Mlb X DC (Marinette X Kagami)

By DragonLightskz

13.4K 190 93

Hello everyone, welcome to my story, this is also my first story and I would like to first inform you that I... More

part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Side Story
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19 (The end)

Part 2

731 11 3
By DragonLightskz

(...) character activities
((...)) character's thoughts.
I just wanted to announce these symbols for everyone to know.
I do not own any photos or videos.
The pictures are I found on google so I not owned And the videos do not belong to me.
The emerging time is so fast that 1 year has passed since damian was born.

Every week Talia always come to damian's room to play with damian, at first marinette is surprised to see Talian's arrival, Talia says she also wants to spend time with marinette and damian.
Marinette begins to realize that Talia is not always evil, she still has the love of a mother.

Talia sometimes plays with her and damian also helps damian start to walk even though she is not steady she tries too.
Marinette asked why she wasn't considered an Al Ghul and was treated unfairly, moreover why the Assassin League successor was a boy why not a girl.

Talia knew that one day marinette would ask the same thing.

Talia explained all the reasons why the successor to the League of Assassins must be a boy and not a girl and explained to the marinette why she was not considered. As an Al Ghul, the reason why marinette is still alive is because Talia didn't want her dead so she begged Ra to let her live, even though it would be a painful punishment and would be considered a good weapon. is a tool of the Assassin League.
Marinette when it comes to knowing why the Assassin League has to be male and not female is due to the discriminatory judgment that always thinks that men are stronger than women which is why women are always treated against. unjust history,when she is the reason why she is not considered an Al Ghul is because Talia did this to save her life even though she has to endure the punishment to make her stronger so people don't think she is weak and useless.
Marinette stood up and walked over to Talia and gave her a hug, although.

Talia was a bit surprised by the hug, she immediately hugged her back. Marinette: I'm sorry for always thinking badly of 'mother', I always thought 'mother' hated me, I'm sorry!

Talia: it's okay, it's not your fault somewhere so it's okay.

Talia and Marinette's relationship begins to get better.
When it's Damian's birthday, Ra wants to see how the marinette takes care of Damian.

Marinette in a killer costume with a mask covering her face, she is taking Damian to where Ra is inside the room so that Ra can observe Damian.

Marinette knocks on the door Voice of Ra behind the door: Come in! Marinette opened the door to the room where she found Ra sitting on a throne with Talia standing beside her.

Ra: Come with me Damian.

Damian was scared of the person right in front of him and didn't want to come near.
Marinette sees this and bends down to Damian and says it's okay Damian doesn't have to be afraid just walk over to him. Damian although only 1 year old but understood what marinette said, Damian was still scared but still walked steadily towards Ra.

Ra: I see you taught damian how to walk, huh, anyways happy birthday to Damian, time to choose your weapon.
Right after that various weapons were displayed in front of Damian Damian looked at all the weapons around him Damian decided to choose the katana it was also the gift that marinette prepared for Damian, then Damian immediately chose it.

Ra: Then your weapon will be katana congratulations to the successor to the Assassin League. A round of applause congratulated Damian on choosing his own weapon. Calling everyone to return to their work, Ra then asked everyone to leave the room except for the remaining people including: Talia, Marinette, Damian all 3 of them stayed quietly waiting for Ra's orders, while the others stayed. out of the room Ra turned to the 3 people.

Ra: I see you taught damian how to walk ,huh , 'mistake' anyway damian come over here I want to hear him say the first word.
Marinette saw Damian clinging to her and didn't want to go near Ra, she bent down and whispered: it's okay damian, he won't do anything, calm down and do as he asked, done you Just go back to your place.
Damian immediately nodded and walked towards Ra.

Ra: I want to hear your first word just say it.

Damian: Marinette.

Although Damian's voice was not clear, it was still heard that Damian said Marinette's name.

Ra was immediately angry because the first word Damian said was the name of the person he called 'mistake'. Ra: What did you do to the boy 'mistake'.

Marinette: I'm not doing anything, I'm just doing your request to take care of and supervise Damian (marinette said in a monotone outside so no one would know she's very happy right now when she hears Damian's first word is her name).

Ra was so angry that he tried to beat Damian with a whip but the marinette immediately ran over and hugged Damian.
Marinette: Calm down, try not to scream and don't move.
Damian obeyed my command and immediately hugged me tightly, I could feel the excruciating pain of the whips on my back but still endured until I felt like there was no more whips, I Seeing that Ra was still angry but not much, I heard Ra say

Ra: Stand up

Marinette: yes sir (she's trying to hide her pain in an emotionless voice)

Although the mark on her back was extremely painful, she continued to stand up, despite the pain being extremely painful, she did not show it to be seen as useless or weak, she hugged Damian and saw Damian still hugged her neck tightly and turned her face away so Ra couldn't see damian's face, because I didn't want to show anyone even if it hurt,, no matter how painful it is, she will continue to stand up and get stronger so she can protect the people she loves the most. After she stand up Ra said

Ra: Obviously you've taken good care of Damian so I'll let you stay by his side until he turns 2 then he'll continue his duties, okay?

Marinette sees Ra trying to intimidate her but fails.

Marinette: Yes, sir (the marinette replied in a flat, emotionless voice, however she was happy to be able to spend more time with her brother).

Ra: Well Talia.

Talia: Yes Father (Talia, who had been silent, spoke up when Ra called)

Ra: Let's heal this 'mistake', because today she won't practice but tomorrow she will practice harder than before.

Talia: Yes father

Ra: Now you can retreat.

Pov: Marinette

When Talia and Damian left the room, we went to Damian's room because Talia was going to heal my wounds there. Every step this makes my back hurt more but I don't complain, I try to be strong so Damian doesn't feel guilty because she clings to my shirt and Damian still won't. let go of me as we left the room. When we got to Damian's room I immediately sat on the couch with my back to Talia, where she proceeded to cut off my shirt to heal me better. Talia tries to separate Damian from me but he clings to me tighter so I tell Talia it's okay to just let Damian hold her.

When Talia finished healing her wound, she finished dressing her up.

Talia: Everything is done, did you hear what Ra said that tomorrow will be more rigorous training so now take a break. ( Talia finished saying that, closed the door ).

When Damian and I were alone, I stood and walked slowly to the closet to change my shirt but Damian didn't let go of me so I spoke to Damian in a soft voice.

Marinette: Damian can you let me go, I need to change my shirt.

Damian immediately released Marinette, so I moved quickly and carefully with the wound on my back, I finished putting on my shirt to hug my little brother again, we sat on the bed and Damian squeezed. my shirt with the same force.

Marinette gently patted Damian's back and took off his mask and kissed Damian's forehead and said: It's over, now I'm fine Damian.

Damian didn't look me in the eyes but I saw Damian shaking and saying

Damian: Do you still feel the pain?

Marinette: Not much.

I could feel Damian's tears wetting my shirt.

Damian: It's all my fault.

Marinette: No Damian, look at me.

Marinette raised Damian's head so Damian could look Marinette in the eye.

Marinette: everything is not your fault.

Damian: but I accidentally made him hurt you (Damian started to cry more).

Marinette: It's not like that Damian, our grandfather has been like that since I was a kid, so it's not all your fault, okay my little brother (I run my hand down Damian's cheek) to wipe away the remaining tears on my face).

Damian: Yes Marinette began to see Damian smile happily whenever she was with Damian.

Marinette: I'm so proud of you because you surprised me when your first word was my name (marinette beautiful smile) now enough chat, do you want to listen to my song.

Damian: Really.

Marinette: Of course more than that would be fine. Marinette carefully laid down on the bed beside Damian in her arms and began to sing. ==================================================== Here's a post I accidentally found on youtube: link : ====================================================

When the song ended, she was about to sleep on the couch, she saw Damian sleeping restlessly, so she decided to go to bed with Damian and then hug him to sleep, just like what she has done since Damian was born, she wrapped her arms around her. her and damian into warm blankets to sleep better.

Marinette: As long as I'm with you, I won't allow anyone to punish you like me or let you suffer.

Marinette: ((I will have training tomorrow, but this time I will ask many times first. I will have to work just a lot more than before. Damian will start eating so there will be no one in the kitchen, I will prepare. food because I'm sure, they'll try to give him the blue substance that's supposed to 'make his body stronger' I won't let him drink that. i will take it and let people believe he really drank it i will take it for him even though i know it can't be avoided forever i will stop it from hurting him no matter how small , just as I plan to avoid drowning in the 'Lazarus Pit', I have to avoid that from now on because the safest thing is that they will do it as soon as he starts training. I thought so hard that I fell asleep, knowing that from the next day until now, who knows the training will be tougher than the last. But it's a challenge I'm willing to do for my brother, to protect you.))

3rd Pov follows the story line

Like Marinette, training is much more demanding, if she makes a mistake during training,she will get punishment and if she make mistake again her brother will get punishment, she will never allow it.

A week before Damian turned two years old, Marinette was asked to speak to Ra privately, telling him that if Damian made a mistake in training she would take all of Damian's punishment.

Ra thought for a moment and then said.

Ra: Damian as the leader should receive punishment (seeing Marinette's disgusted and angry expression, Ra raised her hand to finish). But if you ask for it, you will receive a knife. so he knows he shouldn't make a mistake, that would be a fair deal.

Marinette: I don't want him to be beaten with a whip or any other weapon and I don't want him locked up either.

Ra also agreed to those conditions by nodding.

Marinette: I also don't want him to be drowned in the 'Lazarus Pit'.

Ra immediately stood up from his seat.

Ra: That's impossible, as a future leader he must enter the 'Lazarus Pit'.

Marinette: That's why I suggested this (which made Ra pay attention to what she said), that I go into that Pit as many times as I wanted.

Ra: What are you trying to say? (Ra was surprised by what he was hearing.)

Marinette: That's what you just heard.

Ra: Do you know what you will face when you enter 'Lazarus Pit'?

Marinette: I already knew that when I was ready to talk to you, so I know the consequences.

Ra: (he looked at her, he didn't know she was in the Pit) It's okay (He sighs) you won't tell anyone this and we'll never have this conversation (he walks towards the window with his back to the marinette) To be an unworthy you are the best here keep it up, I'll consider Damian coming with you if it's not expensive Any mistake ( Ra turned his head slightly to look at her ) is clear ?

Marinette: Yes sir.

Ra: you can leave now. Saying that Marinette left the place because she had to keep training, even though her body was calling for rest, she wouldn't, she would keep training and getting stronger so she could bear it. be the punishment will come to her.

Pov: Marinette

She had just left the training room, her body was now extremely tired. ((I just want to take a shower now and be with my little brother, which reminds me that I have to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner for him, most likely they will try to give him something when I go)).

When I entered my brother's room, I saw him lying on the edge of the bed, when his 2nd birthday passed, he started practicing since I practiced more and when Lady Shiva tried to give him food but he refused to eat until I came back. As always, seeing him gives me the strength to continue this work. I closed the door and locked it and approached Damian gently so as not to scare him or wake him up.

Marinette: Damian.

I ran my hand through Damian's hair.

Marinette: Don't worry it's me, I'm here.

Damian: Sister.

I saw Damian start rubbing his eyes to wake up.

Damian: Good evening sister.

Marinette: Good evening Damian.

I took off my mask and kissed Damian's forehead.

Marinette: How was your day?

Damian: Stunned.

I helped Damian up.

Damian: And where have you been?

Marinette: As always, continue to my train.

I saw Damian frown slightly.

Marinette: I know you don't like me leaving you alone but I have to.

Damian: Hmm......

I saw him fold his arms like an adult even though he was almost 2 years old.

Damian: I don't understand, I want to be with you.

Marinette: I know but I can't do that.

I heard my stomach growl.

Marinette: Well.

I saw Damian frowning at me.

Damian: You haven't eaten yet?

Marinette: No, but I'll shower, change and go to the kitchen, okay?

Damian: Why don't we go eat now?

Marinette: Not now. I got up to take a shower.

Marinette: I better hurry and we'll eat. I looked at Damian and said.

Marinette: It won't be long.

Then I went to the bathroom in 5 minutes.When I got out I saw Damian smiling at me and I smiled at him. I put him down on the bed and fixed the stitches and left and closed the door with a little trick so no one could get in. We went into the kitchen and I assumed no one would be there, so I let Damian sit in. chairs and cooks with recipes from books I read in the library, preparing to cook for later so we can eat in peace. Once I'm ready I serve my food and damian enjoy it. =====================================

This image is from Vietnam
The photo doesn't belong to me I searched on Google.

After serving the food we began to eat in silence and comfort.

Damian: The food you cook is delicious.

He said while enjoying his meal.

Marinette: I'm glad you like it, I will always cook you delicious food.

Damian: Really.

Marinette: Of course.

After we finished eating I washed the stuff we used and put it away and since there was still time I took some fruit there, I checked if it was poisonous or that green thing , fortunately it was okay so I took these fruits and gave them to Damian to eat if he wanted and got out of that place.

Luckily, we had already left the place before the others arrived so we were everyone's eyes, as neither Damian nor I liked to be disturbed while we were eating. When we entered Damian's room, I put him on the bed and locked the door, I had to tell Damian that in the next few days he will start training very hard and it will be right after his birthday. , I don't want it to start now but it's a permanent distance from him and he will take those punishments, I can't sleep with him either. Well once he starts practicing, I'll have to go to my room, I'll find a way to be with him even though he'll probably sleep without my hug, he doesn't like that. .

Marinette: Damian.

I sat down next to him.

Marinette: It's your birthday in a few days, but tomorrow you'll start training.

For a boy who is about to turn 2 years old, he is extremely intelligent, but what remains unchanged is that he is a boy.

Damian: Does that sound like you?

Marinette: Yes, I clenched my hands into fists.

Marinette: I don't want you to do that because you might hurt yourself, but there's nothing I can do.

I turned my face away, I didn't want him to see me weak.

Damian: Isn't everyone like that?

Marinette: Yes, it wasn't too bad at first, but it will be later.

I squeeze his hand harder and harder I just want to hug him and get out of this place, but no matter how hard I try I know we can't get out of here and even if Maybe, Ra will send someone to hunt us down and I have nowhere to go.

Damian: At least we're still alive here.

Marinette: you don't understand this place like me, can practice we can't be together.

I bent down and hugged him Marinette: But that doesn't mean I can't spend time with you.

Damian: Really.

Marinette: Of course, I also prepared a present for your birthday.

Damian: Is it possible to watch it?

Marinette: No, wait until your birthday.

Damian: Hmmm.

I saw Damian pouting cutely.

Marinette: aww, your dear brother is so cute.

Damian: I'm not cute at all.

I see Damian making his lips cuter.

Marinette: okay, my little brother, no matter what you say.

Marinette: I go to train now, see you in night .

Damian: okay.

I keep training to become strong.

I know Damian practices with Lady Shiva hope he's okay

End Looking forward to the next chapter

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