Call It What You Want // Ober...

By rissarosewrites

145K 4.9K 168

Fiona Stark has moved to Dorne to marry Prince Oberyn Martell. Little did she know Oberyn and Ellaria were a... More

1. Melt
2. Whore in Church
3. How did you do it?
4. Princess
5. Wow
6. Daughters
7. Paramour
8. Skilled Diplomat
10. Keep it clean please
11. And Failing
12. Tolerant
13. Choking
14. Bigger Bed
15. Wisdom
16. Damned Fool
17. Am I queen
18. North's stupidity
19. Winter is Coming
20. Never forget a Thing
21. Beautiful
22. This Bitch
23. Drunken lust filled Beast
24. Lock Pick
25. Every last One
26. Not the day I die
27. Think Fast
28. No Need for Quarrel
29. You Don't Scare me
30. Tell me the truth
31. Suffer
32. Rescue
33. Stark's send their regards
34. Family

9. I like her

5.9K 215 19
By rissarosewrites

6 years ago

Fiona was surprised to say the least when oberyn introduced his new bride to his mistress.

'What?' Fiona questioned looking between them.

'Ellaria sand.' She introduced again because Fiona must have looked like a deer ready for the slaughter. "We have a very open relationship.' Ellaria told her.

"Oh.' It was the only thing that came out she looked between them. Relationships were give and take. Give and take, don't lose your honor or your values.

"I know today was a lot.' Oberyn told her sitting down next to her. "But I believe in honesty." Oberyn ran a hand along her leg.

"Yes," Fiona agreed, "honestly is good, great... yes.' She agreed nodding and Oberyn chuckled.

"Things is Dorne, here with us...' Oberyn told her. "We are more open to love, not as strict, we love who we love...' Fiona nodded. Interesting, this wouldn't fly in the north, but she was in a new place, she had to adapt. She looked over at Ellaria again. She was pretty, but what did they want from Fiona?

"If you are not comfortable...' Ellaria began.

"What is it that you want?" Fiona questioned softly.

"You." Ellaria told her simply, but the weight of that one word felt heavy on Fiona's chest.

'Me?" she croaked out and Oberyn laughed.

"I don't think she has ever been with a woman.' Oberyn remarked.

"I hadn't been with a man till you either.' Fiona informed them finding her voice.

"Are you willing to try something new?" Oberyn questioned.

She had come to dorne thinking it hell but she looked at Oberyn and Ellaria, their children, they were happy, Dorne, the people of Dorne seemed so happy and loyal. It was different in climate from winterfell but she could feel the love.


When Fiona woke up and the effort it took her to open her eyes she wanted to fall back asleep. She groaned rolling over in bed.

"I think we tired her out." Ellaria remarked with a laugh.

"I think you are right."

"Stop making fun of me.' Fiona said through the pillow she felt a hand small but rough fingers tracing along the back of her thigh. "I'm not a morning person either." Fiona added.

'The most fun happens at night anyways." Oberyn leaned over Fiona's zombie like state to kiss Ellaria before kissing Fiona's shoulder, his hand slipped under her rolling her onto him. A laugh escaped her lips.

"So?" Ellaria questioned.
"What?" Fiona asked faking ignorance.

"You know." Ellaria said kissing her.
"I have no complaints." Fiona told her simply and Oberyn chuckled kissing her neck.

"No complaints, high praise." Oberyn mused.

It was a strange feeling, a strange vulnerability to let one person in, to see all of you at your most exposed state. Now all within a week she had done that, been that exposed with two people. Gods what would Ned think of her? But Fiona didn't think she cared. Oberyn and Ellaria didn't. Oberyn was the Prince, if he didn't care why should she? Fiona was the princess now...

Still it was strange, it was nice, different, being pulled apart from both directions, an extra set of hands, an extra set of lips. Her body had hummed as her heart pounded, her lips numbs and little love bites covered her chest and neck.


"Well?" Obara was confident that the northern princess was going to make life hell for Ellaria but the smile on Ellaria's face said otherwise.

'As suspected my dear,' Ellaria coed. "She was very open to trying new things." Obara stared at her in disbelief. At 14 Obara knew everything and she was confident in that. "My sweet, Fiona might surprise you." Ellaria said kindly. "Your sisters like her, your father likes her... I like her."

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