Spider-Man and The Esper

By Omegaknight14

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A hero from different universe unknowingly arrives in the One Punch Man universe. He holds a dark past with h... More

Character Bio
1. The Strongest Heroes
2. The Lone Cyborg
3. Practice Bout
4. The House of Evolution
5. Evolution Ends, Burning Building
6. The Deadly Ninja
8. The Sea Folk
9. Unyielding Justice
10. You're Not Alone, The Dark Past
11. The Class-S Meeting
12. Dark Matter Thieves
13. End of Dark Matter
14. Helping Out the Spider
15. Spider-man vs Class-S
16. Training On The First Day
17. Day Off, Shopping
18. Meeting The King
19. Looks Like We Got Competition
20. The Spider's Mind
21. Bomb Incident
22. Gift Of New Life
23. Crossing The Street
24. Breaking Point
25. Questions and Bank Robbers
26. Hospital visit
27. Birthday Surprise
28. Injury
29. Breakfast, World Trade Center
30. One Thing After Another
31. Spider-man fights Sonic...Again
32. The Winter Festival
33. Livestream
34. The Hero Hunter
35. Absolute Carnage
36. Forest Battle
37. Crazy day
38. Mobilize
39. Rematch
40. I'm Here
41. A Hero or Monster? Part 1
42. A Hero or Monster? Part 2
43. A Hero or Monster? Part 3
44. A Hero or Monster? Part 4
45. A More Greater Threat
46. Absolute Evil
47. The Hero Vs. The Villain
48. Sacrifices
49. First Steps of Redemption
50. The Day Has Finally Come.
51. First Time In The Suit
52. Nightmares Again
53. Random Attack
54. Lost Kids
55. Helping Hand
56. The Young Hero
57. Promise
58. Car Accident
59. Feeling Better
60. The Right Choice
61. Night Talk, Bet
62. Beach Arrival
63. Struggles and Guidance
64. Chicken Mayhem
65. What Happened?
66. Hospital Visit
67. Dr. Wilson
68. Fubuki Meets A True Monster
69. A Hellish Nightmare
70. A Broken Awakening
71. Spider-man Meets Old Friends
72. Spider-man and Deadpool
73. Spider-man Meets The Punisher
74. Need a Hand?
75. Finally Free
76. Car Ride
77. Revenge
78. December Funtime
79. Christmas Day
80. Party Time
81. How'd It Come To This
82. I'm In Hell
83. Journal Entry
84. I'm Done
85. Not Alone In The Mutiverse
86. The Truth Comes Out
87. Drug Bust
88. Old Enemies But First Encounter
89. Final Battle
90. The Spider Reawakens
91. The Spider Never Stops
92. Blinding Rage
93. Comfort From A Brother-in-law
94. I'm Here For You
95. Adorable Hibernation
96. I Care About You
97. Take Care
98. Potential Hero, Shopping Trip
99. Til Morning
100. Helping Hand
101. Drunk Michael
102. We're Here For You
103. Cletus Kasady Investigation
104. Michael's Past Still Unfolds
105. More Trauma On Michael's List
106. Fight With The Avengers
107. Broken Kingpin, Last Good Moment With The Avengers
108. Forgiveness
109. Fubuki and Psykos vs Carnage
110. The Monster Has Awakened
111. Spider-man's Happy Ending

7. The Meteorite, Spider-man Meets Fubuki

886 26 6
By Omegaknight14

The bald Hero and his cyborg apprentice were at their apartment and going about their usual daily routines. As in, Genos was performing chores while Saitama was lazing on his side and reading manga. Tatsumaki and Spider-man were in the apartment as well, doing meditation techniques.

Just after he had finished washing the dishes, Saitama, Genos and Tatsumaki received a call on their cellphones from the Hero Association. They informed him of some sort of disaster that they needed all of the S-Class Heroes for, asking him to come to Z-City's headquarters right away. Spider-man decided to tag along with them, if it was a matter that all Class-S heroes were to show up it would be something serious since they are known as the most powerful heroes.

As Genos, Tatsumaki, Saitama, and Spider-man walked to the Hero Association headquarters, if one was to look into the sky above him, they could see what almost looked like an extra moon getting closer and closer to the Earth's surface by the minute.


All of them enter the building as they see that no one is in sight, except for one person who was to their left, "Ah, Miss Tatsumaki, nice to make your acquaintance. These two must also new recruits."

An old man replied with spiky gray hair and a bushy moustache to match, he wore grey sweat pants, black shoes, and a long sleeve turtle neck black shirt. Class-S rank 3 Bang aka Silverfang.

"Who's this old dude Genos?" Saitama asked his student.

"That's S class Rank 3 Silver Fang, Sensei."

Bang noticed the other hero with the three Class-S heroes, "I believe I have heard of you before, Spider-man, correct?"

Spider-man nods in response, "That is correct, Silverfang. I came to see if I can help out however I can."

"I see."

"What are you doing here, Bang? What is going on?" Tatsumaki asked the old man.

"Surely you've heard of the meteor, Tatsumaki?"

"Yea, the one that will be passing earth, what of it..."

"Ah, it seems you've figured it out on your own."

"Did the idiots seriously miscalculate, and now it's headed right for us?"

"Apparently it suddenly changed trajectory, though your statement is the one I myself chose to believe."

"How bad is it old dude?"


'It seems even Tatsumaki respects this hero. He must be a true master of his art.' Genos quickly thought to himself.

"Oh, sorry."

"No worries. You must be Saitama, call me Bang, I never preferred my hero name. As to your question, the threat level is Dragon, a worst-case scenario. 35 minutes from now, the meteor will strike City Z. All S class heroes have been called to see if they could do anything about it."

"Where are the others Bang?" Tatsumaki asked.

"Everyone else is at headquarters, Tatsumaki."

"What? Why?"

"Perhaps they are too far away. Perhaps they are too busy. Perhaps, the more cold blooded ones simply couldn't care."

Spider-man's hands began to shake and clench while his lenses were slightly twitching, this was something that Bang noticed before Spider-man regained his composure,.

"Apparently, it changed course without warning... It could mean the end for us, or at least for Z-City," Silverfang responded, audibly upset.

Genos gasped in shock at this horrible news while Bang continued with his sentence, "I'm afraid there's nothing we can do this time. You should think about evacuating with your loved ones as the others have."

Recomposed himself, Genos asked the veteran Hero, "Do the citizens know about this?"

Bang looked out of the building's glass doors and responded doubtfully, "I was told that the powers that be would issue evacuation orders thirty minutes before it hits."

As soon as Bang said this, a siren went off across the city, followed by the voice of a woman announcing, "Attention. This is an important announcement from the Hero Association-!"

Upon hearing this, Silverfang chuckled grimly and commented, "The people are sure to panic."

Spider-man breathes softly, "I'm going."

"Are you certain, Spider-man? You are only a Class-B Hero after all."

Spider-man looks at Bang with a glare, "I can't ever look the other way again. And what's most important is not standing by and allowing someone to suffer or die because you do nothing. If you or any other Class-S hero don't get that, then you don't get the first thing about what it means to being a real hero."

Saitama, Tatsumaki, and Genos were surprised by his words. Bang noticed that every word that Spider-man had said was filled with passion, determination, and pain all at the same time, even though he was still new to the Hero Association, this costumed hero has so much experience.

Closing his eyes, Bang responded somberly, "Even if we are to fail. There is a dojo in this city that has been in my family for generations, I can't abandon it...!" Bang then struck a pose, as what looked like little streams of water came off of his fingers, while intensely exclaiming, "Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock! Ever heard of it?"

However, as soon as Bang turned around, much to his disappointment, the others had already taken off. "Oh... they already left," the elderly Hero commented.


Bang, Spider-man, Tatsumaki, Saitama and Genos were on the roof of a building, watching as the rock in the sky grew larger and larger.

"Hmph, is that what they're so worried about? Can that thing really annihilate City Z?"

"You forget, Tatsumaki, that unlike you, we are just ordinary humans. That meteor may be a pebble to you, but it spells disaster for the rest of us."

"Hmph. All of you, stay back."

"Please, Tornado, allow me to do this," Genos requested, earning an indignant agreement from the short psychic. As he armed himself, he threw his arms upwards towards the meteor, blasting it with a different type of destruction. As his flames blasted upwards, the heat was powerful, enough to cast the smallest of sweat-drops from Saitama. Once the flames came into contact with that of the meteor's, it appeared as if the meteor had been halted momentarily.

"Wait, is it being pushed back?" Bang noted with wide eyes, only further encouraging the blonde cyborg to continue pushing through. "Wait, it was just my poor vision."

"Damn it, Bang!" Tornado exclaimed, having a bit of hope for the cyborg. His flames continued, small bursts of different colors emitting from his arm cannons. More chunks of rock flew off of the meteor, and some larger pieces had detached, though not dealing the final blow.

"I...need more power!" Genos exclaimed, his flames growing more powerful and hot. His chest began to glow a brilliant shade of blue, as the cyborg began to tap into his core. More chunks flew, breaking off incredibly large pieces of rock. His flames began to flicker, and at that moment, Bang knew.

As the flames gave out, Genos slumped over, his core flickering slightly. His eyes were hidden by his hair, but it was clear he was frustrated with himself again. It was clear to him, and to Bang as well; he was indeed strong. He simply hadn't passed the line where he would be able to do the same degree of destruction Tornado could do, let alone his master. Saitama walked over to his pupil, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Bang and Genos moved a few steps back, but Spider-man and Saitama remained where he stood, Tatsumaki sighs as she steps forward fo use her powers. "Didn't you hear me, I said stay back!"

"I'll be fine Tats, plus, this is a great view."

"He's got a point, Miss Tatsumaki."

"You don't have to be formal, web-head."

"True but it just feels right."

Contemplating whether he meant the meteor or her... never mind, definitely the meteor, Tatsumaki prepared to crush the space rock, when suddenly something flew past her. The UFO flew around a bit before it landed in front of Tatsumaki, revealing itself to be some big ass robot with 3 red eyes and a backpack of missiles.

"Metal Knight? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Tornado, have you come to stop the meteor too?"

"Yea, now get out of my way!"

"S class Rank 7, Metal Knight. A hero who uses overwhelming firepower to obliterate any foe along with everything in their vicinity. Is he here to risk his life too?' Genos wondered to himself.

"I refuse."

"Do you have a death wish, Bof-"

"Only refer to me by my hero name, Tornado. And no, I am simply here to test my weapons. The meteor is a perfect target."

'So this guy only care about himself and not the lives of this town. Go figure.' Spider-man thought to himself as he crossed his arms. 'Better concentrate while there is still time."

Spider-man sits on his knees while taking a meditation stance to transform for his Cosmic form.

"Hmph, fine. Just hurry it up." Tatsumaki replied letting out a huff.

As the meteor entered earth's atmosphere, the missiles on Metal Knight's back prepared to launch.

"Firing missiles!"

The missiles took off, leaving behind trails of smoke. The heroes watched as the missiles hit the meteor, causing a huge explosion, blinding the heroes who shielded their eyes. The giant mushroom cloud left behind informed them that the missiles were nuclear powered.

'Amazing. Such destructive power. He is truly deserving of-'

"Hey Bofoi, your missiles failed."


As the smoke cleared, the meteor reappeared, relatively unscathed, and was headed straight towards the heroes at full speed.

"Not quite potent enough, eh?"

"Hmph. Step aside, Metal Knight."

Tatsumaki floated into the air, and prepared to smash the meteor into dust. A green glow outlined the meteor, and the heroes watched as S class Rank 2, Tornado of Terror... had no effect on the meteor?

"Tatsumaki, what's wrong?"

"I-I can't control it. It's as if... there's a force around it."

Tatsumaki was really pissed now, somehow, the meteor was resisting her power. She could control other meteors far larger than it, so what was preventing her from doing the same now? Soon the strain she was putting on her body took over, she was about to collapse again. Before she could pass out though, she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder, bringing her down to ground level.

"Don't push yourself Tats. I got this."

"Miss Tatsumaki, do think you can hold the meteors fragments?" Spider-man asked the small esper as his lenses were white.

"If they were small enough. I can be able to do that."

"Alright, then. Saitama get ready." Spider-man said.

Saitama walked forward and bent his knees. Bang watched in amazement as he jumped straight towards the meteor, leaving a crater where he stood.

"You're not. Gonna fall. ON MY TOWN!"

Saitama pulled back his fist, and launched a strike that pierced through the meteor. The rock exploded in a majestic blue light, shocking all who were watching.

"Incredible! He shattered it! But-"

Pieces of the meteor were raining down on City Z. Before any of them could hit however, they were stopped midair by Tatsumaki.

"That's... all I can... do." She said between breaths.

"Leave it to me." Spider-man said as he hovers off the ground.

He launched themselves towards the meteor pieces, smashing and incinerating them respectively. Bang was impressed the speed that Spider-man was displaying.

Tatsumaki watched as Saitama landed in the street below, this time, not even scratching the floor he landed on.

Saitama looked up to Spider-man destroying pieces of the meteor that were floating mid air. For some reason though, some of the pieces were slowly falling to the ground. Turning around to see a tired Tatsumaki, Saitama put two and two together. He jumped into the air and assisted the Spider-themed hero in smashing the debris. In less than 30 seconds, all the pieces were destroyed, and the three heroes jumped back to the roof Tatsumaki was sitting.

"Yo Tats, thanks for keeping the rocks from hitting the city for so long. Who knows how much damage they could've done."

"It was the least I could do."

"No it wasn't. Even I could see how tired you were. You must've used all your strength on trying to break that meteor."

"I don't get it."


"How is it I couldn't destroy it, when I handled far larger threats, and yet you smashed it with ease? You didn't just smash it either, you went straight through!"

"Well... you said it yourself Tats. There was some kind of force preventing you from destroying it."

"Perhaps the 'sudden change in trajectory' had something to do with it Tatsumaki."

"Are you suggesting something out there not only moved a meteor, they were strong enough to resist my influence?"

"The universe is huge Tatsumaki, you never know. Eh, don't worry too much about it Tatsumaki. You gave it your all, and that's what matters."

The esper turned her head to insult the baldy, something about how she was stronger than this, but something about his words just... stopped her from saying a thing. They seemed comforting, rather than insulting. Or perhaps it's the hilarious sight of the cyborg scribbling down Saitama's words like they were gold advice.

"...Thanks Baldy."

Spider-man in his own thoughts was looking over at the city that had been saved, he was relieved to say the least, he was glad that he found hero's to fight alongside powerful forces much like the Avengers, "Hey Saitama, since everyone and everything is still ok, how about we go check out some groceries for this victory."

"Read me like a book, web-head." Saitama cheerfully says while Tatsumaki rolls her eyes.


The next day after that, the four heroes were hanging out at Saitama's apartment, watching the news about the Meteor incident. Spider-man wanted to make something for the celebration, setting up the timer and placing it in the oven.

Saitama asked his student, "By the way, do you think what happened moved us up in the rankings?"

Letting go of his concerns, Genos quickly answered, "Yes, it did. Master, you moved up from Class-S rank 16 to rank 5. I was elevated from S-Class rank 18 to 16. Metal Knight was moved from rank 8 to 7. Miss Tatsumaki, you are still Class-S rank 2. As for you, Spider-man, you shot up from Class-B rank 80 up rank 5."

When informed of his promotion, Spider-man under the mask looked utterly dumbfounded as his lenses widen as dish plates, he asked, "Number 5?! From 80 to rank 5?! What the Hell!? That's amazing!"

"Woah, nice one man." Saitama looked impressive by his friend's rank boost.

"Not too shabby, Web-head." Tatsumaki said with a smirk, "You'll be in Class-S in no time."

Genos explained to Saitama, "Well, your performance was actually worthy of a promotion to A-Class or even S-Class. I mean, the Disaster Level for this was Dragon after all."

"Yeah, really?"

"Since they're wasn't any damage to the City, that must've been the reason for your rank boost. If the others were not involved, you would be at Class-S rank rank 6."

Saitama had a question in mind, "By the way, Genos. Whenever some big threat is on the news, they always give it a disaster level of Demon or Tiger or something like that. Does a Disaster Level mean something?"

Genos, initially stunned by this question, responded calmly, "Yes, it does. Wolf; an entity or group that might be dangerous. Tiger; an entity or group that threatens a large group of people. Demon; a disaster or entity that could destroy an entire city. Dragon; a disaster or entity that could destroy multiple cities. God; a disaster that threatens the survival of the Human race as a whole." Genos then handed Saitama a pamphlet that showed off some of the different monsters that were in each Disaster Level.

This caused Saitama to comment with a notable amount of interest, "Wow, I had no idea... Wait, where did you get this from?"

Paying no attention to that question, Genos continued with his explanation, "I believe Heroes take Disaster Levels into consideration when deciding whether or not to respond to a call, but I guess such things do not matter to you or Spider-man."

"Well, of course, they don't. If the Heroes run and hide, then who's left to help people?" Saitama responded in a matter-of-fact tone while discarding the pamphlet.

"True but in any case, anyone can be their own hero with or without the Association. Saitama and I are the prime examples of that."

Awe-struck by their words, Genos suddenly started writing in one of his little booklets faster than an average person could even see.

"Uh... Genos, what are you doing?" Saitama couldn't help but ask.

"I must record your words of wisdom!" Genos responded dutifully.

Spider-man chose to ignore his mechanical friend's odd actions to ponder out loud, "All things considered, rankings don't really matter to me in the slightest and it's not like I didn't ask to get a massive boost. Just as long as it'll help pay for the bills. I'll be out for a bit."

There was a loud knock on the door, "Class-B rank 5 Spider-man, step outside, Class-B rank 1 Hellish Blizzard would like to have a word with you!"

Tatsumaki groans in annoyance, "Great, honestly forgot about that."

The three looked at Tatsumaki when Spider-man asked her a question, "You know who that is?"

"That's my little sister. Fubuki. To keep this brief, in words that Baldy should understand, Fubuki basically formed a hero faction with a bunch of Class-B weaklings. She basically does this routine where heroes are getting close to her rank they either join or fight her to move up. She takes pride to make sure she remains in Class-B rank 1 when I keep telling her many time to move up to Class-A and get strong on her own."

"I see. She's basically another rookie crusher. Alright. Guess I'll go."

"Seriously, don't hurt her too bad."

"Don't worry I won't. She just needs to the right motivation to help her out."

"Ok, try not to lose." Saitama cheerfully says.

"Thanks, Shiney-Dome."

"Hey!" Saitama yells out in anger while Tatsumaki was laughing in amusement.


Spider-man opens the door to close it behind him as he looks to see who this Hellish Blizzard is, as soon he got a perfect look at the heroine who was Tatsumaki younger sister, he was honestly caught off guard at what he was seeing.

The dark green-haired individual is a tall, 5'6-feet-tall, 23-year-old woman with light green eyes, dark green hair styled into a bob cut, large breasts, Caucasian skin, a slim curvaceous figure, and her outfit consists of a long white fur coat with a dark green form-fitting dress underneath, several necklaces, and thigh-high black boots while two others stood beside her. Mountain Ape and Eyelashes.

Spider-man couldn't find words as a blush appeared behind his mask, regaining his composure, he clears his throat, "You must be Hellish Blizzard. It's very nice to make your acquaintance."

Hellish Blizzard blinked in surprise at his maturity, she clears her throat, "How do you do? Class-B hero Spider-man." She said. "I have heard of your great potential. The promising power you've shown in only the last few days of being a hero. Join us, the Blizzard Group."

"I apologize but I can't join your group."

Fubuki spluttered. "What?"

"Why should their be heroes that only care about hierarchy? This world's system is just corrupted since no one cares about the values of being a real hero."

Fubuki narrowed her eyes in anger. "Eyelashes! Mountain Ape!"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Hurt him so badly he won't be able to play hero ever again!" she shouted, pointing at Spider-man.

Her two cronies charged forward, yelling battlecries. But before they could blink, they were knocked flying, out of the apartment block and into some nearby trees.

"Look Hellish Blizzard, you won't lost long like this. You'll only put your alleys in danger or worse. The only way to become a strong hero is to be able to learn how to survive on your own. Not saying you should disband your group at all, just learn to deal with strong threats by yourself."

She raised her arms, making her white jacket fall off her shoulders. She started glowing, an icy blue hue forming around her body. Her hair started to float by her mystic powers.

"What is this?" Spider-man asked. "Oh right, you're an esper."

"Precisely. You don't seem very surprised," Fubuki replied, smiling slightly as she raised her arms to gather even more power.

"What are you gonna do? Force choke me? Blow me away with the power of the force?" Spider-man said sarcastically. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Come on. There's no reason to fight."

"I can tell you're mocking me." Fubuki said, smiling coldly. "But I'll make you regret it! I'll kill you so badly you'll wish you were dead."

"Excuse me?"


Fubuki thrust her arms down at Spider-man. The power she gathered was all unleashed at once, like a dam breaking, blowing gale - force winds at the boy. Numerous sharp stones and debris was carried by the wind, pummelling Spider-man with furious force.

"This is a cruel attack. It rends flesh from bone and grinds the body with unrelenting force. He brought this upon himself trying to provoke me. How dare he-"

Suddenly, a loud crack resonated through the air. A lightning fast shockwave raced from within the turmoil, impacting one of Fubuki's outstretched hands. With a cry of pain, she released her hold on the winds and clutched at her injured hand, wincing. She looked up to see an unscathed Spider-man standing firmly with his muscles showing around the costume making Fubuki blush uncontrollably.

Fubuki grit her teeth in anger. "I'll crush you!"

In an instant, Spider-man was at her side. Time seemed to stand still as he spoke. "You don't understand what it is to be a hero. Every day, deadly monsters appear that the public can't fight. A hero's job is to defeat those monsters, big or small, so that the people remain safe. Even if they are alone. You gather underlings that are weaker than you so you can feel strong, but it just shows that you are insecure. You'll cry about it someday. Factions? Crushing newbies? Securing power? Those are the actions of a politician. And that is below us. You aren't a proper hero, Hellish Blizzard."

"Shut your mouth! What can you possibly know about me?!"

Fubuki slams her palms on the ground as two chunks of concrete formed around Spider-man, both sides of concrete rise up to crush Spider-man from both side but the Web-head flips up in the air avoiding the attack, he smashed the concrete with his fist while landing a hero pose.

Fubuki looks in shock as she uses her psychic powers to push Spider-man back a few feet away from her. Grabbing nearby large rocks she sends them to Spider-man who decided to dodge them with remarkable flexibility.

"Gotta admit, you're amazing." Spider-man commented as he shoots web lines to pull himself up to the highway behind him.

Fubuki ignored her opponents words as she charged him while take out her box cutter, she flies towards him who was still in the air to slash him in the neck, the attack suddenly moves through him , "What the?!

Spider-man disappeared out of Fubuki's sight until she felt a finger tapped her shoulder causing her to turn around and gasp in shock, "Hi."

'He's fast!' Fubuki thought to herself, "Who are you?!"

"I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-man, of course. But you call me Web-slinger, Web-head, Amazing, Spectacular, just don't call me late for dinner if you know what I'm saying." Spider-man replied with a wink and a tongue click, "No, no, I'm just kidding. Let's talk this out over some Coffee. There's a Starbucks nearby."

Fubuki grits her teeth as another blush appeared on her cheeks, "Are you seriously asking me on a date at a time like this?!"

"Yup. Well not really a date. More a like a discussion to help each other out. If you want to get strong, I'll help you. I mean being a hero isn't glamorous, it gets hard to justify doing it because there's not much to gain."

Fubuki uses her psychic powers again against Spider-man as the aura surrounded his entire body only to not have an effect on him, her eyes starts to bleed as she was coughing out blood, Spider-man quickly kneels to her, "Hey, don't strain yourself. Take it easy."

Fubuki falls to her knees, breathing heavily, 'Such power and will. He's not normal.'

"Let me help you." Spider-man continues to talk as he out his hand out.

Fubuki narrowed her eyes while staring at his act of kindness. Sighing with defeat, she takes his hand.

Spider-man escorted Fubuki to Saitama's apartment, "We got a visitor."

Fubuki looks at the people inside the room as she gasps in shock at the sight of the Class-S heroes. Genos, Saitama, even her own sister, Tatsumaki.

After having a brief discussion with how this all started, Fubuki was beginning to see how Tatsumaki helped these guys out with the hero registry. With Genos and Saitama being Class-S she could understand but with Spider-man who chose to rise up on his own and still be friends with Tatsumaki was saying something.

"Wait, Tatsumaki you always say that having friends will hold me back yet you hang out with Genos and Saitama whenever you want, even Spider-man who is in the same Class as I am."

"That's because I know how powerful he really is, much like it Lightbulb here. The blonde toaster I could care less about. The group that you hang out with are just weaklings."

Spider-man sighs, "You shouldn't look down hero's in general Tatsumaki. That's not what being a hero is. Sure, they may be weak but some are putting their lives on the line for the greater good. That's how I originally started off as well."

"Yeah, Tats. He has a point." Saitama replied while reading a Manga.

Fubuki basically looks at the bald hero and the Spider-themed hero in disbelief at how casual they acted around her big sister, wait did Saitama just call her sister Tats! How is he still alive?!

"So why did you form a faction, Fubuki?" Saitama asks the young esper.

"Oh, you're new so I'm not surprised you don't know, but due to everyone fighting for their ranks, it is difficult to maintain your rank on your own, which is why many heroes form factions."

"That's ridiculous. What hero would give a damn about their ranks? A hero's job is to help people, not to be number one!"

"Well, considering how the system works, with higher rankings meaning better rewards, can you really blame them?"

"Of course! You can't call yourself a hero if you're only in it for the rewards! A true hero does what they do because it's the right thing to do."

"This again? What world do you and Spider-man live in." Tatsumaki silently scolded Saitama and Spider-man.

Everything they said might be true, but this is just how society is. Real life is cruel, she had learned that at a young age.

"And besides, what if a monster stronger than all of you came along? What then? You won't last long like this." Saitama chided Fubuki who rested her head in her hands, eyes looking away in sadness.

"No way, I said the same thing to her." Spider-man added in.

"See? Someone else agrees with my point." Tatsumaki drank her tea. Finally, someone could see where she was coming from.

"I keep telling you, Sis, those friends of yours are pulling you down. We both know you have the skills to go high in A class, so just get promoted already. At least I made friends who aren't weak."

"Tats, come on, that's not what friends are supposed to be."

Both the espers looked at the bald man in shock.

"Huh? What the hell are you yapping about, Cueball?"

"You don't make friends with people just because they're strong, you do it because friends help get you through tough times, they make you happy. They're like a second family, you know?"

"What the hell? Didn't you just say being in a group is bad for you?"

"No, I meant that relying too much on numbers instead of your own self is bad. It's the reason why I don't like the idea of being a part of a group." Saitama turned his head back to face Fubuki.

"If you consider them your friends, who am I to stop you, but you have to start relying on yourself more. Ranks don't matter, you should remember that." Fubuki stared at the bald man, who had returned to his blank look.

'Both Saitama and Spider-man share the same logic when it comes to being heroes. No wonder you guys made friends with Tatsumaki...' Fubuki smiled.

Fubuki then looks at Spider-man who was off the floor sticking to the wall with his back up against it, "Spider-man."


"I wanted to ask, what exactly were you talking abkut earlier?"

"Earlier? You'll have to be more specific."

"You said that being a hero isn't glamorous. You said it gets hard to justify doing it because there's not much to gain." Fubuki quotes his words during thier fight.

"Oh yeah. About that. " Spider-man remembers, "Look, Fubuki. With or without the Hero Association, making the decision to be a good hero or a strong one itself isn't all that hard. With a little but of strength, courage, and an honest sense of justice, just about anyone can be become a hero."


"You bet. What's truly difficult is remaining a hero."

"What do you mean?"

Spider-man inhaled and exhaled calmly, "To remian vigilant and just, while not buckling under the temptation to show off ones power. To willingly trade a peaceful quiet boring life for a life full of unexpected and constant danger. Above all, a true hero must have an unshakable resolve to stay committed ann humble, otherwise that power will corrupt you. There is a motto that I will always come to live by: With great power, there must also come great responsibility."

The others could only look at the Spider-themed hero in amazement at the speech.

"Wow. You just blew my mind." Saitama replied.

Fubuki blinks with amazement, she remains in thought at his words, "I'm starting to get it. Alright, I'll follow your advice and become stronger."

"That's the spirit. You're learning." Spider-man cheerfully says as he jumps off the wall. He goes to the oven to see the results, "Brownies are done."

"Finally, been waiting all day." Saitama said a sighs

"Haven't had brownies in a while." Tatsumaki added.

"I wonder what makes these special." Genos wondered out loud.

"You're in for a dessert like no other." Spider-man replied as he brings the plate of brownies over to the table, "I give to you, Spider-web Brownies!"

These Brownies steaming as the top parts were decorated with white frosting resembling his webs, making the appearance seem more appealing, Spider-man motions the plate to Fubuki, "I'll let our guest take the first one."

Fubuki looks at Spider-man with a surprised look before grabbing a brownie, taking the first bite, her eyes widen in surprise at the taste, "Sis, you have to try these!"


Spider-man was swinging close to the ground to double check on City-Z in case if they missed anything, he did seem to noticed that people were starting to look at him in annoyance and fear, what was up with that?

~Spider-sense~ Spider-man quickly leaned back as a brick missed his head. He lands on a light post.

Fairly well built man with a disgusting hair style, and a even more atrocious tank top, both reminiscent of a tiger's stripes, in dark green long pants and your everyday black shoes, was standing just a few feet away from Spider-man.

"You cheating bastard!"

"Eh, who are you?"


'Oh wow, some guy managed to come up with an even more obvious name that describes his appearance.'

"BIG BROTHEEEEEEEEER!" yelled "Tank top tiger", like a little kid would do when he wants his brother to beat up some guy he hates.



Some random leaped from behind Tank top tiger and landed beside him.



"Eh? Since when did Tank tops become trendy?"


"Say what now?"


"So uh... what do you guys want?"


"Hold on little bro. Bastards like this won't learn with a simple beating. We'll teach him with the most brutal method there is!"

"Oh, am I going to get a good fight? Eh, surely as heroes they wouldn't do it near civilians."

Tank Top Blackhole took a deep breath, before letting out a shout to damn loud and obnoxious, Spider-man had to dig his ears with his palm.


Spider-man doesn't say a word as he still continues to stay on the lightpost.

'I get it, big bro is trying to get the attention of all the citizens that are angry with him! He's going to use their anger...to completely break his spirit!'


Nearby civilians started making their way towards the scene.


Nearby civilians were questioning themselves, "Hey, isn't that C Class rank 13 Tank Top Tiger and his brother B class rank 81 Tank Top Blackhole?"

"Who's that guy on the lightpost?"

"Hey that's the guy that was with those S classes when the meteor came down!"

"Eh? What's he doing here?!"


"That's.. that's right! This is all your fault!"

'They took the bait!' The asshole that is Tank top blackhole grinned.



"Yea! You tell him!"


'More times than you can count, Asshole.' Spider-man thought to himself.


"You're inhuman!"


The two brothers started chanting, "Give it up", enticing the crowd to join in. Like a bunch of sheeps, the crowd joined in. Tens of voices yelled at Spider-man who, by now, was getting really sick and tired of the day. Why did god have to do this to him?

The shitty tiger guy smiled. Honestly, if the crowd even had half the intelligence of a pig, they would have figured out by now the two tank top wearing idiots were doing something wrong but of course, in this universe, saying the civilians are as dumb as pigs is insulting to pigs, so they continued.

'We got him. His pride should be shattered by now.' Tank Top Tiger looked around him, watching as the crowd did their work. 'So this is this what they call mob mentality? Would definitely hate to be on the opposite side of this.'

Unbeknownst to the idiots below, a silver haired old man was watching from the rooftops above with disgust.

'Spider-man... You have without a doubt helped saved this city and yet, look at how they treat you. All because they saw a green glow surround the meteor fragments before you helped smashed them. You're strong and have heart, one of the strongest I've ever met in my time, so forgive me for not saying anything. I'd hate for you to rot in this industry. Perhaps resigning will give you a better future.' The old man closed his eyes. What a thought, having the world lose its strongest hero simply because he deserves better.

'TIME TO FINISH HIM OFF!' Tank Top Blackhole pointed at Spider-man and declared with bullshit brimming from his mouth.

"HEY! HE'S GETTING READY TO FIGHT! No way! You're gonna take your frustration out on the people, just like how you nearly destroyed their city? DO YOU JUST KILL EVERYONE YOU DON'T LIKE?! I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT THEM! WE, THE TANK TOP BROTHERS WILL NOT STAND BY WHILE YOU ATTACK INNOCENT CIVILIANS!"

The tank top dumb and dumber had jumped down from their ego straight down to their IQ and prepared to attack Spider-man who decided to land on the ground. Tank Top Tiger had his arm raised in pride, while Tank Top Blackhole pointed at Spider-man with as much disrespect as a human could muster.


'So, they plan on performing a publicity stunt while crushing a hero in terms of power who is leagues above them? I'd say they've gotten a little bit too greedy. No wonder they can't rise above their respective classes. My apologies, Spider-man.' Bang took one last look at the bullshit below, and walked away, hoping Spider-man takes this opportunity to seek a path more worthy of his strength, perhaps one leading to a specific dojo.

"Tank top tiger, who fights like a true tiger-"

"And Tank top blackhole, who crushes all with a grip of 2,800 psi!"

"We brothers will punish all who stray from the path of a hero!"

Tank Top Tiger let out a pathetic battle cry, before a single nonchalant, not even a-billionth-of-a-fraction-of-a-percentage-of-his-power punch from Spider-man launched him flying past his older brother, crying in pain the whole way.


Tank Top Blackhole lunged at Spider-man with his hands outstretched which gave the costumed hero a very large opening to kill the guy, but he simply gripped his hands, causing the other to shriek in pain.


"No. You weren't lying." Spider-man said calmly.

The weakling that is Tank Top Blackhole, now kneeling on the floor due to the excruciating pain, opened his eyes in shock.

"I'M THE ONE WHO HELPED SMASHED THE METEOR! IF YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT, LET'S HEAR IT!" Spider-man shouted at the top of his lungs as his red lenses were willed with rage showing his emotions.

The crowd, and a very familiar hero, stared at Spider-man, completely unable to speak, until one brave, let's be honest, it's just a nice way of saying stupid, soul opened his mouth.

The crowd had their mouths open in shock. The once calm expressionless Spider-themed hero was now seething with rage, or if you were smart enough to tell, impatience.


"...Spider-man." Fubuki said to get his attention.

Spider-man breathes softly as he turns around to see Fubuki. "Oh, Fubuki. Hey, what's up."

"Let's just go back to Saitama's apartment."

"Oh, yeah, may as well."

As the two heroes walked back to Saitama's apartment, the crowd slowly dissipated as the sun was starting to set.

"Damn it. That guy's face is burned into my brain. I'm going to remember this." Spider-man replied with frustration in his voice.

"Web-head." Fubuki asked.


"Besides my sister, I don't think I've ever met any other hero as amazing as you."

"What brought that on?" Spider-man turns around to look at Fubuki as his red eyes were slightly widened.

Fubuki steps forward, finding the right words, "You do so much as a hero simply because you have to, no matter what others think about you, you don't let it get to you at all. Just know that we'll still help you out no matter what struggles you go through. You did say that you do what you because it's a responsibility. We'll do the same to help you out."

"I'm fine. Besides, I've been through this a few times before. So you don't have to butter me up like that especially looking beautiful like that." Spider-man replied with a smile underneath the mask which Fubuki stops in her tracks as pink blush appeared on her face.

"Wait-I," Fubuki stuttered her words, Spider-man turns back around to walk about around to the apartment, was he even aware of what he just said or was he just throwing a nice compliment.

"Hope there's still Spider-web Brownies left." He wondered out loud as Fubuki could tell that he had a genuine smile underneath the mask, a smile formed on her face.

The tall esper chuckles as she followed the dark grey and black costumed Spider-themed hero, "Hey, wait up! I think I saw another Brownie mix in Saitama's cabinet."

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