A image can cover so much pai...

By littlebabyeverything

2.8K 12 35

NOTE - I sometimes go back and add more/update previous chapters so keep eye on that He came across as confi... More

At the start
Trying and pretending
Alcohol and lies, dont look at me
A bad day
Do i tell? Or Do i hide?
Here we go
Do i have to?
Not intrested, but try
The 1st appointment
Not sure where i'm going.. except maybe off a cliff
He's my Brother/2nd appointment
Trying to carry on
Touring and playing
Home Again
Maybe i've got a friend
I must have fucked it up
A high and a low
Missing in Action
Coming Home
Another Day, Another Job
Happy for now
Playing shows, missing you & depression
Are we doing the right thing?
Your not here time to see Dr again
Kelly's POV - holiday
Why am I falling apart when i have you?
What do i say to Noel?
Brothers, Talk Tonight
Brothers, Talk Tonight. Part 2
Wake up, this is me
Home to Mum
Time To Talk
Where the fuck is he?
Time To Talk Part Two
Oh God What Do I Do?
Fucking Shit, I'm screwed
I Survived
Piss Off, I'm Not Fucking Going
Let's Roll With It
Pass Me Down The Wine
I'm Outta Time But Going Nowhere
Take Me Away
Go (on) Let It Out
(It's Good) To Be Free
The Shock Of Lightning
The Nature Of Reality
Where Did It All Go Wrong
Let's All Make Believe
Just Gotta Be Normal
The Talk Then I'm Alone
Counting The Days
Back To It, For Now.
It's Finally Here
Here We Go

Escape but maybe time for the truth

32 0 2
By littlebabyeverything

Liam bounced out of the door to the car park, then stopped to work out where he was he turned to Chris smiling "if we just head for the main road I'm sure there will be a pub somewhere near, we'll go in sit down, relax, have a drink and have some fun it'll be great after being stuck in that shit hole for days with nothing to do"
Chris smiled "sounds nice I ain't done that in a while, well in ages really" he looked around.
Liam couldn't help noticing he looked lost, not in a physical sense but more in a nervous way. They walked to the main road, Liam looked up and down the street, one side seemed to be just a car dealership, supermarket and car park, plus various unidentifiable buildings. The other way seemed to be houses, shops and looked the most promising way to go to find a pub, hopefully.
"Right then let's go sure it won't take long to find a half decent pub" Liam began to walk.
"Do you have any money? Sorry to be so direct" Chris asked in a apologetic tone. Liam smiled
"Don't worry about that, I've got enough and we might not have to pay anyway" he laughed. He looked at Chris and suddenly he realised Chris didn't have a clue who he was, it made him think.
"How long have you been hospital? Have you always been on that ward?" Liam asked.
Chris looked sad "I've been in for about six years with the odd few weeks and family holidays out, I've been on that ward three years, my sisters husband pays, he owns a company. the original hospital was hell I'm guessing I'll end up being in hospital for the rest of my life" he said sadly
"Don't say that there is always a chance you'll get better, your young. Get yourself out into the world make friends, get drunk, have sex, enjoy yourself. Give it a chance" Liam smiled
Liam noticed a pub just off on a side street
"Here we go" he turned into the street
They walked through the door and headed to the bar Liam got them a pint and picked a seat near the back. The pub wasn't too busy, mainly people on their lunch break and a few who looked like regulars. They sat in silence for a bit Liam was watching people when some younger lads came in and began to look around then walked over to some guys in suits and sat down, Liam watched them passing money and the younger lads passing something they were trying to hide, Liam had a pretty good idea what it was. He watched them for a bit waiting to see if he could catch one of them. After about ten minutes one of them headed to the toilet, Liam followed, luckily the toilets were empty. Liam walked over to him
"Hello I noticed the under the table business and I was wondering what you had? I'm not a copper don't worry" he laughed and smiled
"Being nosy were you, you shouldn't do that" the boy looked at him then laughed "well I've got dope, speed, e, and coke if ya interested"
Liam smiled perfect he thought could do with it
"I'll have some dope and coke" he ducked into a toilet to do a few lines, he needed it now he was happy. He headed back to Chris and ordered more drinks, this time the barman said they were on the house if Liam would let him take a picture and sign something, he signed a few beer mats and bits of paper telling them to put some into their charity raffle next week, he'd noticed a poster about it on the wall. He went to the table put the pint's down, lit a cigarette and smiled
"I never really manage to get away from it, everyone seems to know it's me no matter where I go I don't mind when people are nice it's when they are complete cunts I get pissed off don't get me wrong there's some amazing plus points like the amount of birds I get and the free stuff but man the photographer's are a bunch of twats"
He laughed Chris looked at him not really sure what he was talking about, took a few swigs from his glass and decided to just ask it was easier
"Can I have a cigarette please?" "Help yourself"
Chris needed one to calm his nerves, he wasn't used to talking to people, to socialising, to actually being out of a hospital on his own, he actually couldn't remember ever being in a pub without his family. He was scared and worried
"You can't get away from what? And why was the guy behind the bar asking you for a photo and to sign stuff? I'm a little confused by what you just said like why do people all over know you?" He paused realising how he must sound saying that
"I'm sorry I'm a bit direct and to the point I'm not used to socialising or interacting with anyone other than my family and medical professionals" Liam smiled his mischievous smile, it was sweet Chris didn't know who he was but it was also sad and made Liam think about the eight years of life Chris had missed out on he was fourteen years old when they stuck him in a hospital he hadn't had the chance of a life and he couldn't have a life on the rare occasions he was out as it seemed like he was watched constantly by his family
"I forgot you don't know I mean in someways that's great but I need to tell you cos of the way people treat me. I can't get away from my fame, my fans and often the press, though I doubt they'll find me here. I'm in a band called oasis we're one of if not the biggest band in the country right now, I was signing autographs and letting the guy take a picture with me. Like I say when the night time crowd come in it's likely we'll end up with a few girls around us if you get me" he winked at Chris and laughed he laughed too.
They ordered more drinks and began to chat and joke around.
Dave headed out of the main doors and walked up to the main road there was no obvious pubs so he decided the best plan was to go to the roundabout at the top and walk down one side of the street and up the other, checking the side roads as he passed them, if that failed he'd pop in a shop to ask where there was a pub and at very last resort he'd ask the hospital staff. It was now four he had until six to get them back, they'd been gone since about two but the hospital was luckily counting from when Dave left. He knew if they were in a pub Liam would be drunk by the time Dave found him and would be keeping a eye out for anyone selling drugs he hoped to god he didn't get this Chris in a mess.
Before they knew it the night time crowd began to enter the pub. First the guys then the girls, the place began to get really busy Liam looked at Chris, he looked really scared but he didn't ask to leave so Liam decided to do his best to make him feel comfortable. He went to the bar, ordered pints and jack Daniels. He noticed some girls watching him and when he smiled at them they giggled. He took the drinks back to the table
"What's that?" Chris said pointing at the jack
"Just whiskey. Down it as one or in two mouthful's if you don't like the taste of it" Liam said as he drank his in one go. Chris looked at it
"I don't know if I like it, I've never had it before"
"Really? Oh well give it a try, maybe drink it in two though it's pretty strong mind" well it be really strong to him Liam thought to himself. Chris took his first mouthful and made the face most people make when they first taste whiskey, then quickly drank the rest Liam laughed
"Not a fan then? You get used to it and you can mix it with coke etc but neat it's classy and gets you drunk faster well it seems to anyway"
The barman appeared at their table with a couple of drinks, he set them down and smiled
"These are from those girls at the bar it's gin and tonic. You probably get sick of that joke eh"
"Sometimes, though it depends who's buying it and what mood I'm in. Which girls was it?"
The barman pointed to a brunette and blonde girl at the end of the bar, they smiled and waved
"Now if it's birds as hot as that don't mind at all"
The barman laughed and headed back to the bar after another couple of pints Chris had definitely chilled out so Liam planned to invite the girls over in a bit but before that he headed off to the toilets for a few lines. Sitting back down to finish his pint he heard cigarettes and alcohol start up on the jukebox, he looked around to see if he could work out who put it on, he couldn't. So just to have some fun he climbed up onto the little stage in the corner and began to sing along with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Most of the pub thought this was great and a bunch of girls came over and stood in front of him but there was a couple of people who seemed pretty unimpressed with the whole thing but that didn't change the fact that when he got back to his seat six girls joined them, Chris was smiling he lent over to Liam and quietly told him this was the most fun he'd ever had in his life Liam stood up and looked at the girls tonight looked good
"Girls me and Chris are gonna go for a piss, look after our drinks we'll have fun when we're back"
Liam looked at Chris who looked confused but got up anyway and followed him to the toilets
"Liam I don't need the toilet why are we going?"
Liam laughed and got the coke out of his pocket
"Couple of lines to keep us going it's good stuff"
"I've never done drugs always been told it was dangerous, won't it affect the hospital meds?"
"I've had a few lines and I feel fine but if you don't want any it's cool just thought I'd offer"
Chris began to think, do I, don't I, he wasn't sure but he wanted to have fun, to live a little, to just forget about everything. He watched Liam setting up his lines and looked at him fuck it he thought.
"Go on set me a couple of lines up I'll try it"
Liam set up two lines he'd had four but since it was Chris's first time two would do him. With both of them topped up they headed back out to the girls, time to have some fun thought Liam.
Dave headed back to the hospital it was after six and he hadn't managed to find them he was dreading what was gonna happen next. He walked up to the ward. A nurse walked over,
"So where are they? Did you find them?"
"I don't know where they are couldn't find them"
The doctor came over and they went into Liam's room another nurse and doctor joined them
"I'm sorry but we are going to have to call the police they've been out too long. Chris has never been in the outside world, if he has left the hospital it's always with his parents he doesn't know how to function alone he won't know how to deal with Liam or how to deal with a pub"
Dave was slightly pissed off with that comment
"Do you even care about Liam? You said yourself that he's a danger to himself. It seems all your bothered about is this Chris, Liam won't hurt him and he won't let anyone else hurt him. Even when he's drunk Liam looks after people. I'm worried about the fact you don't seem worried about Liam it makes me question the treatment he's getting here, is he getting what he needs." The nurse looked unimpressed the doctor spoke
"We do care about Liam but him and Chris are very different people, Liam can look after himself, he's used to social situations, being in pubs, he's used to being out in the world Chris isn't he's never been anywhere without his parents, he's been in hospital for years, he doesn't know how to socialise, he's never been in a pub or had friends so they are opposites in a lot of ways and I'm scared Liam will try to help Chris by showing him what fun life can be like by taking him drinking, chatting up girls, banter with other guys and as much as Liam's heart is in the right place it will probably be too much for Chris and could set him back. We do care about Liam but since he has someone to look after, help and this will keep his attention away from his issues. I know he means no harm and will protect Chris from anyone who try's to have a go at him"
Dave accepted that point but was still a bit angry
"Guess you'll be calling the police then"
A car horn went off and Noel jumped he realised he'd fell asleep damn he hoped he hadn't missed anything, he looked over and Dave's car was still there it seemed Dave was staying well past visiting hours, how serious was this thing, it was obviously more than a bang to the head. It was getting late, he'd been out for hours Meg would be worried he had told her he would only be a couple of hours, he needed to call her. So that also meant he had to decide if he was going to stay or not, he could always drive past Liam's place in the morning to see if Dave was there if not he could come back to the hospital to see if he was here, maybe wait for a few hours then just go up to the ward to find out what the fuck was going on. He spotted a phone by the door to the hospital and walked over, dropped in some coins and waited for Meg to answer.
"Hello?" "Hi sweetheart it's me sorry I've been a long time but my shithead little brother is in hospital the idiot drank too much, passed out and hit his head. Dave had took him to the hospital so I had to come all the way up here to try and find out what is going on. I should of called sooner"
He's a fucking idiot, more trouble than he's worth. Just give up and come home, go over to his tomorrow and he'll probably be sitting with the worst hangover ever which serves him right"
Noel thought about it, she was right
"Ok I'll head home in half an hour and just see what the situation is tomorrow, see you soon"
He felt guilty about going home since it could be something serious but if it was surely Dave would tell him, surely he'd have the respect to tell him.
Dave sat in Liam's room as the doctor left to call the police. Three nurses were still sat with him including nurse Davies who did not look very happy at all, the other two Dave couldn't tell what they were thinking or feeling, they both had a really good poker face. Nurse Davies spoke
"I'm going to be honest ok, I don't like Liam he's arrogant, self obsessed, thinks every woman fancies him, he's disrespectful to women, want's to be the centre of attention and I think he's a bad influence I don't want him around Chris"
Dave couldn't believe what he was hearing
"Your judging him on a few interactions and probably what you've read in the press which is unfair your supposed to look after your patients how do I know your looking after him properly if that's what you think of him for your information Liam is kind, loyal, caring, supportive and will do anything for you, to help you. Remember he's here because of the same problems as everyone else, he's here to get help not to be judged"
Nurse Davies walked out of the room in a huff.
Liam and Chris were having such a good time, both of them were drunk and high as a kite, with two girls each who were all over them. Chris turned to Liam, tapped his shoulder.
"I've never been in a situation like this before I'm not sure what to do or if what I'm doing is right"
"Don't think too much just go with the flow, you'll be fine, the girls seem quite happy with ya"
"Maybe that's because of you, who you are"
"If it was me they'd be around me, you're a good looking guy girls will like you enjoy it"
Liam turned around and started kissing one of the girls then kissed the other one. Chris decided fuck it and turned to girls beside him. He looked up to see Liam leading one of the girls to the toilets, one of the girls next to him laughed
"Well we know what their up too don't we"
She started kissing him again. Liam and the girl came back and Liam ordered shots and lit a cigarette and sat back smiling, happy.
"So you having a good time? Chris here isn't used to pubs, you can't tell can you. Hey never asked your football team, Man City are the best like"
"I'm having a great time, I love this. I haven't really watched football lately but Chelsea are my team, I'd love to go to a game that would be fun"
"Well next time City play Chelsea we'll go"
The police had been called and had been given a description of Chris and Liam, though they knew exactly what Liam looked like. Told they were both vulnerable persons who were to be brought straight back to the hospital when they were found, they were also told Liam may not come quietly and if they had to restrain him that was fine under the mental health act. Dave asked if he could join them on their search but was told to stay in the hospital and wait for news but he was scared of how Liam would react when the police approached him, he didn't have the best relationship with them as he'd had bad experiences in the past and he didn't trust them.
Noel was at home he hadn't been able to eat he was so worried, he'd shut himself in his studio to get away from all the people in his house, he didn't feel like joining the party. He took a drink, lit a cigarette and lay down on the sofa bed all he could think about was Liam and what was going on with him. He wanted to tell everyone in his house to fuck off and just sit with Meg and talk but he knew she didn't really like Liam so that probably wouldn't make him feel better and he couldn't show his emotions about Liam he couldn't be seen to care too much or be too worried but he needed someone to talk to, someone who understood their relationship, he kept thinking then it hit him bonehead he'd be perfect. He decided to sneak out of the window and head to his house.
Liam hadn't long came back from the toilets with the second girl when the pub door opened and four police came in, he watched as they went and spoke to the bar staff. He tapped Chris on the shoulder but he was busy snogging one of the girls so Liam tapped him harder this time
"Hey the coppers are here, what you think they want? Underage drinkers? Drug searches?"
"Don't know, maybe just checking everything is ok you know keeping the peace"
The police began to walk around the pub and came to Liam and Chris's table.
"Mr Gallagher and Mr Simms we've been looking for you, you were reported missing so I'm afraid you'll have to come with us, people are worried"
Liam looked at them blankly
"I'm not going anywhere, I'm an adult I can go where I want when I want I don't have to tell anyone. Missing. What the fuck you thinking bloody stupid that. I'm in a pub with my friend having a good time nowt wrong with that, we ain't causing any trouble"
All four police stood next to the table they didn't look like they were going to back down
"People are worried, we were sent to find you and take you back to where you were you can come with us quietly or we can arrest you it's up to you"
Chris stood up and began to put his coat on, his mood had changed he looked nervous and scared
"Come on Liam let's just go no point in arguing"
"Fuck that I'm staying I've done nothing wrong what the fuck would you arrest me for anyway?"
"We have permission to detain you under the mental health act. Your a danger to yourself and others and we will handcuff you if needed"
Liam wasn't happy it was now obvious the hospital had sent them and if Dave was involved he was going to punch him. Chris moved and stood next to them, Liam stayed sitting down, lit a cigarette and continued drinking his pint one of the officers turned to the one next to Chris
"You take him outside and wait for us, we'll deal with him. Don't wanna upset the kid"
Chris was led outside. The officers got the girls to move and asked Liam to stand up, he ignored them, they asked again he told them to fuck off. One officer pulled the table away, walked up to Liam took the pint out of his hand and the cigarette in a ashtray. He grabbed Liam's arm and pulled him up, Liam went to punch him but due to being so drunk he missed, as he went to try again two officers pinned him to the wall, the other handcuffed his hands behind his back, Liam tried to kick out and was shouting, the whole pub was silently watching what was happening, some people were laughing
"Liam Gallagher we are detaining you under the mental health act, you will be taken to a hospital where you can be assessed and a decision will be made on charges regarding assault and drunk and disorderly. Now let's go"
The policeman dragged Liam outside, Chris was waiting by a police car and looked shocked when they brought Liam out and threw him in the back of the car, he got in beside him.
"Liam are you ok? Did they hurt you?"
"No I'm not ok these fucking cunts handcuffed me in front of the whole pub, pinned me to the wall and dragged me out, which they had no fucking right to do cos I'd done nothing wrong"
The drive back to the hospital only took five minutes, when they got there two of the officers kept a hold of Liam and didn't take the handcuffs off. They were marched back to the ward. Both of them were taken to a room at the end of the corridor and sat down. Two doctors, four nurses, Dave and a couple Liam assumed were Chris's parents came in and the police went and stood outside the door closing it after them.
"What about these fucking handcuffs?"
"I've got the key and I'll take them off when you have calmed down and won't cause trouble"
One of the doctors said calmly
"Now I want you to tell us where you have been, what you have done, why you did it and why you felt the need to leave the ward and I want to hear it from both of you one at a time ok"
Chris started talking, he spoke quietly and fast, obviously terrified Liam felt so so sorry for him. He put his arm around him as best he could with the cuffs on and smiled at him
"Come on give him a bit of time he's obviously scared how about you let him calm down first and I'll tell you what you want to know"
The doctor sat Chris down with some water.
"I decided to leave the ward cos I was bored, I noticed he looked bored so asked if he wanted to come, as far as I knew we had the right to leave, we're not locked up. We went to the pub, had a few drinks, had a laugh and didn't cause any trouble. Just two friends having a drink"
Chris put his head up "that's it, that's right"
"Your right your not locked up but you can't walk out without telling someone or you'll be classed as missing and what you did could be damaging to your recovery, plus you involved someone who you knew nothing about, what if one of his issues was alcohol. Liam you are classed as a danger to yourself and others and Chris is down as suicidal imagine how worried we were. Now both of you go back to your rooms and someone will come and talk to you and sort things out"
The doctor came over to Liam with the key to the cuffs and took them off.
Liam and Chris slowly walked back to their rooms, Dave with Liam and Chris with his parents who looked angry, Liam felt sorry for him it looked like he was going to get told off.
Liam sat on his bed he was staring to come down which was kicking off his depression and he was staring to feel the bad side of drinking so much.
He sat and pulled the blankets over him, looking sad. His mood seemed to have changed suddenly.
"I've screwed up Dave, I just wanted to have some fun, I felt like I needed too, like nothing was wrong I was on top of the world and when I was out I was the centre of attention just like I should be. Now I feel like shit, I feel like I'm not here, you know empty. Like I've got no one"
"Liam listen it's hard to balance public you with private you and that's always going to confuse you, I know you didn't mean any harm. Liam you need help and you need to admit you need help and I know your gonna hate me for this but you have to tell Noel, you need to talk to him because you need him and no matter what he's your brother and he loves you, just talk to him"
Liam looked at the floor he knew Dave was right.
"Ok I will, but after I get home and when I know he's in a good mood and I feel comfortable"
The nurse came round a few hours later with Liam's medication, including something to help him sleep. She told Dave to leave and that the mental health team would talk to Liam tomorrow and make a decision on if he could go home. They would call Dave and tell him the decision.
"See ya, get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow"
"Fingers crossed" Liam swallowed his pills, turned his back on Dave and the nurse and pulled the blankets tighter around him.
"He'll be ok, it's always hard for people the first time, he's got a long road ahead but as long as he has support and people understand what's happening with him and help him through it he'll be ok I promise, baby steps not jumps"
She smiled at Dave putting her hand on his arm like she could see his worry but also how hard it was for him, that it was affecting him too.
"Thanks. He's a good guy, deep down he's decent and kind not many people see that. Thank you for that, makes me feel better. Bye"
Suddenly Liam heard his name, he didn't want to move but whoever it was wasn't going away so he sat up to see the nurse from last night putting a coffee on his table and sorting out his medication, he looked at the clock it was nine in the morning, he felt fuzzy and out of it and didn't know if it was the alcohol or sleeping pills.
"Morning Liam. Here's your medication, there's a coffee there for you and I can bring you some toast if you like? The mental health team will be around at eleven to speak to you"
"Toast would be great thanks. I didn't catch your name last night sorry"
"It's Lynsey. Butter on the toast?"
"Aye please thanks and thanks for the coffee"
He had the toast and got himself ready he knew he needed to impress the mental health team if he had any hope of being allowed home which is all he wanted right now. He wanted his own bed, his tv, his shower, his stereo and to be alone.
The mental health team were ten minutes late Liam was pacing the room, getting more and more anxious he was just about to go and see what was going on when Lynsey walked in followed by a group of five people.
"Liam this is the mental health team. Stacey, Dan, Peter, Jen and Micheal. I'm gonna stay while they have a chat with you ok"
She shut the door and they all sat down. Liam sat on the bed. They all looked pretty serious and pretty stern, apart from Jen and Dan who looked a bit more friendly, Micheal took out a clipboard and pen, he was obviously the boss. He spoke first, in a very direct and serious tone.
"Hello Liam. We are going to ask you some questions to see if you are fit to go home, if you will be safe at home and to see if there is any help you need and any help we can put in place for you. Please answer honestly and not just what you think we want to hear. Is that ok?"
"That's fine, as long as there is no stupid, pointless questions as they annoy me"
"Do you live alone?"
"Yes, but a friend checks on me everyday"
"Is that the friend who has been visiting you?"
"Yes, Dave. He's my friend but it's also his job to keep a eye on me, get me to gigs, interview's, practice etc on time"
"He's your minder then, and gets paid for it. I see so if he didn't he would get into trouble"
He began to write on the clipboard, Liam wished he could see what he was writing.
"Do you have family near you?"
"I have my brother and friends who are like family. My mam and other brother are in Manchester. I'm the baby of the family, Noel is five years older, he's down here. Paul is six years older. But my band mates are like brothers"
"Do any of them know about your issues and the problems you've been having?"
"No just Dave"
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Yes and she knows"
"Do you plan on telling your brother? Will he help you? Will he support you?"
"I'm going to tell him when the time is right. We have a complicated relationship, we work together, I'm sure once he understands he'll help. I've been worried about telling him but now I know I have to tell him the truth"
Again he started to write things down, then Liam noticed the others were writing things down too. He was being polite, wasn't swearing, being honest. He was behaving himself. So why were they writing so much down why did they need to
"If we arrange for you to see a therapist will you go? Are you willing to work on your issues?"
"I already have a therapist but it's pretty on and off weather I engage, but I could change that and work on things properly, I'll try I promise"
"We'd like to arrange one of our therapist's then we can keep a close eye on you, though if you feel you need to you can keep seeing your current therapist but we'd rather you didn't. We would like you to come into the hospital once a month and phone in weekly. You also need to tell your brother, you need support. You need to tell him the truth, it will do you both good"
Liam sighed he knew they were right, it was time to maybe tell Noel the truth, it filled him with fear but it had got to that point.
They let him go home.

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