An Undead Pair.(old and cring...

Von rhsxnv

137K 2.2K 4.2K

Some of these old chapters may be cringe. Just a warning. There is rape in this story so.. Just a little TW t... Mehr

♡#1-Movie Night♡
♡#4-Road Trip!♡
♡#6-Forced Love♡
♡#9-Animal AU♡
♡#10-Yandere AU♡
♡#11-The Fight♡
♡#12-Michael's Sick♡
♡#14-Christmas Day!!♡
♡#15-Cafe Boy♡
♡#16-Fake Friends♡
♡#17-Channel Link♡
♡#20-New AU!♡
♡#22-Dancing At Night♡
♡#25-FatherNSon Moment♡
♡#26-Safe With Me♡
♡#32-Maid Boy♡
♡#34-Scary Movie♡
♡#35-Spider Bite♡
♡#36-My Bully♡
♡#43-A Loving Faun♡
♡#45-Fuck You♡
♡#49-Actual Q&A!♡
♡#57-A FightP-5♡
♡#58-Fireworks||4th of July special(?)♡
♡#61-The game~R♡
♡#64-The gameP-2~R♡
♡#65-My new AU!♡
♡#67-Rest Of My Designs♡
♡#74-On Call♡
♡#78-Getting closer♡
♡#81-Camping N Confessions♡
♡#82-Drunk Michael♡
♡#83-Pissed Off♡
♡#85-The Truth♡
♡#87-Moving out.♡
♡Thank You So Much!!♡
♡Another Q&A!♡


696 22 129
Von rhsxnv

This was requested by; _HorrorFandoms_ Thanks for the wonderful request!<3

Michael's POV

I was in my room staring at my crown.

I wanted to go outside but my parent's don't really allow me to go outside.

They lock me in my room all day.

I can only come out when other Royal families come to see who is right for me to marry.

Once you turn 18 you have to marry someone from your parents choice.

Or atleast in certain kingdoms.

Sadly, I live in one of them.

I some kigdoms you just have to find a lover by 18.

Then in the rest of them you can find a lover by any age and be married by any age.

I would love to live in any kigdom besides this one.

I heard the locks on my door.

Yes, locks.

My family put a bunch of locks on the outside.

I can only lock and unlock the door from the handle.

I quickly put my crown on and got off my bed and stood up straight.

"Yes, father?"

"The Ceverus family is here. Go make yourself look better. You look like shit."

I nodded and waited for him to leave the room.

I sighed and went to my closet to change.

Once I changed, I went to brush my teeth, fix my hair, and put in contacts.

My mom and dad say I have to hide my eyes because they are ugly.

I have been told my whole life they are ugly by my family, I started to believe they are ugly.

I blinked a little bit and stared at myself.

I had bags under my eyes.

I put makeup over it.

I walked out of my bathroom and out of my room.

I walked downstairs which took a bit...

Before I turned the corner I put on a fake smile.

I turned the corner and saw the kingdoms daughter.

She looked spoiled, like all the other girls I have seen.

I want to date a boy..

They talked for about an hour.


I looked up at them.

"Go stand beside her and hold her waist."

I nodded and stood beside her putting my arm around her and holding her waist.

I felt highly uncomfortable.

"Hm.. What do you guys think? I don't think they look that good together.."

"No. Sorry, Lucy."

"It's fine, I don't like how he looks anyway!"

Did I really look that bad?

My dad looked at me.

"Michael, come with me."

I nodded.

He took me to my room.

"What did I tell you about looking good?!"

"I tried my best, I hid the bags under my eyes, I put in contacts. I fixed my hair, I brushed my teeth, and I changed into the best outfit I could!"

"You knoe what, maybe if you did not stay up all night, you would not look tired. Fix your hair better, change into a better outfit, and you know what, I bet it's becuase your fat. You are eating once a week from now on!!"

My dad left my room and slammed the door.

I heard the locks and then I heard him walk away.

I sighed.

I sat on my bed and took off my crown.

I am honestly doing the best I can!

I don't understand..

I shook my head and put my crown on my desk.

The Carter family would be coming tomorrow, might as well get alot of sleep.

I took out the contacts and changed into a more comfy outfit.

I got into my bed and closed my eyes.

The next morning my dad yelled for me.

He had probably already locked my door.

I walked downstairs and he looked at me.

"What the hell?! You look even worse then yesterday!!"

"You know what, I am helping you get ready."

He pushed me all the way to my bedroom.

He picked out clothes for me and I got changed into them, then he put my hair a certain way.

I brushed my teeth and he looked at my eyes.

"Put in lighter contacts."

I put in a lighter blue contacts.

I covered the bags under my eyes.

You still look fat as fuck.

I looked at my stomach.

He sighed.

"We will have to put a corset on you for now. I know it's for woman but your fat ass needs it."

He went to get a corset and he gave it to me.

He tightened it really tight.

I put my shirt back on.

"Perfect! Now lets go, they will be here any minute."

I walked downstairs with him.

A few minutes later the Carter family came in.

"Ah! Hello, Mr. Carter!!"

"Hi, Mr. Afton. Such a pleasure to be here. Is this your oldest?"


"Ah, okay. Well, this is Jenny. I brought my son because, well, Jenny wanted him to come and she would not stop begging, haha."

"What is his name?"


"Well, hello Noah."


"Can you tell me a bit about Jenny?"

"Yes, she is 17, her birthday is in four days. Her favorite color is yellow. Her sign is-"

They went on and on.

I was faking my smile.

I looked over at Noah.

I stopped smiling.

He was pretty hot not gonna lie.

He looked at me and smiled.

I could feel my face heating up, I smiled back.

I looked back at Noah's dad.

"That's all!"

"Okay, Michael is 17 his birthday is in.. Uh.."

He looked at me.

Usually I don't get to speak during these.

"Two days."

"Two days, his favorite color is?"


Really show's how much he knows about me..

Everyone besides Jenny went behind me.

"Michael. Go do what you always do."

I went up to her and hesitantly out my arm around her and my hand on her waist.

"They look like a good match."

"I agree!"

"Michael, go show Noah around. Me, your mom, Mr. Carter, Mrs. Carter, and Jenny need to talk.

I nodded and grabbdd Noah's hand showing him around the castle.

There was an akward silence between us.

"You don't talk much do you?"

"Hm? Oh! No.. Not really."

"Why? Your voice is really calming."

I blushed a bit.

I looked behind us and waited until we were far from my dad and mom.

I grabbed his hand and took him to my room.

I locked my door and took him all the way across my room.

"I will get introuble telling you this if I am heard but, I don't exactly get to leave my room unless a family is here. I don't get to talk much, this is probably the most I have spoke in my whole life if I am being honest. My family neglects me. My dad puts so much pressure on me by trying to make me look and act perfectly. My eyes aren't actually this color, my hair is not supossex to be this style, I am not this skinny, I have bags under my eyes."

I wiped off the makeup and took him to my bathroom.

I took out my contacts and fixed my hair how I like it.

Then I hesitantly took off my shirt and took off the corset.

"Damn.. You're really fucking pretty. They make you hide your eyes? Why? Their gorgeous?"

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

"They tell me their ugly.. That's all they have said about my eye's. My whole life I have been treated like this."

"Well, I hate to say this but put the makeup, corset, and contacts back on."

I nodded.

I fixed my hair, put the contacts back in, put the corset and shirt back on, and then I put makeup back on.

He grabbed my hand and took me to my window.

"Later, tonight we can sneak out the window."

"But.. Thats such a high jump?"

"We will find a way."


"Let's go."

We went downstairs.

"Yes, father?"

"Come with me."

I looked at Noah and back at my dad then followed him.

"What did you tell him?!"

"Just showing him around, like you asked."

"Why is your hair like that?"

"I uh.. Tripped?"

"God, you can't even walk perfectly!"

I looked at the ground.

"They are staying the night, I want you to show Noah and Jenny their rooms, and be a fucking gentlemen to Jenny!!"

I nodded.


He walked away.

"Jenny, Noah follow me."

I took them to Jenny's room.

"Here is your room, Jenny."

"Thank you Michael!"


She went into the room and shut the door.

"Noah your room is this one, right across from hers."

"Alright. Thanks, lo- Michael. Sorry.."

"Don't worry about it."

Noah smiled at me and went into his room, closing the door.

I went back to find my father.

"Father, I showed them their rooms."

"Good. Now, let's go lock you in your room. I don't want to hear a sound coming from your room tonight, you hear me?"

I nodded.

"Goos, let's go."

He locked me in my room.

Honestly, I have been in my room for so long, I feel extremely comfortable in my room.

I take off the makeup and everything else.

I stared at my eyes in the mirror.

My family is right, their fucking hideous.

I looked at my stomach as well.

I am a bit chubby

"Damn.. You're really fucking pretty."

He is lying...

How could someone like me be pretty.

I'm hideous.

Everything about me.

My thighs, my arms, my stomach, my face, my eyes, everything!

I would look prettier with scars on my body.

I need a knife.

Father gave me a knife a while ago to use to cut things.

I looked around for a few minutes.


I look under my bed insidd a box I had.


I have to change..

I change into some shorts and a t-shirt.

I locked my door from the inside just incase.

Then I went into the bathroom and sat in the tub.

I cut my thighs, and arms.

I need to cut my stomach..

That might hurt a bit.

I made a few cuts on my stomach.

I heard someone softly knock on my door.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck."

I quickly cleaned my cuts and got on pants a different t-shirt and one of my light brown hoodies.

I opened my door.

It was Noah, I pulled him in my room and shut my door and locked it.

"Sorry, were you taking a shower?"

I nodded.

"You can talk around me, I love hearing your calming voice."

"Oh, right.. Sorry, I am so used to being slapped or yelled at for talking to much.."

"Don't worry, I am not like them. You can open up to me, talk as much as you like, anything. I don't mind, I can keep secrets."

I almost wanted to show him the cuts and cry in his arms but I don't.

"Now, should we go now?"


I got socks and shoes on, Noah already had his on.

I was kind of scarrd to jump out of the window.

It was pretty high up.

We could break a bone..

"Michael, we can make a rope thing and climb down it."


It toom us a bit but we made a rope thing and put it down the window.

"I am going to go first to test it, I don't want you hurt."

I nodded.

He climbed out the window.

"It's safe come on!"

I said nothing and started climbing down.

I was shaking badly.

Anxiety filled my body.

I couldn't go the rest of the way.

I was only half way.

"Michael? What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. I'm fine.."

I breathed in and out and continued.

As I was about to reach the ground the rope broke.

My heart sank.

I fell ontop of Noah.

His arms were around me.

That hurt, badly.

"I am so so sorry!"

"Don't worry about it, you did not hurt me. But are you okay?"

Noah sat up.

I turned around to face him and moved back.

I nodded.

I looked at the rope.

I knew I was fat.


I looked back at Noah and he was looking at my wrist.

I realized some of the cuts were showing.

I gasped and quickly pull my sleeve back down over my hand.

"What? How did you get those on your wrist."

I looked ay the grass and stayed silent.

"Please. Tell me, I won't tell anyone and I won't make fun of you or anything. I promise."

I looked at him.

"I got upset and hurt myself. My thighs, arms, and stomach. I don't know how you find me pretty.. I am chubby, my eyes are hideous, everything about me is disgusting."

"Michael, no. I don't care if your chubby or not, I find chubby people more hot then skinny people if I am being honest. Your eyes are unique, they aren't pretty, they are gorgeous. I don't know everything about you sadly... But assuming from what I do know, you're an amazing person. So shut the fuck up with these negative thoughts. You're fucking beautiful. Do not think otherwise."

I smiled and laughed at the last part.

I stared at the ground.

"Okay.. But can we explore now? I have never been outside before and it looks so pretty out here!"

He chuckled and agreed.

He stood up and put out his hand.

I grabbed it and he helped me up.

"Why don't we go into the forest? It is really dark but... I know a really prettt place."

I was kind of scared of the dark.

"Sure.. But please stay close to me.."

He laughed.


We walked into the forest.

We got to know eachother!

We have alot in common!

A few minutes later he brought me to a really pretty place.

It was lit up with the light of the full moon, there were flowers everywhere

I saw red flowers, pink flowers, yellow flowers, all different colors, all glowing in the moons light.

This was probably the most prettiest scene I have ever seen in my whole life!

It's so pretty!!

There are some benches around the area.

"I love this, it's so pretty!!"

He chuckled a bit.

"Anytime my family comes out here which is alot... I come here with Jenny."

That reminds me that I have to marry Jenny.

My smile fades as I think about that.

"What's wrong?"

"Just forgot I am being forced to marry Jenny.. I am not trying to be mean! I just don't want to be forced to marry someone I don't know that well.. I am also not straight.. I don't like girls. I want to date a male."

"Oh, I am sorry."

"It's fine. Can we brighten up the mood?"

"Sure, what do u wanna do?"


We stayed up for a long time playing tag, learning more about eachother. Basically just having fun.

We were walking back to the castle.

"We have to sneak in through the front door."

"Alright, let's try to be as quiet as we can."


We successfully snuck in.

Noah locked my door and went to his own room.

I felt like I was gaining feelings for him, but I cant date him.. I have to date Jenny.

Dammit why did I catch feelings for him so fast?!

We just met..

I sighed.

I will just sleep to get it off my mind..

When I woke up Jenny was shaking me.


"Hey uh.. Your dad said we have to get married in a week.."

I jumped up.

"I know, I don't want to.. Don't get me wrong! You seem really really nice, i'm just lesbian and I really don't want to marry a boy.."

"That's a relief.. I am gay, I want to date a male, I actually... um.. You can keep secrets.. Right..?"

"Yeah of course!"

I looked at my door and lowered my voice.

"I kind of want to date your brother which is stupid because we just met.. I have no clue what to do"

"Really?! I knew it! You guys would be so cute together."

I smiled and blushed.

"Hey, Jenny, Michael. Mr. Afton needs you two."

"Oh fuck, uh okay."

Jenny and Noah left my room.

I quickly tried to make myself look perfect and I ran downstairs.

I saw Evan and Elizabeth playing.

"Jenny my wife made breakfast, Michael. Come with me."

Uh oh..

We walked into a random room.

"So.. Evan found broken rope on the ground. Outside, under YOUR window. Care to explain?"

"I don't know how that got there. I'm sorry."

"Don't fucking lie to me!"

"I am not lying!"

"Dear? What did he do this time?"

I looked at my mom.

"Evan found broken rope outside under his window."

"Michael Terrance Afton!!"

They both yelled at me.

I am getting sick of this.

I took off my crown and threw it to the ground.

"Fuck you guys!! I am sick of this shit, all you guys do is treat me like shit, neglect me, keep me locked up in a room all day, and try to make me look like your 'Perfect oldest 17 year old royal son' I am sick of it! I like how I am! I don't need you bitches to change it! I can't fucking do this anymore!!"

I ran out of the room.

I could feel everyone's eyes go on me.

"Michael!! Get back here!!"

I opened the doors and ran outside into the forest to the spot Noah showed me.

I slowed down and stood there.

I walked over beside a bench and sat there with my knees to my chest.

I sat there for thirty minutes silently crying in my knees.

I heard people or someone coming.


I lifted up my head and saw Noah and Jenny standing infront of me.

I looked around to see if they brought anyone else.

"Don't worry, we're alone."

Noah got on his knees slowly and opened his arms.

I jumped in his arms and started crying even more.

I felt Noah wrap his arms around me and Jenny put her hand on my back.

We heard someone calling for us.

"Michael, stay here."

"No don't leave me here alone. Please?"

Jenny's POV

Damn, he really wants to be with Noah right now. I think?

"I will go, you two stay here."

I got up and started walking back to the castle.

I felt so bad for Michael...

"Did you find him? Wheres Noah?"

"Noah is still looking."

"Where could he have gone.."

I heard Michaels dad telling the guards to go look for them in the forest.

"I am going to go back to help look for him."

I quickly ran back to them.

"Guys guys! Mr. Afton is sending the guards here!"

They both looked at me and stood up.

"Come on!"

Noah grabbed mine and Michael's hand and we all ran deeper into the forest.

Sadly they caught us.

Michael's POV

The guards took Jeny, Noah, and me back to the castle.

"Michael, Jenny, Noah!! What the fuck!"

"He needed space!"

"So?! He has a whole ass castle!!"

"You guy's would have forced me to be around you!!"

"You know what, Noah, Jenny. We are going home until the wedding day."

"Michael, you will be locked up in your room until the wedding day."

I got thrown into my room.

My window was boarded up and my door was locked even more.


I sat in my room for days.

I did not eat or drink.

I honestly felt like I was going to pass out.

I definitely got a bit skinnier..

But after Noah told me he would rather date a chubby person I fid not wang to change my weight.

I want him to like me..

Oh right, I forgot about the wedding..

It doesn't matter, I can't date him.

God dammit, I fucking hate my life.

Two days later I was getting ready for the weeding.

I had not slept in a few days because I was stressed.

I felt like passing out any minute.

My mom slapped me.

I quickly shook my head and looked at her.


"Why didn't you sleep."


She sighed.

"I am disappointed in you. Your eyes are to red, you're to skinny, your hair is greasy, you look terrible."

I looked at her in disbelief.

"You know I look like this because of you and dad?!"


"Let me fucking finish. I look like this, because you and dad made me stress about this fucking wedding by forcing me to marry someone I barley know. I am this skinny because you and dad Have not let me eat for like a week and a half, maybe two weeks. Surpised I am still alive, infact. I feel like I am about to pass out right here! So you complain about me looking like this, blame you and dad. Not me."

She stared at me and just walked away.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

Fuck, I messed up my contacts.

I quickly fixed them.

I stared at myself.

She's right, my eye's are definitely red..

The wedding was starting.


I was standing on the alter.

Please don't come at me, I have never been to a wedding, I don't knoe what the thing is called and I have no clue what all happens..😭😭

I saw Jenny coming up the path.

When she came up to the alter the guy started saying stuff.

I was not paying attention.

"Michael, do you take Jenny to hold and love for the rest of your life?"

I nodded.

"I... do.."

"Okay.. Jenny, do you take Michael as to hold and love for the rest of your life?"

"I do.."

She looked at the floor and quickly back at me.

"Okay. If there are any objections please speak now!"

There was silence.

My eye's burned so bad, I wanted to cry.


Keep calm Michael.

"Okay. You may k-"

"I object!!"

Me and Jenny both looked at the path.

Noah was standing there with his mother.

It was quiet.

"Why do you object?"

"Because, I love Michael. Michael and Jenny are being forced to be married. None of them want to marry eachother. Jenny is lesbian. Michael is gay."

"This is nonsense!!"

My dad stood up.

"Just continue!!"

"Hush! Let the couple speak."

We are being forced to marry?

Why is he aloud to object.

"Michael. Jenny. What do you say about that? Is this true?"

"Yes, I am lesbian."

"I am also gay, everything Noah just said is true."

"Okay. The wedding is excluded."


My dad was furious.

"Michael, we are going home!"

My mom and dad took me and my siblings home.

They threw me on the ground.

"You are a disgrace to this family!!"

"I don't even like this family."

"Mommy, can me and Evan play?"

"Yes, sweetie."

They both ran off into their play room.

Knocking suddenly echoed through the castle.

"Get up."

I got up and faked a smile.

They opened the door.

It was Noah's family.

"Michael is 18 now, right?"


"Michael? Would you like to come and live with us? You won't be considered our child. So you can be with Noah. He is honestly pretty upset right now.."

"Yes, of course!"

"What?! He can't leave!"

"Why not? He's of legal age."

My parents stuttered trying to find words.

I went up to my room and got my stuff.

They took me to their kingdom.

"Oh, do not worry about your stuff. The guards will get it!"

"Thank you thank you thank you!!"

I hugged both of them.

I was so glad to finally be out of that place.


Jenny came down the stairs.

"Please show Michael were Noah's room is, along with his room."


She took me up to my room first.

"Cool, but I really want to see Noah!"

She laughed.

"This room over here."

She took me down the hall way to another door.

"He might be asleep or crying. But bye!"

She walked away.

I softly knocked on the door not wanting to wake him if he is asleep.

"Come in."

I opened the door and shut it behind me.


Noah quickly sat up and looked at me.

He smiled and ran over to me, picking me up and hugging me tightly.

"Michael! Hi!"

"Hi, Noah!"

He sat me down.

His hands were on my waist.

Mine around his neck.

"Um.. So.."

He kissed me.

I kissed back.

Holy fuck!!

We were kissing!

He pulled away and opened his eyes.

"Sorry! I should have asked.."

"It's fine! I liked it."

He looked at me and smiled.

"So.. Can we finally date?"

"Yeah, haha."

We kissed eachother again and smiled at eachother.

I wad so glad to finally be out of that kingdom and here with Noah!


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