Troublemaker | Station 19

By goonerscribblesox

358K 8.5K 1.8K

When the arrival of the youngest member of the Bishop family, Maddie, turns up at the station, skeletons come... More

{Cast & Characters}
1. Arrival at 19
2. Home sweet home
3. Exhaustion
4. Sour Mood
5. Escape Act
6. Grounded
7. Staying At The Houseboat
8. Risking It
9. Hero
10. PTSD
11. Oh Mother Dearest
12. Sick Day
13. Reunited
14. The World As We Know It Now
15. Our Fallen Hero
16. Tiger on the loose
17. Moving In
18. Bringing Up The Past
19. Probie Sullivan!
20. Victims
21. Wrongful Arrest
22. The Aftermath!
23. The Chase Is On
24. It's Too Early To Say Goodbye
25. Too Soft
26. Memorial Service
27. Unwanted Guest
28. Pushing Her Luck
29. Uncle Mason
30. Back To Italy
31. Hospital Trip
32. Confessions
33. Recovery Begins
34. Date Night
35. Unforgivable Actions
36. Unfamiliar Face
37. Anxiety
38. Leaving For Italy
39. Late Night Fears
40. Confrontation
41. Mood Swings
42. Reconnected
43. Teenage Trouble
44. It's Wedding Day!
45. Fallout Of Events
46. Happiness Doesn't Last Long
47. Turmoil
48. Awaiting News
49. Other Side
50. Awake
51. Nobody Likes Hospitals
52. Welcome To The Family
53. Wrapped Up In Cotton Wool
54. Recovery
55. Surprise Visitors
56. Show Some Respect
57. Back To School
58. Violence Doesn't Get You Anywhere
59. Birthday Wish
60. Who Doesn't Like Fireworks?
61. Rise From The Ashes
62. Celebrate!
63. Celebrate! pt.2
64. Fear
65. Truth Comes out
66. Seattle Heatwave
67. Maybe One Day
68. Are We Ready To Try This Again?
69. The Beginning Of A Downward Spiral
70. Sneaking Out, Again!
72. The Calm Before The Storm
73. Devastation
74. Grief Stricken
75. Depression
76. Late Night Hospital Visit
77. Therapy
78. Feelings
79. As The Bells Ring, Blood Is Shed
80. Diagnosis
81. The Truth Hurts
82. Homophobic Slurs
83. Burnt Turkey
84. Accept That Its Over!
85. Actions!
86. Deep Trouble...
87. Rose Petals And Champagne, All Around!
88. Realisation
89. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner!
90. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, Well Kinda!
Book 2 Update!

71. Testing The Limits!

2.1K 79 21
By goonerscribblesox

"Rise and shine, kiddo. Up and at em," Maya pulled at Maddie's duvet cover where her daughter was still fast asleep, sleeping off an unsurprisingly awful hangover.

Maddie stirred from her sleep, automatically bringing her hand up to her head and wincing in pain, "Ugh, my head," she whined as she attempted to keep her duvet cover over the warmth of her body.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you sneak out and drink at a party," Maya made a snide comment as she continued to pull away at her daughter's duvet. "Come on, get up," she told her firmly.

"What time is it?" Maddie asked as she winced at the pain in her head again.

"It's time for you to get up," Maya told her in a tone of voice that meant business, she wasn't in the mood for her daughters' antics this morning but she made a promise to Carina that she would keep her cool and that's exactly what she planned to do. She wouldn't break a promise to her wife.

"Why?" Maddie groaned as she continued to lie in bed. It was only at that moment that she noticed that her door had been removed. "And where's my door? Seriously mom, did you take it off?" she questioned.

"You," Maya pointed her finger in the direction of her daughter. "Are in no position to argue with me right now, so I suggest that you lose the attitude and get your ass out of bed right now!" she ordered firmly. Even after last night, her daughter still continued to push her buttons.

"I don't want to. I feel horrible," Maddie complained from under the warmth of her duvet.

Maya shook her head in disbelief and ripped the duvet away from her completely, "I'm sorry but what part of that made it seem like I was giving you a choice? Get up right now!" she ordered, not in any sort of mood to play games.

"Ugh!" Maddie groaned and threw her head back onto her pillow as Maya walked out of the room.

"Here Bella, I made you coffee," Carina passed the steaming mug of caffeine to her wife and smiled. "I think we're going to need it," she added with a thoughtful smile.

"Thanks, honey. I agree with you on that one," Maya spoke, leaning forward and planting a kiss on her wife's lips before she moved to sit on the couch beside Andy who herself had her hands wrapped around a mug of coffee as well. "I thought things were difficult when she was younger but god, teenagers are worse," she grumbled.

"Is she awake?" Andy asked as she glanced at her best friend.

Maya swallowed the coffee and nodded slightly before she spoke, "Yeah, she is now that I've had to practically pry her out of bed first," she explained as she looked at her wife. "Don't worry, I kept my temper in check the whole time, sort of at least," she told her.

"I'm proud of you, Bella," Carina said while she smiled at her wife as they overheard footsteps to the bathroom and then the sound of throwing up. "Sounds like the Bambina is up now," she noted.

"Yeah and it sounds like she's off to a rough start already," Andy commented as she sighed and stood up. "I'll go and see if she is okay," she said as she started to walk to the bathroom.

"Thanks, Andy," Maya told her best friend and gave her an appreciative smile. "I think I have the perfect idea for punishment," she looked at her wife with a small smirk.

Carina looked at her wife curiously, "Oh, you do? I'm afraid to ask what your idea is," she stated.

"I think that it would be a good idea for my daughter and me to go out on a run around the block. The fresh air will help with the hangover as well," Maya explained to her wife who looked at her cautiously. "She hates running. It's the perfect punishment," she added.

Carina instantly frowned at her wife's idea, "Maya, that doesn't sound like a good idea at all," she said.

"Just trust me with this one, Car! There's nothing better than sweating it out," Maya couldn't help but smirk slightly behind her coffee mug.

"Don't go too harsh on her, Maya!" Carina warned her wife firmly.

"I won't do that Carina but she needs to learn a lesson for what she has done and maybe suffer a little bit. Her behaviour is getting out of control and it's only going to get worse if we let it continue," Maya told her wife as they continued to hear their daughter be sick in the toilet.

"I mean it, Maya! Don't go too hard on her, I know what you're like and remember to take her inhaler as well," Carina told her wife as she shook her head. "Remember that Maya," she added.

"Easy there Mija," Andy placed her hand on the teenagers' back as Maddie continued to throw her guts up into the toilet.

"T–Tia? You're still here," Maddie stuttered out confused, turning away briefly from the toilet before she started to be sick again.

"Yeah, it was late last night so I spent the night on the couch," Andy explained as she rubbed the girls' back and smiled sympathetically as Maddie continued to wretch in the toilet. "Alright, alright, just let it all out. You'll feel better soon," she told her.

Once she finished throwing up, Maddie whimpered as she felt truly awful, "I'm in so much trouble," she spoke out worriedly as the realization settled in. "God, I feel so horrible, Tia. My head really hurts!" she continued to say.

Andy couldn't help but chuckle as she moved to the sink to pour a glass of water, "That's what a hangover is Mija," she said as she walked back to the teenager and handed it to her. "Take small sips," she told her.

The blonde teenager nodded reluctantly from where she sat with her back against the bathroom wall as she sipped on the water, "Yeah, well this hangover really sucks," she confessed.

"Maybe you'll remember this for the next time you want to go out and party, huh?" Andy couldn't help but tease the girl. "And when you're better, you can tell me all about the boy that seemed so keen on you," she added.

"That was Aaron, he's cool," Maddie couldn't help but smile slightly when she remembered what happened last night briefly, "I regret my decision to drink last night," she said while she winced in pain.

"I know and I imagine that it won't be the last time that you say this though," Andy said as she grinned.

"I'm in so much trouble with both of my moms," Maddie said as she inwardly groaned.

Andy patted her shoulder reassuringly, "You're a teenager and that's what you do, you make mistakes but you'll still be forgiven, sure you might be grounded for a while but then it'll be a clean slate," she told her.

"You seem so sure about it all," Maddie couldn't help but make a sarcastic comment.

"I have my own fair share of experience," Andy told the teenager honestly. "Trust me, Mija, I have dealt with enough hangovers when I was your age and I used to do all kinds of dumb stuff that would drive my Papi crazy but he always forgave me and loved me. That's what parents do, you make the mistakes and you pay the consequences but you'll always be forgiven," she explained to the teenage girl. "So, are you ready to face the music?" she asked.

"Ready as I will ever be," Maddie said as she sighed and stood up with the help of Andy.

"Come on then, lets' go sit in the lounge. I think both of your moms' are going to want to talk to you about this," Andy told her and led her out of the bathroom.

"I'm so totally grounded," Maddie mumbled quietly.

Andy couldn't help but chuckle and nod in agreement, "Yes but it won't be forever, Mija," she said as she squeezed her shoulder reassuringly as they walked into the lounge.

Carina looked at her daughter and sighed when she saw horrific she looked, "Come and sit down, Bambina," she said as she motioned for the blonde teenager to sit on the couch.

Maddie looked at both Maya and Carina with great guilt, "Mama, Mom... I'm sorry for what happened last night," she immediately began to apologise for her behaviour as she sat down on the couch.

Maya barely said anything at all as Carina rushed around the kitchen without any hesitation to grab tablets and more water for her daughter.

"Here you go," Carina handed over said tablets and a bottle of water to the blonde teen. "You'll start to feel better once you've taken them," she tried to reassure her fourteen-year-old.

Maddie nodded as she unscrewed the cap on the bottle of water, popping a few tablets in her mouth and chasing them down with the water, "Thanks mama," she said thankfully as she glanced at Maya who was still yet to say anything further. "Mom, please, say something? I'm sorry for what I did," she said sorrowfully.

Maya looked at her daughter and sighed, "I am disappointed, Maddie. We've been through this before when you snuck out. Why would you do it?" she asked.

"Ella told me about a party and I just wanted to go and have fun," Maddie began to explain. Maya sighed and shook her head, she knew that Ella was somewhat of a bad influence on her daughter "You know, the last week has been pretty shit–" she was cut off by the older blonde.

"Watch your language," Maya warned her daughter.

Maddie resisted the urge to roll her eyes, "I knew that if I had asked either of you then you both would have said no so I just snuck out," she continued to explain.

"And that is the reason why you picked a fight with me at dinner? So you could just lock yourself in your room and sneak out without me even realising," Maya said in realization.

"Yeah," Maddie said as she nodded in agreement. "I blocked my bedroom door off to stop you from coming in, but I didn't think you'd have taken my door off," she complained. "So what? Just ground me or whatever and let's get this over with," she mumbled.

Andy couldn't help but blink in disbelief herself, where was the girl that was remorseful only minutes ago in the bathroom? This was completely a different side of the teenager who was digging herself an even bigger hole.

Maya looked at her daughter in disbelief, "Are you even truly sorry for what you even did?" she asked her daughter.

Maddie shrugged her shoulders carelessly, "Eh, I guess. It was worth getting into trouble, it was a good party and I met some cool people," she told them.

"Unbelievable," Maya muttered aloud as she threw her hands up in defeat and looked at her wife so she would keep calm. "Yeah, well those friends? You won't be seeing them for quite some time," she told her firmly.

"Maya, just go and take a few moments to calm down," Carina stepped in to look at her wife who looked frazzled as hell as Maya reluctantly walked away.

"I'll go keep her company," Andy said as she stood up and followed in the direction that Maya went.

"Thanks, Andy," Carina said as she smiled gratefully, she knew how quick-tempered her wife was and she couldn't be in two places at once right now.

"Can I go to my room now? I just want to sleep off this headache," Maddie mumbled as she brought her hand to her head. "If I'm grounded then just tell me and don't keep me in the dark," she added.

Carina looked at her young daughter completely taken aback by her behaviour, "Stop with the behaviour, Maddie before you get into more trouble!" she told her sternly. "Look, I know that you're upset but this behaviour needs to stop now. You can't be sneaking out and going to parties, you had all of us worried, both I and your Tia were out looking for you and the state you got in, that's not like you at all, Bambina," she said upset with her daughter.

"I thought I would try something different," Maddie stated as she looked bored of the conversation. "Alright, I'm sorry and whatever. Can I please just go back to my room now?" she pleaded.

"No," Carina shook her head in disagreement and tried to keep her own rath in control. "You're not getting off that easy and just going back to sleep. You're going to deal with the consequences of your behaviour and you start by apologising to your mom,"

"I've already told her that I am sorry," Maddie said as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Carina blinked back the anger she felt, "I mean a proper apology, Madison!" she practically barked at her daughter. "Do you know how worried she was last night? She thought she had upset you, so imagine her total shock when she found out you weren't even in your bedroom and then she felt terrible that you had run away for the night," she explained.

"Alright, whatever, I'll apologise to Mom," Maddie said as she looked down at her sock-clad feet.

"Do you even care that you had her worried? You had us both worried, Bambina!" Carina stated in disbelief. This was certainly a whole new attitude that had come to light.

Maya walked back into the room with Andy following behind her looking calmer than she was before, "Today's your lucky day, Maddie. Get dressed because we're going for a run," she stated.

"What?" Maddie looked at her mom in shock.

"You heard me. Go and get dressed," Maya repeated her words bluntly as she stood with her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face. "I'm not going to ask you again!" she told her.

"I can't run mom, my head hurts so much and if I run then I am going to hurl!" Maddie complained. Carina couldn't help but note that the new 'I don't care' attitude had briefly disappeared as Maddie looked slightly worried. "Please, don't make me do this," she added quietly.

"I'm not going to ask again," Maya told her firmly. Maddie looked at Carina with pleading eyes.

"Just do as you are told please, Bambina," Carina said to the blonde teenager who looked upset and sulked off to her bedroom and the brunette looked at her wife.

"Damn, Maya, try to not go too hard on the kid," Andy warned jokingly as she looked at her blonde best friend.

"I am going to try and keep my cool," Maya agreed as she looked at her wife who looked defeated. "I take it that the conversation didn't go that well. I don't know what's up with her newfound attitude but I don't like this at all," she muttered.

"No, no luck at all," Carina said as she shook her head in disagreement. "I tried to talk to her and it was like talking to a blank wall," she told her wife and her brunette best friend.

"Her behaviour is different compared to in the bathroom," Andy noted as she sighed in agreement. "Didn't realise that teenagers are pretty difficult," she added. "You think it has something to do with Sarah?" she asked.

"We don't know, she hasn't mentioned anything about her if it does," Maya said unsure about the situation. "All we know is that she has started to hang around with Ella again, and now she has created a few more friends from this party that she attended. Maybe this is something to do with me working more, maybe she wants to spend more time with me? I can't help but question all of this behaviour right now," she said as she shook her head. "It seems like everything that I do seems to end up disastrous," she said as she sighed.

"Whatever this behaviour is hopefully it frazzles out soon," Andy interjected somewhat hopeful that her niece's newfound attitude would be brief.

"Yeah, for god sake, I hope so!" Maya said as she threw her hands up in surrender. "I suppose I should be relieved that she hasn't gotten herself suspended from school again, or it could be worse, expelled," she muttered as she shook her head.

"Well, I suppose that is a good thing that neither of that has happened yet," Carina agreed with her wife.

"I'm ready to go," Maddie mumbled as she walked out into the lounge dressed in a pair of grey cycle shorts and an oversized white top with her hair up in a bun, a pair of white high-top converses on her feet.

Maya nodded and stood up as she looked at her daughter, "Let's go then kiddo," she said as she turned to her wife and kissed her on the lips. "We'll be back in a bit," she told her.

"Remember what I said, Maya! Don't go too hard on her," Carina reminded her wife as she watched her wife and daughter walk out of the front door and then she glanced at Andy worriedly.

"She'll be alright. Soon enough she'll snap out of her teenage behaviour and be her normal self," Andy told the Italian woman with a reassuring smile.

"Can we stop? I can't run anymore!" Maddie protested as the more she ran, the increase there was that she wanted to throw up.

"No, come on kiddo," Maya encouraged as she ran beside her and kept up with her daughter. "We're not going that fast," she added.

Maddie stopped running and felt slightly out of breath, "Seriously Mom, I can't run anymore. I'm going to puke!" she exclaimed as she shook her head in disagreement. "I–I can't do it anymore!" she told her.

"Maddie, you're doing fine. The fresh air will help you and you'll feel better soon," Maya kept on encouraging her daughter to continue to run. "Come on kiddo, keep on running!" she stated.

"No, Mom, I can't!" Maddie exclaimed as she refused to run any further. "Look, I know that you are angry at me and I'm sorry. Sneaking out to the party was stupid for me to do and I am really sorry, I won't do it again!" she pleaded.

"I don't want to hear your excuses, Maddie! Come on, pick up the pace and start running again," Maya told her daughter firmly, she was angry at the behaviour and she just needed to run to keep her cool regardless.

"Mom, please, don't make me run anymore, I can't!" Maddie protested as she was quick to lean over to the side and throw her guts up.

"Shit," Maya mentally cursed as she saw her daughter throw up and she knew that she had really taken it too far. "Okay, come on, you're alright," she said as she walked over to her daughter and held her hair back to stop any sick from getting in there.

"I'm sorry mom," Maddie whimpered as she wiped her mouth with her hand. "I really am sorry for how I spoke to you and what I did," she added.

"Come on, let's head back home," Maya said as she sighed and helped her daughter stand up. "We'll walk, we'll take it slow," she told her reassuringly as she realized Maddie was finding it difficult to breathe. "Mads, where's your inhaler, kiddo?" she questioned.

"I–I don't know," Maddie said as she panted out of breath.

"Shit," Maya dug around in her own pockets and began to panic when she realized that she forgot to bring it. "I forgot your inhaler. Your mama's going to kill me," she said frantically with worry.

Having no other choice but to try and calm her daughter down, she looped her arm around her daughter's shoulder and started a slow walk back to the apartment.

"We'll walk slow. You'll be okay," Maya said as she walked with Maddie as she kept an eye on her daughter's welfare in case her health took a turn for the worse.

"You're back sooner than expected," Andy pointed out as she watched the two blondes walk back through the front door of the apartment.

"Yeah, Maddie wasn't feeling too great so we came back home," Maya looked at her wife guiltily.

"Bambina, are you okay?" Carina rushed over to Maddie who looked incredibly pale.

"M-My chest hurts," Maddie complained as she held her hand over her chest and tried to take deep breaths.

"Bambina, where's your inhaler?" Carina's eyes widened in panic at the realization of an asthma attack.

"I–I don't know wh–where it is," Maddie stuttered her words out as she kept her hand on her chest.

Andy sprung up from the couch and ran around to try and find the teenagers' inhaler, "Where is it?" she called aloud.

"Check in the kitchen drawers with the rest of the medical supplies," Carina glanced over at Andy who was in the kitchen and then back at her wife. "Maya, go and help find her inhaler. Check her bedroom!" she told her blonde wife.

Maya was quick to agree and ran into her daughters' bedroom to find the inhaler. Opening the drawers and rummaging around, she wasn't able to find the inhaler but she did come across a few vape pens and a single lighter in one of her drawers which wouldn't help her with her asthma at all.

"Found the inhaler!" Andy called out from the kitchen.

"What is this girl playing at?" Maya thought to herself as she took them out of the drawer and shoved them in her pockets and walked back out to the lounge, this would be a conversation for another time when things had calmed down.

Carina sat with Maddie on the couch as she held the inhaler to her face to help Maddie get her breath back, "That's it, Bambina. You'll feel better soon," she said as she looked at her wife disapprovingly. "Maya, I told you to not go too hard on her! She could barely even breathe!" she said upset with her wife.

"I know, I lost control and didn't realize. I forgot to take her inhaler out with us," Maya said regretfully as she looked at her wife who just shook her head in disagreement.

"This is not what I meant when I said to go easy," Carina said in disbelief at her wife and then guided her daughter back into her bedroom to lie down and take it easy. "We'll talk when I am back," she said.

"Oooh, you're definitely sleeping on the couch tonight," Andy teased her best friend from where she stood.

Maya rolled her eyes at her best friend, "Yeah, don't I know it," she mumbled as she shook her head. She really had fucked up, she was in the shit now.

"Is she okay?" Maya peered up to see her wife walking into the lounge.

"Yeah, she is just lying down," Carina told the blonde as she sat on the couch beside her wife. "Has Andy gone?" she wondered.

"Yeah, something about meeting up with Gibson for coffee or something, I don't know," Maya explained as she shrugged her shoulders slightly.

"Right," Carina nodded slightly and looked at her wife and sighed. "Maya, what an earth were you thinking?" she questioned.

Maya exhaled a loud sigh, "Carina, you know how I get when I run... I didn't mean to push her so hard though,"  she said as she groaned. "There's some other stuff that we have to talk about though," she added.

"Oh, like what?" Carina asked as she furrowed her eyebrow.

Maya didn't say anything else as she pulled the vapes and lighter out of her pocket, "I found this in her chest of drawers," she told her.

"Oh Dios Mio, why would she even keep this stuff?" Carina exclaimed confused, since when did her daughter take up these habits?

"I don't know, Car but I am starting to think there's a lot of things that we don't know about our daughter right now," Maya told her wife her honest feelings as she scratched the back of her neck slightly. "What the hell are we supposed to do now, eh?" she asked.

"We need to confront her about the vapes and the lighter," Carina said as she picked up the items in her hand. "Let's go and talk to her now," she said.

Inside her bedroom, Maya lay on her bed as she stared up at the ceiling above her and she couldn't help but think about Sarah when her phone vibrated from her side of her, it was on her bedside table so she took advantage of keeping it for the time being until she had it taken.

Leaning over to pick her phone up off the table, she smiled as she started to read the text message.

Hey, Mads! It's Aaron, I wasn't sure if you'd managed to save my number yet. How are you feelin' today? Hope the hangover's not too rough at least. We should hang out sometime when you're free, party animal! - 13: 02 pm

Maddie instantly grinned when she realised who it was that had texted her as she texted back a quick response to Aaron's message.

"Bambina, we need to talk," Carina appeared in the doorway of the girls' bedroom and Maya wasn't far behind her.

"What about?" Maddie asked as she glanced in their direction.

"Well, first off,"  Maya walked further in and took the girl's phone out of her hand. "I'll be taking this off you. You're grounded for 2 weeks--" she was cut off by Maddie's protests.

"What, why?" Maddie questioned.

"Bambina, you know exactly why," Carina stated in agreement with her wife.

"Why?" Maddie questioned again annoyed.

"Do we really need to discuss that? You snuck out again last night and went out to a party," Maya stated in disbelief.

"This is bullshit!" Maddie exclaimed in further protest.

"Langauge, Bambina!" Carina warned.

"That's not fair," Maddie complained as she rolled her eyes and stared up at the ceiling.

Maya blinked in disbelief and shook her head, "Oh? I think that it's completely fair. Keep it up and it'll be another week," she warned.

"Whatever," Maddie scoffed in annoyance.

"Alright, 3 weeks it is then," Maya said as she laughed sarcastically. "You wanna go for a month?" she raised an eyebrow in question.

Carina stepped forward to stand in front of Maddie, "Can you explain why we found these in your chest of drawers?" she questioned as she showed her the items that were in her pocket.

Maddie shot up from her bed and looked at the two women, "You were going through my stuff?" she exclaimed annoyed.

"I wasn't going through your stuff. I was looking for your inhaler, Maddie!" Maya explained to the outraged teenager. "How did you get these?" she asked.

"No comment," Maddie couldn't help but smirk.

"Madison, don't push it!" Carina warned.

"You think you're funny huh, kiddo?" Maya questioned her daughter with a low chuckle.

Maddie couldn't help but grin widely, "I mean, of course, I'm hilarious!" she exclaimed.

Carina and Maya both looked at Maddie in disbelief. They were at a complete loss of what to do.

"Oh yeah? Well, congratulations, you've now upgraded. You're now grounded for a month!" Maya told the fourteen-year-old.

Maddie's face automatically fell at that.

"You don't look too smug about that now, do you?" Maya challenged her daughter as she shook her head.

"Maya--" Carina said in an attempt to step in.

"You want to keep up with this rebellious act and see what happens?" Maya pointed her finger in her daughter's direction. "I have really lost my patience with you now, kiddo! You're grounded for a month... You get up, you go to school, you come home from school, you eat dinner and you go to bed, that is it!" she told her daughter firmly as she couldn't help but feel disappointed. "I am so disappointed in you right now, Maddie, so unbelievably disappointed in you," she told her before she sighed and walked out of the girl's bedroom as Carina was quick to follow her in order to make sure that her wife was okay.

Another update!

Sorry, it's been a while! I hope you enjoy this new chapter, and let me know what you think!

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