His Little One (Book 1)

By esthersteel_

57.4K 2.8K 531

~ 5k words per chapter. And I let it happen. I closed my eyes, turned my back, and gave in to the sunlight... More

1 Donut Touch Me
2 Plane Rides to Freedom
3 Coffee and Confidence
4 Captured Bear Hugs
5 Library of Truth
6 Untold Kisses
7 Alaskan Cold
8 Wolf Horrors
9 A Bear's Ache
10 Eos Dextral, The Real One
12 Leather Bear Hugs
13 A Funny Fight To The Wolf
14 To Think Me Healed Is To Think A Lie
15 Profess The Heart
16 Knowledge Is Depression
17 The Happiest Moments
18 The River'd Body
19 Dancing With The Night
20 A Dragon Night Out
21 Dancing in the Snack Aisle
22 Kan-Laon
23 A Black Marked Soul
24 Hunters High
25 Finale
Book 2 Sneak Peak
Bonus Content #1
Bonus Content #2
Bonus Content #3

11 Touch Me, Everywhere

2.7K 113 6
By esthersteel_

Theo's arms tighten around me, his delectable taste fills me, my body heating up more than I ever could've imagined. I shove myself into him letting his body lift me up. Just as he promised. Theo gently lays me back on the bed. His eyes are solid gold, but the separation doesn't last for long before he's captured my lips once more. His mouth moves against me in a frenzy, hands traveling over my uncovered skin. The sparks that trail over are unimaginable, they sing to my blood moving me closer to him. I can't feel my fingers or the chill that comes from the room. All I feel is him, everywhere, filling my thoughts, my vision, covering any part of me that could be exposed. His voice is rough, scratchy, and in a deep whisper he runs his mouth by my ear, "You're perfect."

His lips are rough, but tastefully so. I'd built a thousand fantasies around our first kiss, but this kiss was something deep, meaningful, and completely unexpected. His tender touch captivated all the way down to my soul. Where before the kiss had been hectic, demanding, a force of nature, now there's something else. A passion, an unforgiving love pouring from him into him as he holds me close and spreads nothing but pleasureful sensation over me. The room is dark, we can't see clearly, but the large window on the side of the room with the stacked snow behind reflects. He straddles me, my hands wrapped around his arms. My eyes look high a vision of ecstasy while he holds himself above me.

He withdraws again, tracing his lips down my chin, then my neck, finally landing himself at the edge of my shirt. The exposed part of my chest rising to meet his lips, his tongue, anything that sends the sparks of pleasure coursing over my skin once more. His tongue lays over my skin tasting me, a gasp leaves me when he moves to burrow his head under my shirt kissing up my now exposed belly. I'm too far gone, my mind traveling only to him. I can't picture anything else but the feeling of curling my back up to him. It's strange that hours ago I was asking to take things slow, to work through things one day at a time, but now that I took what I wanted, I wish I'd done it sooner. He helps me out of my shirt, then my bra. He's gentle in his movements helping me out of them with consent and purpose. I giggle when I fall back on the bed to remove my bottoms, but his hand stops me, "I want to take my time with you, Eos. Show you how much I cherish you."

"Theo." I whisper just for him. His golden eyes show mischief taking their time to travel over my naked top. My breasts are larger than they were before and hold good shape against my chest. My insecurities fall away when he takes the time to trace his fingers over every scar that lines my hips, followed with a kiss to each one. He takes his time inspecting me, every inch of me is given love, every imperfection made perfect with his touch. Some women want to be watched, model for them, an endless attention placed upon their normally perfect complexion. I'm women, but only for him, "Love, please." I beg for him, no demand him to stop taunting my breasts that beg for his lips.

"Anything you desire, Eos." His mouth wraps around one nipple, his hand taking the other. His fingers work the small bead, a sucking mirroring on the other. My moans are soft but pleading for more. I feel his manhood pressing against my inner thigh, a compliment. The flush in my face is memorable, his own stirring something within me. I wrap my hands through his hair holding him close to me to ride out on my selfish pleasure. His lips move up to collide with my own, fingers running along the bands of my pants to press them down my legs. I kick them off, my own womanhood un-maintained. I hadn't expected this outcome of events, but he doesn't stutter in his movements dropping his head like an animal between my legs kissing my inner thighs. He lifts himself just enough to slip out of his own pajamas. I study his beautiful broad back, the sharp shoulder blade, and the wonderfully tan and shapely bum. With a single finger he rips through my panties and tosses them to the side. Inhaling my scent, he releases a moan of his own, "Pure addiction."

"Make me yours, Theo." I moan for him, one of his fingers slipping into me. I slowly rotate my hips around his finger, my sex soaked for him. His controlled movements became more frantic with my begging moans. He slips another in, then a third. I cry out for him, beg for the release that bubbles under my skin. It's an electric feeling, an endless sensation of nerves bundling together and screaming for release. I haven't felt this in so long, and now that I'm close, I won't let him take it from me, "Theo!"

"Tonight, Eos, I'm yours. Tell me what you want."

"I want to cum, Theo." He listens taking a hand to my breast, then a thumb to my clit. Atop the building of his movements, I become a mess of moans and squirms. The orgasm rips over me, my body lifting upwards to take it all. Theo's grin is sinister, eyes watching every moment.

"All during those months apart, I was thinking about doing this." He lowers his head between my legs licking up the juices that leave me. I cry out at the sensitivity, but the enjoyment follows soon enough at his tongue lapping over me. I tighten my hold on his hair keeping him in place while my hips buck up to meet his mouth. His hands wrap around my hips to keep me in place not moving until he lifts his eyes to meet with mine, glistening evidence of me on his lips.

"Do whatever you want to me." I beg him. He crawls himself over me, hand wrapping through my hair. We take a breather, eyes locking. I take in his sweaty scent. All male, "Make love to me." I taste a slick of sweat those drips onto my lip. He brings himself down to take my mouth against his. The salty taste of me fills my tastebuds only turning me on more. I've never felt so pleasured, focused on, anything during such intimate moments. This is my pure addiction.

He takes his time placing himself between my legs. Theo gives me one last look, a smile covering my face, finally.I take in a breath when he slips in. My heart drops, the bond sizzling between us. He takes me slowly at first, gentle waves slapping against the beach. Theo watches my faces of delicious pleasure while he makes love to me. I scratch down his back, hooking my legs around him to keep him close. That encourages him to pick up pace sending me into another plane. His orgasm comes first, mine following soon after. I try to make words of reason, but nothing comes out. He keeps himself held above me; my legs stay around. The green has returned to his eyes, but the gold hasn't fully left, "Being with you, Eos Dextral, is like achieving nirvana." And that wasn't our only intimate moment in the evening. We'd lit a match under our skins that wasn't so easily put out.


"Wait bacon or sausage?" I giggle at him while he sits on my tiny barstool. Our eyes have bags under them from lack of sleep, but neither of us find any problem to it. It wasn't till early this morning that we were able to cuddle enough to find the security of night. Theo tilts his head to the side pondering.

"I'm feeling sausage this morning."

"Good pick." I prep the oven taking the time to put the bacon away. My phone goes off with a call from Slate that I pick up before I start messing with meats, "Hey Slate!"

"You sound rather cheery..."

"Theo made it yesterday." I hold the phone out, Theo gives an awkward wave to the phone then follows with a verbal hello, "See!"

"I can hear it. Very... human and happy sounding Theo."

"So... What's the reason for the call?" I mumble. Slate seems to be laughing on the other end. Sydney's squealing and can be heard clapping loudly in the background. If I had any guess, they've assumed what happened between Theo and me.

"Just checking in. Wanted to make sure that Theo wasn't a bear forever leaving the entire fortune to you... speaking of Theo and all that, how are you two?"

I put the phone on speaker sliding it over to Theo. He holds the phone between his fingers watching me while I prep the sausages. Thankfully, he understands to take over the call and starts speaking to his village friend, "We're great, thanks for asking."

Syd calls from her side of the phone, another squeal following, "Potential to be an aunt right?!"

With me still on birth control, the chance is slim. When Theo reiterates that the chances are low, she seems deflated, but then realizes what he truly said. We've accepted each other. We're mated. The sparks that snap over our skin, the electric pull, and everything else that draws me towards him has increased tenfold. If I wasn't cooking and Slate hadn't called, I would jump him from this side of the table, "Oh Theo! Eos! Congratulations. We knew you two would work it out."

"He owes me a garage door, however." I mumble, but their good hearing picks up on it. I drop the frozen meats on the skillet prepping the oven at the same time.

"The snow clearance should come by tomorrow. Will you two be returning home soon after?" Slate interjects the gushes from Syd. I hear the small wail of a baby in the background, and she dismisses herself. The subtle curse from Slate isn't missed, and I laugh at their crazy household. Theo gives me a look. I catch his eyes and the unsaid question. He's letting me decide whether we go home immediately, or if we wait.

"I'd like to show Theo around Whittier and have him meet my friend; would you be able to handle the company for a few more days?"

Slate releases a happy roar, "Of course! You two have fun. I'll send over all you'll need to fly home. Bear back isn't the most comfortable for twenty-four hours of running." The call goes dead quickly after leaving Theo and I in a sizzling silence. The only noise that interrupts the blanket of unsaid warmth is the cracking of the sausage patties.

"What is something you regret?" Theo rolls his cup in circles on the countertop. His large build takes up more of the kitchen than expected, and the cricking of the stool every time he moves is a reminder of the sheer mass that is Theo King.

"Regret? I suppose that's an easy answer..." I take the time to flip each patty. Then, with a slow and precise movement grab the meat thermometer that I have on the side of the fridge. Dropping the thermometer next to the stove, I grab the tray of frozen pancakes sliding them into the pre-heated oven. I have yet to master the pancake art and tend to find myself in a wild level of smoke and burnt cakes. It's embarrassing to think about how many times I've taken a broom to the fire alarm because of it, "If I could go back to late undergraduate me, early masters... I would scream at her to run. I was lonely and didn't realize all the red flags that were right in front of my face. Even without that, it was wrong of me to tempt a professor in such ways."

"I regret not noticing it sooner." He scoffs, "I should've run after you the day we first met. Should've investigated it just a tad more. It's my biggest regret. Smelling the blood that lined the backs of your legs from just meeting me, I almost tore down that art gallery. And I want to apologize to you, Eos. For failing you."

I wrap my hand around his. His hand is three times the size of mine and I barely cover the top, but the thought counts, "You, Theo King, never failed me. I failed myself. I should've found the strength to leave sooner, but you, you listened when I asked for help. That isn't failure Theo, if anything, you gave me hope. Stop beating yourself up, okay? Or I'll force you to meet my therapist."

"May I ask how that's going?" He leans in smelling the sausage. I push the tip of the thermometer into the middle of each piece. It still needs a few more minutes before it'll be at a safe temperature. How is it going?

"You're welcome to ask anything you would like, Theo. I can't guarantee I'll answer it, but you're free to ask. For therapy... It's going well. The panther allows me to speak on all things. It's nice to have the freedom to really let it all out and not be hindered by the human limitations of it all. They've helped me realize my worth and how I am still valuable even with my scarring. The best thing I've gotten out of it is coping mechanisms. They know the protectiveness of the bears, and how angry one can get threatened, so they worked with me on how to distinguish it from my PTSD."

Theo ponders my answers. I let him take his time while I work through the rest of breakfast. From the clock on the counter, however, this has led to become more of a lunch, "I'm proud of you, Eos. You're an extraordinary person, one that I could never hold a candle too." He steps away from the stool and approaches me. I hold my breath to keep his addicting scent from penetrating my nose, however Theo has other plans. He wraps his hand through my hair, the other gripping my waist. I feel the tug as I'm pulled into him, our eyes meeting, "Eos. Just the sight of you..." We're lucky we remembered to turn off the heat to the food.


"May I bathe you?" We lay on the living room floor, both completely naked. This frenzy isn't a joke. We try to do something rather normal, and moments in we're dragging each other away for another taste. I've never felt so beautiful. Each and every time he showers me with compliments, treats me like I'm perfection... it's so refreshing. It's a side to Theo I hadn't expected. He's more rugged, more male than most men I've met, and I expected our interactions in the bedroom to be the same. I'm constantly surprised by him. When I brought it up the night before, he blew it off: I want you to feel valued, cherished, right now. I come later.

"Bathe me?" I turn my exhausted head to look at him. His eyes are solid green, the bear tamed for now. The frenzy should die down after a week or so, but the need to be with one another will never leave us. It's mind boggling how mates never get tired of one another, never bore themselves when they're together for hundreds of years. Hundreds. Theo and I have centuries together to love and grow. And what is three years of horrors compared to hundreds of loves and care?

"Bears like to provide and care for their mates. Just as we are generally the cooks for the household, we enjoy cleaning our mates. I know it's weird..."

"No, I'd like that. But you might have to carry me. I'm practically jelly." I joke about to push myself upwards. Before I can, Theo has his arms hooked under my shoulders and knees gladly carrying me to the bathroom. I'm giggling at his large grin. He seems more than happy to carry me, almost like a child in a candy shop that gets to hold a bundle of his favorite sweet, "Theo!"

"I enjoy this. Let me live, flower." He snorts gently setting me down on the toilet. I get his uncovered backside while he works with the temperatures of the water. Now, after much conversation he knows I like my water steaming hot. I'm a little overwhelmed with how many things he's asked me. Any moment he can he's asking me something else, my favorite movies, favorite style, favorite store, least favorite animal... The list goes on, "Here, can you get into the tub?"

"I can, thank you." He looks deflated at my response. He's like a puppy sometimes.

I test the water with the tip of my toes before I drop my body into the tub. Theo takes his time to gather all my soaps and hair things setting them to the side. He studies each bottle and its directions making sure to ask all the questions. I laugh at his concentration, and his dedication to getting it right. None of my stuff is beyond nice, but Slate made sure to convince me to splurge on myself and get things that would be good for my hair. I think Syd was really behind that conversation, but either way it was appreciated. He starts with a nice massage over my back and shoulders. I lean forward for him while he works the soaps into my skin. The way his thumbs feel is extraordinary and something I would be willing to beg for later in life. Once he's satisfied with my lathered back, he works his way to my feet taking his time to give me the best foot massage of my life. A moan slips past my lips, and the flash of gold that greets me is a warning, "Sorry, you have amazing... hands." Blithering idiot, what kind of words were those?

"Never apologize for enjoying something, Eos. My job as your lover is to bring you pleasure. It's a compliment."

"Then I demand you keep going." I shake my foot for emphasis. He grabs the lifted foot kissing the inside ankle while rubbing his hand over my heel.

"Anything you desire, my love." This must be a dream.

"I love you, Theo." I mumble through his comforting touch. He works to rinse off all the soap then move to my hair. He chuckles at my relaxed face but follows with a nod of agreement.

"I love you more, my flower. Now lean up, I need to wash your hair."

The bath goes back slowly. He works his hands through my hair in the proper steps of each thing I use. It wasn't until my face is flushed from the steam and my skin is bright red that he calls me clean. With his help, I'm helped up to stand and a scratchy white towel is wrapped around me. I'm not a big fan of fluffy towels, I never feel dry and don't enjoy the feeling of the slick water running down my body. He steps back to let me dry myself off. When I've found myself non-dripping onto the nice floors, we both work our way to the bedroom. Once he's watched me change – a rolling of my eyes included – he leaves to take his shower. I sneak down to the kitchen to grab the oatmeal raisin cookie dough in the freezer while the shower is running down the hallway.

He's taken such good care of me, the least I can do is make some cookies. The oven warms quickly, and I throw them in after separating them the proper distance. My phone becomes the perfect distraction while I'm waiting for the cookies to rise and bake, but the vibration of Theo's phone on the counter draws my attention. Slate's name comes across the screen. No, Eos. You are respectful. No need to read their messages.

Another message comes in, this time an image. A ring. I toss the phone into the living room watching it bounce off the couch and then land horribly on the floor. Nothing broken, but no grace about it either. Ignore. The ring wasn't unfamiliar, it was the ring that Carter gave me when he proposed and somehow, a bloodied version of the same ring is now displayed across Theo's lock screen. The cookies ding that they've finished. I work my way around the counter and lift them onto the stove top. A plate sits next to the stop that I lay the cookies out on to cool. The smell is heavenly through the home, but not enough to distract from the gory scene that plays out in my head over the ring. I had left it in my drawer at the college when Slate found me. Theo mentioned that they recovered most of what was in my office and brought it to Canada, however he never mentioned the ring nor any of the equipment that Carter used to control me while I was at work.

Did he go in and remove any trace of himself? Why is the ring covered in blood? What else has happened since I left? My mind is a confusing ball of thoughts only brought to attention when Theo himself enters the kitchen. He has a large smile that drops as soon as he sees the pure fear written over my face. My hands wrap around the purple, ceramic plate covered in good smelling cookies and slide it across the bar to him, "As thanks."

"Eos? What happened?" He looks around the room, eyes landing on the phone sitting in the middle of the living room floor. Theo makes no move towards its instead coming to wrap my hands in his and turn my chin up to look at him, "Talk to me, love. I'm here. Whatever you saw, I am happy to explain it."

"My ring, or Carter's ring... it was..." I pull away and cover my mouth to fight off the vomit that builds in the back of my throat. Theo gives me a moment to get my words out standing right where I left him. It seems while I've been gone, he's been doing his own research on how to handle someone unstable, "Blood. Theo. Blood."

"Would you like to sit down? This is going to be a lot for you, and I want you to be in a place that you can handle it." He grabs a chair with a back moving it to my side of the bar, "And I'll stay on this side, so you have space to breathe." I listen to him dropping into the seat. As promised, he moves away so I don't hyperventilate with his closeness. A smart move, one that deserves more cookies and maybe a hug once I've calmed down. Physical touch right now is not something I could handle. Theo seems a little upset to see me so reserved, dropping back into the shell of myself, but it's far less than what I used to do and that appears to be a good sign for him.

"Okay. I'm ready. And please, tell me everything." The bubble of bliss that we were in seems to have popped. I wasn't ready to face the real world, the problems that plague me and now these wonderful villagers that I've grown very protective of.

"After you left the wolves heard of your departure. They attempted to locate you, but Slate was the only one who had your location and refused to tell anyone else. I knew you were in Alaska, however that's almost useless in a blizzard that removes all scent. A wolf tried to sneak into our village, and we were able to apprehend him. He truly believed that you were the Alpha's mate. Apparently, Carter Rick has been lying too more than just himself. As you know, the beta found you and helped Carter gain your trust, but now the entire pack is bent on getting you back."

"None of them knew I was a fake mate?"

"It would appear not. It was a tightly kept secret to protect the pack dynamic. After the death of Sabrina, many wolves challenged him. He killed them all and the people that knew, all except his beta. All young and new wolves understood you as his mate, and that you were well protected because of your human status. None of them knew of the abuse, and it wasn't until we apprehended a young wolf trying to prove himself that we were able to show him the truth. The wolf was surprised to say the least, however, he's still loyal to his Alpha. While you were gone the tunnels – something I'll explain in a moment – have been infiltrated by the wolves. Our villagers have volunteered to protect our sector; however, they are getting violent and trying to take us out in small groups. None have been successful. Bears one on one with a wolf are strong, it takes a group to win normally."

"What does this have to do with my ring? And the tunnels?"

"It would be easier to explain the tunnels first. Long ago after the witches released their hold on the wares, tunnels were built for underground travel for all magic beings. It allowed for trade, assistance, and shifters to get to another place quickly without the hinderance of running into humans. These tunnels became a major hub for shifter-on-shifter war leading to the sector division. The dragons being based in Europe don't have any say, but the three types in Northern America have claimed pieces of the tunnels as their own. They are no longer in use, but one day might be helpful if things get out of hand." He takes a deep breath. My eyes are wide, heart racing. The volumes never spoke of this, or at least a book that I've read thus far. A complete underground network primarily for the use of wares to travel and trade freely? How much of the world has been controlled by these people? How much more is there that I don't know about? How oblivious are humans? He runs a hand through his wet hair, "Carter has taken to a more drastic way of handling the situation."

"No? Carter Rick?" The sarcasm drips from my tongue. Theo seems appreciative of the insert laughing at the way my face drops with my 'unexpected' response.

"When we cleared out your office, he had already raided most of it and removed things that incriminated him. We didn't know there was a ring, but we did find traces of technology that you would see in a prison," The tattoos on his skin ripple, some drawing over his skin. The bear is angry, but not at me, "He's using things that were once yours, targeting girls that have something like you, killing them, and dropping their mangled bodies on the edge of the village. This ring was found on a girl that had black hair; her entire hand shattered."

I don't make it to the sink, the puke drops into the trashcan, Theo running over to grab my hair. He lets me heave it out. I haven't eaten much so most of it is a painful dry heave that crunches my chest into a sharp pain. Once I'm done, he runs off to grab a toothbrush and paste. I hover over the sink and clean my mouth multiple times before feeling clean enough to sit back into the seat, "I'm sorry."

"No, love. Don't apologize. It's hard to hear. Now, please eat this. You need something on your stomach if you continue to puke. It'll hurt less." He holds out a cookie, then another. I grab the warm delicacies and slowly munch on them. He holds for my nod to continue and listens to my original request to not leave anything out, "We've had three girls so far. Each having an attribute of you, but none looking anywhere close to your features. He's lost it, the wolf using these girls to stay sane enough to maintain being human. From our research, the wolf has attached to you as though you're his mate leading to this horrid display to get you back instead of finding another replacement. The wolves are working towards something, and we don't know what, but Feltner, Slate, and I are working to figure it out. The villagers are also working to protect our lands."

The guilt eats at my gut. How can I be happy when I brought something so horrible to the hands of these wonderful people? What person deserves love and peace when they harm those they love? I lower my hands dropping them on my thighs to look at my open palms. The blood of those girls is on my hands. I'm the reason they died. I should've...

"Eos. Look at me." I don't. And for the first time since I've met him, the bear takes control, "Look at me, now. Eos."

I snap my head up. His demand felt different than Carters all those months ago. His felt pained, and worried as if he was demanding it for the safety of myself and not for a controlling pattern. You can tell the difference, Eos, "I'm looking."

"None of this is your fault. You're the victim. Those girls the same. You are innocent and deserving of all things good. Do not let this eat at your beautiful soul, my flower. We will get vengeance for those girls and make sure it never happens again."

Tears brim my eyes, one slipping down to my chin. His thumb lifts to rub it off before it can drip onto my shirt, "Why are you so nice to me? Why do you tell me such beautiful things?"

"Because Eos. If you're going to help me fight this, I need you to know how strong you really are." And I truly felt it. That strength. He's right, those girls deserve their lives to be fought for, the reason of their death to be eliminated. I give him a single nod, then smirk. He follows, "But we have time before they strike, and for the safety of the bears we need to use all the time we can to prepare. We have a ball in Europe next week we will be attending to speak with the panthers and dragons a little more."

The head whip I mentally went through is comical, "A ball?"

"Only one of the most decorated and horrifically bejeweled one's you ever been to. The wolves aren't invited. It's a safe space to speak strategy and recruit our help."

"I don't have a dress or anything!"

"The least of your worries, love. Now that I've had you, you should be worried for the males that lay their eyes upon you."





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