaohs were big."

"So it's temporary?"

"Long temporary. I say we slap that band-aid on and leave finding a cure to some hunter in a space suit. Now, you're gonna need to stab him with a ram's horn."

"A ram's horn? Where am I gonna find a ram's horn in Dearborn?"

"No clue. But make sure it's a sharp piece. He ain't gonna let you stab him twice."

"Yeah. Thanks." Sam hangs up. "Ram's horn." He searches up. "Uh... okay. Huh. Apparently, uh, Jewish people blow through them once a year."

"Where you gonna find one this time of night?" Dean asks.

"Uh... synagogue?" Sam suggests.

"You're gonna steal from a temple? Well, that's a new low."

"You're on death row, Dean. Quit joking around. Here. Keys. I'll be back."

"The dick's gonna sic Jo after me, Sam."

"You're a hunter, Dean. You know how to deal with ghosts." Sam says. Dean gives Sam the keys.

"So, you're suggesting I kill her again?" Dean asks.

"You didn't kill her, Dean. We'll hurry." Sam says, going for the door.

"So, uh... I-I know she's gonna, like, try to kill you and everything. And you and I aren't exactly... besties or anything. But could you just, like... tell her I miss her? I mean, you're not obligated to, obviously, it just-- I mean, we all had a goodbye with her, but it just--"

"Rissa, stop rambling." Dean tells her. "I'll tell her. I get where you're coming from."

"Thank you." She quietly tells him.

"Yep." Dean whispers, taking another drink of his whiskey.

Larissa follows Sam out of the hotel room, shutting the door.

"You doing okay?" Sam asks her.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm... I'm great." Larissa smiles.

"I'm, uh... sorry if I sounded a little harsh with saying Jo's death just blows and everything earlier. I was just trying to--"

"It's fine, Sam. I know. It does blow."

"C'mon." Sam grabs her hand, gently squeezing it.


Sam and Larissa are at the synagogue and using their flashlights to search around in the office. They lights turn on and they turn to see the rabbi.

"I'm guessing you two are not here for bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah lessons." The rabbi says.

Larissa and Sam awkwardly glance at each other.

~ ~ ~

They got the ram's horn and found Osiris by Neal's Tavern. Sam sneaks up behind him and stabs him in the back with the horn. Osiris' eyes go blue and his face cracks as he falls to the ground.


The three are parked by a river and drinking beers.

"So, uh, it seem like... you know, like... she was in pain?" Sam asks. Larissa almost instantly looks to Dean for the answer.

"No. No, just kind of faded. Regular Jo. Actually, maybe a little happier." Dean says. Larissa feels herself smile a little, having some reassurance her best friend isn't in pain.

"Oh, and, uh, yes, she misses you, too." Dean tells Larissa.

"Thank you." She tells him and he nods.

"I got a question. So where the hell did that come from, volunteering to defend me?" Dean asks.

"He was gonna kick me out." Sam says.

"I don't know, man. In another life, you, uh... you might have made a pretty decent scuzzbag." Dean says.

"Yeah, as long as he watches The Good Wife." Larissa teases and Sam laughs.

"I'm 0 for 1, Dean." Sam says.

"Ah, it's not your fault. You were pretty convincing." Dean says.

"I'd plead guilty." Larissa says. "I mean, honestly, your height would be terrifying enough, let alone your questions."

"So, who was he talking about?" Sam asks.

"Who?" Dean asks.

"That whole final witness thing." Sam says.

"No idea. Honestly, that could be just about anybody dead we know. By the way... I mean, I get why Judge Judy put me on trial, I got guilt coming out of my pores. But... why'd he skip you?"

"I think I just don't... feel guilty anymore." Sam says.

"Come on."

"Look, I don't know what to tell you, Dean. I mean, I've spent a lot of time feeling pretty crappy, like, my whole life."

"What, you got a secret stash of happy pills?"

"Hell." Sam says. Larissa and Dean look at him confused. "Look, I'm not saying it's logical. I just... you know, I feel like I did a lot of stuff I should have felt bad for, and then I paid a lot of dues and came out the other side, you know?"

"And that worked? I mean, you really feel like your-your slate's wiped?"

"No. Nothing ever gets wiped. You know? Sometimes I see Lucifer when I brush my teeth, but, I don't know, I guess I just finally feel like... my past is my past, and I can move on with my life. You know, hopefully."

"Easier said than done."

"Not arguing that."

"Well, I don't know whether to be, uh, jealous or weirded out."

"You'll get used to it. I mean, I don't want to sound lame, but... I kind of feel good, Dean."

"Well, there is nothing lame about that. I prefer that over you feeling like total shit, so." Larissa says making Sam chuckle. She puckers her lips and Sam kisses her.

"Well, you are going to be a pleasure to ride with." Dean remarks. "And thank God you two don't sit in the same row."

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