Spider-Man and The Esper

By Omegaknight14

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A hero from different universe unknowingly arrives in the One Punch Man universe. He holds a dark past with h... More

Character Bio
1. The Strongest Heroes
2. The Lone Cyborg
3. Practice Bout
4. The House of Evolution
5. Evolution Ends, Burning Building
6. The Deadly Ninja
7. The Meteorite, Spider-man Meets Fubuki
9. Unyielding Justice
10. You're Not Alone, The Dark Past
11. The Class-S Meeting
12. Dark Matter Thieves
13. End of Dark Matter
14. Helping Out the Spider
15. Spider-man vs Class-S
16. Training On The First Day
17. Day Off, Shopping
18. Meeting The King
19. Looks Like We Got Competition
20. The Spider's Mind
21. Bomb Incident
22. Gift Of New Life
23. Crossing The Street
24. Breaking Point
25. Questions and Bank Robbers
26. Hospital visit
27. Birthday Surprise
28. Injury
29. Breakfast, World Trade Center
30. One Thing After Another
31. Spider-man fights Sonic...Again
32. The Winter Festival
33. Livestream
34. The Hero Hunter
35. Absolute Carnage
36. Forest Battle
37. Crazy day
38. Mobilize
39. Rematch
40. I'm Here
41. A Hero or Monster? Part 1
42. A Hero or Monster? Part 2
43. A Hero or Monster? Part 3
44. A Hero or Monster? Part 4
45. A More Greater Threat
46. Absolute Evil
47. The Hero Vs. The Villain
48. Sacrifices
49. First Steps of Redemption
50. The Day Has Finally Come.

8. The Sea Folk

566 16 3
By Omegaknight14

"HA HA HA HA HA!" A massive humanoid octopus bellowed as he stomped from the beach towards the city, all nearby civilians screaming in terror as they ran away from him "Humans! if you wished to be spared from annihilation take heed! I bring a message from the depths!" It proclaimed.

However not too far from this location was there a hero already responding to the threat and while his means of transportation might not be the first thing one would think of it still was serving him well in traversing the distance with haste.

" *HUFF* *HUFF* *HUFF* " Mumen Rider breathed as he pedaled hoping he would make it to the creature before anyone could be hurt.

"HA HA HA!" The creature bellowed once more his laughter while still fairly distant now a bit louder telling him he was getting closer "You will surrender the surface to us! the clan of the sea folk!" It ordered as it cast it's hand out in front of it.

Upon hearing it's intention for the people and their city Mumen Rider as it usually happened felt a surge of energy suddenly hit him as he somehow pedaled even harder increasing his speed nearly tenfold.

"There you shall become our nourishment, bipedal human scum." It stated just before the sound of it's footsteps stopped.

Unknown to the cyclist for justice as he raced towards the creature hoping to keep it from harming others already was there a hero present.

"Hm?" The creature sounded as it leaned forward hoping to get a better look at the human who had caught it's eye "What a head! are you related to an octopus by any chance?" It asked as it pointed towards the human before it erupted in another bout of laughter.

Unsure as to why it had suddenly gone quiet when it was just laughing aloud Mumen Rider turned the corner to the street where he believed the monster would be only to be met with a shocking sight. While he had been correct in that this was the monster's location and in truth PART of it was still standing from the waist up it had been completely destroyed only bits and pieces which lay scattered everywhere as proof it did have an upper half.

"Man that was awesome!" A nearby civilian shouted as people began to gather around it's corpse.

"Who was that guy?"

"I think it was one of the new Class-S heroes. I forgot his name but he's in rank 5, he's super strong and he saved City-Z from the Meteor a few days ago."

He thought as a small smile came to his face, "Those Class-S heroes are incredible." He thought to himself as he turned his bike around.

Not wanting to somehow gain credit for this feat when he had done nothing Mumen Rider simply resumed his pedaling as he headed back home.

Fubuki, Spider-man, Tatsumaki, Saitama, and Genos were relaxing at Saitama's apartment complex. Watching the news while having tea while Genos himself was doing house work.

"Oh, excuse me," the gold-haired cyborg said as he answered his phone.

As the golden-haired cyborg spoke on the phone about going to City-J, Saitama couldn't help but be amused with how busy he is. Saitama decided to draw attention away from it by turning on the disaster channel.

As soon as Saitama turned on the television, Genos walked back into the room and asked politely, "Master, the monster you defeated on the way home yesterday. By any chance, did it refer to itself as a Sea Folk?"

"I don't remember," Saitama lazily replied to this as he picked up a magazine to read.

"Lord, you are bad at remembering things. Just shows that you have dementia you old fucker." Spider-man said with a laugh.

"Shut up, wall-crawler!"


Tatsumaki spat out her tea finding their banter super amusing while Fubuki was letting out giggles of her own.

Genos and Spider-man saw that the news that Saitama had turned on was discussing the arrival of ten more of these Sea Folk in City-J.

In a minimally worried tone, Genos stated, "I was told that there is an A-Class Hero fighting them all on his own, and he is on the brink of defeat."

"Miraculously the A class hero Stinger is still holding off the monsters who without warning came from the ocean! but he's still only human and if back up doesn't arrive soon he's sure to give way to his fatigue alone!" The reporter said as the camera focused on the fight in progress.

"Yet he's still standing, that's impressive." Fubuki added.

"It shows that he has determination and willpower to not back down, I used to be in tough fights like him."

"Please I could wipe the floor with those things." Tatsumaki boasted with a confident smile on her face.

"Given their size and strength difference if he has any hope of beating them he needs to somehow kill all of them in a single blow." Genos stated as he analyzed the scene.


Meanwhile, in an apartment in one of the more peaceful parts of City-Z, the Hero, Mumen Rider, was listening to the same news broadcast.

Class-C' number one hero Mumen Rider had just finished putting on his equipment and began running towards his place's door while declaring, "I'm on my way, buddy!"


At the same time, many other Heroes were also heading out to City-J to try and lend their aid to the struggling A-Class Hero as he fought to save the people of the city.

All the while, nearby the coast of City-J, a heavily injured Stinger was standing in the middle of six of the Sea Folk's corpses. The four remaining aquatic monsters were standing around the exhausted and bleeding Hero, all of them trying to surround him as they got ready to go in for the kill.

Stinger tightened his grip on his bamboo spear, let out a small laugh, and weakly proclaimed, "I gotta say, you've got spunk... ya slimy bastards! My beloved bamboo shoot here is stoked to battle enemies with some grit for a change! But I'm afraid it's time to end this."

One of the Sea Folk, with a large amount of fury in its voice, tried to cut down to Stinger's confidence by declaring, "Quit your boasting, Human! Your ridiculous fan club ran off long ago!"

Another one of these giant creatures added to its brethren's statement in an equally threatening tone, "Your death will be painful! For the taking of our brothers' lives, you will suffer greatly!"

Stinger, with his one eye that hadn't been swollen shut, confidently looked over his remaining enemies and spoke to himself, "Four fish to go..." He then took up a fighting stance and spun his spear over his head fast enough to propel himself into the air,

While airborne, Stinger exclaimed wildly, "It's actually a lot easier...Without an audience!"

The yellow, squid-faced member Sea Folk shot one of its tentacles at Stinger while he was airborne, but the A-Class countered this by thrusting his spear forward. Somehow, his attack pierced lethal holes in all four of the monsters. He pulled off this feat by using his superhuman physiology to redirect his momentum each time his spear went through one of them, allowing him to take them all down before touching back down the ground.

As the last of the monsters collapsed in death, Stinger shouted in triumph, "Sing, bamboo shoot! Gigantic Drill Stinger Quadruple Thrust!"

After landing back on the ground, the nearly broken Hero managed to form a smile on his injured face while proclaiming confidently, "I did it. I beat those bastards! Did you see that, new guy?! I'm strong enough to make it by with more than just popularity! Heck, these monsters were probably God-Level Threats, and I beat them all by mysel-!" Before he could finish his sentence, another one of Sea Folk arrived. Moving faster than the A-Class Hero could process, the monster swiftly punched Stinger in his stomach, lifting him into the air by its fist.

This monster was noticeably different in appearance from the other Sea Folk. It was roughly three feet taller than the ones that came before it, was wearing a flashy crown, a red speedo, and a royal-looking cape. On top of that, this Sea Folk looked closer to a Human than the previous monsters, but it still had more than enough aquatic features on its seafoam green body to be identified as a member of the Sea Folk clan.

The royal monster looked at the near-dead Hero, balanced on its fist, scowled angrily, and stated in a cold and bloodthirsty tone of voice, "You know, when something as annoying as you exists, it's a pleasure to watch it die." With those words, a mighty and loud roar of thunder and lightning exploded in the sky behind it. It was almost as if God himself were warning the world of this creature's evil might.


Spider-man grips his tea cup trying not to crush from his anger that was boiling up inside of him as he gets up to his feet, "We're going."

The others get ready even though Tatsumaki was more concerned for her sister's safety, it showed how much she cares but Fubuki still needed to learn how to be able to handle things on her own.


This is an announcement from the hero's association, the threat level is tiger, tiger, all citizens please stay clear of the area."The recorded warning said as it was cast across all intercom systems in City J.

Briefly At Association HQ

"Was the warning issued?" Bearded worker asked as he looked to Z Branch Operator.

"The request just went out sir." She responded as she focused on her work.

"Good, but now it's looking like we're going to have to update the announcement." Bespectacled worker stated as he walked up gaining both of their attentions.

"What do you mean?" Bearded Worker asked as he turned to look at him.

"Stinger is down sir." He answered causing the other to adorn a look of both shock and frustration.


Back In City J

"Mumen Rider here, heading in now give me the location." The Bicyclist for justice said into his phone as he pedaled.

"We're sorry but all lines are busy at this time please-" The automated response was saying until he closed his phone.

"Ugh where are they?" He asked to himself slightly frustrated it was taking him so long to get there.

"Hey best forget about it!" A voice in front of him called out causing him to stop "Class C heroes can't handle this one." It told him.

Looking to the source of the voice he saw a white truck filled with class C heroes all of which he recognized.

"Huh?" He sounded unsure as to what they meant.

"It's true the word just came down." Another of them said just as the intercoms began to play another message.

"Emergency evacuation warning, the threat level has been raised from tiger to demon, all residents of City J please evacuate immediately." It broad casted.

"See what I mean?" The first hero asked as he held his hand out in front of him.

However instead of being deterred or even frightened by the change of threat Mumen Rider instead felt a surge of determination fill him as he began to pedal once more continuing on towards the city.

"Hey!" The hero called after him but to no avail.


"Emergency evacuation warning, the threat level has been raised from tiger to demon, all residents of City J please evacuate immediately." The system repeated.

"Evacuate? the fools, as if I'd let even one of these apes escape." The Sea King said to himself as his gaze seemed to intensify.

As the massive monster continued to walk down the street from a nearby roof top the A class hero Lightning Max tracked his movements via a handheld telescope.

"I see, that's the one that got Stinger." He realized as he lowered the telescope from his face to his lap" But he's the last of them, should I wait for backup?" He wondered before closing his eyes" If it's one on one maybe I can-" He began to debate before stopping mid thought.

Almost as if were a ghost the monster who had just been on the ground below was somehow behind him, but thankfully due to his awareness he was able to react though not in the most collected way.

"AAAAAH!" He shouted though due to his surprised stated it was only gibberish before he leapt into the air and delivered one of his trademark kicks to it's face.

"That stings a little..." Sea King spoke with his arms crossed as Lightning Max landed not too far from him "Why would you do this?" He asked.

"Damn it! how'd he get behind me?!" Lightning Max wondered as he took a step back, "I was so surprised my voice went crazy, plus my gunpowder charged lightning kick had zero effect! I can't win!" He realized as he took another step back.

"And who might you be?" Sea King asked a look lacking of any kind of remorse stuck to his face.

"I...am the hero called Lightning Max, fight me!" He challenged as he got into a stance.

"Fight you?" Sea King questioned seeming to be amused.

"I'll run for it soon it as soon as-" Lightning Max began to plan out until a powerful force suddenly struck him in his gut.

As if he had teleported in front of him Sea King was suddenly upon him and with his sudden closure of distance did he bring a punch which had enough force to send Lightning Max flying from the rooftop and into an office building that was across the street. Crashing through glass and cubicles alike Lightning Max soon found himself lying on the floor staring up at the ceiling his whole body screaming in pain.

"W-What the hell happened?..."He wondered as the attack had been so fast he hadn't seen it"U-Ugh...I can't feel my body..."He thought as the sound of thunderous footsteps approaching reached his ears.

Slowly a shadow was soon cast over him and with whatever strength he still possessed he looked in front of himself as to see what the shadow belonged to only to find Sea King squatting before him.

"Hehehe..." He snickered as he rest his head in his hand an arrogant and cocky grin present on his face.

"Damn it, arrogant guppy..." Lightning Max taunted as he somehow through the pain managed to get to his feet.

As he now stood before the other who even while squatting was still towering over him Lightning Max knew if he didn't act fast his life would be in even more danger than it already was and so without hesitation he activated the mechanism in his shoe before carrying out another attack.

"LIGHTNING FLYING BACKWARDS ROUNDHOUSE KICK!" He shouted as he landed a blow to the other's face.

Sadly even as the office space filled with the blinding light of his attack's discharge it seemed as though there was no effect once again which resulted in Sea King simply punching him sending him flying out of the building through a wall. Now rendered unconscious as the pain was more than any normal human could handle Lightning Max was swiftly falling to his death unable to save himself. But just as it seemed this hero's life would meet it's tragic end on this day the sounds of footsteps running as well as a metal chain being tugged about filled the air before an unknown savior leapt into the air and saved Lightning Max from his imminent demise. Gently setting him on the ground as debris fell behind them his savior then put a hand to their chest before introducing themselves.

"I'm the S class hero Puri Puri Prisoner." He said as a ray of hearts SOMEHOW began to shine from behind him "I escaped prison, just to see you." He admitted.

Prisoner's attention got taken off Lightning Max when he heard someone sarcastically tell him, "Well, well, imagine that. A Hero serving time in prison. I followed your example and decided to escape as well. Thanks for that."

The person speaking to the S-Class turned out to be none other than Speed-O-Sound Sonic, who was dressed in a prison uniform of his own.

Without batting an eye, Puri-Puri Prisoner calmly asked the ninja standing next to him, "Prisoner number 4188. Your name's Sonic, right? I can tell you're surprised, I know. I check up on all the boys who catch my eye. I'm serving a life sentence because I can't seem to control myself around cuties. If I see a beautiful man, I just take him."

Sonic, trying to avoid having to look at this odd man, decided to look at what was behind him instead, which just so happened to be the sea monster. The Prisoner took notice of the curious look on the ninja's face and looked behind himself as well.

Puri-Puri managed to get a look at the sea monster just as it sadistically addressed the next two Humans to stand in its way, "Well, well, more soldiers have come for me. Goodness, my fins are quivering."

Puri took a step forward to get into his combat stance, all the while exclaiming, "Oh my! I can feel the strength erupting out of him. Hang back, Sonic, dear."

As the beast walked closer and closer, Puri-Puri Prisoner's attitude shifted to a more aggressive one.

Eventually, the S-Class shouted at the monster in front of him in an accusatory tone, "A-Class rank 11, Sweet Stinger, and A-Class rank 20, Lightning Max. I fancied both of those lovelies. Now that Genos has passed me, I rank lowest in my class, but I'm still in S-Class, unlike those two you've defeated. I'll start things off at half power to gauge how much you can take!" The second the prison Hero said this, his muscles grew to the point that his sweater ripped off his body.

Puri-Puri Prisoner, horrified at what had just happened, shouted angrily at the monster, "YOU MADE ME RIP THE HANDMADE SWEATER MY BOYFRIEND MADE FOR ME! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, YOU BASTARD!"

Sonic gave a confused and almost horrified look at this strange Hero while the sea monster itself licked its lips in anticipation of combat and a possible feast to follow.


"Hm?" Genos sounded as he stopped running and looked towards the city.

"What is it Genos?" Saitama asked as they had all stopped.

After having left the apartment Saitama with the others in tow took off running towards City J, but since the only ones who could really keep up with him and Tatsumaki were Genos, Spider-man, and Fubuki.

"I'm detecting elevated power levels coming from within the city it is more than likely the leader." He explained.

"Or it could be more Sea Folk." Spider-man asked as he looked to the others.

"We could split up to cover more ground. I'll head to the evacuation shelter." Fubuki noted.

"Well how about you guys go and see if it's the Sea Folk dudes while I keep looking around." Saitama suggested.

"Alright then I guess we'll go check it out." Tatsumaki agreed as she pointed to him "But if you do find Sea King do NOT kill him before I get a chance to!" She warned before she and the others set off.

Saitama continued to venture towards the city on his own.


Sonic had a disgusted look on his face as a slightly injured and fatigued Puri-Puri Prisoner had just finished a combo-attack that sent dust and debris flying everywhere. By now, the Hero's muscles had grown so large that they had ripped off all of his clothing, leaving the man stark-naked.

As soon as the smoke from the prison Hero's attack cleared up, the sea monster could be seen standing with its bruised-up arms held in defense.

"Are you done with your little combo, Human?" It sarcastically asked Prisoner. The fact that this monster was relatively unharmed came as a shock to both Puri-Puri Prisoner and Speed-O-Sound Sonic. Both of them couldn't help but gasp in surprise at the monster's endurance.

The beast then let out a compliment as Puri put his guard up, "I felt that, just a little."

Before the Hero could prepare another attack, the sea monster rushed him and hit him in his stomach, shoulder, and jaw with devastatingly powerful strikes.

While the Prisoner was struggling to remain standing, the monster coldly explained, "Hear me. The objective of a combination move is to finish your opponent. Each separate attack must be delivered with the intent to kill...like this!"

The sea monster, then, unleashed a flurry of bone-crushing and flesh ripping strikes, all finished off with a killer kick that sent Puri-Puri Prisoner flying through a nearby building. At that moment, the rain started to drizzle down from the cloud Shunshi noticed earlier.

While striking a dramatic pose to feel the rain, the sea monster asked Sonic in a colorful tone, "Isn't this fun?"

As he readied himself for combat, Sonic responded to the rhetorical question by asking a vexed question of his own, "Alright, who are you?"

The monster took up a new pose that demanded respect while exclaiming, "I am the Deep Sea King. As lord of the Clan of the Sea Folk, I claim this world as mine to rule. Do you dare defy me as well, Human?"

In response, Sonic let out a quick laugh before arrogantly asking the Deep Sea King, "You don't honestly think you have the strength to rule the surface all on your own, do you? How pathetic."

"Oh? Then I suppose I'll have to kill you," the Sea King retorted

Only becoming more annoyed, Sonic raised his hand defiantly at this and proclaimed, "That's my line. It's a shame, really. I would have let you live if you'd shown me the respect I'm due. I'm not a Hero, but I think I'll still eliminate you."

The Deep Sea King, seemingly having ignored Sonic's threat altogether, instead pleasantly noted how the intensity of the rain was picking up, "Ah, gentle rainfall."

Without a second of warning, the Sea King rushed at Sonic and tried to punch him into the ground, but the ninja easily jumped over the monster while criticizing, "Too slow!"

While he was still airborne, Sonic started spinning like a pinwheel before letting his foot collided with the beast, staggering it as he exclaimed, "Wind Blade Kick!"

"It's useless. You may have power, but you're far too slow. You're never gonna defeat me," Sonic calmly explained.

As he got ready for another attack, the ninja exclaimed to the fish, "Thank you, Deep Sea King. Fighting something with power like yours' just confirms how strong I really am!"

The sound barrier-breaking ninja then jumped behind the Deep Sea King and onto a large building. As the ninja passed by the monster, the undersea royalty was hit with the shockwaves of dozens of invisible punches.

When the ninja's first foot touched down on the building, Sonic exclaimed, "My moves are the fastest and strongest!"

The Sea King then bent over backward in order to look up at Speed-O-Sound Sonic, all the while cackling madly as its eye twitched with anger.

After both of his feet landed on the building, Sonic took notice of his opponent's crazed actions and asked, "Now what? Losing your mind?"

Sonic almost bit his tongue when he saw the monster jump at him at speeds comparable to his own. The second the beast reached its foe, it threw a punch at the ninja with the force of a tidal wave behind it. Sonic just barely managed to jump out of the way of this attack as it nearly took off the entire roof of the building, causing a genuine sense of nervousness to overtake the assassin.

As the speed from his jump continued to cart him through the air, Sonic worriedly thought to himself,. 'He's gotten faster!'

The ninja then jumped across a few more buildings to gain some distance as he thought, 'He's stronger too. Where's this boost in power even coming from?' Just as Sonic finished thinking, a now even larger Deep Sea King, with a much more fish-like head, landed behind the nervous ninja.

The Deep Sea King, in a chillingly calm tone of voice, explained to its prey, "The air on the surface shriveled me up a bit, but this rain has returned me to my old self. Now your attacks won't hurt me even a little!"


Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Mumen Rider was peddling through the streets as fast as he could to find the monsters. However, much to the law-abiding Hero's dismay, he hit a stoplight.

"Rrrgh, of all the times to hit a red light!" The rider fumed. However, Mumens' attention was soon pulled away from the light and towards a man wearing a dark grey and black outfit while complaining about one of his companions running off.

After looking Spider-man over, Mumen Rider asked him, "Hold on, aren't you Class-B rank 5?"

Having just noticed the rider, Spider-man responded with a small amount of interest, "That's right. You a Hero...? Have you seen Genos? Saitama? Miss Tatsumaki? The Class-S heroes."


Back with Sonic's struggle against the king of the seas, explosions of dirt and debris could be seen going off throughout City-J, as Sonic and the Deep Sea King were plowing through buildings during their chase. While fleeing, Sonic jumped through a window, only for the building itself to be smashed through entirely by the Sea King.

'My attacks really aren't having any effect! Am I lacking in power? ! I can't kill him unarmed. I need to retreat for now and find a weapon!'

In his attempt to run away and retrieve a weapon, Sonic began to jump towards the building on the other side of the street. Unfortunately, before he could get very far, the Deep Sea King's massive clawed hand came out of nowhere, closed around the ninja, and started to crush him.

"I finally caught you, runt!" The monster exclaimed.

As the monster started squeezing even tighter on the maggot who dared to oppose it, Sonic's voice condescendingly spoke out, "Snap snap, crack crack."

Having grown understandably confused, the Sea King opened up its hand to see its crushed prey. However, there was nothing in the beast's palm but the remnants of Sonic's prison uniform.

Suddenly, from the top of a faraway building, a now naked Sonic ordered the confused monster, "You wait right there. The next time we meet will be your demise!" The ninja then used his blinding speed to vanish without another word.

The Sea King smiled at this and spoke to itself, "No matter, the small fry can be let go."


A sea of voices filled the air within the large dome shaped building that was the city's evacuation center, as all the residents of City J who were able to make it there of course chatted among themselves.

"Daddy are all those scary monsters still outside?" A young child asked his father as he looked up towards him.

"Now don't you worry about a thing, as long as we're in this shelter we're safe and sound, besides if it comes right down to it I'm sure all of us together could could beat a monster or two." He assured his son.

However unknown to them and the others just outside of the building only a few feet away was the very monster they all sought to hide from staring intently at the structure.

"I sense them...yes so many...it's coming from...over there!" Sea King exclaimed with hunger in his eyes before he leapt high into the air and crashed down onto the building.

Screams and shouts of all kinds soon took place of the chatter within the dome as the wall like it were nothing was smashed to pieces by Sea King. Now standing before them with the rain at his back Sea King cast in shadow from his mere size alone loomed over them finding it somewhat difficult to keep from going at them like a rabid barracuda.

"What do we have here? greetings and goodbye." He said to them with a wicked tooth filled grin.

Terrified beyond belief the civilians began to back away slowly near of the verge of scattering like a spooked pack of gazelle as they knew their demise was surely upon them.

"P-Please wait!" A voice in the crowd called out followed by a hand being raised.

The owner of the hand and the voice was a man with somewhat shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes, as for attire he was fairly plain except for the somewhat rustic looking leather jacket he wore.

"We surrender we surrender! we will happily comply with any demands that you might have, but do not attack us I beg you please!" He pleaded as sweat began to fall down his face, 'I'm only a Class C so I evacuated now I'm trapped...I'm no hero...I'm a failure...', He thought as he raised his other arm in the air as well.

"Surrender?" Sea King questioned followed by a few chuckles "I've come to kill you! your deaths are inevitable! and as for my demands? how about this? I demand that you scream nicely as I slaughter you!" He exclaimed.

'I can't win, I know it's not much, but all I can do is buy time for the class S heroes to get here, I mean look at this monster! who am I kidding?!' He wondered as Sea King began to laugh at their petrified faces of horror, 'It's pointless, I can't buy time just by talking to him!' He realized only to gasp in shock, 'I pissed my pants...I'm pathetic..." He admitted as he began to lower his hands.

"I'LL FIGHT WITH YOU!" Someone shouted before two men leapt out in front of him, one wearing pretty standard training attire and possessing an afro, whilst the other seemed like he might be a cyborg due to his robotic appearance.

'Heroes! there are others in here too?!' He wondered just as a third and far more notable face walked in front of them.

"I might be the lowest ranking at thirty eight, but I'm still a class A hero, we can do this!" Class A rank thirty eight Biting Snake Fist declared as he got into a martial arts stance.

"Uh that's right I'm a hero too! Allback man is ready!" The man quickly introduced as he now felt inspired to take action as well.

"Heroes?" "The heroes are here to save us!" "Heroes rock!" "Go get'em yeah!" Were few of the many things the others around them began to say at this sudden turn of events.

"Class A? Man I'm glad you're here!" The cyborg said as he readied his fists in front of him.

"Happy to help." The Biting Snake Fist martial  artist replied.

'Two class Cs, one class B, and one class A...we can do it...we can win!' Allback man thought as he readied himself even though he was still unbelievably terrified.

In response to all that had just transpired Sea King unlike the other humans didn't say a single word but instead gave off a sort of sound that was like a growl and a hiss combined as he no longer could resist sating his hunger.


"You sure this is the way?" Spider-man asked as he looked around them.

They had been pedaling through the city for a few minutes now and there were still no signs of either the Sea King or the others.

"Yes, since local residents are fleeing from this direction, we'll find monsters further up." Mumen Rider assured.

However as they continued on Spider-man as he was looking down other streets and alleyways saw something run past them, and even though it was a bit hard to tell from the rain and lack of light for some reason it seemed as though whatever it was he'd seen it before.

"Wait." He told the other causing him to stop.

"What's wrong? did you see something?" He asked.

"Yeah I did." Spider-man replied as he hopped off the bike, "I'll go check it out you go on without me." He told him, "I'll catch up to you."

"Right got it!" Mumen Rider said as he prepared to set off.

But just as he was about to his cellphone began to ring and knowing well that it was the association he wasted not a second in answering.

"Mumen Rider here." He said as he put the phone to his ear, "Yes sir, correct we are on our way there now." He informed the person on the other end, "W-What?! did you say the shelter?! it was the other way!" He exclaimed as he with great haste turned his bike around and took off.

Unfortunately in his haste Mumen Rider neglected the fact he had dropped his cellphone in the street, so he of course was unable to hear it ring once more as whoever it was he had been speaking to tried to call him back. Spider-man looks around for a moment, the fast moving vision was probably a fluke otherwise his spider-sense would've went off.

He looks down at the object that only managed to get his attention. It was Mumen Rider's phone as the Hero Association was contacting him. He picks up the phone and answers it, "Mumen Rider, this is beyond what you can handle, the monster took out a Class-S hero."

"A Class-S hero was taken down?"

"Who is that? Where's Mumen Rider? Put on the owner of that cellphone right now?!" Bearded Worker demanded.

"This is Spider-man." Spider-man answered.

"Spider-man?" Bearded Worker paused for a moment as he pulled up his files, "Spider-man, your Class-B rank 5? Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. I'm sure. Tell me the location."

Bearded Worker paused in thought, 'Spider-man, you burst through every single record in the physical exam along with Saitama, helped smashed the meteor but because you came out of nowhere, the public is saying that you are a fraud, any other hero I'd stop."

His superior officer placed a hand on Bearded Worker's shoulder, "Let him go. This may be our chance to see how powerful he really is."

"Alright. Here's the location now head there immediately!" Spider-man takes the phone away from his ear as his lenses starts to glow white with a glare as heavy rain was pouring down drenching his costume, he stared at the coordinates on the phone of where the Deep Sea King was.

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