Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Pi...

بواسطة dragonshardtales101

268K 11.6K 2.3K

When you think of a pirate as a kid, you would think they have an eyepatch and parrot on their shoulder. So g... المزيد

Free me from this cage.//Prologue
Be my Parrot!//Chapter 1
Joining the Straw-hats//Chapter 2
Grand Line//Chapter 3
The whale.//Chapter 4
The Promise//Chapter 5
A New Promise//Chapter 6
Just the beginning.// Chapter 7
Winter's Touch.//Chapter 8
The Tombstone Cactus//Chapter 9
Princess!? Huh?//Chapter 10
Distraction//Chapter 11
Who the 'f' are you!?//Chapter 12
The Little Garden//Chapter 13
Giants.//Chapter 14
A Third Party Interferes!//Chapter 15.
Faythe's First Battle//Chapter 16
2 more left!// Chapter 17
Giant Gold-Fish!?//Chapter 18
Train Effect//Chapter 19
Late Night Chat.//Chapter 20
Bow your head.//Chapter 21
The Witch.//Chapter 22
Was it just a dream?//Chapter 24
What do I have again?//Chapter 25
Chopper//Chapter 26
A Doctor's Conviction//Chapter 27
Not lookin any better!//Chapter 28
New Member! YAY!//Chapter 29
Snow-Like Blossoms//Chapter 30
Mr. 2!?//Chapter 31
Ace and Who??//Chapter 32
And you are...?//Chapter 33
The Older Brother Duo! HA!//Chapter 34
Shall We Talk Negotiation?//Chapter 35
Dance Powder!//Chapter 36
Desert Havoc!//Chapter 37
Planning a Murder//Chapter 38
Corbett's Call//Chapter 39
Vivi's Tears//Chapter 40
Zimri//Chapter 41
Wild Goose Chase!//Chapter 42
Meeting Croco...//Chapter 43
Croco's Grand Plan!//Chapter 44
MR. PRINCE!?// Chapter 45
TO ALUBARNA!//Chapter 46
On the clock!//Chapter 47
Failed Attempt #1//Chapter 48
Down With The Palace!//Chapter 49
Luffy's Dead!?//Chapter 50
Follow through!//Chapter 51
Clock Tower!//Chapter 53
Time is thinning!//Chapter 54
Rainfall//Chapter 55
Dreams//Chapter 56
Shopping w/ Usopp & Sanji//Chapter 57
Nami's Awaited Chat!//Chapter 58
Vivi's Choice!//Chapter 59
Bon-Chan's Distraction!//Chapter 60
Vivi's Goodbye...!//Chapter 61
Ms. All-Sunday's gonna do what now!?//Chapter 62
It's raining ships!//Chapter 63
Map of Skypiea!??//Chapter 64
Underwater Experience!//Chapter 65
The Looming Shadows!//Chapter 66
Jaya Island!//Chapter 67
Bellamy enters the room!//Chapter 68
Dreams Never Die! //Chapter 69
Green Orangutan??//Chapter 70
Noland the Liar//Chapter 71
Cricket's Story//Chapter 72
Knock-Up Stream//Chapter 73
/:/Little Announcement/:/
Time to kill a Southbird.//Chapter 74
Cricket's Treasure Stolen!//Chapter 75
Bellamy's down for the count!//Chapter 76
The Knock Up Stream!//Chapter 77
INTO THE SKY!//Chapter 78
The Tribesman//Chapter 79
Heavan's Gate//Chapter 80
Meeting the Blonde, Conis.//Chapter 81
The Fallen Heaven Star//Chapter 82
White Berets//Chapter 83
Sacrifice and Trials//Chapter 84
A Citizen's Duty//Chapter 85
A Step into Danger//Chapter 86
Trial of Balls! *Snicker*//Chapter 87
A Promise of a Arcus//Chapter 88
Reporting back//Chapter 89
Camping//Chapter 90
Python Trouble//Chapter 91
Beat His Ass, Robin-!!//Chapter 92
Lightning God, Enel//Chapter 93
God's Game//Chapter 94
Rubber Goes Brrrr-!!//Chapter 96
Luffy Tossed Overboard//Chapter 97
An Unlikely Rescue//Chapter 98
Arcus vs. God//Chapter 99
A Nice Conversation//Chapter 100
Skypiea's Poneglyph//Chapter 101
The Drop//Chapter 102

Terror God Incarnates//Chapter 95

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بواسطة dragonshardtales101

Zoro whipped out his and sent a murderous glare to Enel, "She's a woman.."

Enel smirked at his statement, "I noticed.

At that they both exchanged blows, Faythe glanced over at Wyper as they met eye contact. He waited for her signal.

Faythe watched the fight until Enel dodged one of Zoro's swipes and cartwheeled in the air.


Wyper instantly found his target and pulled the trigger, "Burn Bazooka!!!"

"Yahahahaha..." Enel held his staff upright with a grin.

A large blue beam of flames shot forward at the God's figure, "KALI!!" A blinding light was released from the blast making everyone either shield their eyes or look away.

But the growl erupting through Faythe's throat alerted the group that the battle wasn't over. They all turned to see Enel flip over a couple of flames and land on a broken structure.

"...That's impossible..." Wyper scowled, "He deflected the Bazooka's blast...!!"

Enel looked down at the gawking group, "You still don't get it? The pathetic trickle of power you wield is useless against me.. Tsk Tsk... I was simply inviting you to come to fairy Vearth... Why did you suddenly start attacking me?"

Raising a sword Zoro let out snort, "Who are you trying to invite?" With that he rushed forward with two sword out.

"NO ZORO, YOU CAN'T BEAT HIM!!" Nami shriek was heard.

Enel jumped off the structure with a small hop and twirled his golden staff, "It seems that you need to be taught a lesson.. On what God is!!"

Faythe turned to Robin with a hurried look, "On my go, use your devil fruit to yank Zoro back!"

Robin gave a nod without hesitation, stumbling back up with trembling legs. Her arms crossed at ready.

Zoro swung his swords across his body and it struck to the other side. But as Faythe assumed from a logia user, he wasn't affected by the physical attack as he just turned his body into electric energy.

"No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to win. I will use my overwhelming strength to teach you what 'Hopelessness' feels like." Enel then grabbed hold of the two swords at the sharp end.

"AH!?" Zoro struggled to pull his swords back but it was just a futile struggle.

"Losing all hope and dying are two strangely similar things..."

But a voice rang out interrupting the God, "LET GO OF THE SWORDS!"

Zoro running high on adrenaline at the moment instantly let go and felt the collar of his tank top get yanked back as he watched his swords get lit up in electricity.

He fell on his back and let out ragged breathe, "Shit..!" He beat his chest to get his heart racing.

He turned to Faythe who was the one that yelled, "Thanks!! Now I lost two of my swords!!"

Faythe laughed, "Better than losing a life!"

Zoro couldn't help but agree on that silently.

Enel clicked his tongue and tossed the swords to the side as he made eye contact with the Arcus, "You are becoming a lot more annoying than the rest of these mortals..." He scowled at the smug face Faythe held. He then held up a finger to shoot electricity but a sudden weight made him stumble back.

"What are you doing...?" The God looked back to see Wyper straddling his torso with his palm pressed on his chest, "Committing suicide for your Arcus...?"

Faythe watched for a hot moment seeing the position and letting her mind go astray, but it went back when she noticed Enel's figure weakening.

"Hm?" Enel wobbled back in alarm, "Wha..."

Wyper kept a glare on his face as he stared down the God, "Do you know what Kairouseki is, Enel!!?"

"Sea stone...!?" Zoro gasped out as he picked himself up and hurried over to Faythe and Robin's side.

Faythe could see the slight strain in Enel's body as he tried to keep himself upright. Wyper gritted his teeth, "I added some to my shooter, and it's draining your Devil Fruit Powers."

Zoro took the time in distraction to his advantage to collect his tossed swords and leap back to safety.

Faythe watched the God fall to his knees, "My strength is being... Drained..."


Enel smirked up at the shandorian, "Your trying to use Reject? Your body can't take it!! Don't you want to live!? I know you just want Vearth..!"


Enel felt the panic settle in as he watched in frantic terror, "Don't do it!!"


The impact looked like it was aimed at his heart than a random place, so Enel's body went crashing into the ground.

A shockwave was sent far around them as dust erupted into the air.

After the dust clouds was blown away by a breeze, Faythe saw the form of the fallen god at Wyper's feet. A stream of blood trickling down his mouth.

"A fatal Internal injury..." Robin muttered in amazement.

Nami peeked out of her hiding space, "Is he.. Dead...!?"

Faythe glanced over at Nami who made her way towards the crew mates, "Imma go check up on Wyper..." She muttered to Robin who gave a slight nod.

Rushing over to the shandorian, "Wyper..! Give me your hand!"

Wyper whipped around in a painful sharp jerk, "Ah-!! Arcus... There's no need to worry..." He let out ragged intakes of air.

Faythe stopped at his side and pulled at his injured hand, watching him flinch at the sudden touch, "It needs to be treated immediately... Too bad Chopper is out of commission..." Faythe sighed.

"There's really no need for you to worry, Arcus..." Wyper frantically waved his free hand at the red head.

A sudden flow of electricity from the God's body interrupted the childish banter.

Faythe and Wyper stared down in shock as another pump of electricity flowed out on his body.

And then another.

"No way..." Faythe gasped, she then glanced over at Wyper's fear stricken face.

Nami covered her lower face in horror, "...He restarted his own heart..."

"It's not God that people fear..." They watched as God slowly stood back up with a twisted smile adorning his face, "It's the terror..." He then smeared the blood on his lips with a thumb, "That God incarnates."

Enel stood in front of the two fighters with a grin, his eyes landing on Faythe first, "It seems history will repeat itself... And the Arcus shall receive it's punishment tenfold!!"

Enel raised an arm up to the sky as it vanished into electricity again.

Faythe felt her feathers perk up in alarms that told her to run, but her eyes then settled on Wyper who struggled to move.

At that moment Faythe realized.

Ah... He can't move...

Picked the boy up with talons, she felt the man struggle in her grasp, "What are you doing-!!"

Wyper looked up in alarm at Faythe goofy grin. His skin turned pale as he realized what she was doing, "Wait..." He struggled to gasp out.

"Doing what any Arcus would do." She laughed as she tossed him to the side, "Robin!"

Robin looked on in alarm as she instinctively crossed her arms and used her Devil fruit to catch the Shandorian.

"WAIT, ARCUS!!" Wyper called out, with his hand reaching out.



"Oh No!"

Enel threw his arm down, "God's Judgement."

A large beam of yellow light struck down on Faythe, the feeling was a harsh cold shock running threw her body, it scorched her arms and legs, her eyes felt as if they would burst any moment. Her back seemed to give out as soon as she collapsed on herself. She looked up to the sky in a flickering of black dots dancing across her vision.

"This fucken sucks..."


Blinking away the spotted dots that threatened to take her vision away, Faythe wearily tried to bring her hand up to her head to try and ease the throbbing headache. But she felt that her wrist stopped midway by a force.

A shudder ran down her back as she looked to see her wrist restrained by a sea stone wrist chain. It was connected to some type of golden rails. The cold shiver that raked her body made her almost tear up. She clenched her fist and tugged at the sea stone, her frantic motions attracting the attention of a ginger.


Faythe didn't hear her name as she was focused on getting out of this situation, her ears drumming in her skull as her vision seemed to blur and swirl in all direction. The space around her felt like it was itching closer towards her, leaving no room to breathe. Her breathing picked up in rapid takes.

A small whimper left her lips, "I don't like this... I don't like this... I don't like this..." She struggled out the words repeatedly.

The sudden rushed of warmth on both sides of her face brought her back to reality, "Fae..! Hey, it's a okay... Your not alone. It's Nami...!"

Faythe's teary gaze flickered up to meet her amber gaze, the sudden shiver that clawed at her throat was released, "N-Nami...?"

A smile grew on her face as she saw the red head focus on her, "Yep...! I'm so glad your awake..!!" She seemed to shatter as a reminder of their situation.

After that whole ordeal, Faythe now had to the time to look around the area, "Where are we...?"

"Your on the Arc. Maxim!"

Faythe glanced to the right to see Enel sitting on some type of throne in the middle of this ship like structure.

A grin flickered on his face as he met Faythe's angered glare, "Just as I told your little friend here, this ship will take us to the endless Earth!!!"

Faythe felt her nerves go haywire as he teleported to her, "And you will serve as God's loyal Arcus Pet to atone all of your ancestors sins. After all isn't that the whole purpose of your existence...?" He roughly grabbed Faythe by the face, his fingers digging into her skin that would most likely leave a bruise.

A snarl appeared on her face, "I feel like your forgetting something, but an Arcus isn't bound to any gods... Nor are they used as pets..! They are they're own entity..." She tried to bite down on his hand but he teleported back to his throne with a disappointed glance.

"I get the feeling that you don't like me very much.. Is it because I attacked your 'friends'?" He leaned on his elbow, a aggravated frown adorning his face.

"Your entirely mad if you think that is the only reason...!" Faythe spit on the wooden floorboards.

Enel grew a tick on his temple at the disrespect, "I'm a God that has given you and your friend mercy, what more do you dare ask for?"

Nami didn't utter a word through this exchange, in fear of being the one in spot of Enel's glare.

Faythe scowled jerked forward on her knees, "You hold yourself on a high pedestal yet you don't understand the bigger picture..."

Enel waved her comment blankly, "You hold that Captain of yours above yourself on a higher pedestal as well.. What's the difference between us..?"

Nami whipped her head over to Faythe in a small plea as to not take this too far.

"The difference between my Captain and you is that you have a goal that could be achieved easily, yet my Captain has the whole world fighting against him to reach his own! And my goal is to follow him to end of it!"

"And you think to achieve that goal he would have to defeat me? Yahahahahaha-!!" Enel laughed at the utter idea of it, "That's the most amusing thing I've heard all day!"

Faythe smirked at him underestimating her Captain, "You will eat your words, Enel... After all.. What's a God to a King who is a nonbeliever but to his own dream?" She laughed out at the reddening face of anger strike his pale skin.

At that statement, Enel gritted his teeth and teleported to her in a flash step, his staff raised in the air as he swung it down.

The impact to her side sent her screaming in agony as he sent a charge of electricity throughout her body.


Faythe fell to her side with only her chained wrists holding her up, her skin scorched and bruised from the attack. Her left side aches in a burning sensation.

Nami crawled over to the red head in fear of losing her, "Fae-! Fae! Please keep your eyes open!" She pleaded desperately as she cradled her head to her shoulder.

"It hurts..." Faythe muttered weakly.

Nami felt her eyes burn as a fresh wave of tears threatened to fall at the two words, "Don't worry... We'll find a way... We just have to hope for a miracle of luck to strike us..."

And it did.

Enel whipped his head to the left and teleported to the rails with a bored expression, "You must be the said Captain."

"Eh!?" Nami gently placed the red head down and hurried across the ship and leaned over the rails. The tears from before almost spilled at this rate, "LUFFY!!!"

Faythe weakly held her head up as she heard his familiar voice, "What did you do.. To my friends!!?"

"He's here... Our miracle.." Faythe chuckled weakly as she hung her head.

Enel glared down, "Isn't this that other piece of trash!!?"

Word Count:(2267)

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