habits, supernatural [ 1 ]

By maybankwalker

185K 5.2K 1.6K

[ supernatural -- seasons 2-8 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the sh... More

001. meet the winchesters
002. america's first serial killer
003. possessed sam
004. gates to hell
005. hunters and the seven dwarfs
006. "what kind of psycho are you?"
007. sam's older date
008. dream root
009. ghostfacers
010. dean's year is up
011. bittersweet reunions
012. ghost witnesses
013. oktoberfest and pantophobia
014. wishes come true
015. angel radio girl
016. godzilla and mothra
017. girl in the walls
018. demon blood detox
019. start of the end of the world
020. war
021. two grumpy old men
022. convention antics
023. last day on earth
024. teen warlock boy
025. hunger
026. rising of the dead
027. dead winchesters
028. the whore
029. future sister-in-law
030. hotel full of gods
031. losing first loves
032. "did you kiss him?"
033. see you later
034. shapeshifting baby
035. kidnapping
036. vampire cure
037. soulless sam
038. his soul and apologies
039. spider-man
040. kidney ghost
041. tv world
042. khan worm
043. wild west
045. superman gone dark side
046. broken wall
047. leviathans
048. worried girlfriend and broken boyfriend
049. sam's me time
050. on trial
051. doppelgangers
052. town full of psychics
053. married the wrong woman
054. high dean
055. hanging by a thread
056. mother hen
057. fedora guy
058. amazons
059. clowns are bitches
060. insomnia
061. emmanuel
062. drunk spirit
063. lot of foxholes
064. tech genius
065. a kevin tran
066. vamptonite
067. killing dick roman
068. blissful year
069. awkward reunion
070. badass mom
071. foot rubs
072. bobby 2.0
073. "my stomach's a watermelon!"
074. cartoon deaths
075. dirty trick
076. moondoor camp
077. time traveling grandfather
078. new home
079. first trial
080. "that was incredibly hot"
081. second trial
082. baby's first crime scene
083. dean rode a farty donkey
084. curing a demon
085. third trial
Book Two

044. killing the mother

1.7K 44 12
By maybankwalker

Sam, Larissa, and Bobby walk into the basement where Dean is.

"Hey. How you doing?" Sam asks.

"Six shells. That's how I'm doing." Dean says.

"Well, you know, it's a hell of a lot more than what we had last week." Sam says.

"Maybe." Dean says.

"Meaning?" Bobby asks.

"Meaning I just had myself a little mishap a few minutes ago and, uh, well, here, look." Dean says, rubbing some ash on his arm and nothing happens to him.

"Whoa." Sam mumbles.

"Huh." Bobby hums.

"I mean, this stuff is supposed to burn the bejeezus out of Eve, doesn't even give me a sunburn." Dean says.

"Lore says it works." Bobby shrugs.

"That's always reliable." Dean says.

"Well, you know what? Maybe it's like, uh-- maybe it's like iron or silver. You know? Hurts them, not us." Sam suggests, Larissa nodding in agreement.

"Maybe, but a fat lot of good it does us till we can find the bitch." Dean says.

"I'm looking, but I'm thinking maybe it's time you made a call." Bobby says.

"Why has it always got to be that makes the spell, huh? It's not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude's busy." Dean says. Larissa notices Cas appear behind Dean. The hunter turns, jumping when he spots the angel. "Cas, get out of my ass!"

"I was never in your--" Cas says. "Have you made any progress in locating Eve?"

"Well, we were gonna ask you about that." Bobby says.

"No, I've looked, but she's hidden from me. She's hidden from  all angels." Cas says.

"Awesome." Dean rolls his eyes.

"You know, what we really need is an inside man." Sam says.

"What do you mean?" Dean asks.

"Something with claws and sympathy." Sa msays.

"Like a friendly monster?" Dean asks and Sam shrugs. "Those are in short supply these days, don't you think?"

"Sure, but we've meet one or two, right?" Sam asks.


"So, we can find one."

~ ~ ~

The four hunters are waiting when Cas appears with a woman.

"Lenore." Sam greets. She tries to run. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hey, hey. Lenora, stop. Look, we're happy you're here."

"Been a long time. You remember us?" Dean asks.

"I remember. Your hunter friend almost killed me." Lenore says.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, uh, he turned into a vampire and I chopped his head off." Sam says.

"Yeah. With a razor wire.  Wicked." Dean smiles.

"Well, that's something. What's going on? Why am I here?" Lenore asks.

"Well, um, that's Cas." Sam points to the angel. "He's our friend. And we need to talk to you. About Eve."

"Eve? I have nothing to say about Eve." Lenore says.

"You sure about that?" Dean asks.

"I'm trying to stay away from her, believe me." Lenore says.

"Where's your nest?" Sam asks.

"Gone. They couldn't fight it anymore. It's her voice... in our heads. What it does to us. So they left... started killing again." Lenore explains.

"But not you." Sam notes.

"Don't look so impressed. I was hiding in a basement. Not exactly Club Med. You don't know how hard it is -- not to give in. Everyone gives in." Lenore says.

"Alright, so this psychic two way you've got going, does that mean you know where mom's camped out?" Dean asks.

"You've got to be kidding me. You want me to tell you where she is? You do know she could be listening to us right now. I might as well be a video camera. What are you thinking?" Lenore asks.

"So, we don't have the element of surprise. We're still going in." Bobby says.

"You're crazy. I can't help you." Lenore says.

"Can't or won't?" Sam asks. "Look, it's clear as day. You still give a crap. You don't wanna kill... and you don't want this whole planet dead."

"You actually believe you can stop her?" Lenore asks.

"Just tell us where she is." Sam says.

"Grants Pass, Oregon. And now she knows you're coming." Lenore says.

"Well, let's go see." Bobby says..

"Hold on. I didn't tell you this out of the goodness of my heart. I need something." Lenore says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Kill me." She orders.

"Lenore." Sam says.

"Look, we'll lock you down till this whole thing's over, okay? Witness protection, you'll be safe." Dean says.

"You don't get it, it's not about that. I'm dangerous. I hear her voice all the time." Lenore says.

"You're not like the rest of them." Sam says.

"I'm exactly like them. I fed. I couldn't help it. The girl couldn't have been more than 16, Sam. I'll do it again. I can't stop, not anymore. You have to. Please." Lenore begs.

"Lenore." Sam says.

Cas touches Lenore's head, light shining out of her eyes and mouth as he smites her. Larissa's eyes widen as Lenore's body drops to the floor, and she gives Cas a 'what the hell' look.

"We needed to move this along." Cas says.


Cas teleports them to the location Lenore gave them.

"Well, I was expecting more Zombieland, less Pleasantville." Dean says.

"Just because it looks quiet, don't mean it is. Especially if she's got a clue we're coming." Bobby says.

"Yeah, well, if she is here, I'm glad we've got Smitey McSmiterton on our squad. All right, where do we start?" Dean asks.

"I'm gonna need a computer." Bobby says.

~ ~ ~

Dean and Bobby are sitting on one side of the booth while Cas, Larissa, and Sam sit across from them, Larissa squished slightly between the two men. Larissa and the brothers each have food and are eating while Bobby uses the tablet to research.

"All right. I finally got the police database, no thanks to this." Bobby grumbles. "I asked for a computer."

"It is a computer." Sam says.

"No, a computer has buttons." Bobby retorts.

"Can I get you anything else?" A waitress asks.

"No, we're good, thanks." Dean says and she leaves.

"Anything?" Sam asks.

"Oh, nickel and dime stuff, nothing weird. Basically dead end. You think Vampira was lying?" Bobby asks.

"I'll search the town. Give me a moment." Cas says. 

"Cas, we can still see you." Dean says.

"Yeah, I'm still here." Cas says.

"Okay, well, you don't have to wait on us, you--" Cas strains to teleport. "Well, now it just looks like you're pooping."

"Something's wrong." Cas says.

"What, are you stuck?"

"I'm blocked. I'm powerless."

"You're joking?"

"Something in this town is, uh, it's affecting me. I assume it's Eve."

"So, wait, mom's making you limp?"

"Figuratively, yes."


"I don't know, but she is."

"Well, that's great, because without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trenchcoat."

Cas doesn't respond, turning to look out the window.

"I think you hurt his feelings." Sam quietly says. Larissa pats Cas on the shoulder.

"I got something here, maybe." Bobby says. "Had to go federal go to get it. Call went out from the local office to the CDC last night."

"About what?" Sam asks.

"A Dr. Silver called in an illness he couldn't identify. Patient's a 25 year old, African American, name -- Ed Bright." Bobby shows them Ed's driver license.

"Well, that's not much to go on." Dean says.

"Well, it's our only lead, so." Bobby says.

"So, beggars can't be choosers, right? I get it. All right, let's finish up." Dean says.


Bobby, Sam, and Larissa walk out of Dr. Silver's house.

"Here. Dr. Silver. Wife, two sons." Bobby gives Sam a photo. "Uh oh." He notices a cop pull up.

"Hi, there." The sheriff greets.

"Hi." Sam greets, Larissa politely smiling.

"Who're you?" The sheriff asks. The three show him their FBI badges.

"It Casual Friday, agents?" The sheriff jokes.

"We were on a case a few miles out. We got a call to come here." Sam says.

"So, how about you, what's your business?" Bobby asks.

"Oh, Dr. Silver's a friend of mine. Heard he didn't show up for work today, so I thought I'd stop by, see if he's sick." The sheriff says.

"Not sick. Missing." Bobby says.

"Missing? Says who?" The sheriff asks.

"Says me. Empty house, no bags packed, car's still in the driveway." Bobby says.

"How'd you get on this?" The sheriff asks.

"Oh, it's a long story. Tell you what, why don't you put out an APB, we'll compare notes down at the station. Sound good?" Bobby asks.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Sure." The sheriff says.

"Obliged." Bobby says and the sheriff leaves.

"Wow. Talk about talking out of your butt." Sam says.

"Yeah. Just hurry, you idjit." Bobby says.

~ ~ ~

They meet back up with Cas and Bobby outside of Ed's house.

"So, we've got a missing doctor ad an oozy patient, huh?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, plot thickens." Sam says.

"Well, let's go see what Ed's roommates have to say." Dean says.

"Does Ed Bright have a brother?" Cas asks.

"No. Why?" Dean asks.

"Then that's not his twin." Cas says, nodding to the window. They look and see somebody who looks exactly like Ed in the window.

"So what, shifter?" Sam asks.

"I don't know what we're looking at." Bobby says.

"All right, Dean and me are gonna go in. You three stay here and watch the door. If something comes out, shoot it." Sam says.

"Yeah. Best guess -- silver bullets." Dean says.

"I'm fairly unpracticed with firearms." Cas says.

"You know who whines? Babies." Dean says.

"Mm, I don't know. You whine a lot." Larissa remarks. Dean glares at her and Sam quietly laughs.

Dean lunges at Larissa, but Sam holds him back.

"Ah-- hey, no." Sam shoves his brother away. "Never." He tells Dean.

"Oh, sure. For her, she can kill me later, but I can never kill her. I see where the favoritism lies." Dean rolls his eyes.

"Ha!" Larissa laughs in his face. Dean reaches out for her, Larissa stepping out of his reach, and Sam pushes him away again.

"House. Case." Sam tells him. The two brothers walk towards the house.

~ ~ ~

"I don't get it. What, a bunch of regular Joes wake up shifters? What the hell?" Dean asks.

"Shifters usually run in families. This looks like an infection. Nobody touched nothing?" Bobby asks.

"Well, I am bathing in Purell tonight." Dean says.

"So, he said they met a girl." Sam says.

"It's got to be Eve." Dean says.

"But why would she do this?" Cas asks.

"Mommy monster, make more." Bobby says.

"No, no, no, no. Cas has got a good point. I mean, if she's gonna make a shifter army, why make one that's sick, gooey, and dying?" Dean asks.

"Add that to the pile of crap that doesn't make sense." Bobby says.

"So, should we hit the bar?" Sam asks.

~ ~ ~

They get to the bar and go in, finding dead bodies everywhere.

"Well, the sheriff's a moot, but still. You'd think he'd notice this many missing folks." Bobby says.

"We got a vamp over here." Dean says. He picks the guy's arm up, a spike protruding. "Nope. Scratch that. We got a wraith. What the hell? What has teeth and a spike?"

"Never seen that in my life." Bobby says.

"Oh, great. So, Eve's making hybrids now?" Dean asks.

"Looks like." Bobby says.

"Cause that's not terrifying." Larissa mumbles.

"Yeah, the question is why. I mean, what does she want with the-- what do you call these?" Dean asks.

"Well, congrats. You discovered it. You get to name it." Bobby says.

"Jefferson Starships." Dean says. The others give him confused looks. "Because they're horrible... and hard to kill."

"Whatever." Larissa rolls her eyes.

"Looks like the whole bar has been turned into these--" Sam looks to Dean.

"Jefferson Starships." Dean says.

"Fine. But why are all the... Starships dead?" Sam asks.

"I can't say, but looks like they all burned up." Bobby says.

"Burned up, like?" Dean asks.

"Like a high fever, like the flu." Bobby says.

"What the hell's going on here? Does every monster in this town have the motaba virus?" Dean asks.

"Hands where I can see 'em!" The sheriff and three cops walk in, guns drawn. They all hold their hands up, Dean going unnoticed as he ducks behind the bar.

"Now this is not what it looks like." Cas says.

"Look, we're the feds." Bobby says.

"Yeah? Well, feds are not allowed to do this. Cuff 'em. Turn around." The sheriff orders.

The four are handcuffed and led out of the bar..


"Listen, if we can make a phone call, we can straighten this all out." Sam says as they get dragged into the station.

"Straighten out a massacre? I'd like to see you try." The sheriff says.

Suddenly, Sam headbutts the sheriff.

"Jefferson Starships!" Sam shouts. He kicks one as Cas is thrown against the wall by another one. Dean kills the one that has Cas.

Larissa knees the one that has her and kicks it away. She kicks it in the face repeatedly until it's at least unconscious.

Cas kills the Starship attacking Bobby and Dean gets the Starship away from Sam.

"Dean, wait!" Sam shouts.

Cas and Bobby drag the sheriff to the interrogation room.

Dean gets Sam's cuffs off, but before they can uncuff Larissa, the starship she knocked out, tackles her to the floor. She screams as she hits the floor, struggling with her hands still behind her back.

The shifter opens his mouth, fangs protruding from its mouth. As he goes to bite her, its head is cut off, blood getting on Larissa's face, her eyes squeezing shut.

The body falls on top of her making her groan in disgust.

"Hey, hey, hey." Sam rolls the body off of her. She opens her eyes a little, seeing him give the bloody machete to Dean. "C'mon, I got ya." He pulls her up to her feet.

"Gross." She grimaces, looking down at the blood covering her.

"Yeah. Yeah, I agree." Sam says and Larissa pouts up at him. "Sorry." He takes the handcuffs off. "You okay?"

"Aside from having a monster's blood all over me? Yeah, sure." Larissa says.

"There's a bathroom. You can totally get cleaned up." Sam says.

~ ~ ~

Sam and Dean are watching Cas and Bobby interrogate the sheriff. They turn when they hear walking, Sam aiming his gun. Larissa stops, seeing his gun at her and Dean holding a knife up.

"Whoa. Dudes. Chill." Larissa holds her flannel covered hands up.

"Sorry." Sam lowers the gun.

"Whoops." Dean chuckles.

Sam observes Larissa's appearance. All the blood is cleaned off of her skin and she managed to get the blood out of her hair, putting it up in a messy bun, a few stray hairs falling in her face, framing it perfectly.

She's wearing the flannel shirt Sam had on just an hour ago, leaving him only with his V-neck and jacket. He gave it to her so she could get out of her blood soaked clothes. The flannel is tucked into her jeans and all but the top two buttons are done.

She hasn't adjusted the sleeves yet, them falling well past her hands.

"You guys get anything out of it yet?" She asks, walking over to stand by Sam.

"Nope." Dean answers.

"Might wanna fix the sleeves if you wanna be able to hold any kind of weapon." Sam comments.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have long arms and then I wouldn't need to roll them up." Larissa retorts making Sam softly chuckle.

The brothers continue to watch Cas and Bobby talk to the Jefferson Starship. Larissa tries to roll her sleeve up, but the other sleeve won't stop falling into the way, blocking her path from the one she's working on.

After the sleeve falls in the way for the fifth time, Larissa quietly growls in frustration. Noticing, Sam slightly smiles in amusement.

"Want some help?" Sam asks. Larissa gives him an annoyed look at his amused face. She holds her arm out and Sam puts the gun on the sill of the double sided mirror. He rolls her sleeve up, making sure it won't come undone.

He quickly rolls the other sleeve up for her and smiles at her when he's done.

"You're welcome." He tells her with a pointed look.

"Thank you." She says.

"Aww, you guys are adorable." Dean smiles. "Stop." He tells them.

They hear a noise and turn around.

"More Starships." Dean says. He walks off.

"You guys stay here." Sam tells Larissa and Cas before going to follow Dean.

"Hey, hey, hey, big man." Larissa quietly calls getting Sam to turn to her. She picks his gun up, holding it out to him, with a pointed look.

"Right. Thank you." He takes the gun, following his brother.

Larissa watches Bobby cut the Starship's face with the silver knife making the Starship groan and then it laughs.

"You really think that's gonna make me talk?" The sheriff asks.

"Something will." Bobby says.

"Got a couple of hungry human boys here." Dean leads two boys through the room. "Come on, guys."

Larissa stays to watch Bobby while Cas and the brothers go take care of the kids.


"They won't take along." Bobby tells Cas, referencing to Sam and Dean who went to get the kids to safety at their uncle's that lives outside of town.

"You don't know that. They may find more wayward orphans along the way." Cas says.

"Oh, don't get cute." Bobby says.

"Right. Pardon me for highlighting their crippling and dangerous empathetic response with "sarcasm."" Cas says using air quotes on the last part. Larissa rolls her eyes. "It was a bad idea, letting them go."

"Come on. You don't let Sam and Dean Winchester do squat. They do what they gotta, you know that." Bobby says. "Anyway, we want Eve... we need coordinates. So, we can stand here bellyaching or we can go poke that pig 'til he squeals? Thoughts?"

"I vote door number two." Larissa raises her hand.

~ ~ ~

"You know, she can see you right now... and you're just making her mad." The sheriff says.

"Then tell the bitch to come get me." Bobby says.

"I need five minutes alone with him." Cas says.

"What for? Cas, your batteries are dead." Bobby says.

"Give me five minutes." Cas says.

"All right, fine." Bobby and Larissa leave the room, sitting out in the office. Bobby takes a flask out, taking a drink. He holds it out to Larissa who takes a swig before giving it back to him.

They look over when Cas walks out as he wipes blood off his hands.

"Eve's at 25 Buckley Street. You can call Sam and Dean."


"Rigorous interrogation, huh?" Dean asks, looking inside the interrogation room where the headless body of the sheriff sits.

"Well, we got a location. Now we just gotta get close enough to take a shot." Bobby says.

"All right. Well, let's all take one." Dean holds the bullets he filled with phoenix ash out, each of them taking one. "Load 'em up. Make 'em count."


They walk to the address, finding out it was the diner they were in earlier.

"You gotta be kidding me. She's been in there the whole time?" Dean asks.

"Why'd she ever let us in? Or out?" Sam asks.

"Well, there's one way to find out." Dean says.

"What, just stroll in? We don't know who's human or who's her." Bobby says.

"Well, there's one way to draw her out. Me and Sam will go in." Dean says.

"What?" Larissa asks.

"Dean." Bobby says.

"Look, if we don't get a shot off, you three better." Dean says.

"That's the plan?" Bobby asks.

"Yeah, pretty much." Dean nods.

Sam hands Bobby his bag, but Dean keeps his.

"Sam--" Larissa tries.

"It'll be fine." He squeezes her shoulder, him and Dean going inside.

"Well, at least it ain't complicated." Bobby says with a sigh.

~ ~ ~

Sam and Dean watch as Starships drag Bobby, Cas, and Larissa into the diner.

"Well, so much for your plan B." Eve says, looking like the boys' mother, Mary. "And you, wondering why so flaccid?" She asks Cas. "I'm older than you, Castiel. I know what makes angels tick. Long as I'm around, consider yourself unplugged."

"Work for me. It's a good deal. Bonus, I won't kill your friends and your little girlfriend." Eve tells the brothers.

"All right, look, the last few months we've been working for an evil dick. We're not about to sign up for an evil bitch. We don't work with demons. We don't work with monsters... and if that means you gotta kill us, then kill us!" Dean tells her.

"Or... I turn you. And you do what I want, anyway." Eve says.

"Beat me with a wire hanger, answer's still no." Dean says.

Eve grabs Dean's shoulders, her head next to his. Sam gets up, but a couple of Starships grab him, preventing him from getting to his brother.

"Don't test me." Eve warns.

"Bite me." Dean growls.

Eve bites Dean's neck.

"No!" Sam shouts.

"Dean!" Cas calls.

Eve staggers backwards and starts coughing.

"Phoenix ash. One shell, one ounce of whiskey. Down the hatch. Little musty on the afterburn. Call you later, mom." Dean says.

Light shines from Eve's chest as she morphs from Mary to a brunette. She chokes and dark liquid comes out of her mouth and nose. She falls to the floor, dead. The Starships start attacking, the hunters trying to hold them off.

"Shut your eyes!" Cas shouts, the four hunters doing so. A bright light shines as Cas kills the Starships. The light fades, the hunters opening their eyes up.

"We got to take you on more monster hunts." Bobby says to Cas.

"Hey, Cas, um, Dean's bleeding pretty good." Sam says.

"Yeah, I think she turned me into a Jefferson Starship. Could you clear that up too?" Dean asks. Cas touches Dean's shoulder and heals him. "All right, we're good. We got to go. Now."

"Where?" Cas asks.

"The kid. The little kid, he's one of 'em." Dean says.

"Unbelievable." Cas says.

"Yeah, I know, Cas. You told me, all right? Let's just go." Dean says. Cas shakes his head in disbelief, but teleports them to the uncle's house.

They teleport in the living room, finding the uncle's body dead.

"So we kill the wicked witch and she still wins. I mean, they couldn't turned half the town by now." Dean says. Cas opens his mouth to talk. "Don't say it."

Bobby walks around and opens a door. Both boys are dead on the stairs.

"Found 'em." Bobby says. The other four walk over.

"Well, who ganked them?" Dean asks.

Sam bends down and he touches something on the floor. He shows his finger to the others, it covered in yellow powder.

"Demons." Sam states. "So, what do you think?"

"I think that demons don't give a crap about monster tweens... unless they're told to." Dean says.

"So you think she was telling the truth?" Sam asks.

"The truth about what?" Cas asks.

"She said that Crowley's still kicking." Sam informs.

"What?" Larissa asks and Sam nods.

"But I burned his bones, how c--? Was she certain?" Cas asks.

"Sounded pretty sure." Dean says. "According to her, Crowley's still waterboarding her kids somewhere."

"I don't understand." Cas says.

"Well, he is a crafty son of a bitch." Dean says.

"I'm an angel. I'll look into it immediately." Cas disappears.

"Cas!" Dean yells. "Well, let us know what you find out." He calls into the air. Sam, Larissa, and Bobby walk away, certain looks on their faces which Dean catches. "What?" He asks them, but they don't answer. "What?"

"How did Crowley get away?" Bobby asks. "I mean, it's not like Cas to make mistakes like that. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Dean asks.

"Unless he meant to." Bobby says.

"Bobby, this is Cas we're talking about." Dean says. "You with him?" He asks Larissa.

"I... it's not... you know, completely absurd to consider." She says making Dean scoff.

"Do you believe this?" Dean turns to Sam who doesn't answer. "Sam?"

"Look, it's probably nothing. It's just..." Sam stops himself and sighs. "You know what? You're right. It's-- it's probably nothing."


We're so close to the finale!!

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